by Health Impact News/ Staff
It has been nearly three years that Ally Allen and John Kremitzki from Terre Haute, Indiana have been waiting for their two boys to come home after a trip to the emergency room (ER) turned into a parent’s worst nightmare, resulting in the medical kidnapping of their children. Despite having a medical explanation for the injuries, the couple is being accused of child abuse. Last fall, the couple shared their story on a national TV show where they passed a lie detector, and it seemed that the pressure would cause CPS (Child Protective Services) to give the children back right away. But, when the couple returned to court, the child abuse specialist allegedly entered fraudulent medical records of their son Jaxon into evidence, claiming even more severe injuries.
June 28, 2014, is a day that John and Ally will never forget.
On that day, John had been running errands with baby Jaxon in tow. When they got home, Jaxon was crying and hungry. When John lay the baby in bed, he stopped crying. So, John went to the other room to make a bottle. He was gone for roughly three to four minutes. When he returned, he saw that Jaxon was blue and had stopped breathing. John immediately pried Jaxon’s mouth open to give him CPR. 911 was called, and the ambulance took Jaxon to Sullivan County Hospital.
The E.R. room doctor took Jaxon’s medical history and concluded that it was either apnea or an acid reflux episode. Ally said that this “was only because Jaxon had a history of both of these issues.” When she asked the doctor if it was possibly SIDS, the doctor told her, “If Jaxon had died, that’s what we would have diagnosed it as.”
From there, Jaxon was transported to Union Hospital for observation where he had his first complete set of skeletal X-rays. The X-ray results showed what appeared to be four bone fractures on Jaxon’s body.
After viewing the results, the radiologist asked Ally and John:
Have you ever noticed the blue tint to the whites of your son’s eyes?
The couple did not realize that this was a classic sign of osteogenesis imperfecta or other brittle bones conditions.
Afterward, CPS took Jaxon into their custody and transported the baby to Riley Children’s Hospital for an MRI. Ally said that she and John were not allowed to go with their son:
We weren’t allowed in hospital—not even to say goodbye.
Ally asked the caseworker what to do about getting breastmilk to him, and the caseworker told her that there was no way to get him breastmilk. As a result, Ally said:
Our son was put on formula against our want and will.
They were not permitted to be near their baby at the hospital. Meanwhile, Riley Children’s Hospital Child Abuse Specialist Dr. Shannon Thompson examined Jaxon and declared that his injuries were a result of child abuse.
Second Doctor Opinion Requested but Denied
In July, 19 days after Jaxon was first presented to the E.R., he was taken to Riley Children’s Hospital for the second set of X-rays and blood work.
That day, a fifth fracture was discovered. Ally reports:
At first, we were told by Shannon Thompson that the fifth fracture was ten to 14 days old, but when she came to our fact-finding [meeting], she told the judge that the fracture, more than likely, happened the day that Jaxon was [first] presented at the hospital.
Ally told Health Impact News:
We wanted a second opinion after we learned that the fifth fracture had been found 19 days after Jaxon was first presented to the hospital.
That was the first time that they had been told about it. The couple begged CPS and filed motions with the court for a second opinion. According to Ally:
John and I did request for Jaxon to go to a doctor of our choice multiple times, and we were denied every time we asked for it.
Additionally, John sought help from Union Hospital, asking for the radiology department to have someone explain the X-rays him. Ally said:
We wanted to see if Union could find or detect a fifth fracture for a second opinion. Union refused to review the X-rays with us.
Another cause for concern was that when Jaxon’s X-rays were done there, the radiologist did not wear protective gloves, which caused her hands to be shown in the results. According to Ally:
It’s significant because, it shows H white her bones [are] compared to Jaxon’s, which had an obvious gray color to them. Riley overlooked this. Because, all of Union’s X-rays were sent to Riley, and they were reviewed.
Were Other Doctors Too Afraid to Contradict the Child Abuse Specialist?
Eventually, Dr. Shannon Thompson did refer Jaxon for Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) testing at Riley Children’s Hospital. Ally said that from the beginning of the appointment, the doctor seemed disinterested in looking for OI. She believes that this is because Dr. Thompson had already briefed him on her opinion, asserting that Jaxon’s injuries were a result of child abuse.
When Ally asked the geneticist about the blue tint around the baby’s eyes that the radiologist mentioned, the doctor said that it was “normal for kids, and even adults with blue eyes, to have a blue tint to the whites of their eyes.” To which Ally replied:
I told him that would make sense if my son had blue eyes, but he definitely has brown eyes.
This was said while Jaxon was sitting in front of him, so his brown eyes could clearly be seen by the doctor. Ally said that the doctor did not respond to her comment. Also, Dr. Thompson was trying to say that he had bruising around his eyes, but Ally points out that it was only the blue veins.
Ally continues:
At the end of the visit, he said that he didn’t feel that Jaxon needed to be tested for OI. I told him it didn’t matter, because it was a court order.
He then left the room. When he returned, he said:
CPS didn’t give authorization for the testing. So, because they had no one to bill for the expenses, Jaxon couldn’t be tested that day.
GAL Recommends that Jaxon Go Home
Reportedly, the couple has been told by CPS workers that if they “didn’t admit to harming their son, they would not get him back.” (Note: many parents have reported to Health Impact News that they were told the same thing by their caseworkers, despite evidence that they did not harm their children.)
According to Ally, the Guardian ad litem (GAL) appointed to represent the baby recommended that Jaxon goes home, citing that Ally and John “had a significant bond with Jaxon,” and as a result, she feared that “severing that bond could cause him issues in the future.” At the time, Ally was pregnant with Jameson.
The GAL reportedly asked the judge for Jaxon to be returned immediately.
A Difficult Pregnancy and Premature Birth
Jaxon was Ally’s first child after having two miscarriages. Early on, she was concerned by the fact that Jaxon did not move much in the womb. Ally said that she did not feel him move until around 25 to 26 weeks, and she shared her concerns with her doctor. She said that he told her that since the ultrasounds were OK, that there was nothing to worry about. Ally was given iron supplements for severe anemia. She developed severe preeclampsia and gained 12 pounds in two weeks. Her left leg became swollen, and it was painful to walk. Ally said that she then developed HELLP syndrome, and her liver enzymes were “through the roof.”
Ally was then given magnesium as well as Pitocin to induce labor. During the 12 hours of pushing, Jaxon was stuck on her pelvis between six and eight hours, and the staff reportedly tried to push him back into her. Jaxon was born prematurely at 34 weeks and large for gestational age.
Ally’s mother, Nurse Sandy Smith, was present at the labor and birth. She said that it was “difficult and traumatic.” She said that Jaxon was “stuck for so long” that manual manipulation was used, which is “a huge risk of clavicle break” for a premature baby. She said that Ally’s time of pushing went on “way too long,” to the point that Ally and the baby were at risk. Even though Ally desperately wanted to avoid a C-section, Sandy said that towards the end she was “about to jump in” and say, “Enough is enough!”
Smith said that there was an extended period of “way beyond mid-arm manual manipulation” that went on, and Ally “lost way too much blood,” so much that she had to have a transfusion. She describes the birth:
It was a bloody, gory mess.
Ally’s mother went on to say that, given the events of his traumatic birth and the extent of manual manipulation that occurred, Jaxon’s rib and clavicle injuries are “easily explainable.” She also said that Jaxon was given oxygen because he “had a dusky, bluish” color. After he was born, Jaxon was in the NICU for 33 days.
Medical Experts Speak Out Regarding Medical Explanations for Jaxon’s Condition
Dr. David Ayoub is a radiologist who is considered an expert on the subject of infantile rickets and brittle bones conditions. He “has been involved in hundreds of cases of misdiagnosed rickets worldwide and has testified on the behalf of many innocent parents.” (See: Is Shaken Baby Syndrome Often Misdiagnosed and Caused by Vaccine-Induced Rickets?) Ally and John consulted Dr. Ayoub about their son’s case.
In his report, Dr. Ayoub said that during Jaxon’s stay in the NICU, he experienced “multiple episodes of apnea, neonatal hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), requiring H2 blocker therapy ranitidine, hypermagnesemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and anemia.”
Dr. Ayoub said that prematurely born infants are at a significantly greater risk of osteopenia, rickets, and fractures, which typically occur several weeks to months after birth. Further, he said that “even infants of 34 weeks gestation are at increased risk for fractures, and not just extreme forms of prematurity.”
His report said that Jaxon’s X-rays indicate metabolic bone disease, evidenced in several areas/points. He stated:
“It is consistent with unexplained fractures in various stages of healing and consistent with numerous risk factors and characteristics of maternal/infantile vitamin D deficiency.” He went on to say, “Apnea is a known complication of rickets, as well as external hydrocephalus.” Further, he said that John’s having to pry Jaxon’s mouth open to give him CPR “suggests a possible seizure as a cause of apnea.”
Dr. Ayoub noted that Jaxon’s father suffered scoliosis and arthritis and that Ally described easy bruising in Jason, as well as in other family members. Additionally, he said that the notes from Jaxon’s circumcision described “prolonged oozing consistent with bleeding tendency and mother’s claims of easy bruising.”
According to Dr. Ayoub’s report, Ally “exhibited signs and/or risk factors of vitamin D deficiency.” He stated:
“Gestational diabetes is also associated with a greater risk of maternal vitamin D deficiency,” as well as “decreased mineral content in the newborn.” He went on to say, “Preeclampsia is also associated with maternal vitamin D deficiency.”
Further, he pointed out that Ally had a history of recurrent miscarriages, which he said is also linked to vitamin D deficiency.
Ally’s vitamin D levels were checked in July of 2016 and shown to be deficient at 27. Dr. Ayoub explains in his report that those levels would still pertain to her levels two years ago. At the time, Dr. Ayoub could not open the digital copies of the birth X-rays to determine if the clavicle fractures, which are signs of metabolic bone disease, were birth-related. However, his report said that the bilateral clavicle fractures were in “a state of advanced healing.”
He concluded with saying that the fact that Jaxon:
“had risk factors for bone fragility is undeniable and his skeletal X-rays proved that he suffered at least from rickets.”
John and Ally also consulted with Eugene Wilson of the Center for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Alliance. Ally said that Wilson told her that it is possible that both boys could have the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), the same genetic disorder with which Ally has been diagnosed.
Since birth, both boys have had all recommended vaccines on the standard schedule.
Second Son Taken Away at Birth – Suffers in Foster Care
When Ally gave birth to Jaxon’s little brother Jameson on November 30, 2015, this baby was allegedly seized by the state simply because of the ongoing case with Jaxon. Jameson, like his brother, has a history of apnea. In December of 2015, Jameson stopped breathing and an ambulance was called. Reportedly, he was taken to Greene County Hospital.
This happened while Jameson was in foster care. A notable difference between the treatment of real parents and foster parents is the fact that the hospital did no blood work or X-rays on the baby taken to the hospital for apnea by foster parents. It was only the child taken to the hospital by his biological parents who had the complete skeletal workup done.
CPS allegedly never informed Ally and John about the episode with Jameson. They allegedly only learned about it from the baby’s foster parents.
A Broken System that Robs Families
The couple remarked on the broken system that hinders parents’ ability to do what is best for their children. Ally told Health Impact News:
It’s disturbing that parents aren’t allowed to have their basic rights as parents and request a second opinion from a doctor that isn’t biased towards CPS or their affiliates.
She said that it is frustrating that the system further complicates matters when a possible sibling, who is taken into custody, has a similar medical condition. Ally said:
Jameson, we now know, had to be born vitamin D deficient like Jaxon was. He could have had rickets as well.
But, we won’t know until he comes home, because when he stopped breathing he was already in foster care.
So, the hospital didn’t feel a need to run the same tests they did for Jaxon. All of this could have been avoided with a second opinion, and Jaxon could have had this diagnosis over two years ago.
We only have the answers that we do now because our GAL did what she was asked to do and became the voice for my child. She gave us the second opinion that we have been begging for. Without her our children could have been permanently stolen from us.
CPS has stolen what can never be returned and that’s time—two and a half years of milestones and life. And, Jameson’s entire life has been stolen. His entire infancy has been spent apart from his parents.
Media Attention Pressures CPS
Ally said that there has never been an attempt on behalf of CPS to work towards reunification.
Their own goal was termination from the beginning, and that has been obvious to everyone involved in the case.
With regards to reunification, she said that CPS has not made any efforts towards bringing their boys home. However, a few months ago, reunification became the “new and only goal” after Ally sent a text in October of 2016, requesting a team meeting as soon as possible. Her text said:
There’s proof we will be showing you that we didn’t abuse Jaxon like we’ve been accused of for two years.
She and John had just returned from a taping of the Steve Wilkos Show where they had taken a polygraph test and passed it.
Ally said that word got around to CPS, and they began to “connect the dots.” She was told by the Department of Children’s Services County Supervisor that after consulting about it, they decided to change the plan from a termination of parental rights to reunification.
Judge Refuses Evidence from Other Doctors
Reportedly, although the polygraph was submitted as evidence, the judge disregarded it. Ally said:
The judge got mad. He looked at our lawyer and said, “They are digging themselves a hole.” The judge didn’t want to hear anything. It wasn’t a fair court proceeding.
Further, she said that one of their medical experts was not allowed to testify and that the judge disregarded the other experts’ report because they contradicted Dr. Thompson’s findings. Ally said:
It was calling out Thompson—what she had done wrong.
Additionally, Ally said that the judge criticized the Guardian ad litem (GAL) for “choosing to believe this doctor [medical expert].” The GAL, according to Ally, was troubled that Dr. Thompson did not take Jaxon’s medical history and Ally’s pregnancy into consideration. She had never even spoken to Ally or John. The GAL wanted to hear from someone who had done those things.
False Photos Showing Bruises Used in Court to Justify Keeping Children?
Dr. Shannon Thompson allegedly presented a photo to the court that was said to be Jaxon but was actually of another child. According to Ally:
The first one is of Jaxon’s foot, and the second picture shows a child that has a bruise from the shoulder and part of the way down the arm, almost to elbow. I was instantly confused and infuriated. In two and a half years I’ve never seen that second picture. Jaxon never had a bruise that severe, so there was no way that it was even possible that the child in that picture is Jaxon
She said it had been two years since the case began, and this was the first time she had seen that photo. Ally compared Thompson’s photo to three different photos that she and John took of Jaxon while he was in the hospital on the day that he was taken. She said:
In each picture Jaxon is shirtless. The area where this bruise was is clearly shown, and in each picture there is no bruise. On the next few pages there are X-rays. Each picture, especially the chest X-ray, I am certain has been altered or photo shopped. I have personally seen the X-rays from the disks, and they looked significantly different than what Dr. Shannon Thompson had in her report.
Ally said that another thing that was unsettling was the lack of X-ray markers along the top of each image. She said:
This typically includes the name, hospital that gave the X-ray, birthday, and date the image was taken (among other things). Every X-ray image that was in her report lacked this proof, that these were in fact my son’s X-rays. Out of the five images that were included in her report, I can only say, for a fact, that one is, in fact, my son, and that is the picture of his foot.
In almost all other SBS stories Health Impact News has covered, police got involved and at least one of the parents was arrested and faced charges. Only law enforcement is trained in forensic evidence, and when a doctor with the title of “Child Abuse Specialist” has the authority to convince CPS to remove a child based on allegations of child abuse without law enforcement involved, due process of law is not being followed. The cloak of secrecy surrounding the family court system comes into play and allows the system to keep the child even when no criminal charges have been made against the parents. See:
Are New Pediatric “Child Abuse Specialists” Causing an Increase in Medical Kidnappings?
Child Abuse Pediatricians: An “Ethically Bankrupt” Profession that Destroys Families
New Judge and Caseworker Give Hope
In January, the judge on the case, Robert Springer, had just retired, and the caseworker who had made things very difficult for Ally and John went on maternity leave. It was not until recently that the couple was allowed to have unsupervised visits. Ally said:
I was told, “It was the longest [time of waiting for unsupervised visits] anyone has ever heard of.”
However, she went on to say:
The fill-in caseworker has made things extremely easy and wants to push this along. We’ve noticed a drastic change.
The new caseworker contacted Ally last Tuesday to say that a 90-day trial home visit would start later that week. Ally said:
For two and half years, our case didn’t move. We weren’t moving at all. And now we’re doing a home trial in a matter of three months. It’s not even been three months.
They have court in June, which will be the three-year mark of having their son taken from them. The couple will present evidence to show that they did not harm Jaxon. Ally said:
We’re still not giving up. We’re never going to admit to something that we didn’t do. We’re still going to request that our names be cleared, since we’ve not done anything.
Ally and John feel that this medical kidnapping of their children has gone on way too long. They are ready for their boys to come home, where they belong.
Family’s TV appearances:
Steve Wilkos Show appearance
See also:
Two Indiana Boys Medically Kidnapped Remain in CPS Custody Despite Testimony of Medical Experts
Pennsylvania Mom of Medically Kidnapped Child with Rickets Tells Her Story to FOX News
Tennessee Children with Brittle Bones Suffer in State Care as Mom Charged with SBS
How You Can Help
Supporters have set up a Facebook group that other supporters are welcome to join called Bring Jaxon and Jameson Home.
The Governor of Indiana is Eric J. Holcomb. He can be reached at 317-232-4545. He can be contacted here. His Facebook page is here. His Twitter is here.
Here are the legislators for Vigo county, where the family lives:
Senator Jon Ford is at 317-234-9443. He may be contacted here. His Facebook is here. His Twitter is here.
Representative Robert Heaton is at 800-382-9841. He may be contacted here. His Twitter is here.
Here are the legislators for the district where the case is (Sullivan County):
Senator Eric Bassler is at 800-382-9467. He may be contacted here. His Facebook is here. His Twitter is here.
Representative Bruce Borders is at 800-382-9841. He may be contacted here.
Sullivan County Department of Child Services Director is Mike Goodwin. He may be reached at 812-268-3905.