Trump Prepares His 2nd War Against the American People by Invoking Emergency Powers to Destroy the Economy through Tariffs

During Donald Trump's first presidency, he invoked the PREP Act to release $trillions to fund one the largest military campaigns in U.S. history, the "War Against the Unseen Enemy" and Operation Warp Speed, to allegedly fight against the corona virus, giving $billions to the pharmaceutical companies to rush untested vaccines and other products into the market which resulted in millions of Americans being killed, injured, and crippled for life. Many small businesses were destroyed as a result, but the economy was temporarily saved from a total collapse with the infusion of $trillions under the CARES Act. Now the American people, primarily Evangelical Zionist Conservative Christians, have returned Trump to power and the President-elect is preparing a new war against the American people as the U.S. economy now stands on the brink of collapse. It was announced earlier today that President-elect Donald Trump is preparing to declare a "National Economic Emergency" to provide legal justification to implement across the board tariffs on all goods imported into the United States. President-elect Trump and his sidekick billionaire Elon Musk have been warning about an economic collapse for months now, heading into the 2024 November elections. Wall Street and others, myself included, did not believe that Trump would be crazy enough to actually do something like this, to willingly and purposefully destroy the U.S. economy, and that it was all campaign rhetoric. On Monday this week (January 6, 2025), a Washington Post article came to the same conclusion, stating that the tariffs would not be across the board and applying to EVERY SINGLE ITEM that is imported into the U.S., but would instead be targeted tariffs in some industries. But Trump was very quick to deny this, calling it "fake news" and that he was, indeed, planning to implement across the board tariffs an ALL GOODS imported into the U.S. Many have speculated as to whether Trump even has the power to implement such broad tariffs that will most certainly collapse the U.S. economy, but with the announcement today that he was preparing to take the same path he took with Operation Warp Speed, by invoking emergency powers, it seems more likely that this is, in fact, going to happen. It also occurs at the same time that Trump is now threatening to use the U.S. military to invade and take over other countries for "national security", which includes Panama and the Panama Canal, Greenland, and even possibly Canada.

How to Make Homemade Lacto-Fermented Foods and Drinks to Repair and Strengthen Your Microbiome During Flu Season

As I recently wrote, now that we are in the midst of the flu season, it is time to adjust our diets and consider certain supplements and vitamins to avoid the medical system, because Big Pharma’s flu products are highly toxic, and their number 1 product is the flu shot, which can injure, cripple, or kill you. In just this past year alone, 2024, over 6,000 cases of adverse effects from the flu shots have been filed with VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System), including 52 deaths, 70 life threatening adverse reactions, 80 permanent disabilities, 285 hospitalizations, and 666 ER visits. The other thing to consider if you live in North America and are now enduring cold, snowy days with very little sunshine, is how to repair and nourish your microbiome with fermented probiotic foods and drinks, so that your body can resist any attacks on your immune system, and keep the doctors away. The over-use of modern-day antibiotic drugs has destroyed most people's microbiomes, and so has the consumption of modern-day agricultural products, especially grains, that are contaminated with the herbicide glyphosate. An article we published in 2014 documents research showing how this herbicide is destroying the health of not only humans, but also cattle and other animals. Because of this research that came out in 2014, we have tested all the foods we sell on our online store, Healthy Traditions, for the presence of glyphosate, and if any foods test positive for it, we do not purchase or sell those foods. Most Americans, therefore, need to take special care to rebuild and manage their gut flora, or "microbiome". During this time, I hired Shannon Stonger, a Mennonite wife and mother living on a small homestead in Central Texas with a college degree in chemistry, to write some articles for us about how to make homemade lacto-fermented foods and drinks to help us repair and build up our microbiome, including recipes. I am highlighting her excellent articles and recipes today, because we need these kinds of nourishing foods in our diet today more than ever, especially during the winter months and "flu season." These articles, some of which are over 10 years old, show what a rich resource Health Impact News is to search for health information, with almost 9,000 articles now published since 2011, and all free of charge with no paywall.

Real American History: When the Military in Washington D.C. Attacked and Killed American Veterans Who Wanted to be Paid During the Great Depression

A period of U.S. history that I was never taught growing up and going through the U.S. educational system, is how the U.S. Government and the U.S. military treated U.S. war veterans who had fought during Word War I during the Great Depression. Tens of thousands of U.S. veterans from World War I marched to Washington D.C. in 1932, to petition Congress to pay them their compensation for fighting in the War. A bill had been passed in 1924 to do just that, but they had to wait until 1945 to collect that "bonus", or it could be paid earlier to their family as a death benefit if they died. Many of them were homeless and destitute, like millions of other Americans, during the Great Depression in 1932. They literally setup camp in areas around Washington D.C. that year, and their efforts saw some results when the House of Representatives passed a bill to pay them sooner than 1945. But President Herbert Hoover threatened to veto the bill, and it was overwhelmingly defeated in the Senate. When the war veterans did not go home, Hoover ordered to have the veterans removed from Washington D.C. Army Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur, along with his assistant Major Dwight D. Eisenhower, usually revered as "heroes" in American history (Eisenhower went on to become President), proceeded to attack and kill some of these U.S. veterans to forcibly remove them from Washington D.C., calling them "communists". (President Hoover was a "self-made" Wall Street millionaire and a Conservative Republican.) Hoover lost his re-election bid a few months later, and was replaced by Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR). I have produced a video that documents these events in 1932, including original film footage and photos, that is only 30 minutes long.

Weaponizing Tesla Cars? Tesla Cars are Death Traps!

There were two articles in my news feed today about Tesla vehicles. One was headline news in the national news, both Corporate Network News and the "Alternative" News. I guess the reason why that story was headline news today, is because a Tesla truck blew up in Las Vegas in front of one of Trump's Vegas properties. I'm not going to comment on that story, since everyone else is, and it is obvious that this is the story that the media lords want everyone to read. The second article I saw regarding Tesla today was in a local news report in California, where it was reported that two men were trapped inside a Tesla after it burst into flames. How terrifying! I decided to do some research to see how often something like this happens with Telsa vehicles, and I was astounded by the sheer number of horrifying experiences there were out there, including cases where toddlers were trapped inside Tesla cars where their parents could not get them out! I have created a short 11-and-a-half-minute video from some of these reports. It seems all of these, if they were reported, were only reported in local media sources, and none of them made it into the national news. I believe that all of these reports were reported in 2024, so they are very recent. I could have easily made a video that was hours long...

How Corporate America Shaped American Christianity Which Resulted in Electing Donald Trump as President

A Health Impact News reader emailed me a link to a video published in 2019 by Pamela Dewey, who has a YouTube channel titled "Meet MythAmerica". Since I have exposed much about America's past that contradicts the Conservative Christian views about America this year, he thought I would appreciate the work that Ms. Dewey has done to show the "other side" of how most Christians view America, and what led to Donald Trump's victory in 2016 when America's Christians were the driving force to put Trump in power. Her videos have very few views, which means very few people have been exposed to her work. I can testify myself that my own readership has greatly suffered in 2024, because I dared to contradict the Evangelical Christian majority, and the worship of their idols such as Donald Trump and Elon Musk. But I believe that featuring Pamela Dewey's work, which I was unfamiliar with before today, is a most appropriate way to end 2024, as we look forward to 2025, and an encore performance by Donald Trump, mostly due to the Evangelical Christians in the United States, who have returned him to power. This video traces the history of Evangelical Christianity back to the 1950s, and even before that to just after World War II, showing how it was not a spiritual "revival" that catapulted the United States into an era of economic prosperity, but that it was the Globalists who used Christianity and shaped its values to justify their wealth and power. Our regular readers will notice a parallel history of the 1950s and trying to justify the morality of America's richest families, to what is happening today, with the new Techno Christians who are doing almost exactly the same thing with the Silicon Valley billionaires.

President Richard Nixon: “I Sold my Soul at Bohemian Grove”

The film "Secret Honor" was produced by Robert Altman in 1984, and features a single actor (Philip Baker Hall) playing the character of Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States who was in office from 1969 until his resignation in 1974. Stated to be "fictional", there is a lot information revealed in this monologue film that is certainly not fictional based on other historical sources. The fictional Nixon in this film is very bitter at how his presidency went down, and reveals details about a secret society that he said goes by many names, but he knew them as the "Council of 100", where they met at Bohemian Grove each year, and were the real power behind presidential politics. This "fictional" Nixon is seemingly blowing the whistle on who really runs the United States.

Trump’s Legacy: COVID-19 Vaccines Still #1 Vaccine Killer in 2024 – Instead of Sitting in Prison for Mass Murder, Americans Want Encore Performance in 2025

As we head into the last days of 2024 this week, I decided to search the Government-run VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database to see which vaccine was reported to cause the most deaths and injuries in 2024. Four years after Trump gave the COVID-19 vaccines emergency use authorization in December of 2020, COVID-19 vaccines were STILL the leading vaccines in the U.S. reporting injuries and deaths following vaccination here in 2024. Over 31% of all reports of vaccine injuries and deaths from all vaccines currently approved for distribution in the U.S. in 2024 were reported from COVID-19 vaccines, and over 55% of all deaths recorded following vaccination were from COVID-19 vaccines in 2024. To date, since Trump forced the FDA to approve these vaccines in 2020, there have been over 1.6 million injuries and deaths reported to VAERS, with over 38,000 of those reports being deaths. The U.S. Government's own studies have found that less than 1% of all vaccine injuries and deaths are actually reported to VAERS. That would equate to over 160 million injuries and over 3.8 million deaths from Trump's COVID shots. And this "vaccine" is STILL killing more people than all other FDA approved vaccines COMBINED here in 2024. Is Donald Trump ashamed of this? Has he apologized for any of this? Has he faced charges for these deaths and injuries? No. Not only is Donald Trump not being held accountable for the lives of millions of people his COVID shots destroyed, Americans want an encore performance and have "elected" him back into office as the President of the United States.

Elon Musk Throws Temper Tantrum – Threatens MAGA Republicans with War “The Likes of Which you cannot Possibly Comprehend”

What happens when one psychopath billionaire tries to partner with another psychopath billionaire and they try to work together? More than likely, only one of those psychopaths will come out on top. So it is that since the 2024 U.S. national elections, two billionaire psychopaths have been competing to see which one will come out on top: Donald Trump, the declared winner of the U.S. 2024 Presidential race, and Elon Musk, the world's richest man who supported him, and wants to run the United States through Trump. The cracks in this relationship have been opening and expanding since the elections ended, where Trump told Congressional leaders that "Musk won't go home" as Musk hung around Mar-a-Lago during the days and first couple of weeks after the elections. More cracks appeared in this "relationship" last Sunday, where a Trump rally occurred in Phoenix, which Musk apparently was not invited to participate in. At that speech last Sunday, Trump stated in public that Musk was not running the presidency, and pointed out that Musk could never be president because he was not born in the U.S., but South Africa. And now here in the last days of 2024, before Trump has even taken office yet, the "cracks" in this relationship between two psychopath billionaires have apparently become a huge fissure over the immigration issue, where Musk has become totally unhinged and has threatened MAGA Republicans who disagree with him on his X bully pulpit: "Take a big step back and F--K YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend." This is what Billionaire tyrants do when they cannot debate issues based on the facts and people do not see things the same way they do. They claim superior knowledge based on their wealth, and then threaten people. Meanwhile, Susie Wiles, Trump's top advisor who will run the White House, appears to be keeping Trump under wraps for now, as at the time of this writing he has not responded to this issue. I am not a betting man, but if I were, I would bet that Susie Wiles and Trump will come out on top on this one, because they have the White House (or will have the White House once Trump is inaugurated - Jill Biden still has it for now), not Musk.

Beat the Flu Without Vaccines and Drugs!

It's that time of year again in North America that is called "the flu season", and where Big Pharma likes to make a ton of money on their products to "fight the flu." Big Pharma's flu products are highly toxic, however, and their number 1 product is the flu shot, which can injure, cripple, or kill you. In just this year alone, 2024, over 6,000 cases of adverse effects from the flu shots have been filed with VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System), including 52 deaths, 70 life threatening adverse reactions, 80 permanent disabilities, 285 hospitalizations, and 666 ER visits. Human beings have been fighting flu-like illnesses for thousands of years before modern-day western medicine started producing vaccines and pharmaceutical products, and the body of research showing how much more effective natural, non-patentable remedies are for fighting the flu is very large. This is a topic I have covered for almost two decades now, so I am going to list here the top remedies for fighting the flu that people have found much more effective than vaccines and pharmaceutical products.

The Full “Christmas Story” That is Conveniently Ignored by Christians – The Jewish Massacre of Infants

The American Christmas holiday is a huge financial windfall, with Americans spending nearly $1 TRILLION during the Christmas holiday. It is allegedly a religious holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, the promised Jewish Messiah. Images of Joseph and Mary with the baby Jesus are common, portraying a "family friendly" holiday as most Americans celebrate the holiday with family gatherings, and the overall message is one of "joy" and "good cheer," and "peace on earth." Most Christians will go to Church to celebrate, where the "Christmas Story" will be read from the Bible, which then adds to the "Christmas Spirit". However, it is highly unlikely that at these Church Services that the entire Christmas story will be read. Most include the visit of the "Wise Men" to Bethlehem, shortly after Jesus was born. However, they will not continue to read what happened after the "Wise Men" left, which was the barbaric massacre of innocent babies in Bethlehem. The miraculous virgin birth of Jesus Christ kicked off a very violent war, a spiritual war between God and Satan, between heaven and earth. When Jesus began his public ministry around the age of 30, he testified to the fact that he came to earth to begin this war, and that it would be so violent, that it would pit family members against each other. "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword," he said. Jesus's own family stated publicly that they believed he was "out of his mind", because he did not respect his own family. I am fairly certain that here in the U.S. and around the world as well, that there are many more people suffering on Christmas, rejected by their families, than there are families meeting together to celebrate, in what is basically a pagan holiday that is not truthful about the real purpose of the birth of Jesus Christ. I stand with those lonely warriors on this day. We will not celebrate, because we are still at war, and the children are still being massacred. The time for celebrating is in the future, after this war is over.

From Watergate to Pizzagate – Exposing How Washington D.C. is Part of the International Pedophile Network

President-elect Donald Trump is not even in office yet, but the International Pedophile Child Sex Trafficking Network is already working hard to keep their deep, dark secrets of child sex trafficking hidden. As I reported yesterday, Elon Musk along with Trump intervened to kill the bipartisan agreed upon CR budget bill that would have forced Social Media companies to take down AI generated pornography of children, and forced Congress to resubmit the bill without it, ensuring that Musk and the other pedophile Billionaires who own the world's most popular Social Media websites will continue earning $billions on child pornography. And yet even today, 24 hours later, I have not seen one single media source cover this issue, as Republicans hail Musk and Trump as heroes. Well it is time to remind Americans that the leaders running Washington D.C. are all part of the International Child Sex Trafficking network, and that it has been this way for a long time. It cost Richard Nixon his presidency in the 1970s in what was called "Watergate", who along with the Rev. Billy Graham ran a child sex trafficking ring right through the White House, and that the same thing continued under Reagan and Clinton, and is continuing through today. The Biden family is part of it, and they don't even appear to be hiding this fact, as President Joe Biden pardoned his pedo son, Hunter Biden, and then also pardoned one of the most evil judges of our lifetimes, Pennsylvania judge Michael Conahan, who is infamous as the "kids for cash" judge that illegally put away over 2,300 children, some as young as eight years old, into private prisons where they were sexually abused and trafficked. Donald Trump's rise to power in politics in 2016, where he "miraculously" defeated Hillary Clinton, overshadowed the real news story of that year, Pizzagate, which was exposed by Wikileaks editor Julian Assange, showing to the world that a powerful International Pedo Ring controlled most, if not all, of the political leaders in the U.S and around the world. Hillary was apparently deemed "too damaged" by these leaks to be elected, and so Trump was chosen instead, along with what appeared to be a CIA-planned psyop called "Q" to draw the public's attention away from Trump and the Republicans and their own involvement in Pizzagate. NOTHING has changed here at the end of 2024, heading into 2025, except that the Pedophile leaders now have more power than ever before, as the last remaining major lawsuits against the Epstein Banking Empire were defeated in 2023.

“Take it Down Act” to Protect Children from Online Sex Abuse had Bipartisan Support with Unanimous Senate Approval – Musk and Trump Killed It

Last night the House of Representatives approved the bill to stop the U.S. Government from shutting down, and Elon Musk came out the big winner (Donald Trump - not so much), by getting two provisions removed that would have hurt his companies and potentially reduced much of his wealth. The only thing that the House did not agree to was Trump's desire to raise the debt ceiling for two years, which would have pushed it off until the mid-term elections in 2026. But now we get to go through this whole show again in a few weeks at the beginning of March, 2025. The one provision that was killed and that so far I have not seen anyone in the media ask "why?", was the removal of the widely popular "Take it Down Act" which had bipartisan support, would protect children from being sexually abused online from pornography developed through AI without their consent, and had already passed the Senate by a unanimous vote. It was in the original bill that was set to be approved before Musk used his X bully pulpit to stop it. The other thing Musk was successful in removing, was a provision to limit Tech investments in China.

More U.S. Missile Attacks inside Russia and Top Russian General Assassinated by Exploding Battery on Scooter in Moscow

While most of the U.S. public is watching the circus show currently playing in Washington D.C., a much more serious situation is developing in Russia right now as the war there has escalated the past few days in a major way, with the U.S. launching HIMARS missiles last night into a residential area of Russia, including a primary school, where at least 6 civilians are reported dead. Russian investigators have allegedly opened up a criminal case against the attacks earlier today, calling it a terrorist attack. Earlier this week, Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov was assassinated right in front of his home in Moscow, allegedly by an exploding battery in a scooter in front of his apartment building that was detonated remotely. It is being reported that Kirillov was targeted because he has been investigating and exposing alleged US-funded biolabs in Ukraine. Russia is, of course, threatening to retaliate, and they have published articles in the past couple of days seemingly reminding the U.S. and NATO that they now have a missile that is "invincible". So far, Russia has limited its response to these attacks inside Russia, to attacking military sites inside Ukraine, as well as Ukraine's energy infrastructure. But with U.S. attacks now being launched against civilians inside Russia, and brazenly taking down a general right in the heart of Moscow, an attack against NATO forces outside of Ukraine could be imminent.

Is Musk Trying to Protect the Pedophiles on X by Opposing what’s in Government Shutdown CR Bill?

The political theater in Washington D.C. has had some interesting episodes this week, and their theatrics have been headline news since last night at the time of my writing this. Let's see if I can report on the various acts that have been completed so far, and determine what the message is from this show, both what they want the public to believe, and what might be the real underlying meaning being played out on the greatest stage on earth, Washington D.C. This is another opening act of the new hit series show coming to Washington D.C. , the Elon Musk and Donald Trump show. Together, they managed to interrupt the current programming that is soon coming to an end, giving the nation a preview of what is scheduled to be coming soon, and which they hope will be a smashing new hit show to reach most American viewers. The title of this show that started last night and preempted the current program, is "We'll Shut Down the Government if You Don't Give Americans What They Want," which is almost always a cover story for what is really going on behind the scenes, which is probably actually "We'll Shut Down the Government if You Don't Give What We, the Billionaires Running the Country, Want."

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Betrays Entire “Health Freedom” Movement for Personal Gain

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was invited to a dinner party with President-elect Donald Trump last week, where he met with executives from Big Pharma, including Robert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, who made $billions under Trump's first term, by securing from Trump an FDA emergency-use authorization for the first COVID-19 injections for the U.S., along with exclusive distributor rights in Israel for Pfizer's deadly COVID-19  "vaccine." Also attending the dinner at Trump's residence in Florida was his Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles, who is also a lobbyist for Pfizer. Did anyone really expect that Trump could nominate RFK, Jr. without Bourla's approval? The day Trump announced he was appointing RFK, Jr. as head of HHS, Pfizer's stock dropped 10% in value. However, after meeting with Trump and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, along with Trump's chief of staff who also works for Pfizer, Susie Wiles, all of a sudden now RFK, Jr. and Bourla are great friends. This was just published today by Reuters: PFIZER DOES NOT EXPECT MAJOR VACCINE POLICY CHANGES UNDER TRUMP IN 2025 - Pfizer on Tuesday said it does not expect the Trump administration to make major changes to vaccine policy next year even as the president-elect has put forward vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as his nominee to run the Department of Health and Human Services. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told analysts at an investor conference that he had met RFK Jr. and Trump for dinner, confirming earlier media reports, and had developed a good relationship with Kennedy. "If he's confirmed, we will work with him to make sure that we advance the right policies," Bourla said.

Is the Drone Psyop Indicating an Imminent False Flag Attack?

The ongoing Drone Psyop is still making headlines today in both the corporate and "alternative" media, with seemingly everyone chipping in to give their opinion about what is really happening. We are going on almost 4 weeks now where the "headline" news in the U.S. has been obviously following a carefully written script to get the public's attention. It started with the assassination of Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, which amazingly stayed in the news cycle as the headline story for over 3 weeks. It took the drone story to displace that one, and it is very obvious that this story is also following a pre-determined script to try to accomplish something with the highly-medicated vaccine-damaged American public. What I usually like to do when it is obvious that the American public is being distracted by something that the corporate and "alternative" media is publishing that stays in the news cycle for so long, is to look outside of American media to see if there are significant other news stories that are being reported elsewhere that are NOT reaching the U.S. media. So this morning I looked at the two Russian English news sites, five different Middle Eastern English news sites, and 1 major English News site out of China. There was not one single article on the "drone crisis" in the U.S. I could see on any of the home pages of all those English News sites as of this morning, and yet it continues to dominate the U.S. News. The Middle Eastern news is, of course, still concentrating on the war in Gaza and the new situation in Syria, and China seems mostly consumed about Trump's alleged new tariff trade wars that are being threatened. When you look at the Russian news, however, this is the headline news today: "Western leaders think they’re chosen by God - West pushing Russia beyond ‘red line’ – Putin"

The Techno Christians: America’s Resurgence of Christianity for Millennials in the Technological Age

Julia Black of The Information has just published an article about the recent growth of Christianity in the United States among those in the Technology sector, who are primarily millennials. Her headline is: "The Antichrist and the New Apostles - Why many in tech are turning to devout Christianity." In her investigation for writing this article, she attended a worship service at Epic Church in downtown San Francisco. The Sunday she attended Epic Church was opening a $12 million space just down the street from the headquarters of Pinterest and Airbnb. The pastor of Epic Church, Ben Pilgreen, reportedly told her: "We really feel called to this particular place and its people." The church has several Big Tech investors and billionaires who are members and leaders of the church. According to Epic Church pastor Ben Pilgreen, those who follow these Big Tech superstars are a major draw to bringing people into his church. According to Black, most in the Tech world attribute the new Techno Christianity movement to Billionaire Peter Thiel. Thiel has an estimated net worth of US$11.2 billion and was ranked 212th on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. He supported Donald Trump's first Presidential campaign. Thiel grew up in an Evangelical Christian household but, as of 2011, described his religious beliefs as "somewhat heterodox". Thiel married his long-time partner Matt Danzeisen in October 2017, and they have two young children. Since gay people cannot produce children, and if the gay lifestyle becomes popular enough in the Techno Christian religion, how can the human race survive without producing children? The new Techno Christians think they have an answer to that problem: New designer superbabies created by technology.

GM Ends Cruise Robotaxi After Wasting $10 Billion in 8 Years – Wall Street Rejoices and Continues to Invest in Driverless Vehicles Which Still Do Not Exist

It was announced this week that General Motors became the latest automobile manufacturer to get out of the driverless car business after wasting $10 billion over 8 years for their "Cruise" robotaxis. GM joins Ford, Volkswagen, and others who have abandoned driverless vehicle development after wasting $billions over the years, only to realize that if such technology will ever be possible at a level that is profitable, it is still many years away in the future. How did Wall Street receive this news that yet another major automobile manufacturer was abandoning driverless robotaxis? They celebrated and started buying stock in the few remaining companies that are still trying to develop this driverless technology, as the NASDAQ topped 20,000 for the first time yesterday. The reason that was given for this surge in Big Tech stocks still invested in driverless vehicles yesterday, in spite of the news that GM was ending their robotaxi business, was that the robotaxi market was "too crowded". The remaining companies invested in robotaxis are mainly Google, Amazon, and Tesla. Do any of these companies currently have a successful robotaxi business that they are no longer wasting money on, but actually turning a profit? No. Tesla currently has ZERO robotaxis on the road, with the first ones being promised in either 2025 or 2026, and Amazon just recently received approval to put their robotaxis, Zoox, on the streets of San Francisco, but don't expect to offer rides to the public there until later in 2025. The autonomous vehicle market was reported at 208 billion in revenue in 2023, and is estimated to be 282.2 billion in 2024, and is anticipated to more than double in 2025, reaching 428.3 billion. And this "revenue" is what investors are investing into this technology, NOT what it is earning in the marketplace. To give this massive amount of money being wasted on driverless vehicles some perspective, total imports of products from China into the United States was $501.22 billion in 2023. That means that the expected money to be spent on driverless vehicles next year will be about 85% of the money spent on importing products from China. That means everything Americans buy from retail stores like Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Best Buy, etc., and a whole lot of other things that we import from China that keep our economy running, is almost equal to the money being spent on driverless technology, not to mention the hundreds of billions spent on other types of AI technology. Is that a sustainable economy? Wouldn't the rational thing to do for national security be to STOP the technocrats from ruining this country, by implementing regulations to STOP them from putting these dangerous vehicles on America's public, tax-funded roads? Well, that's not President-elect Donald Trump's plan. His plan is to ABOLISH regulations that are holding Big Tech back, and then implement tariffs on China-imported products that actually have REAL value and are purchased by Americans every day, making them much more expensive. What could go wrong?

The U.S. Fentanyl Crisis was Started by and is Fueled by Big Pharma and Their Physician Cartels, Not China and Mexican Cartels

Earlier this month the Global Times, an English language news medium based out of China, published a 2-part series on the fentanyl problem in the U.S., claiming that the United States has been wrongly blaming China for this crisis that is American-made. These are articles that were also republished in the Russian English news. While these reports contain useful information in understanding the fentanyl crisis in the U.S., they were hard to read, perhaps because they were first written in Mandarin and then later translated into English, and they were lacking references. So I have done my own investigation into the fentanyl crisis for the past couple of days, and I am going to show in this article that China banned all forms of fentanyl years ago, and that fentanyl was developed by Western pharmaceutical companies, and that these pharmaceutical companies continue to earn $billions from the sale of fentanyl, and according to some settled lawsuits on the "opioid scandal", the U.S. pharmaceutical companies themselves have developed their own "cartel" of willing physicians who intentionally prescribed fentanyl with the intention of getting people addicted to it to increase sales. While the ingredients to make illegal fentanyl continue to flow from China into Mexico for the illegal cartels to produce fentanyl to bring across the border, this "illegal" cartel pales in comparison to the "legal" cartel of U.S. pharmaceutical companies and their doctors who are licensed to prescribe fentanyl, that is then dispensed from "legal" drug dealers in the U.S. such as Walgreens and CVS. The most dangerous cartel with their drug pushers in the U.S. is operating under the color of the law, and can be found on almost every street corner of every city and town in America. So let's stop blaming China for America's drug addictions and diseases, whether it is fentanyl or the fake COVID-19 "virus," because the real criminals are, and always have been, the criminal pharmaceutical companies operating right here in the U.S.

Is a New Russian Turkey Alliance Forming? Syrian President Assad Moves to Moscow

It's been a few days since I have provided an update to the current conflicts in these beginning stages of World War III, and much has happened within a very short period of time. Let me outline the chronology of events first, before providing commentary. As I previously reported, on November 11, 2024, Russia shocked the world by launching their new missile, the Oreshnik, into Ukraine which demolished a Ukrainian defense industry facility in Dnepropetrovsk. There are currently no missile defense systems that can intercept these new missiles. Four days later, on November 25, 2024, Russia issued a public statement that was quoted in the Turkish media calling for an end to Israeli airstrikes on civilians in Lebanon. That same day, it was announced suddenly in the U.S. corporate media that a ceasefire agreement had been reached between Israel and Lebanon. The next day, on November 26, 2024, Turkey publicly complained about new sanctions on Russia that the Biden administration had just implemented, that would affect Turkey's ability to pay for natural gas from Russia to get through the winter. The day after this was published, on November 27, 2024, anti-Syrian rebel forces started a lightning fast military campaign that soon took over Aleppo, Syria's second largest city. These forces then rapidly marched on Damascus, Syrian's largest city, this weekend, with the result that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has now fled to Moscow, allegedly bringing with him much of Syria's national assets to ensure a comfortable lifestyle for his new home is Russia. Who exactly is going to run Syrian's government at this point is not clear, at the time of my writing this. So those are some of the facts, and all of this has happened so rapidly, that it appears there is no scripted description of these events in the world's English media newsrooms at this time. The perspective on what has just happened these past several days, will differ widely depending on which English news you are reading, as U.S., Russian, Arab, Iranian, and Turkish English news all have a different slant on what just happened in Syria. In my opinion, Russia is probably the one who brokered this deal, especially considering the chain of events that started after they unveiled their Oreshnik missile. However, while Russia may have been the driving force to allow this to happen, many sources believe it was Turkey who carried out the plans, and at this point, based on everything I have read so far, I tend to agree. Yesterday, December 8, 2024, Turkish President Erdoğan reportedly said something I have never heard him say before in a speech, and as far as I could tell, this was first reported by the official Russian media outlet Tass. He stated that there are only two world leaders left in the world, himself and Putin, as Erdoğan has been in office for 22 years, about the same amount of time as Putin has been in office.