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Editor - Health Impact News

UNCENSORED: A Review of the First 8 Months of the COVID-19 Injections – A Memorial for Those Who Paid the Ultimate Price

Health Impact News has covered the "other side" of the roll-out of the COVID-19 "vaccines," starting last year in 2020 when the Trump Administration gave Big Pharma TRILLIONS of dollars to develop them, and then appointed a military team they called "Operation Warp Speed" to rush these shots to market. Here is a review of the first 8 months of the results of "Operation Warp Speed" that you will not hear from the CDC, FDA, Anthony Fauci, or the corporate media. It is also a memorial for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for "the greater good" they were told they were serving.

Is All Hope Lost for Those Who Still Believe in Trump?

I am republishing this commentary from Gary D. Barnett, because he presents some facts about President Trump from 2019 that need to be recorded here at Health Impact News, since I have not covered this in the past. Not that I haven't covered Trump's other crimes. Here are a few: "Trump’s Final Day in Office Proved Once Again that he is Part of the “Swamp”" "Trump’s Pardons Included Health Care Execs Behind Massive Frauds" "Is Trump the Most Pro-Pharma President in History? QAnons Continue to Lose Credibility" and the now famous warning I issued on December 28, 2020: "Trump Proves He’s Been Part of the Swamp All Along – Do NOT Go to D.C. on Jan. 6th!" Those who didn't get the memo, or did and just brushed if off, of course have suffered greatly, and some are still sitting in jail - just because they showed up, even though they committed no crimes. They paid dearly for their faith in Trump. The faith and trust people have put in Donald Trump is idolatry. We have become a nation of idolaters, and we are going to get what is coming to us. Because "trusting in Trump" and "trusting in Jesus Christ" are an oxymoron, and impossible. Jesus Christ neither needs nor desires any partners to make things right in America. And if he did, Trump would not even be on the list. Thank you Mr. Barnett for daring to publish the truth, as I know you will get perhaps dozens or more emails from the Trump cultists. I am countering that by exposing your article to the Health Impact News network, where I believe there are a few more Americans like us who know full well that the Government is our enemy, no matter what side of the political spectrum.

Dr. David Martin: There is no “Delta” Variant – “Novel” Coronavirus Known as COVID-19 Was Patented 2 Decades Ago

Dr. David Martin was recently interviewed by Attorney Reiner Fuellmich who is seeking to bring criminal charges against crimes committed during the COVID-19 Plandemic. The full interview is nearly 90 minutes, and I have received numerous emails from subscribers to Health Impact News alerting us to this interview. Most of the comments I have seen in reference to this interview have been mentioning that Dr. Martin reveals that there have been patents on the Sars Coronavirus since the late 1990s, which is actually "old news" since he revealed that last year in Mikki Willis' film, "Plandemic." If you have not watched that documentary yet, it is MUST viewing. Mikki Willis did the world a huge favor by releasing this film to the public, free of charge. So I like to always give him credit where credit is due, because so many people have copied clips from his work without giving him the proper credit. I have now been able to view the interview with Dr. Martin, and of course we can always depend upon Dr. Martin to provide new and current information. In this interview with Attorney Reiner Fuellmich, Dr. Martin goes into detail about how the patents for Sars coronaviruses existed before any "outbreaks," as did the patents on "spike proteins" to produce vaccines. They precede the current COVID-19 virus by 20 years. The original research into these vaccines was for veterinary purposes, rabbits and canines, and then was used in 2002 and later by Anthony Fauci and the U.S. National Institute of Health for AIDS vaccine research. DARPA then got involved for applications as a "bioweapon." When Anthony Fauci originally tried to get a patent on an mRNA vaccine for HIV, he was rejected by the patent office, because his mRNA vaccine did not meet the legal definition of a "vaccine." It is a biological weapon. And as far as the current "Delta variant"?

Million Dollar Bioweapon Shot Lotteries Enticing MILLIONS to get the Injections

In the US, the first winners of the "vaccination lotteries" being adopted by a growing number of states - including West Virginia (which is offering guns, trucks & "piles of cash), California and a handful of others - are taking home life-changing money, all because they decided to get vaccinated. And according to WSJ, the incentives that these programs create are already having a positive impact on the vaccination rate, which has finally eclipsed 50% of American adults. The program is also having some success in Hong Kong. In Ohio alone, 3.2MM people entered the drawing - all of whom hadn't been previously vaccinated despite being eligible for weeks or months. And Ohio's Gov. ike DeWine credited the lottery enticements for a recent spike in vaccinations in the Buckeye State. There's evidence from a study in Singapore showing financial incentives are effective at boosting vaccination rates.

Hong Kong: 12 DEAD Four Miscarriages in One Week Following COVID-19 Injections

The Standard, Hong Kong's biggest circulation English daily newspaper, is reporting that 12 people have died, and 4 women have had miscarriages following COVID-19 shots just in the past week. "For the past week between May 24 and 30, 12 more people died at public hospitals after receiving the Covid vaccines, along with four women who suffered from miscarriages, according to the Hospital Authority. The Hospital Authority said six of the 12 cases were hospitalized patients while the rest passed away in the emergency department. With the additional miscarriage cases, Hong Kong has now seen 23 miscarriage cases after vaccination. From February 26, when the city’s vaccination campaign started, until last Sunday, the city recorded 80 deaths following vaccinations."

Top interviews of the week: Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Lee Merritt, Tim Truth and More

Over the last week, we published several bombshell interviews with extraordinary truth tellers who are red-pilling the entire world. Here’s an overview of the top interviews, all hosted on Brighteon.com, the free speech alternative to YouTube. To begin, Dr. Christiane Northrup spoke with me about covid-19 vaccine shedding / transmission, specifically focusing on women’s health and the horrifying blood clotting that’s happening in women who are simply around vaccinated people (even if they aren’t vaccinated themselves). In another terrifying interview, Dr. Lee Merritt joined me to discuss spike proteins as bioweapons, and how there are elements of the current plandemic that don’t add up if you assume this is simply a viral transmission scenario. There’s something else afoot, and it’s sinister. Were spike proteins mass produced and deliberately released in New York City? We discuss this possibility and more. Tim Truth publishes videos that depict weird, bizarre things in covid masks, vaccines and swabs. I spoke with Tim Truth about his mission and what he’s hoping to accomplish with his startling videos. This is a younger individual who got red pilled over the last few years and is now sounding the alarm to try to warn humanity about dangerous vaccines, nanoparticle injections and more.

Barbara Loe Fisher: Seeing Through the COVID-19 Spin – How Big Pharma and Government are Spending $BILLIONS to Deceive the Public with Misinformation on COVID “Vaccines”

Seeing through the COVID-19 spin is a challenge even for those who have been writing and talking for years about the need to limit Big Pharma’s influence on health policy and law. Perhaps the greatest change I have seen in vaccine regulation, policymaking and law over the past four decades has been the development of public-private business partnerships between Big Pharma and the government. That seismic change has affected how new vaccines are developed, licensed and regulated and is influencing what we see happening today. Since the coronavirus pandemic was declared by government officials in early 2020, lawmakers have been persuaded to build the entire global pandemic response around a single experimental biological product. That single product is generating billions of dollars in profits for liability free drug companies and their partners. The COVID-19 spin is reaching dizzying new heights every day, with fundamental facts about the experimental product’s risks and failures getting lost in the hard sell. Government health officials have said that COVID-19 vaccines will be approved for use in children of any age by early 2022. With the majority of adults suffering very strong COVID vaccine reactions, especially younger adults, why are there plans to give the messenger RNA cell disrupter biological to infants and young children when the CDC says the majority of children with COVID-19 disease either have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all? The enormous sums of money that Big Pharma and government is spending on television and digital ad campaigns to make sure that every child and adult in America gets a COVID-19 vaccine is creating false impressions and assumptions. When public policy precedes the science and aggressive advertising campaign blur the lines between facts and myths, truth gets lost in the spin and nobody is safe.

URGENT! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It

Ever since reports have surfaced in recent days that people who have chosen NOT to receive the experimental COVID-19 shots but have been exposed to those who have received them, and have suffered what appear to be infections coming from these fully "vaccinated" people, affecting mainly women who have reported menstruation difficulties, heavy bleeding, miscarriages, and reduction of breast milk, I have been watching my newsfeed to see if any of the dissenting doctors and scientists we feature regularly here at Health Impact News would address these issues. Fortunately, a team of 5 doctors in the U.S., all of whom we have featured in the past here at Health Impact News and are highly qualified to address this topic, just held a round-table discussion a couple of days ago to address these issues. The issues they discuss affect ALL of us in the U.S. (and around the world) right now, and it is imperative that you take 79 minutes of your time to watch this video. Not only do these highly qualified doctors discuss why they think this is happening, they also give practical advice at the end about what we can be doing right now to protect ourselves and stop this attack on the human race by the Globalists seeking to reduce the world's population. Every single one of these doctors believe that these shots are NOT vaccines, but bioweapons designed to kill human beings. Whatever else you are doing when you come across this video, it is highly unlikely that anything else you do the rest of your day will be more important than watching this video so you can be informed of the evil effects of these injections that are being censored in the corporate media and Big Tech social media. Then share this video with as many people as you can.

Replacing God with Medicine: 21st Century “Idolatry”

This article was originally published on October 4, 2015, on our Create4Health.org website. But it is far more relevant today, than the day it was written 6.5 years ago. For those of you just now waking up to the corruption and evil in the modern medical system, this article will, at the very least, show that this corruption has been around for a very long time, and that the things you are observing today, as horrific as they are, did not just happen overnight. The heart of idolatry is looking to sources outside of God for our basic needs and desires in life. The idols that are erected flow out of our experiences in life, and the idol is an attempt to explain life apart from the Creator. The cure for idolatry is belief and trust in God our Creator and Redeemer. Faith in God our Creator and the Redeemer Jesus, is the opposite of idolatry, and recognizes that life depends on God the Creator, and that redemption, the forgiveness of sins and spiritual rebirth, comes from a relationship with Jesus.

Notices of Liability for COVID-19 Vaccine Harms and Deaths Served on All Members of the European Parliament

"Doctors for COVID Ethics" issued a press release today stating that they had issued "Notices of Liability" for vaccine harms and deaths were served on all Members of the European Parliament ahead of the April 28 vote on EU vaccine passports.