Shocking Revelations of Corruption in Leanna Smith Medical Kidnapping Case in Arizona

Arizona Family advocate Steve Isham was interviewed on the Robert Scott Bell radio program on Sunday February 1, 2015 to discuss the Leanna Smith medical kidnapping story. Leanna Smith claims that the State of Arizona, working together with doctors who were covering up medical malpractice with her oldest daughter, worked together with CPS to have both her daughters removed from her custody, and that they have been psychologically and sexually abused in foster care. Mr. Isham, who is familiar with Leanna's case, revealed some shocking things about his work in advocating for families in Arizona. There have been many reports of abuse within the foster care system. He recounted how he has attempted to report these alleged abuses within the Arizona child protection social services, juvenile court, and foster care, but has not been able to get anyone to investigate any of these cases. Frustrated at what appeared to be local collusion between authorities and social services, he went to the FBI: "I spent about 7 hours total time on three different occasions (with the FBI). They did nothing! They even sat there and looked me in the eye, man to man, and said, 'We know this is happening, but it's not our jurisdiction. You're going to have to get local law enforcement to do something. It's not a federal matter.' I couldn't believe it! Tell me how there are not riots in the streets now that we know the facts of the Leanna Smith case and the torture that was allowed to be perpetrated on this loving, caring, healthy, family that did what is right no matter what was done to them! How can an entire population of American’s allow this to happen to one family after another?"

Mom Who Lost 2 Daughters to Medical Kidnapping in Arizona Speaks Out Regarding Abuses

In a shocking interview recorded on the Robert Scott Bell Show Thursday January 29th, 2015, Leanna Smith gave details of how her two daughters were taken away by medical authorities and CPS in Arizona, and explained how her youngest daughter has allegedly been sexually and mentally abused while in State custody. While allegations have been made against the parents as a reason for removing their two daughters, apparently no criminal charges have ever been filed against either the father or the mother. So why did Arizona take these two children away from their biological parents?

15,000 Cases of Arizona Child Porn: Huge Child Sex Trafficking Ring in Arizona Ahead of Superbowl

Investigators say child-pornography victims are getting younger, and the abuse is becoming more violent. In Arizona, we know of 15,000 IP addresses (the Internet Protocol labels assigned to each computer device) belonging to people who own computers, cellphones and other electronic devices trading and downloading child porn. A significant number of these videos and images consist of infants and young children being raped, tortured and sexually abused. Some of even include "how to" instructions on how a grown man can rape a 3-year-old and groom him or her for years of abuse. Efforts have increased as the Phoenix area prepares to host the Super Bowl, which for years has been dogged by claims that it brings along with it a rise in underage girls for sale in any host city.

Corruption and Medical Malpractice Coverup involving Arizona CPS? How One Family was Destroyed

Since Health Impact News started publishing stories from families telling about their horrible experiences with medical kidnapping, we have had more families contact us from Arizona than almost all the other states combined. But one case stands out from all of them in terms of the depth of the corruption in the medical system, and child protection services, within the state of Arizona. Award-winning investigative journalist Jennifer Margulis looked into one civil rights case that is currently in the 9th Circuit Court, and found what appears to be a tangled web of corruption and deception in Arizona that will shock you. Read the story of the Darrell and Leanna Smith, and how they lost 2 of their 3 children when Leanna questioned doctors in what appears to be a medical malpractice case. Their family was destroyed, and they are still in the midst of years of legal battles. How many other families in Arizona do they represent?

Parents Escape Hospital and Medical Kidnap Threat in Arizona

ABC 15 in Glendale Arizona has reported that parents removed their 2-day old baby from Banner Thunderbird Hospital without hospital approval, after Child Protection Services allegedly threatened to take away the baby. Police are reportedly not investigating, saying no crime was committed.

Arizona Court Issues Gag Order on Family of 7, Detective Wants to Subpoena Interview on Radio

Friday January 16, 2015 the Shoars family had a hearing in Arizona family court over the custody of their 7 children that were taken away by the State after the accidental death of their three-year-old daughter Khloe. At this hearing, the judge reportedly issued a gag order on the parents, and ordered them to stop discussing the case on the Internet. Two days before this hearing, on Wednesday January 14, 2015, Tabitha Shoars was interviewed by Ty Bollinger on the Robert Scott Bell syndicated national radio program. On the Friday night (January 16, 2015) broadcast of the Robert Scott Bell show, they reported that a "Detective Kalcum" from Arizona had contacted their syndicator wanting to "subpoena" the broadcast of the show with Tabitha Shoars.

Arizona CPS Takes 7 Children Away from Parents after Accident

The unthinkable happened to a family in Arizona. Their three-year-old daughter mysteriously collapsed while her parents were away from home, and she died shortly after. As horrible as that tragedy was, Khloe's death was only the beginning of the devastation to the Shoars family. Child Protective Services immediately came in and took away all seven of their other children, placing them in various foster home settings around the area. The children now don't have their parents, or even each other, as they try to grasp what has happened to their sister. None of the children, ranging in age from 2 to 9 years old, have been placed with family or friends, and they cry to come home. They don't understand what has happened, and neither do their parents, Jeff and Tabitha Shoars. "It's like a bad nightmare you can't wake up from," says Jeff. No charges have been filed against anyone, yet the state of Arizona has already begun the TPR process, Termination of Parental Rights.

Arizona Mother of Two Girls Medically Kidnapped Breaks Gag Order and Speaks Out

A mother of two young girls in Arizona breaks a gag order issued by the court, in the hope that people will come forward and help her and her two daughters, whom she claims are suffering in state custody. She has now been threatened with arrest for breaking her gag order. And this all began simply because she saw her daughters suffering with medical treatment, and wanted to seek a second doctor's opinion.

Another Arizona Medical Kidnapping: 4 Children Removed from Family after Booster Seat Accident

"Surprise (Ariz.) police came in, (DCS) came in and told my wife she was going to prison," the boy's father told KTAR News on Monday. "They just started threatening her -- basically trying to force a confession of something that didn't happen." The family's attorney, Alane Roby, believes the case was grossly mishandled. According to Roby, the Department of Child Safety has not much different than the original state agency entrusted to protect Arizona's children. "Case workers are overworked, underpaid, there's no accountability. The case workers are generally very young, inexperienced and don't understand the ramifications of the decisions they make. Children are ripped from their homes, placed in foster care even when family members are available to care for them and often," Roby said. "The scariest thing in the world is that this could be happening to anyone and they'd be going through the same thing," Roby said.

CPS Caseworker in Arizona Turns Whistleblower – Reports on Abuse of Power

ABC 15 Arizona interviewed a former CPS caseworker turned whistleblower regarding some of the alleged abuses in the Arizona foster care system. The caseworker reportedly quit her job after seeing the abuse of power within CPS last year. Keeping her identity hidden, the former caseworker claims that many of her colleagues forged reports and were not truly investigating the welfare of children taken into state custody. She claims there was one instance in which a child died while in state custody, and the caseworker knew nothing about it. ABC 15 did an excellent investigative report showing court documents in which judges admitted that children were removed from their parents' home simply because the caseworker "got ticked off" at the parents. The Arizona CPS whistleblower states in the interview that these are not isolated cases, but happen frequently.

Why is the Arizona “Family Advocate” Threatening People Asking About Children in State Custody?

Maria Hoffman carries the title "Director of the Arizona Legislative Office of Family Advocacy." Her job description is stated to be: "Under contract to the President of the Arizona Senate and the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, and working for all ninety members of the legislature, Ms. Hoffman is the only person at the legislature who handles CPS constituent issues directly and with the Attorney General’s Office." So any parent who has a question about why CPS took away their child cannot even ask their elected representatives in the Arizona State Legislature anything about their child, as all such inquires are handled only by Maria Hoffman, who is an employee and not an elected official. When people ask questions about her role or about their children in state custody, she replies by threatening them with jail time or fines, including state legislators according to one source. This is a "Family Advocate"? How can one woman have so much power to keep families apart as a paid employee of the government and not an elected official? Who is she really protecting? Health Impact News has discovered some shocking information about Maria Hoffman.

Mom of 2 Year Old Special-Needs Child Asked for Help: Arizona CPS Took Him Away Instead

Lisa Meltzer is an Arizona mom of a special needs little boy. She and her family received special training to care for this precious little baby. But one day Lisa was so sick, she felt she needed more help than her family could supply for her son for a short time, while she recovered from her sickness. She called the Arizona State social services to request help. But according to Lisa, instead of helping, they removed the child from her custody and are now offering him up for adoption to foster parents. Even though she has not been charged with abuse, the state apparently believes they can remove the child simply based on his complicated medical needs. Her parental rights have allegedly been violated, as she has not been able to visit her 2 year old son for 4 months, and the Arizona Attorney General and Family Court Judge allegedly removed her from court when she tried to speak up for her parental rights. What is going on in Arizona?

Arizona’s Exploding Foster Care Intake: Kids sleeping in State Office Buildings

KPHO CBS5 in Arizona reported that there are so many children being removed from homes and put into foster care in Arizona, that there is a severe shortage of foster homes, and that babies and children are being "housed" in social services' office buildings.