About Brian-Admin

Editor - Health Impact News

The Trump Assassination Attempt

I am republishing investigative reporter Jon Rappoport's article that he wrote late Saturday night. Jon Rappoport was a steady source of truth during the COVID scam years. Here is his article on the Trump shooting incident. Here is his article on the Trump shooting incident.

Maui Fire Survivors Claim the Police Prevented People from Escaping – Dramatic Video Footage

A lot of reports and video footage is now coming out from survivors of the Maui fire earlier this month. Many survivors are claiming that the police prevented people from escaping, with some claiming that they only survived because they did NOT obey police orders, while others did, and died. This was a very emotional video for me to put together. WARNING: Graphic images of people dying and a lot of profanity throughout.

Kenya Bans Worldcoin and World ID as Other Nations Push Back on Privacy Concerns

Worldcoin, which says it wants to build a “more human internet” with its World ID credential and globular iris scanning device, has been told that the its plan is not welcome in Kenya until its biometric data collection practices have passed a legal assessment, according to Africa News. The country’s Ministry of Home Affairs announced it is suspending Worldcoin’s enrollments and cryptocurrency issuance while “the relevant government agencies certify the absence of any risk to the public.” Concerns about Worldcoin’s commitment to privacy and the legality of its practices mean that, for now, anyone left holding a Worldcoin token will have to wait to cash it. Regulators in the UK, France, Germany, Kenya and Mexico are also scrutinizing Worldcoin.

Does Your Airbnb Have Hidden Cameras? Here’s How to Check

Memorial Day is the traditional kickoff of the summer vacation season in the U.S. Over the past several years vacation rentals such as Airbnb have become popular alternatives to hotels, where people offer their private furnished homes (or rooms) for short-term rentals. PCMag states that many guests staying at these vacation rentals find hidden cameras in the homes, and they have just published an article with tips on what to do to make sure you are not being subject to surveillance when you stay in these residences.

The United States of America: Largest Sponsor of State Terrorism in the World

A new report has been published this past week that details the United States torture program used primarily by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) called “enhanced interrogation techniques” (EITs) used at Guantanamo Bay and other black sites. The report contains drawings of Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn aka Abu Zubaydah, a Saudi Arabian man who was the first prisoner brought to Guantanamo from Pakistan and tortured using EITs. The CIA and FBI now admit that Mr. Zubaydah was the wrong guy they were after, and allegedly even knew that before they tortured him, but did so anyway so they could develop their torture techniques. The report was published by Mark Denbeaux, a professor at Seton Hall Law School, and Dr. Jess Ghannam, clinical professor of Psychiatry and Global Health Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco, and Mr. Zubaydah himself and his drawings of many of the tortures used in EITs. WARNING! THE DRAWINGS ARE EXTREMELY GRAPHIC AND HORRIFYING. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE PRESENT IF YOU CHOOSE TO READ THE REPORT. The report notes that Zubaydah's drawings "viscerally convey the brutal reality the CIA sought to hide with its calculated destruction of video recordings of torture conducted by its agents," and "dovetail with the recent accounts of Dr. James Mitchell, a chief architect of the torture regime, who both wrote a book on EITs and testified in hearings on Guantánamo." "These sources, together with the report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, provide the most complete—and compelling—account to date of America's torture program" in the years after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, the publication states. This is just further evidence that the United States of America, particularly the CIA, is the largest supporter of State terrorism in the world, and not Middle Eastern Muslim countries who are constantly portrayed as terrorists in the U.S. media and entertainment industry. 

Largest Protest in the History of Israel as Hundreds of Thousands Take to the Streets

Massive protests have erupted across Israel tonight after PM Netanyhau fired his Defense Minister, a day after he called on the Israeli leader to halt a planned judicial overhaul that has fiercely divided the country. As a reminder, Netanyahu and his allies say the plan will restore a balance between the judicial and executive branches and rein in what they see as an interventionist court with liberal sympathies. But critics say the constellation of laws will remove the checks and balances in Israel’s democratic system and concentrate power in the hands of the governing coalition. Gallant's dismissal signaled that Netanyahu will move ahead this week with the overhaul plan, which has sparked mass protests, angered military and business leaders and raised concerns among Israel’s allies. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Tel Aviv and Haifa. Saturday night's crowds were reportedly the largest ever. Will there be a military coup in Israel?

Central Banks are out of Ammo with no Choice but to let their Currencies Burn

At the beginning of last week, everyone expected central banks to “tighten until something breaks”. By the end of the week it was clear that they’d already broken everything. Two middling US banks imploded, European mega-bank Credit Suisse finally died a well-justified death, and “who’s next?” speculation ran wild. And just like that, the era of tight money ended. The piecemeal, fingers-in-the-dike character of this response can be explained in one of two ways: Either the morons running the global financial system were completely blindsided because they actually thought rising interest rates and a falling money supply would slow inflation without unintended consequences, despite a century of contrary experience. Or the evil geniuses running the global financial system have engineered a multi-faceted crisis as an excuse to assume total control. Banks were already tightening credit standards before last week’s flash crisis. Now virtually all of them will stop lending to any but their strongest clients. The number of underwater car loans, where the loan balance exceeds the value of the car, has been rising for months. Commercial real estate was toast in any event, but now it’s burnt toast.

Four biggest US Banks Lost $52 BILLION in Valuation Today as Dow drops 540 points

The corporate media is now widely reporting on this, and the entire banking sector took a huge hit today, losing $billions in valuation, $52 billion lost just with the four largest banks in the U.S. Bank runs and bank failures are no longer an "if," but simply "when." Which ones are next?

Russia Prepares for Nuclear War

If news reports from the past few days are accurate, it appears that the conflict in Ukraine is about to go nuclear, as Russia prepares itself for nuclear attacks from NATO. Viral videos and photographs show that Russia has stationed missile defense systems on several Moscow building rooftops. Taking note of some of the photos, The Drive writes that the "Russian military appears to have emplaced Pantsir air defense systems on top of at least two different government buildings in Moscow, including the Ministry of Defense's headquarters." The head of the Russian Orthodox Church has warned that any attempt to “destroy Russia” by “madmen” trying to impose their values will lead to “the end of the world.”

55 Performers Collapsing or Dying on Stage or Live Camera in Late 2022 through 2023

There are 55 documented cases of performers collapsing, dying, or falling ill in late 2022 through 2023 in this video. And in almost all of these cases, the media will say: "We don't know what caused this, but it was definitely not the COVID vaccine." Really? And we saw this happening prior to the roll-outs of the COVID "vaccines"?