Christmas is not so “Merry” when your Children Have Been Kidnapped by the State

Child trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States today, with American taxpayer funds paying for the kidnapping of children for placement into foster care and adoption programs. Child Protection Services across the United States by and large do NOT look out for the interests of the child anymore, but instead look out for their own interests and programs, and billions of dollars in federal funds. Christmas is a lonely time, and a cruel reminder that their family has been torn apart, for thousands of families across the U.S. who have had their children medically kidnapped by force.

Infant with Brittle Bones Medically Kidnapped in North Carolina as Mother is Arrested

When police arrested North Carolina mother Marty Peele on charges of child abuse last summer, her friends say they knew there had to be another explanation for 4 month old Micah's injuries. They say that the picture that was painted by the media was inconsistent with what they know of Marty, and that she couldn't possibly have done the things that she has been accused of. Petreana Anderson is one of Marty's friends who considers herself "a pretty good judge of character." She told Health Impact News: "I hate that they [the media] painted her as a monster. That woman wouldn't hurt anybody." Local media reported that Marty was accused of breaking 12 of Micah's ribs and 2 shoulder blades, as well as leaving deep bite marks. However, several expert doctors have now issued reports that there are indeed very plausible explanations for Micah's injuries, and they strongly assert that he was not abused. Child Protective Services has ordered her not to have any contact with her baby, or with any other child under age 18, and she is facing a criminal trial for felony child abuse.

EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt North Carolina Officials Try to Silence Whistleblower Using Child Protection Services

A massive fraud cover-up in the state of North Carolina has Randy Davis fighting mad. The corruption involves senators, the NC Commission of Indian Affairs, the Coharie Intra-Tribal Council, and entire departments within Sampson County – including Child Protection Services (CPS) – where Randy lives. The laundry list of crimes, which stretches back to the 1920s, is extensive and involves everything from misuse of federal HUD and USDA funds, to virtually every civil rights violation imaginable, to a massive land grab and falsifying birth and death certificates. The whole ugly story resembles the mafia – whole generations of families in NC with multiple crimes and cover-ups. And Randy Davis not only knows everyone involved – he allegedly has hundreds of documents, audio and video to prove every bit of it. That apparently makes him a high value target that needs to be silenced. But using CPS to take his daughter didn’t keep him quiet. She has been on the run for the past year - in hiding so CPS can’t grab her to be used against her father. Three arrests on eight different trumped up charges (all eventually dismissed) and 136 days in jail without cause – all to coerce him into revealing his daughter’s location – unsuccessful. With this story – an exclusive to Health Impact News – Randy is now coming forward to tell an astonishing story of governmental abuse of power and corruption.

World War II Veteran Medically Kidnapped in New York Dies in Pain on Thanksgiving Day

Laredo Regular relates the tragic ending of this World War II Veterans life: "My Grandpa, Julius Corley, officially passed away on Thanksgiving afternoon after being on life support in the prior weeks. He never got to come home." Julius' story began long before Health Impact News was contacted about his plight in the fall of 2015. Julius was a World War II Veteran being held at New York's Montefiore Hospital against his will and those of his legal and medical guardians. Julius had been medically kidnapped by Montefiore when he was transferred from their affiliate, The Laconia Nursing Home, after the family filed a complaint about the conditions there. Laredo laments, "My grandpa never got to come home. He died in pain in the Montefiore main branch. It was painful. We had hopes, but to know that he was in pain like that and passed away is awful. The entire situation played out so awfully."

Indiana Parents’ Trip to E.R. Results in Children Kidnapped – Names Slandered in Local Media – Lives Ruined

On June 8th, 2015, Nikki and Rodney Wisler of Anderson, Indiana, noticed bruises on their one-month old daughter Leigh Ann. They took her to Community Hospital Anderson’s Emergency Room, as advised by their pediatrician over the phone. The concerned parents worried that their new baby might have a genetic disorder that caused the bruises, since their 2.5 year-old daughter Caridie had been diagnosed with a genetic disorder the previous year. Initially, the E.R. did not find anything of concern, and since the baby was not in pain, they sent the parents home, advising them to follow up with their regular pediatrician the next morning. The following day, their pediatrician sent the parents back to the hospital for x-rays and a head ultrasound. After they left the hospital, they were called back again for additional x-rays to “rule out a fracture.” Later, the pediatrician called them, saying there was a tibia fracture, and directed them to come back to the E.R. to have the baby's leg splinted. The pediatrician explained that she had to call the Department of Child Services (DCS) because there was an unexplained fracture and bruises. Nikki and Rodney weren’t concerned, since they knew they had done nothing wrong. However, they were traumatized when DCS seized custody of their children that night and accused them of abuse. Without an investigation or even a home visit, warrants were issued for the Wisler's arrest. The Wisler's lost everything: their children, their reputations, their jobs, and their home. The Wisler’s are shocked how the system can be so heartless and punitive towards loving parents, and how the doctors, social workers, and prosecuting attorneys are quick to call "child abuse" and destroy a family without an investigation or any evidence. Further evidence has shown that there was actually no fracture, and doctors have reversed their opinions on the matter. However, the Wislers are still without their children, and without employment as the community believes they are guilty of child abuse.

World Renowned Medical Anthropologist Compares Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Labeling to Witch Hunts

Dr. Helen Hayward-Brown is a medical anthropologist/sociologist who completed her doctorate on false and highly questionable accusations of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. She completed two post-doctoral fellowships with the Social Justice and Social Change Research Centre at the University of Western Sydney, in addition to her teaching and advocacy work. Dr. Helen Hayward Brown joins Tammi Stefano on The National Safe Child Show to discuss the widely discredited "Munchausen syndrome by proxy" label. This label has proven to be not only destructive of families but also obstructive of justice. Dr. Helen explains: "What actually happens in many of these cases, in about 70%, the mothers pick up that there’s been some kind of medical error. Sometimes they’ve made a complaint, sometimes they’ve actually started legal proceedings but as soon as that happens very often the parent find that that’s what they’re labeled in and that discredits the mother. It also means that if they child is removed from the family then the family can’t get a second opinion with what’s going on with the child’s health."

Once Thriving Michigan Teenager Now Facing Death in CPS Custody

A Michigan social worker asked the mother of a 14 year old girl if she has life insurance on her daughter, Abbie Odonnell, after the 5' 9" teen went from 145 lbs to 92 lbs under CPS custody. Her twin sister Alexis is being housed in a maximum security juvenile detention facility, and her bunkmate has reportedly murdered 7 people. Their 17 year old sister Alyssa is being held in another lock-down facility. The girls' crime? The twins admitted to smoking pot on one occasion. Later the twins ran away from an abusive foster home. For the heinous crime of escaping that abuse, CPS is forcing the twins to serve a 12 month sentence in Wolverine Secure Treatment Center, and forbidding their older sister, who has done nothing wrong, to go home. Laura Dalton doesn't think that Abbie will survive that long. Apparently, her social worker doesn't either, but is not doing anything to fix the situation. Laura says that it has already been 17 months, and the girls have learned their lesson. They shouldn't have been smoking marijuana. They know that now. But is that infraction worth the state of Michigan endangering the very lives of these once healthy, thriving kids?

Arizona Child Traffick Racketeering via CPS and Doctors on Trial Before U.S. Supreme Court

Since the website was started in 2014 as part of the Health Impact News network, we have had more parents from Arizona contact us regarding medical kidnappings than any other state in the U.S. Arizona has the highest percentage of children taken away from their families and put into foster care of any other U.S. state. One of the most egregious cases we published from Arizona is the case of Leanna Smith, who had her two daughters taken away from her for alleged medical reasons, and adopted out. Sources who have followed this case closely have told us that pretty much everyone in Arizona in the political system knows that there was corruption involved in the Smith family case, as their 4 year old healthy daughter was taken away from them as an apparent retaliation against Leanna for exposing the corruption in the Arizona medical system that led to her losing her two daughters. But everyone was too afraid to take a stand on the truth in this case, as it exposes alleged conspiracy and racketeering between doctors, out-of-state psychiatrist Brenda Bursch from UCLA, CPS social workers and managers, and the foster parents who eventually adopted the 4-year old girl and changed her name. From State legislators to the Arizona Governor to the U.S. Department of Justice, no one seemed to want to touch this case. Even the Arizona Judge presiding over the initial case sealed much of the evidence, including over 1800 recordings by Leanna Smith that allegedly exposes the conspiracy and corruption. After the 9th U.S. Circuit Court ruled against them on a technicality due to the dates of their filing evidence, forcing them to try and re-file the case in Arizona, they have instead filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court. This 211 page document names the names of the "Racketeers" in Arizona and the conspiracy between the State, medical doctors, CPS caseworkers and supervisors, and foster parents in the kidnapping of children and the destruction of the Smith family. Will the Smith family finally get justice and a chance to have their case heard? Will these 1800 recordings finally be unsealed and revealed to the world? Now that the cover-up has been exposed to the world, how will the nation respond to this story of corruption, abuse of power, and racketeering in Arizona that is destroying families and injuring children?

Michigan Teen Medically Kidnapped and Placed in Juvenile Detention Facility as Her Health Deteriorates

Last year Leiani McMichael was an honor student, artist, and a varsity swimmer at her high school. She was a good kid with a great life. Now the Michigan teenager's family fears for her life. The 17 year old was seized from her family by Child Protective Services on November 4, 2015, after the University of Michigan Mott's Children's Hospital called CPS and accused her mother of Munchausen by Proxy. The family and supporters believe that Mott's is trying to cover up their poor care of Leiani. Doctors and social workers are blaming the teen for her debilitating illness, but her mother, Rebecca Campos-Santana, insists that there is no way this is all in her head - it's in her digestive system. Currently Leiani is being held in Children's Village, a juvenile detention center. Jennifer Torres is the foster care placement specialist, and she has allegedly told the family that Leiani is at the juvenile detention center because there is currently no "safe place" to send her that can provide medical care. She has allegedly told the teen that she is never coming home, and that she cannot get out of the facility unless she gets out of the wheelchair, because the "good" foster families aren't wheelchair accessible.

Christian Family Loses 5 Children to CPS for “Radicalizing and Indoctrinating” Children with Christianity

Child welfare services in Norway have reportedly removed five Christian children from their parents' home and placed them into foster care after the parents were accused of radicalizing and indoctrinating their children with Christianity. According to the British-based Christian Institute, Norway's child protection services, known as the Barnevernet, seized the three sons and two daughters of Ruth and Marius Bodnariu in mid-November. Although the family wasn't quite sure at the time why their children were being taken away from them, their lawyer discovered that the parents were being charged with Christian indoctrination. The Bodnariu's lawyer obtained a copy of the government document that lists the charges against Marius and Ruth, which includes being listed as "radical Christians who were indoctrinating their children."

Report: Illinois DCFS Needs Total Overhaul

Beset by failures in leadership and in treatment of the state's most vulnerable children, Illinois' Department of Children and Family Services is hammering out a reform plan after a panel of court-appointed experts determined the agency needs a top-to-bottom overhaul if it hopes to improve the safety and well-being of the thousands of youths in its care. The report concluded that too many children who are wards of the state are shuffled from placement to placement and forced to wait months for services. The result, the experts wrote, was an erosion of the children's "already pronounced distrust in the system." The beleaguered agency also suffers from an "absence of responsibility and accountability" when it comes to ensuring the children receive the help they need, according to the report.

Grandparents Come Forward Reporting CPS Kidnappings in Corrupt Alabama – Parents Gagged by Court

A gag order was placed on Tony and Sabrina Cartee by a Randolph County judge to prevent them from talking to media and the public about the medical kidnapping of their children by Child Protective Services. However, Sabrina's parents are not under the gag order, and contacted Health Impact News reporting that they can no longer sit back and watch the unjust destruction of their family by Child Protective Services, and one social worker in particular. Tommy and Winnie Crumbley, Sabrina's parents, had a great deal to say about what is happening in the lives of their grandchildren. They are frightened for their well-being and want them to come back home. As previously reported, the Cartee children were taken by Child Protective Services, known as DHR (Department of Human Resources) in Alabama, when their then 5 year old son began "eloping" - the term used when autistic children wander away from home. One of his older brothers had already been diagnosed as autistic, and the family suspected that he was as well. They just didn't have a diagnosis yet. When their newest baby was born in September 2014, DHR seized the breastfeeding baby from her mother's arms just 2 days after she was born. The violations of the family's moral, legal, and Constitutional rights are numerous and egregious, report the Crumbleys. They say that their grandchildren should never have been taken away from their parents, and they want to see them returned to Sabrina and Tony, "where they belong." The Cartee's 17 year old daughter has also emailed us, saying: "I want to go home, my parents have not done anything wrong and we don't deserve to be harrassed by Alecia [social worker] anymore!!"

Alabama Girl Medically Kidnapped and Forced on Drugs: Parents Facing Jail for Failure to Pay State Child Support

An Alabama girl has been medically kidnapped from her family because her mother refused to allow social workers to put her daughter on strong anti-depressant drugs. The mother had good reason to refuse these drugs, as both of her parents had been prescribed anti-depressants by the very same facility - her mother at the age of 22, and her father at age 54, one year prior to the social worker's demand. Both of her parents subsequently committed suicide after taking the medications. Now, the mother is facing a jail sentence for failing to pay child support to the state for the daughter they kidnapped, and her fiance has a warrant out for his arrest as well. Due to rumors of corruption and violence in DeKalb County jail, they are terrified for his well-being if he goes to jail, and they are calling on the public for support.

Native American Teen-age Girl Medically Kidnapped by State of Missouri

How does a teenager being held against her will by a man turn into her being taken from her parents by Child Protective Services and being held against her will in a group home? How can a system allegedly allow such a man to make false reports to the police about the parents, and he is the one who goes free, while her parents watch in horror as police and CPS kidnap their daughter from them hours after they rescue her from her assailant? The Daltons are members of the Children of the Four Winds Tribe, part of the federally recognized Six Nations, and they are fighting back legally in the courts. Leaders in the Six Nations have vowed to take this all the way to the Supreme Court if they have to. They claim injustice is happening to a Native American family, and their sovereign tribe is not happy. Their daughter just wants to come home, where she can feel safe again. She stated: "The best place for me right now is at home with my family, where they can protect me."

Couple Arrested and Children Taken by CPS When Trying to Leave Texas to Visit Dying Grandmother

They just wanted to honor a dying grandmother's deathbed wish to see her grandbabies one time before she leaves this earth. Now, thanks to the intervention of a Texas Ranger and CPS, that may never happen. Ahmed and Olubunmi Giwa were arrested last weekend and all of their children seized by Child Protective Services when they tried to fly out on an emergency trip to see Mr. Giwa's mother. Ahmed's mother is reportedly doing very poorly. The family was simply planning to visit her in Nigeria for a couple of days. They had return tickets for everyone, and their car was parked in the parking deck at the airport the whole time. Ali Giwa was medically kidnapped on April 14, 2015, by Harris County CPS - a county the family doesn't even live in - on allegations of "failure to thrive." It is still unclear how Harris County has jurisdiction in this case. Though Ali has some developmental delays, CPS never mentioned to the judge that he is in the 75th percentile with his height and weight. He was returned home on July 29, but the bizarre case remained open. Now, CPS has taken the 2 year old's twin sister and his 3 year old sister as well and placed them into foster care, accusing his parents of "interfering with child custody" and attempted international kidnapping, of their own children.

Medical Kidnapping in Kentucky: Mother Coerced to Give Up Daughter to Adoption in Order to Keep Son

When Brenda Maney of Richmond, KY, walked into her Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) hearing on May 7, 2015, she was not prepared for the impossible choice the Family Court would present to her. About 2.5 years earlier, in the winter of 2012, a series of unfortunate events in Brenda’s life led to a friend naïvely calling Kentucky's Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) for help. DCBS social workers showed up at Brenda’s door, and despite the children being well taken care of, removed her children after “diagnosing” her as having Postpartum depression and demanding that she check herself into a psychiatric hospital for treatment in order to get her two children back. Brenda would never get her baby daughter back, despite the fact that she did what DCBS required and checked into the hospital. At Brenda’s TPR hearing, the judge called a recess which lasted about 40 minutes. Brenda’s attorney came back and said that the court was offering Brenda a choice – to choose between having her 14-year-old son Aaron come home by giving up her 3-year-old daughter Tanaieah voluntarily to adoption, or lose both children. The attorney explained: “Your daughter does not know you, she has bonded to the foster family and she is happy. She thinks they are her family. DCBS is going to use her attachment as the ‘Best Interest of the Child’ and if you continue with the TPR hearing, you will lose. Your son wants to come home. He’s miserable in foster care. He’s not thriving in foster care. Every potential adoptive home he’s been placed in has fallen through. You should take this offer, for Aaron. If you go ahead with the TPR hearing, you will lose. You will lose both children.” Faced with an unbearable likelihood of losing both children, Brenda could not allow Aaron to suffer any longer. Brenda chose to get Aaron out of the foster care system that was destroying him, by relinquishing her rights to Tanaieah. Even though the Family Court required that Brenda sign her rights away “willingly,” she did so out of coercion and feeling that she had no other choice.

Canadian Boy Dies in Foster Care – Now His Mother Is Speaking Out About Medical Kidnappings in Canada

It was 7 years ago that Crystal Carifelle saw her son for the last time. It had been 3 years since she had seen him when she received a phone call that her little boy was dying. She and his daddy raced to the hospital where she was told that she had 5 minutes to say goodbye, but she wasn't permitted to touch him. When she reached out to touch him, security guards escorted her away. They told her shortly after that he was gone. According to APTN National News, she said she believes that if the foster family would’ve taken Ashton to hospital sooner, he may still be alive. Crystal was told that her son had diarrhea for the previous 12 days and started running a fever. He died from dehydration. The foster family reportedly knew the 4 year old was sick, but "not that sick," and they didn't take him to the hospital until it was too late. Ashton was taken by Child Protective Services when he was 9 months old. He was born premature and had some medical issues. After he had a severe seizure, social workers came to the hospital and seized him from his mother's custody, accusing her of endangering him. But it was in CPS' care that he died, arguably from medical neglect.

North Carolina Child Medically Kidnapped Starving to Death in Foster Care

A North Carolina grandmother is "horrified" at the condition of her 4 year old grandson Malakai. The deterioration in his health reportedly happened after Child Protective Services removed him from his family and placed him in foster care. She reports that he had previously been very healthy, with no medical problems. Now, the foster parents are collecting disability payments for him and he looks like he is starving. Kimberly Deese is fearful for her grandson's life. The family claims that no matter what hoops they jump through or what evidence they provide, Wake County CPS seems determined to sever all family connection to Malakai Deese and adopt him out. Heather's parental rights have just been terminated, and CPS has made it clear that they refuse to consider placement of Malakai with his maternal grandmother, without basis, and in violation of both state and federal law. The family hopes to appeal, but they have only until December 4 to do so. Ironically, grandmother Kimberly had just finalized her adoption of another grandchild only a month before Malakai was seized by CPS - in the same county. Yet, when it came to Malakai, the social worker refused to do a home study or consider placing the toddler with his grandmother.

Ohio Social Workers and Attorneys Criticize “Chaotic and Tyrannical” Judge for Abducting Children

A Cuyahoga County magistrate who removed a newborn from her parents last month after a mother drank marijuana-based tea for pregnancy pains chronically oversteps her legal authority in child custody cases, according to county children services workers and attorneys. County attorneys objected to Magistrate Eleanore Hilow's order to take Nova Sanford from her parents after her mother agreed to not use marijuana. Workers found the baby was in no danger living with her parents, Hollie and Daniel Sanford. Attorney Joseph Jacobs, who represents the family, has asked Hilow's boss, Juvenile Court Judge Thomas O'Malley, to overturn her order. Another hearing in the case is set for December. Jacobs called Hilow's courtroom "chaotic and tyrannical" and said her "unreasoned, ill-tempered and punitive decisions" were "wreaking havoc on families throughout Cuyahoga County."

Teenage Girl Speaks Out About Being Medically Kidnapped in Los Angeles

The week following Tammi Stefano's interview with Jewels Stein on the The National Safe Child show, she had Jewel's daughter Dakotah on the show to get her perspective on being medically kidnapped and alienated from her mother. This was the first time The National Safe Child show interviewed and published the perspective of a victim who is a minor, and Dakotah's mother Jewel gave her consent to allow Dakotah to appear on the show. Dakotah's inside perspective gives the public an incredible view of a corrupt system of doctors and social workers that destroys families, and she has a very powerful message she wants heard. Her story also gives hope to the hundreds of thousands other foster children currently trapped in such a corrupt system.