State List of Medical Kidnapping Stories
We are in the process of updating the list of Medical Kidnapping stories that Health Impact News has published, by state.
These include actual reports of medical kidnappings reported to Health Impact News/ from the families and individuals involved. In most cases Health Impact News was the first one to report on these stories.
However, the list is not exhaustive of all the stories or articles pertaining to any particular state. We also publish news stories from local media on medical kidnappings, and publish news and articles related to the Medical Kidnap topic as well.
If the state is currently complete, there will be a PDF to download for that state. If not, then we are still working on it.
Alabama (Download as PDF)
Alaska (Download as PDF)
Arizona (Download as PDF)
Arkansas (Download PDF)
California (Download as PDF)

Gulf War Vet and Wife Lose Children to CPS because Doctor Prescribed Medical Marijuana for Headaches
Colorado (Download as PDF)
Connecticut (Download as PDF)
Florida (Download as PDF)
Georgia (Download as PDF)

Georgia House Approves Legislation to Ban Foster Parents from Having Sex with Children in Their Care
Idaho (Download as PDF)
Illinois (Download as PDF)

17 Year Old Held Captive in Chicago Hospital: Denied Choice of Attorney – Protest & Rally Scheduled!
Indiana (Download as PDF)
Iowa (Download as PDF)
Kansas (Download as PDF)
Kentucky (Download as PDF)
Louisiana (Download as PDF)
Maine (Download as PDF)
Maryland (Download as PDF)
Massachusetts (Download as PDF)

Judge Continues to Refuse to Release 15-Year-Old Girl Held in Psychiatric Care Against Parent’s Wish

Active Senior Medically Kidnapped from her Home and Forced onto Drugs in Nursing Home Now Near Death

UPDATE: Family Fights for the Life of Senior Medically Kidnapped from her Home and Forced onto Drugs
Michigan (Download as PDF)

Homeschool Mom Wins Appeal for Protecting Daughter from Forced Medical Treatment From Police and CPS
Minnesota (Download as PDF)
Mississippi (Download as PDF)
Missouri (Download as PDF)
Montana (Download as PDF)
Nebraska (Download as PDF)
New Hampshire (Download as PDF)
New Jersey
New Mexico (Download as PDF)
New York (Download as PDF)
North Carolina (Download as PDF)

North Carolina Whistle-blower Imprisoned, Daughter Kidnapped by CPS – Are Their Lives Now in Danger?
North Dakota (Download as PDF)
Ohio (Download as PDF)
Oklahoma (Download as PDF)
Oregon (Download as PDF)
Pennsylvania (Download as PDF)