7 Children Kidnapped by State of Arkansas from Homeschool Family to Remain in State Custody

It will be at least "6 more weeks of kidnapping" for the 7 homeschooled, homebirthed Stanley children, according to their father. Hal and Michelle Stanley were given no warning that their court hearing scheduled for February 12 would be abruptly postponed until March 23. They say they were not given any explanation as to why the hearing was postponed. They had been under the impression that their children would be coming home after the hearing, and had held onto the hope that the crazy situation would be resolved, and their family would be reunited. The pain in their voices was palpable as they expressed their disappointment and grief over the postponement. The father explains to Health Impact News that they are only allowed to visit with their children a few hours a week, under strict supervision. There has to be two observers, and if they talk about things they are not supposed to discuss with their children, the visit is cut short. As a condition to these supervised visits, Hal and Michelle must attend "parenting classes," even though they have homeschooled their children for many years.

Family Defense Center in Illinois Documents Medical Ethics Violations in Medical Kidnappings

The Family Defense Center’s mission is to advocate justice for families in the child welfare system. The Family Defense Center works on cases of wrongly-accused families who are targeted as a result of Hotline calls to child protective services. The Center is able to represent only a tiny fraction of the wrongly accused family members in medically complex cases, and resources like the Center provides are not available to the vast majority of family members who encounter the child protection and medical care establishment in these cases. Unfortunately, we see little sign that the child protection and medical care establishment are addressing in a meaningful way the harmful impact of erroneous child abuse reports that have resulted from questionable ethical practices that this Paper documents. Physicians have an ethical responsibility to mitigate damage to families. Yet, in no case handled by the Center has this responsibility been met by the medical community; after exoneration, no family has received any offer of assistance or healing by any of the physicians who have caused them injury.

South Dakota Commits Shocking Genocide Against Native Americans by Abducting Their Children

Genocide is not too strong a term for what is now happening in South Dakota. The huge, shocking violation of legal and human rights being carried out by the state is tantamount to genocide against the Native American nations, the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Sioux, residing within its borders. It is the abduction and kidnapping by state officials, under the cover of law, of American Indian children. South Dakota is committing blatant and flagrant genocide against the Sioux people by transferring Indian children to white homes, and also amid allegations of sexual abuse and drugging of Native children in DSS foster care. This is a most serious case of ethnic cleansing.

Children Taken Away from Christian Parents to Receive Forced Vaccinations

The New York Times has published an opinion piece from a pro-vaccine doctor who earns millions of dollars in royalties from the sale of childhood vaccines. The title of the article is: “What Would Jesus Do About Measles?” According to this medical doctor, Jesus would force everyone to vaccinate their children, for the sake of the “greater good.” This pharmaceutical industry insider is calling on all states in the U.S. to remove the religious exemptions for vaccines that currently exist in 48 states. Could the day come in the United States of America where parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will have their children removed from their home by force and injected with vaccines they do not approve of against their desire? Yes. Not only could it happen, it already has happened.

Breastfeeding Mother Arrested and Babies Taken Away by Force: The Parents’ Side of the Story

The police literally ripped 14 month old Levi from his mother's breast, reports Erica May Carey, as she was nursing him in the car at a California gas station. Her baby was screaming, and she says her breast was exposed as the officers dragged her from the car. As she recounted the events of last Thursday, Erica began weeping, saying that she was "hogtied like an animal, when moments before I was nursing my infant." She was arrested and jailed for fighting to keep her children with her, she tells Health Impact News. The parents say they were actually on their way back to Washington State to attend a scheduled court hearing when police stopped them. Read the parents' side of this story here.

Dr. Gregory Smith Exposes Medical Kidnapping in Arizona

Dr. Gregory Smith, M.D., is the executive producer of the award winning film American Addict, and hosts a weekly radio talk show on KABC 790 in Los Angeles every Saturday night. This past Saturday, February 7, 2015, Dr. Smith discussed the problem of medical kidnapping in Arizona. He interviewed investigative reporter Jennifer Margulis, who recently covered the Leanna Smith case: Corruption and Medical Malpractice Coverup involving Arizona CPS? How One Family was Destroyed. Also interviewed on the show with Dr. Smith was Leanna Smith herself, along with Child Advocate and author Steve Isham, and Attorney Beth Maloney.

Filmmaker Was Documenting Abuses in CPS and Children Murdered under State Custody Before He Died

In 2009, Bill Bowen released a trailer for a documentary film he was producing exposing the corruption within Child Protection Services across the United States. The film is called Innocence Destroyed. On why he undertook the project to produce this film, Mr. Bowen said: "I decided to dedicate my life to the exposing of one of the worst criminal activities in the history of this country, in my opinion. This criminal organization specialized in destroying families and children and over a thousand children died due to neglect or are outright murdered every year in this country alone, while in the 'protection and control' of CPS. What is really needed here is an expanded public awareness of what CPS has degraded into and the sick criminals that run it. I have decided to produce books and films that will bring these horrific crimes and the criminals responsible for them, to light. That is what I do and I do it 7 days a week, about 12 hours per day." But Bill Bowen died unexpectedly the next year, in 2010, reportedly from a heart attack, before he was able to finish the film. The segments that were completed are now on YouTube, in three different videos.

Federal Lawsuit: Massachusetts Wrongly Took Child 2 Days After Birth Because Mother was Disabled

Two days after giving birth to her daughter, the state took away 19 year old Sara Gordon's baby because Sara has a developmental disability, and placed her baby in foster care. The federal government says the state violated her civil rights by discriminating against her because of her disability. The National Council on Disability, an independent federal agency advising the White House and Congress, says the case points up a growing problem: states needlessly taking custody of the children of disabled parents. "Parents with disabilities are suffering significant discrimination," said Robyn Powell, an attorney for the council. "What happened to this mother is very common ... States are removing these children for the sole reason of their parents having a disability."

No Charges Filed, But 3-year Old Cancer Child Taken from Mother over “Diaper Rash”

A little boy recovering from a brain tumor has been has been taken from his mother, in what some are calling a medical kidnapping in Connecticut. After surviving a year of intensive chemotherapy and radiation treatments, 3 year old Weston Lamarre was declared to be in remission and cancer-free. But just two months later Child Protective Services stepped in and took him away from the mother who has stayed by his side every step of the way of their heartrending journey. Now Wendy Lamarre is fighting to get her son back.

Rengo Family Children Taken Back into State Custody in Washington, As Family Tries to Flee CPS

The Rengos reportedly left their home in Washington to avoid having CPS take their children away again, but on February 5, 2015, they were picked up in California, and the children were taken away from them by force. According to ksbw.com: "Cleve Goheen-Rengo, 23, and Erica Carey, 29, fled from their Washington home with the three children. A warrant was not issued for their arrest, but a Be On The Lookout was issued by Bellingham police to West Coast law enforcement. Bellingham police officers said it was not a criminal kidnapping or Amber Alert investigation, but rather a civil violation by defying CPS court orders." So while no criminal charges were made against the parents, nevertheless, the children will be returned to State custody in Washington. The children seemed OK, according to California authorities. “They didn’t appear to have any obvious injuries or ailments,” (California Highway Patrol officer) Sadek said. Carey (the mother) was arrested for refusing to cooperate with Santa Cruz County law enforcement. She reportedly shouted out: "Send a message to America for me. Children don't belong to the government. The government belongs to the people."

Arizona Judges Continue to Threaten Parents and Restrict Free Speech

Family court in Arizona has threatened another family with a gag order, and forced them to contact Health Impact News asking us to take down their story, exposing what is happening in Arizona in abusing parental rights. Health Impact News and MedicalKidnap.com will not comply with this request.

Michigan CPS Seeking to Force Measles Vaccine on 4 Small Kids Against Desire of Parents

The Detroit Free Press is reporting today that Child Protection Services has taken four small children away from their parents, and that a court appointed attorney is asking a judge to force the children to receive the measles vaccine, even though the biological parents do not want them to receive it.

Shocking Revelations of Corruption in Leanna Smith Medical Kidnapping Case in Arizona

Arizona Family advocate Steve Isham was interviewed on the Robert Scott Bell radio program on Sunday February 1, 2015 to discuss the Leanna Smith medical kidnapping story. Leanna Smith claims that the State of Arizona, working together with doctors who were covering up medical malpractice with her oldest daughter, worked together with CPS to have both her daughters removed from her custody, and that they have been psychologically and sexually abused in foster care. Mr. Isham, who is familiar with Leanna's case, revealed some shocking things about his work in advocating for families in Arizona. There have been many reports of abuse within the foster care system. He recounted how he has attempted to report these alleged abuses within the Arizona child protection social services, juvenile court, and foster care, but has not been able to get anyone to investigate any of these cases. Frustrated at what appeared to be local collusion between authorities and social services, he went to the FBI: "I spent about 7 hours total time on three different occasions (with the FBI). They did nothing! They even sat there and looked me in the eye, man to man, and said, 'We know this is happening, but it's not our jurisdiction. You're going to have to get local law enforcement to do something. It's not a federal matter.' I couldn't believe it! Tell me how there are not riots in the streets now that we know the facts of the Leanna Smith case and the torture that was allowed to be perpetrated on this loving, caring, healthy, family that did what is right no matter what was done to them! How can an entire population of American’s allow this to happen to one family after another?"

Mom Who Lost 2 Daughters to Medical Kidnapping in Arizona Speaks Out Regarding Abuses

In a shocking interview recorded on the Robert Scott Bell Show Thursday January 29th, 2015, Leanna Smith gave details of how her two daughters were taken away by medical authorities and CPS in Arizona, and explained how her youngest daughter has allegedly been sexually and mentally abused while in State custody. While allegations have been made against the parents as a reason for removing their two daughters, apparently no criminal charges have ever been filed against either the father or the mother. So why did Arizona take these two children away from their biological parents?

Corruption and Medical Malpractice Coverup involving Arizona CPS? How One Family was Destroyed

Since Health Impact News started publishing stories from families telling about their horrible experiences with medical kidnapping, we have had more families contact us from Arizona than almost all the other states combined. But one case stands out from all of them in terms of the depth of the corruption in the medical system, and child protection services, within the state of Arizona. Award-winning investigative journalist Jennifer Margulis looked into one civil rights case that is currently in the 9th Circuit Court, and found what appears to be a tangled web of corruption and deception in Arizona that will shock you. Read the story of the Darrell and Leanna Smith, and how they lost 2 of their 3 children when Leanna questioned doctors in what appears to be a medical malpractice case. Their family was destroyed, and they are still in the midst of years of legal battles. How many other families in Arizona do they represent?

Judge Refuses to Allow Stanley Family Children to Go Home – Issues Gag Order

A judge in Arkansas Juvenile Court has refused to allow the Stanley children to go home, and has issued a gag order on the family. Listen to the parents address the public prior to being issued a gag order.

Parents Escape Hospital and Medical Kidnap Threat in Arizona

ABC 15 in Glendale Arizona has reported that parents removed their 2-day old baby from Banner Thunderbird Hospital without hospital approval, after Child Protection Services allegedly threatened to take away the baby. Police are reportedly not investigating, saying no crime was committed.

Mom of 7 Homeschoolers in Arkansas Taken by Authorities Speaks Out

Michelle Stanley, the mother of the 7 homeschool children who were taken away by authorities in Arkansas, spoke to the media this week prior to their custody hearing: "We've been doing the best we can to go from day to day. We can't sleep, we can't eat." She warns Americans that what has happened to them, could happen to anyone in America today.

Oklahoma Takes 3 Children Away from Parents When One is Found with Possible Brittle Bone Disease

April and Joshua Whinery report that they won't ever give up fighting for their children whom they say were medically kidnapped by DHS in Oklahoma. According to Joshua, it started "all because I took my child to the hospital." Degenerative bone disease runs in his family, yet the couple was accused of abuse. Though the family has repeatedly asked for him to be tested, DHS has allegedly refused to allow the test, attempting instead to terminate all of the couple's parental rights. The last they heard, Hazel, who is almost 5 now, was praying every morning and night to be able to see her parents. It has been almost a year now since the Whinerys have been permitted to see their kids. All visits were cut off last March with Hazel, Travis, 3 1/2, and Aiden, who turned 2 in December. DHS reportedly told the family: "You're never going to get your kids back, so it is best to cut it off now and get the kids in counseling."

EX-CPS Investigator Uses Illinois Gov Facebook to Attack Mom of Medically Kidnapped Teen Isaiah Rider

A former llinois DCFS Investigator has publicly attacked Michelle Rider on the Facebook page of Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner. This person made statements about details of Isaiah’s medical kidnapping case, even though he quit working as a DCSF Investigator in 2012, prior to the State of Illinois taking custody of Isaiah Rider. How does he know these details? Who is giving this information to him? The conversation has been removed from Facebook, but screenshots were preserved.