Ohio CPS Destroys Family of 5 Children – Parents Acquitted of Any Wrong Doing

Chris and Kathy Butner of Ohio answered their door one day and found two policemen and Child Protection Services there to take away their 5 children. They asked "why," but no explanation was given. They were told that "everything was going to be just fine." They reportedly complied with everything CPS told them to do, and CPS allegedly told the parents that reunification was the goal. But their children were apparently being told by their foster parents that they were going to be adopted. They were frightened, and their parents told them not to worry, as they would soon be home. Originally accused of Munchausen by Proxy, Kathy says the court later found no evidence of abuse or medical neglect. But apparently that did not matter. Their visits to their children were cut off, and the children were adopted. Chris and Kathy have been told there is nothing that can be done for them now that they have been adopted, and that they should just move on. They ask, "How? Could you just move on?" Kathy still hears her oldest son saying, “I thought you made me a promise?” Those words don't go away for Kathy and her husband. There is no closure for them. Not a day goes by in that home that was once filled with their children’s laughter where the silence continues to take over their minds. Their children have now been led to believe that they have stopped fighting. They want their children to know they have not stopped fighting, and they will not give up.

Report Exposes Why Corrupt CPS Agencies Seldom Place Foster Children with Family Members

Fox 8 points out in their investigation that North Carolina rejects funding that would put children permanently with relatives instead of in foster homes. Grandparents who are able and willing to care for their grandchildren, for example, are routinely rejected by the State. Why? Melissa Painter of Fox 8 points out that in North Carolina more than 10,000 children are in foster care under the care of the State. This brings in more than $198 million of funding to take care of these children. Federal laws actually require States to give preference to placing children with relatives. There is even federal funding available to place the children with relatives in "permanent legal guardianships." But North Carolina (and many other states) do not follow this practice, because children put up for adoption bring in more federal funding. Instead of giving federal funds that can be designated for relatives in guardianships, they keep the funds for themselves to administer the foster care and adoption system. In short, a child put into the foster care system on the path to adoption, brings in more money to the State, and employs more people to "administer" these children.

Texas CPS Kidnaps 19-month Old Child for “Failure to Thrive”

The Giwa's are not the kind of parents who come to mind when you think Child Protective Services. “They're well educated they are hardworking people the mom actually has a PHD in special education dad works for an energy company here in Houston" says attorney Jon Parchman. The couple says they know their 19-month-old son is not developing like he should but say they've never gotten a medical reason for his developmental delays and say they've never denied him medical treatment. In court documents CPS admits the reason for the boy's developmental delays are not known but still that state agency is accusing the parents of medical neglect. As for the medical neglect the attorney says CPS's only witness in court was a doctor who never saw the boy or talked to the parents. “The most they really got was the hospital room was a little dirty that was the extent of what they proved in court,” Parchman says. “The judge said so you've proven there's a dirty hospital room that doesn't get us to danger in returning the child home.” Still the judge ruled in CPS's favor granting them temporary custody and only allowing the parents to see their son for one hour twice a week. “It's horrible he's never been without us he's my baby the entire family is a mess because of it we can't function,” Giwa said.

Whistleblowers Reveal CPS Child Kidnappings in Kentucky Adoption Business

Investigative reporter John Boel has exposed much of the corruption taking place in the "child protection" system in Kentucky. His reports were broadcast in the local media, and include some amazing interviews with former CPS whistleblowers, documenting the depth of the alleged corruption within Kentucky CPS. In a report aired originally on WLKY Target 32 News, news anchors begin the story by explaining that the station had to go to court just to get permission to air their investigative report, because the State of Kentucky attempted to censor their report from the public. Reporter John Boel states that they were "being swamped with complaints" against CPS in Kentucky. He explains that his report gives an "in-depth look" into Kentucky CPS which exemplifies what they were hearing from so many other families who were coming to them. Boel reports that children are often removed quickly with no evidence of parental wrong-doing, and that the State retaliates against those who try to fight back.

CPS Destroying Rengo Family: Demands Erica Separate from her Husband to Get Children Back

It has been more than three months since the dramatic arrest and capture of Erica and Cleave's 3 small children by CPS, where Erica shouted to reporters: "Send a message to America for me. Children don’t belong to the government. The government belongs to the people." After a period of media silence, Erica has reached out to the media. She says that the tyranny against her family is continuing, and she is exposing what she is calling "enslavement" by the system. The latest developments are that Erica and Cleave have been forced to separate as a condition to getting the children back, and the children are allegedly being medically abused while in state foster care.

Police and CPS Detain Kids (Again) for Walking Home from Park without Parents

The Meitiv family's two children were picked up by police in Maryland this past weekend, again for the "crime" of walking home from the park without their parents. From Danielle Meitiv's Facebook page: "THE KIDS ARE HOME! CPS finally let us see them at 10:30 and after making us sign a "safety plan" let us bring them home. The police coerced our children into the back of a patrol car, telling them they would drive them home. They kept the kids trapped there for three hours, without notifying us, before dropping them at the Crisis Center, and holding them there without dinner for another two and a half hours. We finally got home at 11pm and the kids slept in our room because we were all exhausted and terrified." The Meitiv family has one thing in their favor that most of the other parents in our stories do not have: the support of the mainstream media who seem to be outraged over this story. Why are they outraged over this happening to the Meitivs, but not other families? Is it because both parents are well-educated scientists, and more accurately represent families among the national mainstream media elite? Do they realize that if this can happen to the Meitivs it can probably happen to them too? In the meantime, Danielle Meitiv said she won't leave her children unsupervised until she and her husband are cleared. "Child Protective Services has succeeded in making me terrified of letting my children out," she said. "Nothing that has happened so far has convinced me that children don't need independence and freedom, except that they'll be harassed by police and CPS."

Court Approves $2.075 Million Settlement for Ex-foster Children Who Were Abused

The federal court in Nevada has approved a $2.075 million settlement for seven former foster children who claimed they were injured while in Clark County’s child welfare system, the National Center for Youth Law announced. “The track record for the county is not good,” said Bill Grimm, a senior attorney at the Oakland, Calif.,-based National Center for Youth Law, which filed the lawsuit and lobbies for the protection and care of foster children. The suit cited concerns with numerous aspects of the county’s child welfare system, including the use of psychotropic medications on children, reported physical and sexual abuse in foster homes, and the adequacy of Child Protective Services investigations.

Arizona CPS on Trial in Federal Court – Will Justice Prevail?

Leanna Smith has been fighting the State of Arizona for several years for allegedly taking away her two daughters illegally in a massive medical cover-up and fraud case. Now she gets her day in federal court on Friday April 17th in the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit in San Francisco. But will justice prevail? Leanna Smith has over 1700 audio recordings of alleged interviews with government and medical personnel in the case, which have been sealed. Why have these recording been sealed for so long in Arizona courts? Will they finally be released, and will Leanna Smith be able to present her case against the State of Arizona and medical authorities in federal court? Health Impact News has published the stories of several families who claim their children were medically kidnapped in Arizona. One of the most tragic stories we have published is the story of Leanna and Darrell Smith's two daughters, which perhaps most illustrates the depth of corruption that many families have reported exists in the Arizona "medical kidnapping" system. The Smith family was completely destroyed, as they lost 2 of their 3 children, and they have been embattled in years of legal proceedings. Now, their case will be heard outside of Arizona in the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

HSLDA Takes Prosecution of Arizona CPS Workers to Supreme Court

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit excused two Arizona social workers from liability for threatening to take John and Tiffany Loudermilk’s children into state custody if they didn’t immediately consent to a search of their home. This result is deeply disappointing. It allows CPS workers to continue to coerce parents into cooperating by threatening to take away their children. It endorses their tactic of calling in the police to intimidate parents in their own home. And it sharply discourages parents from seeking legal counsel to find out what their rights are. This is why we at HSLDA take cases like this one. We will be asking the Supreme Court to review the case.

Filmmaker Was Documenting Abuses in CPS and Children Murdered under State Custody Before He Died

In 2009, Bill Bowen released a trailer for a documentary film he was producing exposing the corruption within Child Protection Services across the United States. The film is called Innocence Destroyed. On why he undertook the project to produce this film, Mr. Bowen said: "I decided to dedicate my life to the exposing of one of the worst criminal activities in the history of this country, in my opinion. This criminal organization specialized in destroying families and children and over a thousand children died due to neglect or are outright murdered every year in this country alone, while in the 'protection and control' of CPS. What is really needed here is an expanded public awareness of what CPS has degraded into and the sick criminals that run it. I have decided to produce books and films that will bring these horrific crimes and the criminals responsible for them, to light. That is what I do and I do it 7 days a week, about 12 hours per day." But Bill Bowen died unexpectedly the next year, in 2010, reportedly from a heart attack, before he was able to finish the film. The segments that were completed are now on YouTube, in three different videos.

Lawsuit in San Antonio Claims CPS is Kidnapping Latin American Babies

The League of United Latin American Citizens filed a federal lawsuit on Feb. 6 against Child Protective Services, alleging the department abused its power. LULAC said that CPS took a 10-day-old baby away from its mother because of alleged drug use. The woman and baby did not test positive for drugs, but CPS still took the baby away. Julie Marquez, with the LULAC Council in Seguin, said the case is nothing out of the ordinary for CPS. “We have several cases ... We have more than 10 cases. It’s the same M.O. over and over and over again. They withhold evidence and they abuse their discretion and they abuse their power,” Marquez said.

Michigan CPS Seeking to Force Measles Vaccine on 4 Small Kids Against Desire of Parents

The Detroit Free Press is reporting today that Child Protection Services has taken four small children away from their parents, and that a court appointed attorney is asking a judge to force the children to receive the measles vaccine, even though the biological parents do not want them to receive it.

Parents Escape Hospital and Medical Kidnap Threat in Arizona

ABC 15 in Glendale Arizona has reported that parents removed their 2-day old baby from Banner Thunderbird Hospital without hospital approval, after Child Protection Services allegedly threatened to take away the baby. Police are reportedly not investigating, saying no crime was committed.

CPS Threatens to Take Children Away from Parents for Letting Them Walk to the Park

Danielle and Alexander Meitiv say they are being investigated for neglect.... in a case they say reflects a clash of ideas about how safe the world is and whether parents are free to make their own choices about raising their children. On Dec. 20, Alexander agreed to let the children, Rafi and Dvora (ages 10 and 6), walk from Woodside Park to their home, a mile south, in an area the family says the children know well. The children made it about halfway. Police picked up the children near the Discovery building, the family said, after someone reported seeing them. Danielle said she and her husband give parenting a lot of thought. “Parenthood is an exercise in risk management,” she said. “Every day, we decide: Are we going to let our kids play football? Are we going to let them do a sleep­over? Are we going to let them climb a tree? We’re not saying parents should abandon all caution. We’re saying parents should pay attention to risks that are dangerous and likely to happen.” She added: “Abductions are extremely rare. Car accidents are not. The number one cause of death for children of their age is a car accident.” Danielle is a climate-science consultant, and Alexander is a physicist at the National Institutes of Health. The Meitivs say that on Dec. 20, a CPS worker required Alexander to sign a safety plan pledging he would not leave his children unsupervised until the following Monday, when CPS would follow up. At first he refused, saying he needed to talk to a lawyer, his wife said, but changed his mind when he was told his children would be removed if he did not comply.

Woman Arrested for Filing 28 False Child Abuse Reports in Florida

A Florida woman was recently arrested for making too many false charges of child abuse to the Florida Department of Children and Families, which were reportedly directed against two families. When asked why she made the multiple false child abuse charges, her reply reportedly was “to create havoc.” According to Chipleypaper.com, Jessica Elizabeth Combee, 28, of Westville, Florida is charged with 28 felony counts of false child abuse reports, and is currently being held in the Holmes County Jail with a $28,000.00 bond. As the testimony from the Bonifay Police Chief reveals, this is a common practice of how people abuse the child welfare system for their own agenda. We hope that more people will be prosecuted for abusing the system, including not just nosy neighbors or jealous family members, but medical personnel as well who take out their anger against parents who choose not to follow their medical advice, or want to seek a second medical opinion. Those doctors also deserve to be arrested and prosecuted for false charges.

Medical Kidnap Case in South Dakota Featured in Local Media

Reporter Bridget Bennett and KSFY in Sioux Falls, South Dakota reported on the Medical Kidnap case of Molly and Michael first reported at Health Impact News' website MedicalKidnap.com. Molly and Michael will be spending Christmas without their three children, simply because they brought their 2-month old son to the emergency room after they discovered an injury to his tongue after picking him up from daycare. The doctor reported them to CPS, and they lost custody of all three of their children, even though there was no evidence of abuse. The police reportedly removed the children from the home without a warrant, allegedly stating that they "didn't need one."

San Diego Police: “We’re Not Changing Anything” – Seizure of Children to Continue

The City of San Diego will pay $225,000 to settle a civil suit filed by a teen mom who lost parental rights to her daughter just days after the child’s birth. Johnneisha Kemper says San Diego Police officers took her baby away in 2008, just days after she gave birth at the age of 16, claiming she was unfit to raise the newborn. Now, the city of San Diego has approved a settlement in the civil rights lawsuit filed alleging the SDPD took the child without threat or warrant. “The system did fail her in every way that she could have been failed,” her attorney Shawn McMillan told NBC 7. McMillan said they pushed for a policy change and training for officers in how they remove children but the City refused and even offered more money instead agreeing to change. McMillan has been fighting for the parents, he says, are being ripped away from their children. "We see this over and over and over again. We know it's a systemic problem, and we've been looking for a way to address this systemic problem so we can get real permanent change,” he said. That change he’s hoping will come from a federal class action lawsuit filed this week in Riverside County. The plaintiff is a newborn. The lawsuit says the baby was taken from its mother without a warrant by the Riverside County Department of Social Services while the two were still in the hospital. "You absolutely cannot seize a child from its parents unless there is reasonable evidence to show that the child is likely to suffer severe bodily injury or death in a two hours it takes to get a warrant,” said McMillan. "You saw what the police in San Diego said, they said we're not changing anything. We'll pay the money and we're going to keep on doing what we're doing, but that doesn't work for us. What we're really looking for here is a government that's going to follow the law and protect its citizens,” he said.

The CPS Card: Whose Kids Are They Anyhow?

So you think they’re your kids? Sure, you gave birth to them. You raise them, teach them your values, ferry them far and wide, and shower them with love and stuff. Did you know your children can be taken away from you in a heartbeat? find themselves in a true nightmare, waging an epic battle for their children. Join me and attorney Bob Krakow for an eye-opening and sobering discussion about the things that can and do happen to parents and what you need to know to protect your family It doesn’t take much and you might have no warning, before there’s a knock at the door from Child Protective Services (CPS). What happens when parents find themselves in a true nightmare, waging an epic battle for their children? Join me and attorney Bob Krakow for an eye-opening and sobering discussion about the things that can and do happen to parents and what you need to know to protect your family.

Parents Find Injury to Baby After Daycare, Doctor Visit Results in CPS Removing all 3 Children

A South Dakota couple still can't figure it out. All they know is their three children, all under 3 years old, have been taken away for reasons they cannot fully explain because it makes no sense to them. They also have no idea how to get their children back from Child Protective Services (CPS). They did what any other parent would do, and for that, Molly Bowling and Michael Becker report they had their children taken away from them.

“Street Fighter” Attorney Takes On Riverside California CPS with Class Action Lawsuit

Attorney Shawn McMillan of California specializes in civil rights cases against child protection agencies. He has been awarded the "Street Fighter of the Year" award for defending family rights and taking on the abuses of social service agencies in California. Courthouse News Service is reporting that Attorney McMillan is representing a federal class action lawsuit against "Riverside County, Juvenile Dependency Investigator Karla Torres, Torres's supervisor Felicia M. Butler, and all similarly situated county social workers and investigators" for taking "a newborn baby from her mother without a reason or a warrant," and for making "a habit of it." The suit claims that the Southern California County takes "thousands of babies" without cause.