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Editor - Health Impact News

Pittsburgh Wants to “Predict” If You Deserve to be a Parent at the Birth of Every Child

Imagine a day where every child born in a hospital gets ranked on whether or not their parents will be good enough parents to take care of them, and a risk score is attached to that child based on how the government views the child's parents. If the risk score is too low, the parents do not get to take their child home. The child is seized by the government and assigned new parents through the multi-billion dollar foster care system. Does this sound like something terrible from a science fiction movie? Or something that might happen in other tyrannical countries where parents have little or no choice over how their children are raised? This system is actually already in place and is already being used in many states all across the U.S. Richard Wexler from the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform published an excellent piece last week on the topic of "Predictive Analysis" in child welfare, and how Allegheny County, which includes Pittsburgh and surrounding suburbs, is now using a system like this to label every child born in the county with a “risk score” which supposedly tells Child Protective Services how likely parents are to abuse their newborn children.

Is the Mormon Church Behind a Worldwide Child Sex Trafficking Ring Operating out of Arizona?

The second episode of the Medical Kidnap Show aired on KFNX 1100 Radio in Phoenix on October 10, 2019. Host Rick Wood and producer Brian Shilhavy started off the show discussing how most of the nation's child sex slaves that are trafficked in the U.S. come out of the nation's Foster Care system. Next, Neal Sutz was interviewed on the show. Neal is a father who grew up and lived most of his life in Arizona, and married into the Mormon Church. Neal gained national fame back in 2004 when he attempted to be a guest on the popular Dr. Phil show, and claims he was discriminated against due to his past history with mental health. He ended up suing Dr. Phil and the producer, Oprah Winfrey, successfully under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Neal was trained as a paralegal, and he won his lawsuit against Dr. Phil as a pro-se litigant. Now, he is suing his former Mormon in-laws in Arizona with a $200 million defamation lawsuit, for what he claims has led to his two sons being medically kidnapped in Switzerland and held as political prisoners, as he attempted to become a whistleblower in Arizona to reveal child sex trafficking among the Mormon leadership there. His former in-laws have responded to his pro-se lawsuit by hiring the former Solicitor General of Arizona, Dominic Draye, who is now practicing law at the Greenberg Traurig law firm, to defend them.

Medical Kidnap Show to Expose Corruption in Arizona Regarding Child Sex Trafficking Thursday October 10th

The public is encouraged to tune into KFNX 1100 in Phoenix Thursday, October 10th, at 9 p.m. local time (midnight EDT) for the Medical Kidnap Show as they answer the question: Is Arizona a Hub of Child Sex Trafficking? For those not residing in Phoenix, the show will be simultaneously live-streamed from the Medical Kidnap Facebook Page as well as the Health Impact News Twitter Feed. The show will attempt to reveal how pedophile rings reportedly operate out of Arizona, tied into the foster care system, and why alleged perpetrators are allowed to continue operating. Names will be named in an investigative report no local media has ever dared to report.  You do NOT want to miss this explosive show!

4-Month-Old Arizona Baby Dies After Being Taken from Mother and Put into Home with Two Foster Dads Who Adopted 18 Kids

Reporter Dianna M. Náñez brings us the tragic story of a 4-month-old baby girl who was loved by her parents, but taken away by Arizona CPS and given to a foster home where two gay men lived, and who have adopted 15 kids. The little baby girl died last week when one of the foster dads left baby Samora in a hot car for hours, allegedly forgetting that she was still in the car. According to the report in the Arizona Republic, the foster dad has not been arrested. In fact, the Arizona Republic has written very positive articles about the gay couple describing how they are wonderful parents. In all the years I have been covering medical kidnapping stories out of Arizona, I don't recall another case where a child died in foster care and the local media decided to write positive articles about the foster parents who had custody of the child and neglected to keep the child safe. The mother claims the baby was taken away because the baby allegedly tested positive for drugs, even though she herself tested negative for any drugs. And like many other medical kidnapping stories we have covered, this mother had other children in the foster care system that had also been removed from her home, and she was allegedly told that because of this fact, this little baby would be taken away from her also.

San Diego Toddler Taken from Mother Dies in Foster Care 4 Months Later – Mom Sues County

The tragic death of 22-month-old Tyler Walter who was taken away from his mother and placed into foster care with a 19-year-old foster mother has been reported by ABC News 10 in San Diego. "Adults were put in charge of Tyler Walter's life to give him a chance to flourish. Instead, Tyler died before he could reach two. The biological mother of the 22-month-old boy believes the system failed in its duty. Tyler Walter died two months after being placed with a foster parent. In a claim filed against the County of San Diego, Lisa Walter stated that her son Tyler, 'was healthy when he was in my care he was thriving, he needed his mother and placing him with my 19-year-old niece was negligent.' Tyler Walter died Sept. 22, 2018. The cause of death listed on his autopsy is blunt head trauma." Attorney Shawn McMillan is representing the mother in her lawsuit against the County of San Diego. He was recently interviewed by ABC News 10.

KFNX Talk Radio in Phoenix Airs the First Medical Kidnap Show Despite Pressure Not to Air It

The first episode of the new Medical Kidnap Show aired last night (October 3, 2019) on KFNX Talk Radio 1100 in Phoenix. The show can be watched from the Medical Kidnap YouTube channel, or it can be downloaded as a podcast. Just prior to the show, the station manager was pressured to not air it, as he received accusations of us publishing "fake news" on this topic. Fortunately, he did not give in to this pressure and allowed the show to air. The MedicalKidnap.com website was started in 2014 due to the volume of stories we were discovering of families losing their children to Child Protective Services in Arizona. Arizona has the highest rate of removing children from their parents in the U.S.

Report: America’s “Hidden” Foster Care System has as many Children as the “Formal” Foster Care System

Josh Gupta-Kagan, a professor of law at the University of South Carolina School of Law, has just published a new report on "America's Hidden Foster Care System." Professor Gupta-Kagan states that there are about as many children in this "hidden" foster care system as there are in the "formal" foster care system. The "formal" U.S. foster care system currently has over 400,000 children in foster care, which means that in total there are potentially well over 800,000 children in the U.S. who have been removed from their parents.

Why Judges Should NOT be Determining “What is Best for the Child”

Our headline, Why Judges Should NOT be Determining "What is Best for the Child", may sound like a statement that disregards child safety. It may lead one to believe that children are doomed to become victims in many cases if a judge does not step in and rule on what is "best for the child." However, Law Professor Vivek Sankaran has made the case that this is NOT the primary role of judges, and that instead judges should be interpreting the law and applying it by objective standards. The decisions about what are "best for the child" are really parental decisions, and the primary function of a court of law in determining child safety is whether or not the parents are fit to be parents. I myself would take that one step further, and state that parents should be judged like any other alleged criminal, in criminal courts, with the full due process of law that is part of our constitutional rights, just as these rights are applied to other alleged criminals, such as murderers, terrorists, etc. If a criminal court cannot convict a parent of criminal conduct, such as abusing their own children, then family or juvenile court judges have no right replacing the parents' responsibilities to raise their own children with their own opinions about how that child should be raised. Statistics clearly show that the State makes a poor substitute for parents, and even when it is done in the "best interest of the child," the child is almost always the one who suffers the most from the trauma of being separated from their families.

New Law Allows Sexually Abused Foster Girl to Sue Westchester County and New York CPS – Thousands More to Follow

Health Impact News has been reporting for the past few years that Child Protection Services and the U.S. Foster Care system is the main pipeline for sexually trafficking children. This child sex trafficking problem within the child welfare system is still not widely known in the U.S., but it is well documented as fact. Now, a new law passed in the State of New York may reveal just how prevalent this problem is within New York state. The Child Victims Act is a new law passed earlier this year that allows survivors of sexual abuse to file civil suits regardless of the statute of limitations. New York attorney Samantha Breakstone says she is representing "thousands" of victims under the new law, and she filed the first one in Westchester County on September 19th. According to Rockland/Westchester Journal News: "The lawsuit accuses the Westchester County Department of Social Services and the New York State Office of Children & Family Services of covering up or allowing the sexual abuse of a young girl in foster care during the late 1990s."

Illinois Parents Sue Doctors, Hospitals, and DCFS for Medical Kidnapping After Refusing Vitamin K Shot at Birth

In the moments after Angela Bougher gave birth last winter, she and her husband, a suburban Chicago pastor, were eager to hold their new baby girl. But as Bougher was being treated in the delivery room, the couple contends, a nurse picked up the infant to administer a vitamin K shot, a common practice in maternity wards across the country to help a baby’s blood-clotting ability in case of emergency. The Boughers said they are not “anti-vaxxers” or against any procedure they believe to be medically necessary, but they didn’t think the shot was in that category. They had agreed to sign a waiver confirming their wishes that the new baby — their fifth child — not receive vitamin K, based on their beliefs that God’s creation isn’t automatically deficient or flawed at birth. But instead of offering them a form, the Boughers allege, the nurse announced she was reporting the couple to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and left the room with the newborn. On Monday, the Boughers and several other parents filed a sweeping federal lawsuit accusing the agency, its current and former leaders, a number of doctors and three hospitals of violating their constitutional rights just after the births of their children.

5-Year-Old Tennessee Autistic Boy Accused of Sexual Abuse by CPS for Hugging and Kissing Kindergartner Classmates

One family says their 5-year-old son with autism is being punished for giving his classmate a hug. East Ridge Elementary leaders say the boy overstepped his boundaries. Nathan is a 5-year-old boy kindergartner at East Ridge Elementary. The principal says the school staff has talked with him several times. Putnam says Nathan has autism, which she says can make it difficult for him to understand social cues. "If you don't understand how autism works, you'll think he's acting out or being difficult," Putnam said. "But, that's not the situation." Putnam says the teacher said Nathan was overstepping boundaries. She says the teacher accused her son of sexual activities after she was told he hugged a child and kissed another child on the cheek. Debi Amick, Nathan's grandmother, posted in a private Facebook post: "What do you do when a 5 year child is being labeled a sexual predator and accused of sexual harassment by the school system? It was disclosed that it will go in his record for the rest of his life that he is a sex offender. This child is austic, he comprehends and functions very different than your typical 5 year. What do you do? Who do you turn to for help when the school will not even listen to the child’s doctor when he explains the child’s difficulties in his comprehension of simple things such as boundaries."

Chinese-American Family in Nebraska Destroyed as Teenage Daughters Medically Kidnapped and Sex Trafficked by CPS

They were Chinese medical scholars continuing their education and careers in the U.S. Yang Wang, who upon obtaining her U.S. citizenship changed her name to Catherine Anderson to have an easier name for Americans to pronounce, graduated from Fudan University in Shanghai, one of the top universities in China, and reportedly harder to gain entrance than Harvard University in the U.S. Her husband, whose last name is also "Wang" but unrelated outside of marriage, graduated from one of the top medical schools in China, Capital Medical University in Beijing. They obtained student visas to continue their education in the U.S. Catherine went on to obtain two Masters degrees, one as a Clinical Nurse Specialist from Maryland, and another one as a Family Nurse Practitioner from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Her husband obtained his Nebraska physician license when he started his residency in Creighton Medical School in the Pathology Department, and became the Chief resident and was retained as a faculty member at Creighton after his graduation. Two beautiful daughters were born to them while residing in Nebraska. Both went on to become honor students in high school, ranking number 1 in their classes, following in their parents footsteps to achieve academic excellence and preparing for college at the age of 14. Unbeknownst to them, tragically, they had settled in a part of the U.S. that is known for one the largest child sex trafficking scandals ever uncovered and then buried in U.S. history: the Franklin Cover-up story centered around Boys Town. Catherine learned that her oldest daughter was developing an unhealthy relationship with one of her male high school teachers outside of class, and eventually learned that this teacher was "counseling" her on "sexual identity issues." After finding inappropriate text messages on her daughter's phone, she reported the teacher to law enforcement. What followed next is every parent's worst nightmare. Instead of investigating the teacher, Catherine became the focus of investigation, and not only did Nebraska CPS take custody of her older daughter who was then 16, but they seized her younger 15-year-old daughter as well, against the wish of the younger daughter who had no complaints against her mother and wanted to stay home where she felt safe. The tragic story that follows is a story about how one mother fought as hard as she could to get her daughters back, not realizing in the beginning that she was fighting an apparent child sex trafficking ring that allegedly brings in more money to the state of Nebraska than any other business. She has spent more than a quarter of a million dollars in legal fees fighting for her daughters, and has had her career destroyed. Her youngest daughter went from honor roll high school student preparing for college to being forced into a life of prostitution and being sexually trafficked, while every government agency she contracted to try and end this nightmare just stood by and watched. Welcome to the new America.

Michigan Law Professor: “The United States Destroys More Families than any other Country in the World”

Vivek Sankaran is a clinical professor of law at the University of Michigan Law School, and he directs both the Child Advocacy Law Clinic and the Child Welfare Appellate Clinic, through which law students represent children and parents in trial and appellate proceedings. Professor Sankaran understands the failures of today's foster care system better than most people in the U.S. do, and he has written: "The United States destroys more families than any other country in the world. While our Supreme Court has recognized that a parent’s right to care for her child is one of the oldest and most fundamental rights recognized by our Constitution, our federal child welfare policy is centered on the destruction of families."

DC School Warns Parents they’ll call CPS if You’re Late to Pick Up Your Children After School

As we have frequently reported here at Health Impact News over the years, very few children in the U.S. seized by Child Protective Services are taken because they are being abused.  Frequently, the threat of having children taken away from their families by CPS is used as a weapon to coerce parents. Recently a school district in Pennsylvania received media attention for threatening parents who were late in paying their school lunch fees of being reported to CPS and possibly losing their children. Now, another report out of Washington D.C. shows how one school threatened parents who did not show on time to pick up their children from school with being reported to CPS.

Investigation Reveals North Carolina CPS Took HUNDREDS of Children Away from Parents Illegally

“I’m sort of flabbergasted by it. It’s one of those situations where – very rarely am I speechless – I am absolutely speechless over it.” These were the words spoken by North Carolina District Attorney Ashley Welch, when reporter Kate Martin, writing for the Carolina Public Press, asked her to respond last week (August 2019) to news that an internal memo revealed that state officials knew that Cherokee County Department of Social Services was illegally removing children from their homes, before a civil lawsuit was filed in 2018 and before a request was made for a State Bureau of Investigation probe into the matter. In 2018, Associated Press reporters Mitch Weiss and Holbrook Mohr published an investigative report showing that Cherokee County Department of Social Services removed many children from their homes illegally, perhaps "hundreds."

Arizona Mom Melissa Diegel Suffering in Jail

Malinda Sherwyn, who has been a court watcher and child advocate for 26 years, was interviewed on Northwest Liberty News to give the public an update on Melissa Diegel, who is currently confined to a jail cell in Arizona where her health problems are allegedly not being addressed. The medical kidnapping of Melissa Diegel's two girls is the story that launched MedicalKidnap.com back in 2014. Her two daughters had special medical needs, and when Melissa started questioning doctors and seeking a second opinion, she was charged with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. After losing custody of her two children, she moved to Florida, but was recently arrested and brought back to Arizona as a "fugitive from justice" and now resides in a jail cell in Arizona, as her health deteriorates.  Watch the interview with Malinda Sherwyn to get the latest updates on this sad story.

Former Foster Parent Criminally Charged for Child Sex Abuse – Again

More horrible news this week highlighting the fact that the U.S. Foster Care system is America's #1 pipeline for child sex trafficking. From WCVB5 in Boston: "After 5 Investigates uncovered years of physical, mental and sexual abuse in a state licensed foster home, the state launched a review and the Worcester County district attorney opened an investigation in a case that has been hidden for decades. In the latest case, John Williams told investigators that when he was a young foster child, he was neglected by his foster parents -- forced to sit naked with another foster child -- and was fondled by Blouin, who put his hands in his underwear and touched him on multiple occasions. Williams and his younger brother, Nathan, told 5 Investigates they were beaten, put in dog cages for hours and tortured by Blouin's wife, who is a registered nurse, and her boyfriend, who moved into the home after her husband's conviction in the earlier cases." In Providence, Rhode Island, a man was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison followed by a lifetime of probation for repeatedly recording himself raping an unconscious child. The man was caught with one of the largest collections of child pornography ever seized by law enforcement in Rhode Island, which consisted of more than 36,000 images and 960 videos.

Defying Gag Order, Woman Who Drove Arizona Girl Raped and Burned in Foster Care to Supervised Visits with Parents Speaks Out on Arizona Corruption

Beth Breen, the driver contracted by Arizona DCS to drive young Devani from the foster home where it was later learned she was repeatedly raped by her foster parent who was arrested for running a child pornographic and child sex trafficking ring out of his state-approved foster home, to her parents home 90 miles away each week for a 2-hour supervised visitation, was recently interviewed by Jim White at Northwest Liberty News. Breen states that she is under a gag order and not supposed to speak about the case, but she "doesn't care" because the gag order is unconstitutional. This is one of the most horrific cases Health Impact News has ever covered, and one of the most-read stories ever published on MedicalKidnap.com. Breen gives an update on the current situation in the interview, and states that Devani has still not been returned to her parents, or to her grandmother who has allegedly taken her petition all the way to the Arizona Supreme Court. One of the most incredible statements that Breen gives during the interview, is when she recalls her time in jail with Merissa Hamilton because they were peacefully protesting in Phoenix against the abuses committed against Devani by Arizona DCS in this case, and she said they talked to the other women who were in jail to find out why they there: "While we were in jail, we interviewed a lot of women in jail and asked them why they were there. When we told them what we were doing, they stood up and applauded us, because out of every women that we interviewed, their charges were drugs, and the reason they turned to drugs was (because) their children were taken away. And they fought and they fought, and they finally just gave up. Because you can't win in this system."

Medical Kidnapping of Children Often Based on Race and Economic Class

When a child experiences a mild head injury and a parent seeks medical attention, what happens next in New York City seems to depend on the ZIP code and the color of the parent’s skin. In April, the actress Jenny Mollen, wife of the actor Jason Biggs and resident of Manhattan’s affluent West Village, announced on social media that she had accidentally dropped her 5-year-old son, causing a skull fracture and requiring treatment in the intensive care unit of a private Manhattan hospital’s I.C.U. Three months earlier and several miles north in the Bronx, my client, a Latina mom, was folding laundry in her apartment when she saw her 9-month-old daughter and 7-year-old son bump heads while playing on the bed. The following day she noticed that her daughter had a bump on her head. She took the baby to her pediatrician, and a follow-up at the hospital showed two minor skull fractures with a small underlying bleed. This is where Ms. Mollen’s and my client’s stories diverge. According to Ms. Mollen’s social media account of the incident, she and Mr. Biggs were met with compassion and sympathy by the hospital. Ms. Mollen publicly thanked the staff, saying she was “forever grateful.” At the Bronx hospital, though, my client was met with suspicion, interrogation and accusations of child abuse, even after explaining her daughter’s accidental head bump with her brother to the hospital staff. Emergency room staff members called the New York City Administration for Children’s Services to report possible child abuse.