Anita Vasquez prays that Monday’s visit was not her last with her daughter Aniya, vaccinated in error at 4 months with Gardasil. Photo supplied by family.
by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff
Social workers told a Texas mother that Monday was her last visit with her daughter. Aniya Blu Vasquez was medically kidnapped from her family after she became ill following a medical error in which her pediatrician injected her with the Gardasil 9 vaccine intended for her older brother. Aniya was just 4 months old at the time.
A Texas court decided last month that the parental rights of her mother, Anita Vasquez, should be terminated, devastating the family and supporters alike.
However, their story is not over.
In a quirk of legalities, Anita Vasquez filed a Declaration of Recision of Signature/Contracts before the court was able to file the entry of judgement on the termination of parental rights.
As a result, there will be another hearing on Monday, July 23, 2018, at the Victoria County Courthouse at 9 a.m.
She says that there is substantial new evidence in her case that was not considered by the court. Anita asserts that the very basis upon which CPS seized custody of Aniya was fraudulent, and CPS knew it all along.
Concerned citizens are rallying around the family that they believe is suffering a grave injustice. One supporter wrote:
We need people to come forward with their story of the HPV [or Gardasil] vaccine injured victims to STAND WITH ANIYA.
We are asking other victims of adrenal insufficiency and pituitary gland cyst to come forward and help support Bring ANIYA HOME.
Make your sign of support and flood the [phone] lines in Texas.
Supporters have been making signs and posting them onto social media with hashtags such as #BringAniyaHome and#MedicalKidnap, and tagging Greg Abbott, the Texas governor.

These are some of the #BringAniyaHome signs being posted to social media. Source: Bring Aniya Home Facebook page.
Mother Accused of Hurting her Baby
When Anita sought medical care for her baby’s symptoms after getting the Gardasil vaccine, she was villainized by Child Protective Services and Child Abuse doctors. Rather than admit that Aniya had medical problems arising from the vaccine that is not approved for children under 10, they accused her mother of having Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.
See original story, reported in June of last year:
Infant Accidentally Vaccinated with Gardasil – Mother Blamed for Vaccine Injuries and Baby Medically Kidnapped
The mantra of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy has been repeated by social workers, their attorneys, and Child Abuse Specialist doctors alike ever since Aniya was taken from her family on May 2, 2017.
However, Anita Vasquez recently found a letter from a doctor who treated Aniya who wrote, 2 months after CPS seized custody of Aniya, that he does not believe that this is a case of Munchausen. That letter was buried in the records and has been ignored by CPS.
There is also evidence in the medical records that Aniya developed adrenal insufficiency and a cyst on her pituitary gland.
This was evidence that the doctors knew about before CPS took Aniya away. All the while, doctors accused the mother of somehow making her daughter sick by possibly watering down formula or otherwise overdosing Aniya with water for attention.
The reports consistently acknowledge that Aniya suffered from either hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood), or from elevated sodium levels.
Child Abuse Specialist Report
Texas Children’s Hospital of Houston Pediatrician Dr. Reena Isaac and Child Abuse Pediatrician Dr. Lauren Burge wrote on May 1, 2017, the day before Aniya was taken from her family:
Aniya has had a thorough workup by multiple subspecialists for her cause of hyponatremia, and no organic, medical cause has been identified.
Despite numerous tests, the doctors assert:
All of these tests have not shown a clear cause for her hyponatremia or poor weight gain.
These doctors belittle the mother’s concerns that the Gardasil vaccine could have caused a problem:
Mother voices concerns regarding the erroneous administration of an HPV vaccination to Aniya when the patient was 4 months of age. Mother claims that Aniya’s reported seizures and delay are a likely result of the vaccine.
Aniya’s mother has also chosen not to vaccinate her due to these unfounded concerns. [Emphasis added].
Anita’s concerns are not unfounded. Health Impact News has documented many problems with the Gardasil vaccine. Governments of several nations share the same concerns.
See more on Gardasil here.
Drs. Isaac and Burge note:
Poor weight gain, if left untreated in a developing infant, can lead to poor linear growth, poor brain growth, and even developmental delay.
Yet the fact that Anita was seeking treatment for her daughter’s poor weight gain and other symptoms was used against her to accuse her of having Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.
The unspoken value judgement by the Child Abuse Specialists, here and in most other cases in which these specialists and CPS are involved, is that the possibility of physical and developmental harm from whatever the parent is accused of doing outweighs the known psychological, physiological, emotional, and developmental harm that comes to a child, any child, from being separated from their parents.

The need of children for their parents is every bit as important as any physical or medical need. Photo supplied by family.
CPS Report
The Intake Investigation Report by CPS social worker, Ashley Dygert, and supervisor, Jarlene S. Ross, appears to be based on the report by Drs. Isaac and Burge. It is dated May 2, 2017, the day that CPS seized Aniya and kicked Anita out of the hospital. The report states:
There are no known disabilities or special needs.
They acknowledge the Gardasil error, but they too belittle Anita’s concerns about the vaccine. According to their report:
All of the research indicated that there is no harm from this mix up. [Anita Vasquez] has been clear with anyone that talks to her and intimates that she is trying to put a lawsuit together against the medical provider. For this she would have to put together harm for [Aniya]. [Anita] wants [Aniya] to be sick for her legal case.
[Aniya] had been perfectly healthy up until this injection.
There is concern for Medical Child Abuse (what is also considered Munchausen by Proxy) and failure to thrive for. [Aniya] has been admitted three times for the exact same thing.
There is no medical reason for [Aniya’s] condition.
Real Medical Reasons Discovered, But Left Out of Reports
Like many parents whose children are medically kidnapped, Anita Vasquez has had a difficult time getting complete medical records. It is common for them to get incomplete records. Sometimes the records actually change during the course of their case.
Obviously, this is illegal, but it happens frequently in medical kidnap cases.
Anita Vasquez was told repeatedly that there was no medical reason for her daughter’s symptoms. The basis of the court case against her was that she somehow caused Aniya’s low weight gain and hyponatremia.
She was shocked when she found evidence buried in the medical documents, which she eventually obtained. She also found evidence that records were changed.
The records she has now show that Aniya failed a cortisol test on April 24, and that doctors knew, before Aniya was taken, that there was adrenal insufficiency as well as a cyst on her pituitary gland.
How can a mother possibly cause a cyst on a pituitary gland? The allegations are that Anita somehow caused the low sodium levels by giving her baby too much water. That doesn’t cause a cyst.
What it could cause, Anita says, is adrenal insufficiency, which in turn causes low sodium levels and fluctuating sodium levels, low cortisol, and increase in aldosterone levels. All of these are symptoms that Aniya demonstrated.

Doctors found reasons for Aniya’s symptoms before she was taken by CPS. They didn’t tell her. Photo source: Justice for Aniya Facebook page.
According to medical records from Texas Children’s Hospital, an MRI of Aniya’s brain on April 22, 2017, shows a 5 mm cyst. This was a week and a half before Aniya was taken by CPS.
A medical progress note from May 15, 2017, notes the cyst within the pituitary gland and states:
Patient is considered to have partial adrenal insufficiency and needs life saving stress dose steroid coverage….
Dr. Andrea Balazs states in the records that he “discussed results with fellow and family.” However, Anita says that neither she nor any other family member was informed of this.
Anita Vasquez was recently contacted by the mother of a young lady who was harmed by the Gardasil vaccine. Her daughter also developed a cyst on her pituitary gland after the shot.
The mothers do not believe that this is a coincidence, and they want to know if there are others with this symptom. Please contact Health Impact News or the Vasquez family if you or a family member has developed a cyst on the pituitary gland or adrenal insufficiency following vaccination with Gardasil.
Lack of Information Endangered Baby
In an Affidavit of Facts that Anita Vasquez filed with the court this week, Anita writes:
Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) was fully aware of :Aniya’s pituitary cyst and adrenal insufficiency and did not reveal these abnormal health problems to maternal grandmother Mary Vasquez which caused :Aniya: to be life flighted back to TCHon 7/13/2017 with low socium and high potassium. This is medical neglect and gross judicial negligence for this court to allow this robbery, harm and damage.
Evidence proves TCH was fully aware of :Aniya’s found diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency and pituitary cyst yet did nothing to address it while stuck in foster care.
She also states:
Health and Human Services admits they never conducted federally required monitoring of vaccine safety for over 30 years.
HHS Sued for Not Upholding Vaccine Safety Testing Mandated by Law
Letter from Endocrinologist – Not Munchausen
Anita discovered a letter from Aniya’s pediatric endocrinologist buried in recently obtained medical records. In the letter dated July 7, 2017, Texas Children’s Hospital Dr. George Jeha wrote about Aniya’s condition. He has been involved in her health care and has personally evaluated her. He states:
[Aniya’s] Adrenal response to ACTH testing is abnormal.
Adrenal insufficiency can lead to isolated hyponatremia secondary to an increase in free water retention….
I am less convinced that this child’s hyponatremia is due to excessive water intake which should not lead to hyponatremia in a 14 month old or reduced salt intake given the fact that her weight has increased which means her caloric intake is adequate….
The letter concludes:
The more I think about this child’s situation the more I am convinced that this is not due to Munchausen by proxy. [Emphasis added by HIN].
As a Nurse, Mother Never Questioned Vaccine Safety, Until her Child Was Harmed
At the time of the error by Aniya’s pediatrician, Dr. Veronica Guel-Valdivia, Anita was very pro-vaccine. She was trained as a nurse, and she fully supported vaccinations. She readily accepted the vaccines that her obstetrician recommended during pregnancy, and all of her children were fully vaccinated on the recommended schedule.

Why is Anita Vasquez “good enough” to parent her sons but not her baby girl? Photo supplied by family.
If doctors had simply acknowledged that the Gardasil vaccine, which was not approved for infants, could cause her baby’s symptoms, she may never have questioned vaccines or investigated vaccine safety. She would have continued vaccinating her children on schedule and recommended the same to others.
She would have likely been diligent to remind parents to watch their doctors and make sure that no baby accidentally received Gardasil or another vaccine only recommended for older children.
It was not until several months into their ordeal that she began considering the possibility that there could be problems with vaccine safety in general.
Had the doctors simply admitted that, she would likely never have started investigating vaccine safety.
Inspector General Office –Â Investigating Medical Fraud
Earlier this week, Anita Vasquez called the Office of the Texas Inspector General. Their office, she said, investigates fraud. She was surprised to learn that they were already investigating possible Medicaid fraud involved with Aniya’s case.
Apparently someone within the Medicaid office detected possible fraud when they were billed for Aniya’s hospital stay at Texas Children’s Hospital, when her labs were reportedly stable on May 1 and 2. On May 2, the hospital kicked the mother out of the hospital and kept the baby in the hospital for another 2 weeks.
How You Can Help
The person with whom Anita spoke at the Inspector General’s office recommended that supporters call the Office of Consumer Relations for Texas CPS about Aniya’s case. Their number is 1-800-720-7777.
Anita says that the CPS case against them was opened fraudulently. CPS and Texas Children’s Hospital knew that there were medical reasons for her daughter’s condition, but they suppressed the evidence.
There will be a court hearing on Monday, July 23, 2018, at the Victoria County Courthouse at 9 a.m. The courthouse is located at 101 N Bridge St, Rm 102, Victoria, TX.
A rally is planned on behalf of the family at the courthouse. The public is invited to attend and bring signs.
A new Facebook page called Bring Aniya Home has been formed by supporters to help mobilize concerned citizens.
Greg Abbott is the Governor of Texas. He may be reached at (512) 463-2000 or by contacting him here. Many supporters are tagging him with #GregAbbott. His Twitter page is here.
Representative Geanie W. Morrison represents the Vasquez family’s district. She may be reached at (512) 463-0456 or contacted here.
Lois Kolkhort is the Senator for their district. She may be reached at (512) 463-0118 or contacted here.
Following is a possible script that Anita Vasquez has prepared for phone calls, emails, and messages:
CPS (Supervisor Nicole Green and social worker Megan Morales along with investigators Ashley Dygert, Glenn Mutchla, Nicki Nagel Carver and CPS worker Jarlene Ross from the Victoria, Texas CPS office along with Shawna Cueves of San Antonio Texas) continued to commit medical neglect by not telling foster parents or maternal grandmother of Aniya’s adrenal insufficiency and pituitary cyst until AFTER the grave danger they put Aniya in when she was life flighted in a helicopter on 7/3/2017 and was facing grave danger from HYPERKALEMIA & low sodium!!!
Aniya was life flighted on 7/3/17 due to the ongoing medical neglect from CPS in which CPS possessed medical records which gave Aniya evidence proving there was a found pituitary cyst and adrenal insufficiency yet neglected to reveal [despite]Â Aniya’s mother’s concerns!!!!
They found a diagnosis and abnormal medical findings yet medically neglected Aniya ultimately leaving Aniya to be life flighted back to Texas Children’s Hospital and wrongfully placed in foster again where CPS continued to ignore Aniya’s found pituitary cyst and adrenal insufficiency!!! Again, this neglect deprived Aniya of necessary medical interventions and treatment.
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