March 28, 2025
  • Detective Perez

    California Mom Wins Second Big Settlement Against CPS for Seizing, Vaccinating Son Without Warrant

    Rachel Bruno, the mother at the center of a civil rights battle in Orange County, California, has been awarded another big settlement against social services and Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) after they took her 20-month-old son and ran unauthorized medical tests on him and injected him with a dozen vaccinations at the same time.

    Bruno was just given a half-million-dollar settlement from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for their role in violating her Fourth Amendment rights of due process by carrying out an unwarranted seizure of her 20-month-old son, David.

    David had been vaccinated according to his pediatrician’s recommendations at a slower pace because of a troubling reaction to Prevnar. At the physician’s direction, his vaccination schedule had been altered to slow it down to avoid more reactions. Orange County Social Services vaccinated him with seven shots containing twelve viruses at once, disregarding his medical history and without parental consent.

    “By the grace of God, David is okay,” Bruno told PJ Media. But the psychological damage he suffered from the unlawful separation and time in a foster group home lingered. “It took a while for him to stop rejecting me,” said Bruno. “He believed I had left him.” Bruno is now reunited with her family.

    • bring brandon home - mom and brandon

      Idaho Homeschooled Teenager with History of Medical Issues Removed from Mother Against His Will Due to Child Abuse Doctor Testimony

      Brandon McCreery was always a small child, and had always been in the care of his mother, who diligently worked with doctors to find solutions to his medical needs.

      They moved to Idaho in 2017 in search of better health care. After being diagnosed with influenza, lab tests revealed Brandon had Celiac Disease, which was probably a contributing factor to his constant battle to put on weight.

      However, a psychological evaluation was ordered and his case was referred to a Child Abuse Specialist at St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital in Boise.

      A short time later, Brandon’s mother was being charged with child abuse, and Brandon became a victim of Medical Kidnapping, where his own voice in the matter was suppressed.

      His mother was further charged with educational neglect for homeschooling Brandon, and he was forced to attend high school even though he had already fulfilled all high school requirements and graduated at age 16.

      • Neal Cory Skyler

        American Dad Escapes Arizona with Two Sons Only to Have them Medically Kidnapped in Switzerland

        An American father, Neal Sutz, with dual citizenship in the United States and in Switzerland, fled Arizona in 2017 with his wife and two sons to start a new life in Switzerland, after he claims his life was ruined and his two children were in danger in Arizona, due to his wife’s family.

        His wife is allegedly part of an influential family in the Mormon Church in Arizona. She claims, and has testified in court, that she and other members of her family were sexually abused as children, and she feared her own children were in danger.

        Both boys are special needs children needing medical care, and shortly after arriving in Switzerland, they were allegedly medically kidnapped under the authority of Swiss child protective services (SPMi) after their mother experienced a psychotic breakdown in Geneva.

        SPMi brought in an American psychiatrist living in Geneva, Dr. Daniel Schechter, to handle the Sutz case.

        One of Dr. Schechter’s special interests is the effect of mothers with post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) on their children. He was the winner of an award for this work shortly after taking on the Sutz boys’ case, and continues to win awards for his work on studying the effects of mothers with PTSD on their children.

        Neal has been fighting the system for over 2 years to try and get his children back, and even took out a full page advertisement in the Washington Times to publish a letter written to President Donald Trump asking him to intervene in Switzerland. He does not believe President Trump or anyone in his administration ever saw it.

        He believes there are powerful forces working against him to prevent his children from being returned to him, and he has written a book detailing this case: SOS – SCREAM OF SILENCE – A TRUE STORY! STILL HAPPENING NOW!

        Before his marriage into the Mormon Church, Neal Sutz was an accomplished author and film producer, being an expert and advocate regarding the rights of those diagnosed with mental health issues.

        He received notoriety in 2004 when he attempted to be a guest on the popular Dr. Phil show, and claims he was discriminated against due to his past history with mental health. He ended up suing Dr. Phil and the producer, Oprah Winfrey, successfully under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

        Today, he is alone and almost penniless as he continues his efforts to regain custody of his two sons in Geneva, Switzerland, fighting a system he believes is too powerful for him alone to overcome, and he wants the world to know his story.

        • jeffrey-Epstein-300x157

          Will Global Pedophile Network Finally be Uncovered in Jeffrey Epstein Case?

          A breaking news story originally reported on by the Daily Beast reveals that Jeffery Epstein was arrested on Child Sex Trafficking charges in New Jersey on Saturday, after his private jet landed back from a trip to Paris.

          Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” which describes alleged flights to places like his Caribbean Island resort have been reported for years as carrying rich and famous people participating in child sex trafficking.

          Just a few days before Epstein’s arrest on Saturday, a federal appeals court ordered that 167 documents in a previous lawsuit against Jeffrey Epstein should be unsealed—and that many of his powerful friends could be named.

          • Mothers In Prison. Imprisonment Of One Parent Entails The Forcib

            Parents Routinely Denied Legal Representation in Child Abuse Cases: More Likely to Have Children Medically Kidnapped by the State

            When a medical doctor bridges the line of physician and law enforcement, which many, if not all, child abuse physicians do, the rights of families are not only often violated, but they are blatantly disregarded.

            The first violation after the accusation is made is the disregard of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

            Once a medical doctor makes the “diagnosis” of child abuse, it is not just a diagnosis; it is actually the accusation of crime.

            This accusation, stemming from the knowledge, experience and expertise of a child abuse pediatrician has now damned a family into guilt, until they can prove their innocence.

            Professor Vivek Sankaran, Clinical Professor of law at University of Michigan, states:

            “I began seeing parents as sources of great strength in their children’s lives and also as victims of broader societal ills like poverty, homelessness and mental illness, that had been unaddressed by the government.

            But this perspective hardly came up in my casework. What these parents needed more than anything were strong advocates to tell the untold stories in juvenile court, those involving the many strengths of the families before it.

            Without these stories, I realized we would continue to fail children.”

            • Pardo family visit FB

              Judge Issues Gag Order Against Texas Family as CPS Refuses to Return Child Even After Hospital Admits There is No Emergency

              We previously reported on the Medical Kidnapping of a 4-year-old boy in Texas who was being homeschooled. The parents were not happy about the treatment he was receiving from his doctors, and after filing a complaint against the doctors, CPS removed the boy from his home.

              Earlier this week, the parents appeared in court in the hopes of being able to finally bring their son home. But as The Texas Home School Coalition Association (THSC) reports, that did not happen, and the judge issued a gag order in an attempt to force them to stop talking to the media.

              Just a few days earlier, the parents had attended a meeting with Children’s Medical Center Dallas and Texas CPS, where it became evident that there was no medical emergency that warranted CPS taking the child out of his home.

              • Andrea Carletti

                Horrors of Selling Children for Sex Uncovered in Italy as Arrests Include Town Mayor

                Italian police in the city of Bibbiano, near Reggio Emilia, have arrested over a dozen people including the town mayor, Andrea Carletti, for what is being reported as an elaborate child sex trafficking ring where “MK-Ultra” types of brainwashing tactics were used to brainwash children in foster care into believing that their parents had sexually abused them, when in reality they had not.

                Others arrested reportedly as part of the alleged pedophile ring included politicians, doctors, social workers and psychologists.

                It is being reported that the children were sexually abused and sold for very large sums of money. The children were reportedly from poor families.

                The parents and families of these children are reportedly devastated, as a warehouse was uncovered by police showing toys, gifts, and letters sent by the parents to the children which were never delivered.

                • Pardo Family fb

                  Texas CPS Medically Kidnaps 4 Year Old Homeschooled Boy After Parents Complain About Poor Doctor Care

                  Drake Pardo (age four) was illegally taken from his family by Child Protective Services (CPS) on June 20.

                  The Pardos are a Texas Home School Coalition (THSC) member family.

                  THSC attorneys Chris Branson and Julie Jacobson are now representing the Pardos and are attempting to return Drake, a medically fragile child, back to his family.

                  CPS first made contact with the family on June 7, leaving a business card on the family’s door.

                  Two weeks later, after repeated attempts by the family and their attorney Chris Branson to obtain any information about the case, CPS suddenly declared an “emergency.”

                  CPS first made contact with the family on June 7, leaving a business card on the family’s door.

                  Two weeks later, after repeated attempts by the family and their attorney Chris Branson to obtain any information about the case, CPS suddenly declared an “emergency.”

                  Two CPS caseworkers and four armed police officers arrived unannounced at the Pardo family’s home and took Drake, still refusing to give the family any information about the accusations against them.

                  At the time of the removal, advocates from Family Rights Advocacy and the Parent Guidance Center were live on the phone, attempting to de-escalate the situation.

                  In a rough cell phone video captured by the family, the Pardos remained calm but can be seen challenging the caseworker’s claim to a two-week delayed “emergency” and the decision to suddenly remove Drake.

                  Drake’s father, Daniel, can be heard for several minutes attempting to keep Drake calm as he is placed into the police car and as he asks repeatedly why his father is not coming with him.

                  On April 22, nearly two months prior to this horrific incident, the Pardos had filed an official complaint against the Children’s Hospital for the poor treatment of Drake by several of the hospital’s doctors.

                  They informed the family that they would review the matter and resolve it within 45 days. On day 46, with the family still having heard nothing from the Children’s Hospital, CPS showed up at the family’s door with an affidavit signed by one of the hospital’s doctors.

                  • Mike Pompeo

                    State Department Report: U.S. #1 in Sex Trafficking - 60% American Child Sex Slaves Come Out of Foster Care

                    According to a recently released report by the State Department, the top three nations of origin for victims of human trafficking in 2018 were the United States, Mexico and the Philippines.

                    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered the Trafficking in Persons report, which is created annually by the State Department to document human trafficking in the year prior, and highlighted the growing focus that government agencies and nonprofit organizations have dedicated to stopping human trafficking.

                    Over the last two months, Fox News has investigated human trafficking.

                    If there’s one takeaway from our reporting, it’s that the industry is fueled by an unceasing demand.

                    “We have a major issue here in the United States” Geoff Rogers, co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking (USIAHT), said in an interview with Fox News. “The United States is the No. 1 consumer of sex worldwide. So we are driving the demand as a society.”

                    “We’re also driving the demand with our own people, with our own kids,” Rogers said. “So there are tremendous numbers of kids, a multitude of kids that are being sold as sex slaves today in America. These are American kids, American-born, 50 percent to 60 percent of them coming out of the foster care industry.”

                    • Parent-Child-Doctor-Vaccine-Fear-CPS-300x178

                      Parents Risk Losing Children to CPS in NY if They Fail to Comply with Mandatory Vaccines

                      As we reported last week, on June 13, 2019, the New York legislature quickly pushed a bill (A2371) to repeal the religious exemption to vaccination through both the Assembly and Senate in one day with no public hearings.

                      The unprecedented legislative coup, which cut the citizens of New York out of participating in the law making process, culminated in the Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo immediately signing the bill into law.

                      Soon after this bill passed in New York, some parents apparently received letters from their children’s school districts informing them of the new law, and that any child who previously had a religious exemption to vaccines now needed to comply and get caught up on their vaccinations.

                      One of these letters, from Deer Park, New York, was posted on Facebook and quickly circulated, where James Cummings, the Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, let parents know that failure to comply and vaccinate their children would result in being reported to Child Protective Services (CPS).

                      CPS workers routinely seize children from parents who do not comply with medical directives. Today, you can lose your children to CPS for simply wanting to obtain a second opinion from a different doctor for medical treatments for your children.

                      These children are very often taken out of their homes and put into foster care, where the vast majority of them are abused.

                      Foster care is a billion dollar industry, and it is the main source of the United States’ very large, and very real, problem of child sex trafficking.

                      We have documented these cases of “medical kidnapping” for almost 5 years now on our website.

                      It would appear that State Legislators and governors imposing strict mandatory vaccination laws have now found another pipeline of putting children into this very lucrative foster care system to access federal funds, where corruption is the norm.

                      • Family Figure And Gavel On Table. Family Law Concept

                        American Bar Association Training for Attorneys: Trauma Caused by Separation of Children from Parents Worse than Staying in Troubled Homes

                        We have reported for years now that the Child “Protective” Services of state governments are corrupt, and part of a national “child trafficking” system that is a multi-billion dollar industry funded by American taxpayers and employing hundreds of thousands of people to support this industry.

                        While it varies from state to state, statistics bear out that very few children are actually removed from their homes due to abuse. True abuse, a legally defined term, happens in only 10-15% of the cases. And even in those few cases, seldom is abuse determined by law enforcement trained in forensic evidence to determine abuse, as is evidenced by the fact that social workers and judges in family courts rule on cases of abuse while no formal charges are made against the parents.

                        The vast majority of children are removed from their homes for “neglect,” a much broader term which has no standard legal definition.

                        It basically means that the government decides who is a good parent and who is not based on their own subjective standards. The most common area we report on is “medical neglect,” which means a doctor decides what is appropriate treatment for your child, and if you disagree or want to seek a second opinion, you risk losing your children.

                        The trauma to children from being removed from their homes is both documented by large-scale studies, and proven by the results of what happens to these children as they grow up outside of their homes and become adults.

                        The American Bar Association has compiled this research and made it available for attorneys: “Trauma Caused by Separation of Children from Parents: A Tool to Help Lawyers”

                        • Melissa-Diegel-with-daughters

                          Arizona DCS Arrests Melissa Diegel as "Fugitive from Justice" While Living in Florida

                          Melissa Diegel is an Arizona mother who had her two daughters medically kidnapped back in 2014 for disagreeing with their doctors.

                          Her story was covered by Health Impact News and inspired the beginning of our website.

                          The Daily Caller is reporting that Diegel is being charged in an eight count indictment, and has been extradited from Florida, where she has lived since 2017, and is now incarcerated in an Arizona jail.

                          Diegel lost her long battle with the State of Arizona and never had her two daughters returned. But apparently Arizona was not content to let Diegel move on with her life, and is now charging her with “child abuse” for seeking medical treatment for her daughters from 2011 through 2014, and prosecuting her as a “fugitive from justice.”

                          Diegel stated that she suspects Arizona may be worried about a lawsuit, since her oldest daughter is about to turn 18.

                          • SBS false accuse parents FB

                            Legal Experts: Shaken Baby Diagnosis Leads to "Destruction of Families Beyond Anything Comparable in the Modern History of the American Justice System"

                            Attorneys Randy Papetti, Paige Kaneb and Lindsay Herf have just published an article in Santa Clara Law Review exposing how the medical community representing Child Abuse Specialists are trying to convince the courts that Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) still has a “consensus” of support in the medical community.

                            In the medical field of pediatrics, Child Abuse Specialists have increasingly been used by Child Protective Social Services (CPS) across the country to take children away from their parents based primarily on the examination of x-rays.

                            The entire field of pediatric child abuse diagnoses has become very controversial, and all across the country parents and caregivers wrongly accused of child abuse by these pediatric Child Abuse Specialists are having their cases overturned, as the courts are recognizing the flaws in diagnosing SBS.

                            The attorneys writing for the Santa Clara Law Review state:

                            “Several serious and growing controversies surround a field of medicine known as child abuse pediatrics. One such controversy involves a diagnosis known as Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) or Abusive Head Trauma (AHT).

                            The diagnosis is based on specific internal findings in a baby or young child’s head and eyes, which, when present, supposedly indicate that the child was violently shaken or otherwise subjected to inflicted head trauma.

                            Within child abuse pediatrics, the diagnosis is endowed with a nearly iconic status and hailed as a critical discovery in our ability to identify abuse in very young children.

                            But outside of child abuse pediatrics, the SBS/AHT diagnosis is very controversial. In fact, the scientific, medical, and legal literature overflow with challenges to the diagnosis’ reliability. And these challenges are not at the margins.

                            Rather, the problems with the diagnosis may be so fundamental as to raise the specter of wrongful convictions and unfair destruction of families beyond anything comparable in the modern history of the American justice system.”

                            • Suzy forced cesarean c

                              Parents of Baby Kidnapped after Forced Cesarean in Connecticut Hospital Call on Public to Attend Hearing to Remove Parental Rights

                              Suzy and her husband Peter Saad will face a judge next week who will reportedly terminate their parental rights to their newborn baby, Sofia.

                              The parents reportedly have no criminal record, and have not been charged with child abuse or neglect. They stopped in a hospital in Connecticut while on a trip to Maine because Suzy was experiencing back pain, and the staff there allegedly accused her husband of being a “Muslim terrorist,” even though he is a U.S. citizen of Egyptian heritage, and a Coptic Christian.

                              Suzy reports that they drugged her against her will and performed a cesarean birth to remove her baby, and then seized custody of the child.

                              The basis the Judge is allegedly going to use to justify removing their parental rights is something called “predictive analysis” which supposed to predict who will become a good parent and who will not. This tool has received much criticism for being inaccurate, and nothing more than a form of racial profiling.

                              The parents are calling on the public to rally at the courthouse before their trial:

                              “In protest of the very obvious violation of our human and civil rights, we would like to announce that we will be holding a rally on the day of our trial coming up on June 18, 2019 in front of the superior court in Middletown, CT (from 8 am-5 pm.)

                              We are asking that any and everyone who is willing and able, please come out and support us in our cause to save our daughter Sofia and please invite the press!!!”

                              • Linda Collins-Smith FB

                                Police Investigate Murder of Former Arkansas Senator Linda Collins-Smith - Frequent Critic of CPS Corruption

                                Former Arkansas Senator Linda Collins-Smith was found dead in her home last week, and local media sources are reporting that her death is being investigated as a homicide.

                                Collins-Smith was a frequent critic of government corruption and child protective services, but who the attacker was and what the possible motive might have been are not being reported, and the public may never know, as Third Judicial District Judge Harold Erwin has ordered that documents and evidence obtained by the police during this investigation are to be sealed.

                                Here is what we do know about former Arkansas Senator Susan Collins-Smith.

                                • Laura Lloyd-Jenkins Pastors

                                  Former County Administrator, CPS Board Member, and Pastor's Wife Sentenced to Prison for Child Sex Trafficking Involvement

                                  Laura Lloyd-Jenkins, the former Toledo, Ohio County Administrator and board member of Lucas County Children Services, has been sentenced to a prison sentence for her involvement in a child sex trafficking scandal involving three Ohio pastors, one of which was her ex-husband.

                                  Lloyd-Jenkins pleaded guilty to charges of lying to federal investigators regarding what she knew about her ex-husband and two other pastors in a child sex-trafficking case involving a teenage girl associated with their churches.

                                  • Sad baby sitting down and crying. Blue background. Whiny, weepin

                                    Kentucky CPS, Sheriff Enter Home without Warrant and Strip Search Young Children Because Mom Left them in Car for Few Minutes to Buy Muffins

                                    Lenore Skenazy and Diane Redleaf recently wrote an article published in the Washington Post showing what lengths Child Protection Services (CPS), along with local law enforcement, will go to harass and humiliate families all in the name of “child protection.”

                                    Josiah and Holly Curry and their six children have filed a lawsuit in Kentucky District Court against Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Vickie Yates Brown Glisson, the Secretary of Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, two other individuals, and Sheriff John Ward.

                                    Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is representing the family.

                                    The lawsuit claims that while Holly left her six children in the family van for a few minutes while she purchased muffins on the way to her 5-year-old’s morning karate practice, that police detained her and reported her to CPS.

                                    The next day, a social worker appeared at the family’s house demanding to enter the home and inspect it, and also check on the children.

                                    Holly, well versed in her Constitutional rights and understanding that she did not have to let the social workers in without a court order signed by a judge, offered to bring all the children to the door so the social worker could see them, but refused to let the social worker enter their home.

                                    The social worker threatened her, and stated she would return with the police if Holly did not let her in.

                                    Holly stood her ground, and later the social worker returned with a sheriff deputy, but no warrant. Threatening to take all the children away by force if she did not let them in, she finally complied.

                                    Skenazy and Redleaf describe what happened next…

                                    • Judge Paul McMurdie FB

                                      Court: Arizona DCS Errors and Lies Caused a Father to Lose Rights to his Child

                                      Sloppy work, lack of evidence and outright lies caused a father to lose parental rights to his daughter, the Court of Appeals argued in an opinion that criticizes the work of nearly everyone involved in the four-year-long case.

                                      The Department of Child Safety, not the father, is to blame for circumstances that led to a juvenile-court decision last year to sever the father’s parental rights, the appeals court wrote.

                                      “(A)ny perceived lack of a bond between Melody and Father was not because of Father’s lack of effort, but because of DCS’s delay, contact restrictions and substantial failure to try to unify Melody with Father,” the three-judge panel wrote.

                                      • Brandy-Zadrozny-300x246

                                        Parents Seeking Non-medical Help for Autism Online Being Reported to CPS to Have Children Medically Kidnapped

                                        Reporter Brandy Zadrozny has written an article for NBC News revealing how certain Facebook groups consisting of parents seeking natural cures for their children who suffer with autism have been infiltrated by fake Facebook accounts of people who want to turn in these parents to Child Protective Services (CPS) for the purpose of having their children taken away from them.

                                        While this may appear to be something illegal (and it probably is), Zadrozny seems to present these people who are using fake Facebook accounts as heroes.

                                        Her article has been picked up by many other corporate-sponsored “mainstream” media outlets.

                                        Zadrozny reports that the two woman profiled in her article are “moles” and claim to be mothers of “autistic children.”

                                        They apparently believe that autism is “a condition with no medically known cause or cure” and that it is wrong to seek non-medical cures.

                                        Therefore, they see it as their mission to identify these parents, using fake identities, and attempt to have their children removed from their homes.

                                        “To gain entrance to these groups, Eaton and Seigler disguise themselves as desperate parents looking for answers to their child’s autism. Once they’re in, they take screenshots of posts from parents…

                                        Eaton and Seigler research the parents online to determine their identity and location, then send screenshots of the Facebook posts to the local Child Protective Services division…”

                                        Zadrozny’s piece shows what lengths these impostors will go to try and hunt down these parents of children with autism, many of whom are suffering vaccine injuries.

                                        “The problem is if you manage to get one (Facebook page) knocked down, it reopens the next day but it goes secret,” Dalmayne said.

                                        “So unless you’ve got a good fake profile, which I have, and you’re friends with people in these groups who will tell you where the next secret group has opened, you can’t report them.”

                                        • suzy and peter with baby sofie visitation monitor

                                          Tennessee Couple Has Baby Ripped from Womb and Kidnapped Because They are an Interracial Couple

                                          The nightmare of a Tennessee couple who was forced to have a cesarean birth and then had their newborn baby daughter medically kidnapped while traveling through Connecticut on their way to a vacation destination in Maine continues.

                                          See our previous articles for the background information.

                                          While fighting for the custody of their daughter and while attempting to get their case transferred to their home state of Tennessee, Connecticut DCF is reportedly making them drive 20 hours one way from Tennessee to Connecticut each week for a 2-hour visitation with their baby daughter.

                                          The Connecticut judge in their case has reportedly scheduled a hearing in June to terminate parental rights, allegedly ruling that they are guilty of something called “predictive neglect.”

                                          Suzy claims that the sole reason they have been found guilty is because they are an interracial couple.

                                          • David Oh

                                            Philadelphia City Councilman Endures Threats To Expose Corruption in CPS and Child Sexual Abuse

                                            Earlier this month (May, 2019), Philadelphia City Councilman David Oh presented testimony before the Philadelphia City Council regarding abuses in the state-run child protection services (DHS – Department of Human Services), and how they we continually breaking state law, while not admitting to any wrong-doing.

                                            In fact, the councilman claimed that DHS “routinely and intentionally” violates state law.

                                            He claims to be representing over 50 “not-at-fault” mothers who all have solid evidence of wrongdoing, and have approached other elected officials many times over the course of years, with no results. He states that they were:

                                            “…never accused of doing anything wrong. They were never accused of being abusive or negligent.

                                            It was determined by DHS that the allegations were unfounded. Yet, they have been denied their children for years.

                                            Their children are being placed in multiple foster care situations where they are abused, they have run away, they’re depressed, they’re medicated, they’re sexually violated.

                                            And it continues.”

                                            During his testimony, Councilman David Oh states that “In the course of pursuing this…..”

                                            And he then pauses for about 5 seconds, very obviously carefully considering just what exactly he wants to say next:

                                            “There have been threats made, threats intimated, that there will be retaliation, that there will be political consequences – all types of threats.

                                            And I wonder why? Why is that, when all we are doing is our duty to provide an oversight to an administrative agency that is responsible for protecting children.

                                            Why the threat, why the problems?”

                                            • Texas Bright Family

                                              Texas CPS Agrees to Pay $127K Sanction for Wrongful Removal of Children - But Does Not Admit to Doing Anything Wrong

                                              Six months after a Harris County judge hit Child Protective Services with a rare $127,000 sanction for wrongfully removing a Tomball couple’s children, the state agency has abandoned its appeal and agreed to pay what may be an unprecedented sum for its handling of the case.

                                              But the agency still hasn’t admitted wrongdoing, a fact that irked the family and their attorneys.

                                              “To this day, they just can’t admit that they screwed up — to me that’s the saddest part for all of the children in Harris County,” said Stephanie Proffitt, one of the attorneys representing Melissa and Dillon Bright.

                                              “They could have at least said we may have messed this one up and we’ll do better next time. Instead they’re basically taking no responsibility. Shame on them.”

                                              • vaccine-refusal-300x200

                                                Pennsylvania Bill Prevents Doctors from Refusing to Treat Unvaccinated Patients - Stops CPS from Medically Kidnapping Unvaccinated Children

                                                Legislation proposed in Pennsylvania’s General Assembly would prevent doctors and health care facilities from discriminating against unvaccinated patients. Doctors would be required to treat unvaccinated families in their practice, limit tactics used to place pressure on patients to use vaccines and prevent medical staff from requiring parents or guardians to sign a liability waiver if they decline or delay one or more federally recommended vaccines.

                                                The bill would also protect doctors from being penalized by health insurance companies for providing health care to unvaccinated patients and prevent child protective services employees from instigating a neglect investigation of parents solely based on a parent’s choice to delay or decline vaccines.

                                                Additionally, the bill prohibits investigations by child protective services should parents choose to delay or decline vaccination for their child.

                                                • Millie Weaver

                                                  Defiant Texas Mom Opposes Tyrannical Medical Doctors Trying to Medically Kidnap Newborn Unvaccinated Baby

                                                  Texas mom and InfoWars reporter Millie Weaver recently went public and talked about her experience with medical doctors regarding her newborn unvaccinated baby.

                                                  Millie explains how she wanted to have a natural vaginal birth, even after her first child was born by cesarean (VBAC), but her doctors disagreed, and so her baby was born via C-section. As a result, they had to suction fluids out of the back of her mouth.

                                                  At her baby’s first doctor visit, they observed something at the back of her throat, which was probably a result of the suction process during the cesarean birth.

                                                  But doctors were concerned that it could be an infection, and wanted to send the baby to the hospital for further testing.

                                                  Millie refused, because the baby had no adverse symptoms, not even a fever. Doctors told her to bring her to the emergency room if the baby ever did have a fever, even just a fever above 100.3.

                                                  A couple of days later, the baby’s temperature registered as 100.6.

                                                  Thinking that perhaps the baby had contracted some infection at the hospital, Millie decided to play it safe and follow the doctor’s directive, and took her into the emergency room.

                                                  Once she arrived at the hospital, they took the baby’s temperature, and it was normal. There was no fever.

                                                  However, the doctors at the hospital wanted to do further testing. When the doctors announced that they need to do a spinal tap on the baby, Millie put her foot down and refused.

                                                  Doctors then threatened to call in CPS (Child Protection Services) to take custody of the baby, and also force her to get caught up on vaccines.

                                                  But Millie held her ground, and eventually was able to bring her baby home.

                                                  • Brandy Murrah Alabama Lab Owner

                                                    Alabama Lab Owner Arrested for Falsifying Results of Drug Tests Used to Medically Kidnap Children

                                                    Local media in Alabama are reporting that Brandy Murrah, owner of A&J Lab Collections in Ozark, Alabama, has turned herself in to local police over charges that she falsified paternity tests and drug test screenings in child custody cases.

                                                    Dale County District Attorney Kirke Adams has stated that Murrah’s actions may have resulted in a potential “tidal wave” of DHR cases where children were removed from their parents based on false evidence from her lab.

                                                    “We have no idea at this time how many people did not get their children back because of Ms. Murrah’s alleged fraudulent reports,” Adams said.

                                                    “I anticipate the tidal wave is just building as far as ramifications,’’ Adams said.

                                                    “I am furious and offended by these alleged crimes. I don’t understand how someone could be so callous and evil, to have no regard for the consequences of their actions. In my opinion, all cases affected by Murrah’s alleged actions must be redone in order to be fair.”

                                                    • David Richards

                                                      Pastor Convicted of Repeatedly Raping Adopted Daughter Gets Light Sentence Because of "Longtime Ministry"

                                                      David Richards, a former Pastor and former case worker with Smoky Mountain Children’s Home in Sevierville, Tennessee, was convicted by a Knox County jury of seven women and five men in February this year (2019) on nine felony counts, including rape, incest and sexual battery by an authority figure regarding his then 14-year-old adopted daughter, Amber Richards.

                                                      Prosecutors wanted the maximum sentence of 72 years behind bars, but the judge, Knox County Judge Steven Sword, gave him a much lighter sentence, due to his Christian ministry and supporters from his church who showed up at the sentencing.

                                                      Victims of sexual abuse are seldom identified in court, but after a jury handed down the conviction of David Richards in February, his adopted daughter Amber decided to go public and make a statement.

                                                      She was in court during the sentencing, sitting with her biological parents and a half dozen other supporters.

                                                      “I wanted to throw my body away,” Amber Richards said as she delivered her victim impact statement Thursday.

                                                      “Not a day goes by that I don’t, in some way, think of what he did to me. … I firmly believe if given the opportunity, he would victimize another young girl.”

                                                      • Chandler Family

                                                        Judge Orders Children Returned to Parents Who Did not Take Child with Fever to Emergency Room

                                                        In a story out of Arizona that has received national attention, Judge Timothy J. Ryan ordered the children of a Chandler, Arizona couple returned home more than two months after police broke down their door at 1 a.m. to remove the children simply because the mother did not take one of them to an emergency room to check on a fever.

                                                        In a turn of events that might be due to the public outrage over this case, Judge Ryan reportedly went against the recommendation of the assistant attorney general representing the Arizona Department of Child Safety who wanted the children to remain in state custody.

                                                        While the children are all home for now by court order, the State of Arizona still retains custody of the children, and the legal battle continues for the children, even though there are no charges against the parents due to a lack of evidence.

                                                        • Abduction, Kidnapping, Child, Criminal, Woman Concept. Hand Draw

                                                          Proposed New Bill Would Double Federal Funding for Foster Care - More Opportunities for Child Sex Trafficking?

                                                          Attorney Michael Dolce, who represents children in foster care, has referred to U.S. foster care as a system set up to sex traffic American Children at the taxpayer’s expense.

                                                          A new proposed bill would double the funding for the U.S. foster care system.

                                                          Richard Wexler, writing for Youth Today, states:

                                                          “The bill would more than double the amount of money the federal government forks over to states for foster care reimbursement each year. Even worse, this bill would remove the only small brake from what is less a runaway train than a lumbering foster care steamroller that crushes better alternatives for children.”

                                                          As we have stated numerous times here at Health Impact News, we agree with the late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer that the current system of Child “Protection” Services and foster care is too corrupt to be reformed, and needs to be abolished.

                                                          Allowing states to collect more federal funds for foster care is moving in the wrong direction, and could lead to an increase in child sex trafficking.

                                                          • Family Figure And Gavel On Table. Family Law Concept

                                                            Multiple Studies Show Children Better Off Left in Troubled Homes than Put Into Foster Care

                                                            A new study conducted by Martin Guggenheim, from the NYU School of Law School, shows that children seized by Child Protection Services spend much less time in Foster Care if the parents are provided with high-quality legal representation, with no compromise in child safety.

                                                            This means that many children in Foster Care today would not even need to be there if their parents had proper legal representation to fight the massive billion dollar foster care and adoption system, which for the most part has nothing to do with child safety.

                                                            Richard Wexler, writing for the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform blog, notes that this is one of several studies showing that most children do far better when left with their biological families, even troubled families, than those children taken out of troubled homes and put into foster care.

                                                            Taking the truth of what these studies conclude, that children are better off left in homes even when those homes are not perfect, with the fact that the child welfare system is so corrupt that some state legislatures have had to actually pass laws enforcing that child social service agencies stop lying and falsifying records in order to take children away from their families, such as a recently proposed bill in Texas, we come to the same conclusion that the late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer did, that the system is too corrupt and too powerful to reform.

                                                            • SBS-Statement

                                                              Shaken Baby Syndrome Hypothesis Has Never Been Scientifically Validated

                                                              For years we have known that the diagnosis of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is flawed. Yet too many innocent parents and caretakers remain wrongfully incarcerated and face wrongful convictions based on this false evidence.

                                                              In a statement released by the Innocence Network on April 30, the Network explains that although the SBS hypothesis was popularized in the early 2000s, it has never been scientifically validated.

                                                              In 2016, an independent group of experts appointed by The Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services, one of the oldest medical assessment organizations in the world, published findings that SBS evidence is “insufficient” and unreliable.

                                                              Still, medical experts continue to erroneously and carelessly assert the validity of SBS accusations in our courts.

                                                              • parents with baby visit

                                                                Connecticut DCF Punishing Tennessee Parents for Taking Their Story Public? Refuse to Let Parents Visit Baby

                                                                We recently published the story of a Tennessee couple who was traveling through Connecticut on their way to a vacation destination in Maine, when the wife, who was pregnant, starting experiencing back pains and decided to check into a hospital in Connecticut for a check up.

                                                                Her Egyptian Christian husband was allegedly accused of being a Muslim terrorist, and before they knew it, she was being drugged against her will and forced to have cesarean surgery to remove her daughter from her womb, when she had been planning on having a natural birth.

                                                                Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) then proceeded to take custody of the baby, with no formal charges ever filed against the parents. The parents eventually had to return to their home in Tennessee with their other two children, making the 20-hour one-way trip back to Connecticut each week to have a supervised 2-hour visit with their daughter as they tried to comply with DCF to get their daughter back.

                                                                After six months, the parents decided to take their story public.

                                                                Suzy, the mother, has now reported that Connecticut DCF is refusing to allow them to see their baby since they went public with their story.

                                                                “We have just driven all day yesterday and all night for the past nearly 20 hours straight to get to Connecticut to see our baby and now our case worker David Friend is telling us that he cannot accommodate our visit and we cannot see our child!”

                                                                • mother crying with baby

                                                                  Pregnant Mom Traveling Through Connecticut with Husband Stops at Hospital Where They Forcibly Drug her and Perform Cesarean Surgery to Kidnap Baby

                                                                  In a story so horrendous that it reads like a Hollywood script to a movie that could only be fiction, Tennessee parents Suzy and Peter Saad have decided to go public with their story of alleged medical abuse and medical kidnapping in Connecticut.

                                                                  Peter and Suzy both have master’s degrees and were former medical school students, which is where they met. However, they put their plans for medical school on hold to start their family.

                                                                  After delivering two boys by cesarean birth, mom’s dreams were finally realized when she became pregnant for the third time, and this time it was a baby girl in answer to her prayers.

                                                                  Suzy wanted the best for the new daughter growing in her womb, so she sought medical help to try and have a natural birth, uncommon but not impossible when the first pregnancies end in cesarean births.

                                                                  The family was living in Tennessee, and Suzy was not happy with the prenatal care she was receiving. Peter’s family is from New Jersey, and after one of his family members died and they traveled to New Jersey to attend the funeral, they found a birthing center there that Suzy felt comfortable with in terms of trying a natural birth.

                                                                  At 38 weeks of pregnancy with her daughter, Suzy was experiencing some anxiety and suffering from bad nights of sleep. Family and friends suggested she take a few days off with her husband, while family members watched the two boys.

                                                                  They knew about a lovely place in Maine they had been wanting to visit, and decided that the 6-hour trip would do them some good.

                                                                  As they drove from New Jersey to Maine, Suzy experienced some pain, and to be on the safe side, they decided to stop at a hospital in Connecticut.

                                                                  This is when the real nightmares began. Her husband’s family is originally from Egypt, although Peter grew up in the United States and has been a U.S. citizen since he was a child. His family in Egypt are Coptic Christians, a minority group in a country that is predominately Muslim.

                                                                  Before they fully understood what was happening, Peter was allegedly being accused of being a Muslim terrorist and fleeing the law, and Suzy was being accused of being a drug addict, simply because she had some prescription medications with her to treat her high blood pressure and diabetes.

                                                                  She was allegedly drugged and forced to have cesarean surgery, and hospital staff then allegedly worked together with social service workers to take custody of her baby.

                                                                  After 6 months of trying to comply with everything the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) was requiring of the parents in order to get their baby daughter back, they have now decided to go public with their story.

                                                                  • Stop Child Violence And Trafficking. Stop Violence Against Child

                                                                    The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America

                                                                    Children, young girls—some as young as 9 years old—are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old.

                                                                    This is America’s dirty little secret.

                                                                    Sex trafficking—especially when it comes to the buying and selling of young girls—has become big business in America, the fastest growing business in organized crime and the second most-lucrative commodity traded illegally after drugs and guns.

                                                                    As investigative journalist Amy Fine Collins notes,

                                                                    “It’s become more lucrative and much safer to sell malleable teens than drugs or guns. A pound of heroin or an AK-47 can be retailed once, but a young girl can be sold 10 to 15 times a day—and a ‘righteous’ pimp confiscates 100 percent of her earnings.”

                                                                    Consider this: every two minutes, a child is exploited in the sex industry.

                                                                    According to USA Today, adults purchase children for sex at least 2.5 million times a year in the United States.

                                                                    Who buys a child for sex? Otherwise ordinary men from all walks of life.

                                                                    “They could be your co-worker, doctor, pastor or spouse,” writes journalist Tim Swarens, who spent more than a year investigating the sex trade in America.

                                                                    • Childhood

                                                                      Parents Share Their Pain of Being Wrongly Accused of Child Abuse and Losing Their Children

                                                                      Knowing the date the fractures were discovered will never leave your mind. It will be some brutal anniversary you will always acknowledge, even when your “abused” baby is grown with children of their own.

                                                                      The flashbacks of the hospital. The clamps they put in your baby’s eyes to check for retinal bleeding. The sound of the MRI machine. Your baby’s wailing as they tried to insert an IV.

                                                                      The one nurse who couldn’t make eye contact with you, wouldn’t make eye contact with you, because she had already made her mind up about the mother whose child has 5 broken bones.

                                                                      The heavy weight you carry around, knowing CPS could be successful in terminating your parental rights, imprisoning you on false accusations. Your name permanently erased from your children’s birth certificates.

                                                                      Wishing you could go back to believing every parent whose rights are terminated deserved it. Wishing every headline you read about an abused baby, you don’t question if it was a medical disorder. Wishing you didn’t know how many other parents are going through this, have been through this, who haven’t made it through it.

                                                                      How will I heal from this?

                                                                      • NYC Council meeting

                                                                        NY City Council Asks Why Parents are Being Accused of Child Abuse for Simply Using Marijuana

                                                                        As New York considers legalizing marijuana, attention is also turning to how the drug plays a role in the city’s child welfare system—one that has the power to remove children from their parents and that investigates, almost exclusively, low-income families of color.

                                                                        Parents and advocates have reported that recreational marijuana use can lead to investigations of child maltreatment by the city’s Administration for Children’s Services. Many times these investigations stem from testing pregnant women and their newborns at the city’s public hospitals, according to testimony at a City Council hearing on Wednesday.

                                                                        Queens Councilwoman Adrienne Adams called the practice “the systemic criminalization of women of color,” which comes with the threat of separating children and parents.

                                                                        “We are absolutely tearing families apart, needlessly,” Adams said.

                                                                        • kelly townsend

                                                                          Arizona Judge Orders Lawmaker and Media Out of Courtroom in Case Where Police Kicked Down Door Because Feverish Child was not Taken to Hospital

                                                                          An Arizona Judge recently ordered state Representative Kelly Townsend and the local media to leave the courtroom during the trial of the Chandler Arizona family who lost all 3 of their children for failing to take one of them to the hospital regarding a fever. Police broke down their door at 1 a.m. in the morning and forcibly removed all three children.

                                                                          According to the Arizona Republic, Judge Timothy J. Ryan ordered one of their reporters and Rep. Townsend to “immediately” leave an April 10 pretrial hearing in the case.

                                                                          The judge was apparently upset over the media coverage this trial was receiving. This is consistent with how Arizona judges have acted in cases involving the State of Arizona removing children from their homes unjustly, as Health Impact News has been ordered several times in the past few years to take down our stories representing the families and victims of such actions.

                                                                          However, Health Impact News has never complied with such orders, as they violate the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

                                                                          • Chelsea Gray Iowa FB

                                                                            Iowa Social Worker Sued After Lying to Court to Remove Children from Parents

                                                                            Former Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) social worker Chelsea Gray may finally be facing justice for her part in lying to a judge in 2018 that caused 4 children to be wrongly removed from their parents.

                                                                            District Associate Judge Adam Sauer had ruled in 2018 that Chelsea Gray had delivered fabricated reports and trial testimony that helped convince a judge to terminate the legal rights of the mother and father of four northern Iowa children. The judge said Gray’s testimony was riddled with “lies and misrepresentations.”

                                                                            “What does not, or at least should not happen, is that an agent of the government, charged with the task of safeguarding the welfare of children, would completely fabricate contact with a family in order to mask non-compliance with the agency’s policy,” Sauer wrote.

                                                                            He added, “Providing false testimony of any kind is an unfathomable violation of the trust that the people in the State of Iowa place in their public servants and cast a dark and permanent shadow upon all of us.”

                                                                            However, even after this ruling, apparently nothing was done to hold Chelsea Gray or DHS responsible for these actions, even after a county attorney found 10 other cases where Gray allegedly gave false information, and reported this to the attorney general’s office.

                                                                            Earlier this month (April, 2019), however, criminal charges have now apparently been filed against Gray for perjury, presumably by one of the families that suffered from her false testimony.

                                                                            • Johanna-Olson-Kennedy-300x169

                                                                              Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Doctor Experimenting on Children as Young as 8 for Transgender Therapy with Government Funding

                                                                              Dr. Michael Laidlaw, an endocrinologist from Rocklin, California, recently discovered via a Freedom of Information Act that a government-supported research program at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles was experimenting on children as young as 8 years old with cross-sex hormones.

                                                                              Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, who runs the Los Angeles study, received a $5.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH.)

                                                                              There are currently more than 30 clinics for transgender children in the U.S.

                                                                              Olson-Kennedy’s clinic, the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, is the country’s largest, treating 725 children.

                                                                              Her youngest patient is 3 years old.

                                                                              Dr. Laidlaw said the minimum age for giving cross-sex hormones had been lowered from 13 to 8 in the NIH funded five-year study. He stated that there is an absence of clinical data on “transgender-affirming therapy” indicating it is a good idea or is at all healthy for the children.

                                                                              Walt Heyer refers to himself as a “former transgender.” He refers to such treatment as is funded by the NIH “child abuse,” and said he claims to have spoken to many transgender individuals who called transitioning “the biggest mistake” of their lives.

                                                                              Dr. Marian Rutigliano stated:

                                                                              “For parents who believe they are placing their trust in doctors knowing what’s best for their child, the AAP’s 2016 guidelines on caring for trans-identifying children were written by a 12-person panel on which less than half the members were even physicians, led by a 25-year-old trans-identified female – and one of those physicians worked at a clinic in which every single child who came in for a consultation was considered appropriate for transition.

                                                                              Doctors who do attempt to stand up to the current vogue in transitioning kids are bullied or harassed into silence, often losing their positions.”

                                                                              • AZ parents fever police2

                                                                                Was Arizona Family that had Police Break Down Their Door at 1 A.M. Targeted by Medical Community Because They Don't Vaccinate Their Children?

                                                                                A story out of Arizona that we first reported at the beginning of March has received national attention, due to video footage of police breaking down the family’s door in the middle of the night because the parents did not take one of their children who had a fever to the local hospital at the request of a doctor.

                                                                                The police and social workers removed all 3 children from the home.

                                                                                In our original coverage of this story, we mentioned a quote from the parents that they did not vaccinate their children, but the parents did not, at the time, think this was a factor in their removal.

                                                                                In a follow up report published in the Arizona Republic by Dianna M. Náñez after the parents’ first court hearing, Arizona Representative Kelly Townsend, who attended the court hearing, stated:

                                                                                “It was brought to my attention that these parents may have been targeted by the medical community because they hadn’t vaccinated their children.”

                                                                                Arizona law allows for parents to opt out of vaccines for their children for religious or medical reasons.

                                                                                Townsend said parents who don’t vaccinate their children because of medical concerns aren’t criminals and shouldn’t be treated as such. She worried physicians were using it as a reason to refer parents to DCS.

                                                                                “I think if DCS decides to use this as a factor they would be violating a parent’s right to have a personal exemption, a religious exemption and perhaps a medical exemption,” she said.

                                                                                • officer accused of child sex crimes

                                                                                  Are Corrupt Police Assisting CPS in Trafficking Children?

                                                                                  Over the past several years Health Impact News has documented the abuse and over-reach of child “protection” social services (CPS) all across the U.S. who have participated in removing children from families where they are loved, and placed them into dangerous situations in the Foster Care system where they are routinely abused, and often sexually trafficked.

                                                                                  Child sex trafficking is estimated to be the most financially lucrative illegal trafficking system in the U.S., with more money involved than both the illegal drugs and illegal gun trafficking businesses combined.

                                                                                  When CPS comes to a home, parents are well-advised to know their Constitutional rights and resist any efforts to enter their home without a warrant signed by a judge.

                                                                                  Social workers are not yet armed in the United States, so if they want to force their way into a home, the participation of law enforcement is needed. However, even police have to obey the Constitution, and if they enter a home without a sufficient warrant, they will almost always lose in court as violating the civil rights of the family.

                                                                                  But what if law enforcement are actually complicit with CPS with the intent to harm children and even sexually traffick them?

                                                                                  In this article we will look at the evidence that this may actually be happening all across the U.S.

                                                                                  • Oregon State Marilyn Jones and Sara Gelser

                                                                                    Is Oregon Trafficking Children out of State via Their Foster Care System?

                                                                                    Oregon has a foster care problem. Too many foster children, and not enough foster homes to put them into.

                                                                                    A 2016 lawsuit was filed against the state for housing foster children in hotels and offices.

                                                                                    Richard Wexler, director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR), states:

                                                                                    “Oregon tears children needlessly from their parents at a rate far above the national average.”

                                                                                    Since 2017, the rate of foster children being shipped out of Oregon to facilities in other states has more than doubled. Most of these are troubled youth being sent to psychiatric wards.

                                                                                    Earlier this year (2019), Oregon Public Broadcasting reported that Oregon was shipping some foster children to facilities known for abuse.

                                                                                    In an investigative report by Troy Brynelson of the Salem Reporter this week, it was revealed that two state Department of Human Services workers in Polk County, a supervisor and a paralegal, “remain on paid leave and stationed at home after the state investigated them for child abuse that involved indecency.”

                                                                                    The incident allegedly happened in Dallas, Texas.

                                                                                    • Rockland-County-Emergency-Ban-Unvaccinated-Children-Parents-Responsible-300x147

                                                                                      BREAKING: Rockland County NY Becomes America's First Vaccine Police State - Bans Unvaccinated Children from Public Places - Health Dept. Goes Door to Door

                                                                                      Rockland County Executive Ed Day held a press conference earlier today to announce that he had declared a “state of emergency” regarding the New York state county’s 153 cases of measles over a 6-month period, and placed a ban on all children under the age of 18 from appearing in any public area, which includes schools, malls and places of worship.

                                                                                      Mr. Day said that this was the “first such effort of this kind nationally.”

                                                                                      The emergency ban is clearly targeted towards parents of unvaccinated children, as Mr. Day stated:

                                                                                      “Parents will be held accountable if they are found to be in violation of this state of emergency act. And the focus of this effort is on the parents of these children. We are urging them once again, now with the authority of law, to get your children vaccinated.”

                                                                                      Mr. Day tried to downplay fears of police checkpoints and random checks for vaccination status, but he also stated that any parent found to be not in compliance with the emergency order would be referred to the district attorney’s office for possible prosecution.

                                                                                      “If we have a situation where it comes to our attention that a parent is willingly, knowingly, not allowing a child to be vaccinated, under the emergency order, it will be referred into the district attorney.”

                                                                                      The Rockland County Health Department, who recommended the emergency ban, has reportedly been going door to door and calling homes within the community in an effort to deal with the measles “epidemic.”

                                                                                      • Housewife Woman Looks In The Peephole Of The Front Door In The A

                                                                                        Idaho Lawmaker: Know Your Rights! Do Not Let CPS Into Your Home!

                                                                                        While 80 percent of home visits by CPS found no indications of child abuse, a growing culture within Idaho CPS deems it acceptable to use coercion and bullying to get into homes, sometimes telling families they must cooperate with extensive investigations.

                                                                                        Citizens need to remember that without consent, or a warrant, or probable cause with exigent circumstances, no CPS staff or any government worker (including a police officer) can enter your home.

                                                                                        There is ample case law in federal and supreme courts to prove this.

                                                                                        With the help of concerned families from across the state, I drafted and introduced simple legislation, HB-170, to help address this CPS overreach.

                                                                                        Here are some of your rights when government shows up at your door….

                                                                                        • kentucky child teddy bear

                                                                                          Investigation Finds Kentucky CPS Illegally Taking Children from Homes with Pre-signed Judge's Orders

                                                                                          Kentucky social workers are failing to have courts properly scrutinize and approve the drastic step of taking some children from their homes, relying instead on blank removal orders with pre-signed judges’ signatures, which is illegal according to several attorneys and judges.

                                                                                          The allegations, which involve cases of purported parental abuse or neglect, have prompted numerous complaints to judges and state officials.

                                                                                          They revolve specifically around the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services workers using pre-signed emergency custody court orders to remove children on weekends and after the courthouse has closed for the day.

                                                                                          “The system that is currently set up allows for the social workers to call an on-call judge on the phone and then fill out the order themselves, a blank order with a judge’s signature on it,” attorney Karen Faulkner said in an interview.

                                                                                          “Children are being illegally taken from their home without judges’ proper authority.”

                                                                                          • Rodney Garcia FB

                                                                                            Montana Legislator Calls for $1K a Day Fines and Jail for CPS Workers who Kidnap Children

                                                                                            James White of Northwest Liberty News out of Montana recently interviewed Representative Rodney Garcia, who has proposed legislation to punish CPS workers who break the law and remove children from their homes needlessly.

                                                                                            Representative Garcia states:

                                                                                            “Child Protective Services do not protect the kids, they kidnap them.”

                                                                                            He goes on to explain that CPS workers need a court order to remove children from their home, but routinely do not have court orders, and he wants to start fining them and putting them in jail when they take children out of homes without court orders.

                                                                                            Prior to interviewing Representative Garcia, James White interviewed Debbie Westlake from Butte, Montana, as an example of the kind of corruption in child welfare services in Montana.

                                                                                            He writes:

                                                                                            “In summary, Debbie had some medical issues and needed to be hospitalized for a couple weeks.

                                                                                            CPS took over and protected her son during her hospital stay. The visitation specialist who returned Debbie’s son, Robert, made advances on Debbie of a sexual nature, which she rebuked and then reported.

                                                                                            The worker was subsequently arrested for 4 counts of incest and was sentenced to 80 years in prison.

                                                                                            After another 5 hour hospital stay, CPS took Robert and he has not been home since.”

                                                                                            Watch both interviews at

                                                                                            • Stanley Family 2019

                                                                                              Is Justice Finally being Served in Arkansas 4 Years After Stanley Homeschool Children Kidnapped?

                                                                                              In 2015, we covered the story of the Stanley family in Arkansas, reporting how the local sheriff department arrived at the home one night with local social workers and issued a warrant to search their property for a “dangerous” mineral supplement that was supposedly being forced upon the children and endangering their health.

                                                                                              The Stanley family homeschool their children, and that night, despite the fact that no dangerous materials were found in the house, and that a local doctor who came in an ambulance and examined each of the 7 children cleared them as being healthy, the local sheriff deputy ordered all 7 children to be forcibly removed from their home. Prior to this time, they had never spent a night away from their parents.

                                                                                              DHS workers reportedly remarked that there was no reason to take the children out of the home. When Mr. Stanley asked who actually made the decision to take their kids, Garland County Deputy Mike Wright allegedly replied, “I did, and I am proud of it.”

                                                                                              It turned out that the mineral supplement was perfectly legal, and posed no health threat to the children. So in order to justify the removal of the children, the charges were changed to something that was not on the original warrant, including “educational neglect” due to the family’s homeschooling practice.

                                                                                              The children were forced to live with foster parents and start attending public school.

                                                                                              None of the charges were ever substantiated, and it was determined later that one the older teenage children made up all the accusations because he did not like being homeschooled and the family’s strict Christian values.

                                                                                              5 months later, all the children were returned home, but not before suffering tremendous emotional trauma from being separated from their parents.

                                                                                              After 21 months, all charges were dropped against the Stanleys.

                                                                                              But this was not the end of their ordeal, only the beginning. Working with local attorney Joe Churchwell, the Stanleys sued the Garland County Sheriff’s Department for a violation of their civil rights – a case that has reached all the way up to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which last year upheld a U.S. District Court ruling depriving the lead investigator from “qualified immunity.”

                                                                                              So the civil rights case continues.

                                                                                              The investigator, Kathy Finnegan, was recently deposed by Attorney Joe Churchwell, and the Sentinel-Record has published an account of the deposition.

                                                                                              Finnegan allegedly revealed that there was no evidence for the Garland County Sheriff to take the children in the first place.

                                                                                              • Judge-Mike-Schneider-FB

                                                                                                New Proposed Texas Bill would Stop Child Protective Services from Falsifying Records

                                                                                                A new bill submitted in the Texas state Legislature by state Representative Gene Wu of Houston would require Child Protective Services (CPS) to increase accountability and prevent social workers from altering case records.

                                                                                                What does this say about the current moral status of social workers in CPS when a law has to be passed to stop them from lying and falsifying records?

                                                                                                One of the cases that was the motivation for this Texas bill is a case from 2018 that we reported here at Health Impact News where a family court judge ordered CPS to immediately return two children, a 5-month-old baby boy and 2-year-old little girl, to their family and have no more contact with them since they were removed from their home without a warrant and under false allegations.

                                                                                                Later, Judge Mike Schneider took the unprecedented action to sanction CPS $127,000 for wrongfully removing the couple’s children and lying to the court about it.

                                                                                                Representative Wu who authored the bill told the Houston Chronicle:

                                                                                                “We’re talking about taking children away from families, breaking up families — we need to have the utmost transparency. We want there to be integrity in the reporting system.”

                                                                                                According to the Chronicle:

                                                                                                “The bill would require the department to track who makes every entry in a case and when, and it would require that the electronic records system prohibit users from modifying or deleting information.”

                                                                                                • AZ parents fever Heber

                                                                                                  Police Break Down Door of Arizona Family at 1 AM to Medically Kidnap 3 Children Because Parents Refused to Take Child to Emergency Room with Fever

                                                                                                  Local news media in Arizona have reported that a family had their three children forcibly removed from their home in the early morning hours after armed police forces broke down their door to gain entrance.

                                                                                                  The military SWAT-like actions of these armed police forces were captured on video by the family’s security cameras.

                                                                                                  The incident is reportedly the result of the family’s doctor reporting them to child services because they did not follow her advice and take their 2-year-old son to the emergency room due to a high fever.

                                                                                                  The parents claim the child’s fever came down considerably on the way, and that he started playing with his siblings. They offered to bring him back to the doctor to verify he was not in danger, instead of spending thousands of dollars for an emergency room visit, but the doctor allegedly refused and reported them to social services.

                                                                                                  If local authorities truly believed the child was in imminent danger, why did they wait until the middle of the night when the entire family was asleep to break down their door and come in and raid their home, traumatizing the children and taking all three of them into custody?

                                                                                                  The parents do not even know where their children are located, and social services reportedly canceled their meeting.

                                                                                                  • nagel-Lindsey-and-baby-NICU-FB-300x188

                                                                                                    German New Medicine Challenges the Germ Theory of Disease and Medical Tyranny that Destroys Lives

                                                                                                    Part one of Health Impact News’ article on German New Medicine (GNM) included an introduction to this unique natural healing methodology created by late Dr. Ryke Geer Hamer and the persecution he faced from the medical establishment.

                                                                                                    Although most of Dr. Hamer’s research initially involved only cancer patients, he came upon a radical concept of microbial influences with diseases in general.

                                                                                                    In this second article, we will look at the unusual position that Dr. Hamer’s GNM has with microbes, and how it differs from the “germ theory” of disease as originally espoused by Louis Pasteur, which is the main theory behind western pharmaceutical medicine.

                                                                                                    The germ theory of disease has been used to justify medical tyranny, the destruction of families through medical kidnapping, and the loss of innocent lives through pharmaceutical products.

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                                                                                                      Child Sex Trafficking Through "Child Protection" Services Used by the Rich and Powerful?

                                                                                                      The majority of children recruited into the child sex-trafficking slave trade come through foster care, where state “Child Protection” child welfare agencies place children who have been removed from their homes.

                                                                                                      It is estimated that the revenue generated through illegal child sex trafficking far exceeds revenue from illegal drugs and guns.

                                                                                                      The problems of foster care being used to traffick children into the sex trade have been well documented. A recent report out of WJAC in Pennsylvania, for example, reports that 60% of sex, human trafficking victims were once involved in the foster care system.

                                                                                                      We reported with horror last year that a Virginia man, Nathan Larson, was running for political office in the U.S. Congress in spite of the fact that he publicly admitted he was a pedophile. In online forums with other pedophiles, he encouraged pedophiles to adopt children out of foster care as their “sex toys.”

                                                                                                      In a 2014 interview published in The Guardian, former British Health Minister and former Child Protection Manager Lord Warner stated that “Children’s homes” were a “supply line” for paedophiles among the powerful elite.

                                                                                                      Robert David Steele, a former CIA officer, and Chief Counsel of The International Tribunal’s Judicial Commission into Child Sex Trafficking, stated:

                                                                                                      “I have been outraged for some time by the clear and present danger to society of pedopredation (pedophilia or paedophilia).

                                                                                                      I recognize now that child torture, child murder, and child organ harvesting is an ‘accepted’ practice at the highest levels of government, the NGO and multinational corporate sector, as well as throughout academic institutions and civil society.

                                                                                                      This scourge persists because it is allowed to exist by the complicit authorities.”

                                                                                                      • Sad-Kids-Hugging-Father-300x200

                                                                                                        The Next Mandatory Vaccine Battleground: Homeschool Children

                                                                                                        As we have frequently reported here at Health Impact News, legislative efforts are underway in many states to remove parental choice for childhood vaccines, with new proposed bills removing religious and philosophical exemptions to childhood vaccines which are mandated as a requirement for school attendance.

                                                                                                        In general, the public is opposed to removing parental consent to vaccines, and most bills seeking to remove parental authority have been met with stiff opposition and been defeated at the state level.

                                                                                                        One bill that was successful, was SB277 which was passed in California in 2015 removing the religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccines.

                                                                                                        Today, the only option parents in California have to get an exemption to vaccines as a requirement for school attendance, is to get their doctor to sign a medical exemption.

                                                                                                        However, the pro-pharmaceutical lobby in California has not been satisfied with the results of SB277, and are now going after doctors who write medical exemptions for vaccines.

                                                                                                        Most doctors in California now fear writing medical exemptions to vaccines as they would risk losing their license to practice medicine in California.

                                                                                                        Parents who now want to protect their children from the dangers of the CDC vaccine schedule, either by refusing certain vaccines or following a different vaccine schedule, are left with almost no options.

                                                                                                        As a result, many parents are choosing to homeschool their children to escape the mandatory vaccine mandates.

                                                                                                        It should come as no surprise, therefore, that the vaccine extremists, who believe that ALL vaccines are safe for ALL children ALL the time, by force if necessary, are now targeting homeschool children.

                                                                                                        Several states are proposing new laws that would require homeschool families to allow government-represented medical professionals to come into their homes to approve them as home schools, including checking the children’s medical records to ensure they are following the CDC vaccine schedule.

                                                                                                        • Family Figure And Gavel On Table. Family Law Concept

                                                                                                          Parents' Constitutional Right to Legal Representation When CPS Takes Their Kids Routinely Violated Leading to Greater Child Kidnappings by the State

                                                                                                          Since we have started covering the medical kidnapping issue here at Health Impact News, we have frequently pointed out that when child protection social services (CPS) removes a child from their home, parents have fewer legal rights than rapists, murders, or terrorists.

                                                                                                          All it takes to have one’s children seized by CPS is an anonymous call making a claim against the parents, or a doctor reporting the parents to CPS for not taking their advice and wanting a second opinion, etc.

                                                                                                          Since each child placed into foster care represents a huge monetary value to the state, the incentive to make sure parental rights are preserved is very low.

                                                                                                          Judges in Family Courts routinely abuse parental rights, including issuing gag orders against the parents in an attempt to stop them from sharing their stories with the media – a clear violation of the First Amendment.

                                                                                                          In most of these cases, the parents are either not represented with an attorney, or represented with an appointed attorney that only tries to reach a settlement, not fight for the parents’ rights.

                                                                                                          While we agree with the late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer that the child welfare system in the U.S. is too corrupt to reform and needs to be abolished, and with the former Director for the Baltimore City Department of Social Services Molly McGrath Tierney that the whole premise behind foster care is “a bad idea” and that instead “kids ought to be in families,” there is some evidence that when parents have good legal representation at the very beginning when they are investigated by CPS, far fewer children are removed from their homes.

                                                                                                          That begs the question: why aren’t most states providing proper legal representation of parents under investigation by CPS, which is in fact their Constitutional right?

                                                                                                          Richard Wexler, the Executive Director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR), and attorney Vivek S. Sankaran, Clinical Professor of Law at the University of Michigan and director of the Child Advocacy Law Clinic and the Child Welfare Appellate Clinic, have recently addressed this issue, and they give practical advice on how this situation can be remedied immediately.

                                                                                                          • Southern Baptist leaders mug shots sexual abuse

                                                                                                            Southern Baptist Church: Leader in Foster Care and Adoption - Home to Pedophiles

                                                                                                            Southern Baptists are the largest Protestant Christian denomination in the U.S., numbering more than 47,000 churches with over 15 million church members. Only the Catholic Church has more members in the U.S.

                                                                                                            As with the Catholic Church, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is an integral part of the American foster care and adoption system.

                                                                                                            Due to its size, one could say the American foster care system would be severely crippled without the involvement of the SBC, which partners with many local organizations across the U.S. to provide foster care and adoption services, primarily through its North American Mission Board, and its “Send Relief” program.

                                                                                                            We have documented very clearly here at Health Impact News that the foster care system in the U.S. is a billion dollar child trafficking system, and over 85% of child sex trafficking victims are under the control of Child “Protective” Services who take children out of their homes and place them into foster care or with adoptive parents.

                                                                                                            When Lisa Wheeler wrote an article for the National Review last year titled “Pro-Life Should Include Foster Care, Too,” criticizing American churches for not participating more in state-sponsored foster care programs, we wrote our rebuttal asking why the church would participate in such an evil program?

                                                                                                            Sadly, as we have previously reported about the Catholic Church and Independent Baptist Churches, child sex abuse by pastors and youth leaders is widespread among Southern Baptists also.

                                                                                                            A six month investigation by the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News has found widespread child sex abuse by over 220 Southern Baptist leaders against more than 700 victims since 1998.

                                                                                                            And these are just the cases that have reached the courts and are a matter of public record. How many others have been covered up and never been reported?

                                                                                                            • Texas-Confirmed-Child-Abuse-Reports

                                                                                                              Attorney: Child Abuse Pediatricians Aligned with Child Protective Services Destroy Innocent Families

                                                                                                              Attorney Andrew C. Brown, J.D., is the director of the Center for Families & Children at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

                                                                                                              As an attorney, he has dedicated his career to serving vulnerable children and strengthening families through community-focused, liberty-minded solutions. He has represented children in the child welfare system, and advocated for the rights of parents.

                                                                                                              He has written a new policy paper titled: “Reforming the Use of Child Abuse Pediatric Teams in Child Protective Cases.”

                                                                                                              In the introduction he states the purpose of this policy paper:

                                                                                                              “This paper examines the coordination of child abuse pediatricians with the state child welfare system and the risk that this collaboration can lead to false accusations of child abuse that can, if unquestioned by the courts, forever destroy innocent families.”

                                                                                                              • Foxx Coker with Parents

                                                                                                                South Carolina Judge Orders Child Immediately Returned to Parents After Two Years Due to False Child Abuse Charges

                                                                                                                Watching young Foxx Coker pad around his Johns Island home, clutching his favorite toy dog and dancing to the theme of SpongeBob SquarePants, his parents can’t help but think of all the little moments like this they have missed over the past two years.

                                                                                                                His first steps. His first words. His first taste of solid food. Moments forever lost amid a swirl of accusations and heartache.

                                                                                                                Foxx was just 2 months old when the state Department of Social Services whisked him away in May 2017 after a variety of broken bones in his body led to suspicions of child abuse. Then, a judge unexpectedly returned him to his parents Wednesday after a medical expert testified that the boy’s injuries resulted from a bone-weakening case of nutritional rickets, not physical abuse.

                                                                                                                • John-Boel-Jefferson-County

                                                                                                                  Kentucky's Missing Children Problem: Last in Nation with Percentage of Kids in Foster Care who are Placed with Relatives

                                                                                                                  There are more than 9,000 Kentucky children in state care right now spending an average of 22 months moving between three different home placements.

                                                                                                                  According to data compiled by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, there were 121 foster children statewide listed as AWOL, Absent Without Leave in November.

                                                                                                                  Forty-nine of them, almost half the statewide total, were listed as AWOL in just one county: Jefferson.

                                                                                                                  “Been in out of home placement for years and years,” Gross said. “They go from foster home to residential care to hospitals and a lot of time they just lose hope, like why ever bother trying.”

                                                                                                                  “Our fence, it’s easy to just jump the fence and go,” Home of the Innocents program manager Rick Isaiah said. “So it happens quite a bit. I think they want to go home.”

                                                                                                                  The fence at Home of the Innocents may be easy to jump, but the problem goes far beyond this place. And it’s not about a fence. Many believe it is about home. Or at least family. Or relatives.

                                                                                                                  And further investigation reveals that’s not a priority here when it comes to foster child placement. In fact, Kentucky ranks 50th, last in the nation in the percentage of kids in foster care who are placed with relatives.

                                                                                                                  Seventy-five percent are placed in homes with non-relatives. And the percentages of child placements with relatives in Kentucky has been dropping steadily for years.

                                                                                                                  What’s at stake in all this? The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children found that of the 18,500 runaways reported, 1 in 6 were likely victims of child sex trafficking, and of those, 86 percent were in the care of social services.

                                                                                                                  “We’ve had situations where a kid has AWOL’d and come back a day or two later and they’ve been molested or raped or used for drugs, sex, things like that,” Isaiah said.

                                                                                                                  • Ross-family

                                                                                                                    Wrongly Accused Dad in Maine is Pardoned for False Shaken Baby Conviction

                                                                                                                    Nearly five years after being falsely accused of abusing his infant son, Brandon Ross of Maine has received a full pardon from the Governor.

                                                                                                                    A nightmare that no family would ever want to endure began back in 2014 when Brandon and Cynthia Ross brought their baby to the doctor because his leg was swollen. We published their story on back then and wrote:

                                                                                                                    “Brandon and Cynthia Ross became concerned after noticing their baby’s leg was swollen. Even though Ryder was not crying excessively, had no bruises, red marks, or any outward signs of injury other than the swelling, the couple took him to the doctor for an examination.

                                                                                                                    After performing some x-rays and finding the infant with multiple fractures throughout his body, the doctors sent the family to the Maine Medical Center (MMC) for further evaluation. Before the couple understood the depths of the evaluation, they were deemed guilty of child abuse by officials at MMC.

                                                                                                                    Six days after Ryder was admitted to the hospital, the state of Maine chose to remove both Ryder and his two-year-old sister Rosalynn from their parents’ care.”

                                                                                                                    However, blood work showed vitamin D and calcium deficiencies in the baby, and a doctor at Boston Medical Center diagnosed the baby with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

                                                                                                                    • Arizona_Republic_Child_Trafficking

                                                                                                                      Is Arizona a Hub of Child Sex Trafficking? Why does Arizona Take the Highest Percentage of Children from their Homes?

                                                                                                                      It has been well-documented that the State of Arizona removes children from their homes and places them in foster care at a rate that is higher than any other state in the U.S.

                                                                                                                      In 2015, Arizona House Democrats wrote a letter to the governor asking why this rate continues to increase, and has reached a rate of 1 out of every 100 children in Arizona is in foster care.

                                                                                                                      In 2017, reporter Bob Ortega ran a series of articles on the state of Child Welfare in Arizona in the Arizona Republic. The front page of a January Sunday edition had a photo with this inscription: “Every 40 minutes, an Arizona child is removed from his or her home. We’re still asking, Why?”

                                                                                                                      In 2017, Health Impact News reported on the arrest of Arizona foster parent David Frodsham, who allegedly ran a child pornographic and pedophile ring out of his state-approved foster home.

                                                                                                                      After he was arrested, one of his foster children, Devani, was placed into another state-approved foster home where 80% of her body was burned by scalding water, forcing the amputation of her toes.

                                                                                                                      Another boy who was part of his foster home aged out of the system at 18, and filed a lawsuit for $15 million for years of torture and sexual abuse.

                                                                                                                      In April of 2018, federal law enforcement officials arrested Arizona residents Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin after years of investigating their involvement in human trafficking, including child sex trafficking, mainly through their online classified ads website “”

                                                                                                                      The website was also seized and closed down.

                                                                                                             has been linked to 73 percent of all child trafficking in the United States, as was revealed in a Senate investigation in 2017.

                                                                                                                      Why are these horrific situations allowed to continue in Arizona? Why was it necessary to bring in federal agents to arrest David Frodsham, Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin after years of being involved in sexually trafficking children?

                                                                                                                      Is there something going on in Arizona preventing local authorities from dealing with what appears to be a massive child sex trafficking system?

                                                                                                                      • Allie and Jimmy Parker

                                                                                                                        Michigan Parents Falsely Accused of Abusing Own Child by Child Abuse Specialist Have Case Dismissed

                                                                                                                        Heather Catallo of ABC7 in Detroit is reporting that a family falsely accused of child abuse by Dr. Bethany Mohr of Mott Children’s Hospital has had their case dismissed in court.

                                                                                                                        “I thought we lived in America where you were innocent until you were proven guilty,” Allie Parker told 7 Investigator Heather Catallo. “We were guilty until we proved we were innocent.”

                                                                                                                        Child Protective Services workers removed Dylan and 1-year-old Isabella from the Parkers’ care, and for 3 weeks Allie and Jimmy were not allowed to see their babies at all.

                                                                                                                        “Parents have a constitutional right to parent their children,” said attorney Lisa Kirsch Satawa. “And when you interrupt a breast-feeding mom and child you are disrupting the bond, you’re disrupting the ability to parent.”

                                                                                                                        Satawa says she knew she needed to bring in outside experts when she saw Dr. Mohr’s statement in her report that “Dylan’s bruising is diagnostic of physical abuse.”

                                                                                                                        After 8 months and a lengthy trial, a Wayne County judge dismissed the case and apologized to the Parkers saying in his ruling, “I heard a lot deeper science from some of the other witnesses than I heard from Dr. Mohr.”

                                                                                                                        • Philadelphia-Most-Dangerous-City-Raise-Children

                                                                                                                          Top Cities with Highest Rate of Child Removals: Philadelphia Overtakes Phoenix as Most Dangerous City for State-sponsored Child Kidnappings

                                                                                                                          For several years now Phoenix, Arizona has had the dubious distinction of being the #1 city in the U.S. for taking children away from their parents and placing them into state-funded foster care.

                                                                                                                          Phoenix judges and CPS workers have consistently taken children out of homes and families and put them into harm’s way at a higher percentage than any other city in the U.S. for the past several years.

                                                                                                                          Health Impact News started their website in 2014 due mainly to the sheer volume of parents contacting us from Arizona and complaining about their children being medically kidnapped.

                                                                                                                          However, based on public statistics compiled by the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR), Philadelphia has now overtaken Phoenix as the top city in the U.S. having the highest percentage of the children being removed from homes and put into foster care.

                                                                                                                          NCCPR reports that Philadelphia has become so bad, that they now take children away from parents at triple the rate of New York City, and quadruple the rate of Chicago.

                                                                                                                          Sadly, while Philadelphia has assumed the #1 position in the country for state-sponsored child kidnappings among large U.S. cities, this is a problem that affects ALL Americans in every city.

                                                                                                                          This problem will continue to grow worse as long as there are billions of taxpayer dollars to fund the Child Welfare system incentivizing the removal of children from families to feed the foster care and adoption business that employs hundreds of thousands of government workers, whose jobs depend on taking children away from families.