From Nuremberg to California: How Eugenics Destroys the Lives of Children by Removing Consent to Medical Procedures Like Vaccines

Comments by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News Editor: I have been investigating and covering the topic of vaccines for over a decade now, and know the topic so well that seldom, if ever, can I find anyone to carry on an intelligent conversation about the topic. The controversial topic of vaccines in the U.S. today is primarily a topic about beliefs, and people's trust in vaccines resembles a religious belief, not an informed opinion based on the facts. I am not sure in all of my years in covering this very important and very controversial topic, that I have ever found a literary treatise on the subject as eloquent and comprehensive as this piece just put together by Barbara Loe Fisher, the founder of the National Vaccine Information Center. Revolutions that have changed the course of history have begun on lesser documents and exposés than what Barbara has written here, and I am not exaggerating. When discussing the topic of vaccines, the religious-like faith of those who put their trust in them usually starts out with a statement like: "When it comes to vaccines, the science is settled." This statement in and of itself is intrinsically unscientific, and is simply used to avoid debate and censor any information contrary to the religious-like beliefs so many hold about vaccines. Fisher correctly points out how our modern day culture has come to worship "science," but it is a very perverted form of true science. Fisher does an excellent job also of documenting the history of "eugenics," which was born in American intellectualism and made notorious by Hitler in Nazi Germany to justify horrible atrocities. As we have reported here at Health Impact News, while the term "eugenics" has become unpopular, the ideas it represents have never left American culture - they have just been "repackaged" and are the same arguments used today for forced vaccination as they were used in the past for forced sterilization.

Will Refusing Vaccines Soon Lead to CPS Kidnapping Your Children for “Medical Neglect”?

Amidst the ever changing, controversial white waters of vaccine safety, parents who choose natural immunity are being targeted by certain members of the medical, legal and public health communities as being guilty of medical neglect. As readers of Health Impact News' website are fully aware, "medical neglect" is a broad term frequently used against parents who dare to disagree with doctors over the healthcare of their children, and can result in Child Protective Services (CPS) taking the children away from their families by force. The latest example of this usurping of parental rights, which is being pushed and orchestrated by vaccine extremists who insist on pushing a one-size-fits-all approach to immunity, appears in the February edition of ​the ​American Journal of Public​ Health, in an article entitled "Parental Refusal of Childhood Vaccines and Medical Neglect Laws.” The paper, authored by Efthimios Parasidis, JD, M.BE, and Douglas J. Opel, MD, MPH, sets out to examine court cases where vaccine refusal is categorized as "medical neglect" under child welfare laws.

CDC Publishes New Rules for Quarantine and Isolation on Last Day of Obama Presidency

There are new U.S. government rules that can force travelers into quarantine or isolation if they are suspected of having a contagious disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published their revised rules explaining how they will intervene to protect the public from the spread of quarantinable communicable diseases such as Ebola. For those of us who prefer to minimize our contact with the conventional medical care system and its pharmaceutical products, these new rules should cause us to carefully consider our health status when traveling across state lines or traveling back to the United States during a CDC health emergency. If we have symptoms of illness that might be confused with a communicable disease, then it might be wise to carefully consider our travel plans. The rules were released on the last day of the Obama Administration, 1/19/2017, and will take effect on February 21, 2017. Under these rules, if a CDC medical professional examines and quarantines you under a public health order, certain medical procedures, such as mandatory vaccinations, could be required as a condition of your release.

Does the State Ever Have a “Right” to Remove Children from a Home?

When does the State have the right to remove children from a home where they are living with their parents? We have been covering medical kidnapping stories now on for over a year. This website was started to document the many stories that were coming to our attention where families were losing their children to the State, and the foster care system, over medical disagreements. In many of these cases, their children were taken away simply because they disagreed with a doctor, or wanted to take their children to a different doctor to get a second opinion. Does the State have a right to take children away from parents for what is now being called "medical abuse," a term used by medical authorities when parents disagree with doctors, or want to seek a second opinion? Most of the people who follow MedicalKidnap would state "no." And we have published many stories now showing that this is indeed happening all across the country, in every state, every single day. But what about in other situations? Are there any situations where authorities should step in and remove children from their homes, taking them away from their parents? Judging from comments made in social media from many commenting on some of our articles, I think it is safe to assume that the majority of people in the United States today feel that in certain situations, the State has a legitimate right to step in and take children away from their families, removing them from their homes. However, I would like to suggest that the Constitution of the United States of America protects the rights of individuals and families, and that it is never lawful for social services to remove a child from their biological parents, taking them out of their home and making them a ward of the State, removing legal custody from their parents. This phenomena is a recent development in the history of our country, and if it is not lawful to take such actions, we are correct in calling such actions "state-funded kidnappings."

CPS & Police Taser, Handcuff Parents: Enter Home of Homeschool Family without Warrant

The Fourth Amendment strikes a carefully crafted balance between a family’s right to privacy and the government’s need to enforce the law. In most situations, government agents cannot simply force their way into a home. Instead, they must explain to a neutral magistrate why they need to enter the home, and they must provide real evidence to support that need. This rule applies to all government agents. Court after court has agreed that there is no social services exception to the Fourth Amendment. All too often, law enforcement officers and child-welfare workers act as if the Fourth Amendment does not apply to CPS investigations. They are wrong.

10 and 12 Year Old Sisters Seized from Family by Hospital in Phoenix

In a case bearing several similarities to Justina Pelletier's family's experience with Boston Children's Hospital, and Isaiah Rider's family's experience with Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago, 10 and 12 year old sisters have been seized by Phoenix Children's Hospital over a medical dispute. The mother has reportedly been ordered to not discuss the case with anyone, and has been forced to take down YouTube videos and a Facebook Page with over 3000 followers that was documenting the actions of Child Protection Services and doctors at Phoenix Children's Hospital. Kayla and Hannah Diegel suffer from congenital disorder of glycosylation, (CDG, a form of mitochondrial disease.) Part of their condition is also suffering with "Gastroparesis," which is a partially paralyzed stomach.

Legal Medical Kidnapping: A Growing Problem in the U.S.

The right to legal counsel, your Miranda rights, and the right to a speedy jury trial are American rights protected by our Constitution. But not in family court, where a single judge can decide whether or not you are a fit parent. Child Protection Services (CPS) has more power today than the police, sheriff, or FBI, as they can come into your home and remove your child without a search warrant or court order. Someone who doesn't like you, for any reason, can make a phone call and provide an anonymous “tip” with the result of you losing your children. Doctors you disagree with can call CPS and have your child removed from your home with no search warrant or court order, by simply reporting you to CPS. This is in fact happening all across America to thousands of families. It is time to put a stop to this.

Judge Upholds Detroit Mother’s Right to Protect Daughter from Forced Drugging

Despite prosecutors’ second attempt this year to bring criminal charges against Detroit mother Maryanne Godboldo, who underwent a 10 hour stand off with police for refusing to administer a powerful antipsychotric drug to her daughter, Wayne County District Judge Gregory Bill has become the second judge this year to dismiss the charges.

Justina Pelletier: Please Let me go Home!

Justina Pelletier has been held in custody against her will, and against the will of her family, for over a year, simply because a group of doctors at Boston Children's Hospital disagreed with her diagnosis by her physician at Tuft's Medical Center. Justina's family was referred to some specialists at Boston Children's Hospital regarding her condition, mitochondrial disease, but instead a different set of doctors intervened and said her condition as psychological. When the parents disagreed, they were escorted by security out of the hospital and ended up losing custody of their daughter who was originally confined to a psychiatric ward at the hospital. Justina herself is never present at court hearings where Judge Joseph Johnston has refused to return her custody to her parents, so her voice in the matter is never heard. Her family recorded the above video so people can hear Justina's voice in the matter.

Congressman’s Bill Stops Federal Funds for Medical Centers Targeting Kids Like Justina Pelletier

Congressman Steve Stockman will introduce legislation cutting off funds to medical institutions that conduct greater than minimal risk research on wards of the state, deny First Amendment rights to parents and wards of the state, and take children away from their parents over disagreements on subjective diagnoses. Such medical institutions include the National Institute of Health, state agencies, medical facilities, and hospitals. This bill would direct the Inspector General of Health and Human Services to withhold funds from these institutions for the aforementioned reasons. The story of Justina Pelletier, who has mitochondrial disease and was declared a ward of the state over a custody battle regarding a subjective psychotropic drug diagnosis, motivated Congressman Stockman to introduce the legislation.

Medical System and Child Protective Services Run Amok: FDA Denies Hope for Dying Kids

The FDA is condemning children to death by refusing to allow them access to experimental cancer treatments, even though it has the authority to grant such access to terminal patients who have not responded to conventional treatment. Six years ago, 10-year-old Braiden was enrolled in a clinical trial for his incurable brain tumor. The “experimental” drug Antineoplaston (ANP) was the sole treating agent. He went into full remission, and suffered no toxic side effects. An MRI recently revealed Braiden’s tumor has reoccurred. The FDA is now refusing to allow Braiden to go back on ANP even though the treatment has already proven its efficacy through his previous remission. Many other terminal patients are also being prevented from accessing ANP.

Woman Confined by Force to Psychiatric Ward for Praying and Fasting

The use of psychiatry to "diagnose" people with "mental" illnesses and restrain them against their will in psychiatric wards is not new. Unfortunately, such stories are becoming much more common in the present-day USA. Justina Pelletier's story, for example, is gaining national attention even in the mainstream media right now. This 15-year-old girl has been confined to psychiatric care against her desire and the desires of her parents for over a year now. Psychiatry is not a medical science based on biology. There are no laboratory tests that can detect "mental disease." All mental illnesses are defined by psychiatrists according to behaviors and then voted on to be included in their "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM). The latest version, version 5 (DSM5) was published last year and is very controversial. New "disorders" are added with each revision, making it legal to prescribe dangerous and addictive drugs for these published mental diseases. This week the Courthouse News Service has published a news release regarding a case filed in court where a 56-year-old woman was forcibly confined to a psychiatric ward against her will for praying and fasting. Medical tyranny is alive and widely practiced in the U.S. today. And there are signs that the role of psychiatrists will increase under Obamacare.

Teen-age Girl Forceably Held by Boston Children’s Hospital Might be Transferred Back to Connecticut

A teen-age girl who has been held at Boston Children's Hospital against her will and the will of her parents for 11 months due to a dispute in medical treatment may be transferred back to Connecticut soon. These are the reports coming out of the most recent court hearing in Boston. The judge presiding over the case has issued a gag order, so it is difficult to get details. The judge reportedly ruled that State of Massachusetts will not receive permanent custody of Justina Pelletier, where she has been held in custody in Boston Children’s Hospital “Bader 5″ psychiatric unit. It appears the judge would like Justina to go back to Connecticut, which is where she was originally being treated until Boston Children's Hospital intervened and kept her detained in their psych ward because of a disagreement over her diagnosis. The family had brought Justina in to Boston Children's Hospital to simply receive treatment for the flu. They have not been allowed to bring her home now for 11 months, as they watch her condition deteriorate, only being allowed to visit her once a week. Ted Glanzer of the West Hartford Patch has also been covering this story, and he reports that Kathleen Higgins, a former Boston Children’s nurse, wrote a Jan. 8 letter to Olga Roche, commissioner of the Department of Children and Families, stating that the hospital’s treatment of Justina in this case was more akin to “torture.” Unfortunately, Justina's story is not all that unusual. There are many cases very similar to this one, where Child Protection Services or a similar agency, is used by a doctor or hospital to seize children away from their parents when they did not comply to their recommended medical treatments.

Child Taken Away from Parents for Medical Reasons Dies in Foster Care

WREG News Channel 3 in Memphis has reported on the story of an 11-month-old child who died while in custody of the Department of Child Services (DCS). DCS had reportedly removed the child, along with his 2-year-old sibling, from the home of their parents because they suffered from "digeorge syndrome", which limits delay of essential body functions. DCS had judged that the parents did not have "sufficient training" to properly care for their children. So the two children were placed in foster care. They were to be returned to their parents in October, but the father reportedly lacked a one-hour course. The father died in a car accident in early December. The 11-month-old child died while in foster care in November. Paramedics reportedly found the child in the foster home with a "wet wipe" stuffed in his mouth. We report these stories on Health Impact News, because medical tyranny is increasing in the United States, and these stories are not as rare as you might think. All across America, children are being taken away from their parents for differences in opinion about medical treatment, or because the State believes they can raise children better than parents. The choice of parents to choose their own medical care for their children is increasingly being taken away all across the country. While protecting children from situations where they are in danger is a legitimate concern, the system in place today is too often corrupted by financial incentives, or arrogant medical personnel overstepping their bounds of authority and forcing their beliefs and values on those unable to resist or fight back.

Amish Girl Who Refused Chemo Coming Home: Hospital Gives Up Guardianship

Victory for Parental Rights: State Agrees to End Stand-Off with Amish Family over Forced Health Care Official who had sought to take family’s daughter from home and force chemotherapy on her, despite parent’s earnest objections and Health Care Freedom Amendment, resigns as guardian Family will continue to pursue alternative treatment

Protest Planned for Justina Pelletier held by Boston Children’s Hospital Against Her Parents’ Will for Nearly 10 months

15 year old Justina from CT has been held at Boston Children's Hospital (BCH) going on 10 months! Her parents and family are only allowed one hour of monitored visitation and 2 20 minute monitored phone calls each week. Shockingly, this family has written proof that every medical action taken by them in their care of Justina was ordered by a physician. Despite this proof, BCH forcibly removed the parents from Justina’s care and have since assumed custody of their child indefinitely. The parents of Justina's next court date is 12/5/13' We hope that Justina will be released to the custody of her parents that day. Please attend the protest and show your support for the family and all families that have been affected by such poor and unjust decisions.

Boston Hospital Seizes 15 Year Old From Parents Over Medical Treatment Disagreement

A 15-year old girl has been held for 9 months at Boston Children’s Hospital against her wish, and against the wishes of her parents. Here is yet another case where CPS has abducted a child from loving parents all in the name of proper "medical treatment." She is being held hostage because of a controversial diagnosis of mental illness.

Family of Amish Girl Who Fled the Country to Avoid Forced Experimental Chemo Tells Their Side of the Story

Why did Akron Children's Hospital spend so much time and resources to prosecute this Amish family, trying to force a 10-year old to receive chemotherapy that neither she nor her family wanted, even after multiple judges ruled custody of the 10-year old to her parents, multiple times? What motivated this hospital to seek out a different judge to finally award custody of this 10-year old child to their hospital attorney, forcing the family to flee the country? The family has spoken out and given their side of the story, which the mainstream media apparently has no interest in covering.

10 Year Old Amish Girl Taken Away from Parents for Refusing Chemotherapy by Ohio Hospital

In the United States of America, only FDA approved drugs are allowed to treat cancer. Cancer is the most lucrative product the medical industry has. Empowered by the government, the pharmaceutical companies have developed a monopoly on cures in the United States, particularly cancer cures. If you dare to stand in their way, they will do anything they can to crush you. If you think that I am exaggerating, just ask Dr. Burzynski in Texas, who has fought possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history, as they tried to shut him down. Children all across America are being ripped away from their parents for opposing Big Pharma and their monopoly on "cures," which are almost 100% patented toxic drugs that often do not cure at all. Here is one more story of how an Ohio hospital has won a court decision to take legal custody of a 10-year-old Amish girl because their parents chose to stop using toxic drugs that were destroying her. Medical tyranny is a reality today in the United States of America.

Gulf War Vet and Wife Lose Children to CPS because Doctor Prescribed Medical Marijuana for Headaches

This is a very sad story of how one family lost custody of their children for a whole year simply because the father was using marijuana, legally prescribed by a doctor, to treat his headaches that he says were the result of all the chemicals he was exposed to while serving his country in the Gulf War. Active duty military personnel are also subjected to many vaccines not used in the general public. Child Protection Services in San Diego removed the children from their home and their parents, and it took the parents a year to get them back. It is quite ironic to think of how many parents today have medicine cabinets full of toxic "legal" prescription drugs which have far more serious side effects than marijuana, and yet would never come under suspicion of Child Protection Services, as this would probably constitute the majority of American families in the U.S. today. It is not surprising that this Gulf War veteran found a doctor to prescribe marijuana for his headaches in San Diego, since the University of California in San Diego has a center for the "Medicinal Cannabis Research" which conducts clinical research on marijuana. An Oncology physician in San Diego who has studied marijuana states that it contains: "anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and probably anti-cancer compounds in it." He prescribes marijuana for his cancer patients for "their loss of appetite, nausea, pain, depression, and insomnia." He says this one drug, marijuana, can replace 5 prescription drugs.