For years now, Health Impact News, via their website, has exposed the child welfare system in the United States, which encompasses foster care and adoption services, as a child trafficking system.
The data is very clear. A very small minority of children removed from their homes by child protective services (CPS) are removed because they live in "abusive" homes.
The vast majority, anywhere from 75% to 85% or more, are removed for other reasons, usually under the umbrella term of "neglect." This would include "medical neglect" where one can lose custody of their children simply for disagreeing with a doctor, or seeking a second medical opinion.
Based on large scale research studies conducted at MIT by Joseph Doyle in 2007 and 2008, the data also clearly shows that children in foster care fare far worse than even children left in "troubled homes," which begs the question as to why we even have a child welfare system that takes children out of families and makes them wards of the State.
Since the evidence clearly shows that the child welfare system is thoroughly corrupt, causing far more harm to children than good, we pose the question:
Why aren't more foster and adoptive parents speaking out against this corruption?
If "good" foster and adoptive parents took a stand against corruption in Child Welfare, it could put a big dent in the system, if not take it down altogether.
If you are a foster parent or adoptive parent that participates in this tyrannical, evil system that trafficks and murders children, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution, no matter what your motives or intentions are.
Expecting a bloated government system funded by BILLIONS of dollars to change itself is unrealistic, and not much will happen to change the system until foster and adoptive parents, many of them being recruited by Christian churches, develop a conscience and a soul, and decide to take a stand against real child abuse which is happening every day here in the United States, through child welfare services.