Elder Medical Kidnapping in Texas Results in Abuse and Death of Elderly Mother

Darrell Miller's elderly mother was taken from her home and family in a heartbreaking chain of events initiated by Adult Protective Services. Even today, the Duncanville, Texas man struggles to understand and to communicate the horrors that his mother experienced as a victim of elder kidnapping and abuse. Although he fought well, his pleas went unanswered by the courts and police. He writes: "They are corrupt. They wanted me to lose it so they could kill me or imprison me. (I sound like I'm crazy, but I think we both(all) know I'm supposed to sound crazy.) My mom was kidnapped, tortured ... by APS (Adult Protective Services). This was done to cover up medical malpractice and place the blame for their abuse as 'neglect' on Charlton Methodist Hospital and myself (when it was APS who was at fault). They killed my Mom, and now they're trying to blame it on me and Methodist."

Adult with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Medically Kidnapped in Minnesota

A Minnesota mother has reached out to Health Impact News and MedicalKidnap.com to tell us her story about her 35 year-old daughter who suffers from multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), and was medically kidnapped by Adult Protective Services in Minnesota. Jean Bixley tells us that her daughter Jennifer has been in that system for the past nine years with no recollection of her past life, and no recognition of her home. Her visits with her daughter are sparse and she may not discuss her daughter's amnesiac condition with her. Jean is asking to be allowed to have some input into her daughter’s care. Jean is asking that the hospital/APS perform the tests that were ordered by the courts, but never performed by what Jean says are any MCS qualified physicians in the APS system. Jean is asking to be allowed to be a part of her daughter’s life making sure that she is being treated properly and according to her needs. Jean tells us that her daughter had been seeing and was being treated by trained doctors who provided a diagnosis and treatments for MCS prior to the state getting involved. According to Jean, both she and her daughter Jennifer contracted MCS while unknowingly living in a mold infested home. They sought and found treatment for what they came to understand as mold toxicity. Jean also tells us that these prior diagnoses were ignored by Adult Protective Services, and that her daughter was treated with medications that not only stimulated her MCS reactions, but caused her a loss of memory for the past nine years. The State of Minnesota and Adult Protective Services has now labeled the mother as mentally ill/delusional.

Michigan Forces Mom of Medically Kidnapped Teen to Sleep in Car – Issues Gag Order to Keep Story out of the Media

Wednesday was a very disappointing day for a medically kidnapped teenager in Michigan and her family. Leiani McMichael, her mother Rebecca Campos-Santana, their family, and supporters all over the nation hoped that the Oakland County Family Court would allow this family to be reunited at last. Their hopes were dashed when this did not happen, and Rebecca is now being gagged from speaking out about the injustice that her family continues to experience. This hearing and gag order is the latest development in a heartbreaking story that began when previously healthy 16 year old Leiani became sick in February 2015. She had numerous doctors appointments and tests to find out what was causing her abdominal pain. One surgery left her in worse shape than she was before. When a hospital gave her medicines to which she was allergic, the mishap left her in a coma. Instead of acknowledging the mistakes, Leiani was accused of making it all up. She was labeled with "conversion disorder," and her mother was accused of Munchausen by proxy, and later "medical neglect." A judge ordered Leiani to be reunited with her family earlier this year, but only on the condition that her mother move out of their home. With all available funds going to pay for attorneys, there was nothing left over to pay for a hotel. As a result, Leiani's mother sleeps in her truck, even during the cold Michigan winter.

Michigan Teen Girl in CPS Custody Near Death – Twin Sister Pleads for Her Life

A Michigan teenager was close to death in CPS custody in December, but advocates worked together to fight for her life. Abbie Odonnell, now 15, is much better, but now her twin sister Alexis, who remains in a juvenile detention facility, has deteriorated to the point where her family fears for her life. Her mother says: "She won't survive another 7 months." Before Child Protective Services and the state of Michigan became involved in their lives, the girls showed no signs of any eating disorders. After being taken from their home and family, Abbie has developed anorexia and bulimia, and Alexis has bulimia. It took social media and an article from Health Impact News on their Medical Kidnap website to get help for Abbie, whose condition had become very serious in December, and she is now on the road to recovery. Now it is her twin sister Alexis who desperately needs help. Her family was alarmed when they saw the condition Alexis was in at court last week, with her hands and feet shackled, and the family has again reached out to Health Impact News and their readers for help.

Whistleblower in LA County DCFS Reveals Corruption in Child Kidnapping

This is National Child Abuse Month and we have Tammi Stefano, host of the National Safe Child Show joined by a CPS whistleblower (whose identity remains hidden to protect them) that has worked with the Department of Children and Family Services in LA County for over a decade coming forward now to reveal egregious corruption within the department. This social worker has come forward after being privy to a case where they saw that court ordered family visits were impeded by the department allegedly in an effort to manipulate the judges' ruling in favor of adopting out the child instead of reunification with the family by making it appear that the family was not choosing to visit their child, among other things. This whistleblower says that this family is a safe and loving family who has done nothing wrong, yet they are suffering at the hand of a corrupt system, a system that is right now seeing some of its own social workers criminally prosecuted by Los Angeles D.A. Jackie Lacey in the Gabriel Fernandez death. A department that during business as usual allegedly accepts "orders for children"--taking children away from their loving families to adopt them out for financial gain--while on the other hand is caught ignoring the cries of a young boy being tortured to death may not be a department that works in the best interest of children and their families.

Wife of Hunger Strike Dad Arrested in Kansas While Protesting to Have Kidnapped Children Returned

Just before 11:30 am on Saturday morning, police arrested Amelia Schwab, wife of Raymond Schwab, who is the Navy veteran dad who went on a 17 day hunger strike at the Kansas state capitol in an effort to get their children free from child protective services custody. The strike ended only as a federal lawsuit was filed against Kansas DCF (Department for Children and Families). Raymond and Amelia and some of their supporters have been spending time at a local cafe which has wi-fi access. Amelia had just left from there when police pulled her over to arrest her. Raymond speculates that they may have been trying to see if there was any marijuana in the car. (There wasn't.) Health Impact News called the police department, which confirmed that Amelia Schwab has been arrested on a bench warrant for a battery charge, dated May 11, 2015. Her bond is $674. Interestingly, the police appear to have learned about the bench warrant from an anonymous tip, according to Raymond Schwab. When we spoke with Raymond, he said that this was around the same time as the bogus charges that he was arrested for recently. No charges were ever actually filed against him, and he was released on his own recognizance after spending a brutal night in jail on March 24. He sees the arrest of his wife as further harassment and intimidation, and the trumping up of bogus charges.

Children Kidnapped by State of Arizona Finally Returned to Parents After 600 Days

There were happy children's voices in the background as Tabitha Shoars spoke on the phone Wednesday, April 6, with Health Impact News to share their great news. After 600 days of fighting for their children against Arizona CPS, their case has been DISMISSED! Tabitha and Jeff and their children are overjoyed to be back together again after their horrific ordeal. Tabitha says that the faces of the children lit up when they came home last week. The children, who range in age from almost 4 to almost 11, tackled their parents in their excitement to be reunited. Health Impact News was the first to publish their side of their story. Their lives fell apart on August 14, 2014. Three year old Khloe fell outside while she was playing, and later that night collapsed. Her parents had left the children in the care of a babysitter while they went out for a date night. They rushed home when they were told that the babysitter had called 911. While their sister was taken to the hospital, the rest of the children were taken by Child Protective Services and divided up into separate foster homes. Khloe passed away the next day. Even though no one was ever charged with a crime, the children were not returned to their parents.

North Carolina Mother has Children Medically Kidnapped Based on “Child Abuse Specialist” Testimony

Holly Atkins was devastated last year when she learned that her son had multiple broken bones. A Child Abuse Specialist accused her of abuse without looking for medical conditions that would explain what happened, and Child Protective Services seized both of her children, placing them with her parents and sister. Now North Carolina is demanding that her family cut off all ties to her, including phone calls and social media, or her children will go into foster care and be adopted out. The court appointed GAL attorney advocate, Donna Michelle Wright, reportedly told Holly's parents in family court on March 23: "Act like [your daughter] never existed." This same attorney reportedly told Holly's father previously that: "If Holly's parental rights are terminated, your main priority will have to be the children. Your and Holly's relationship would be no more." While even murderers are allowed visitation with family members, 28 year old Holly is faced with losing the close relationship she has always had with her parents as well as with her 20 year old sister, who lives with her parents. Her sister is being forced to choose between her relationship between her parents and niece and nephew, or her big sister. The Guilford County Family Court has made it clear that she cannot have both. If Holly's parents choose not to sever all contact with their daughter, the court has made it clear that the grandchildren, Baylie and Daylan, will go into the foster care system with the intent of adopting them out to strangers.

Kansas Dad Ends Hunger Strike – Federal Lawsuit Filed To Return His Children

The hunger strike is over for Navy veteran dad Raymond Schwab, and a federal lawsuit has been filed against Kansas DCF for their role in kidnapping his children and holding them in state custody long past the time when the allegations against the parents were found to be unsubstantiated. But the battle is far from over. His children are not yet home, and thousands of children in Kansas and around the United States remain separated from their families without any evidence that the allegations are even legitimate. He fights for these children and others who are in the foster care system simply because a parent has used medical marijuana.

Wisconsin Mother’s Children Kidnapped by the State on False Allegations of Drug Abuse

Sara Ambrosini’s story spans many years, two sets of children, and several different case plans. Sara started out believing that the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families’ Child Protective Services (CPS) was a benevolent agency whose intentions were to truly help families in need, but came to realize that CPS and the Juvenile Court system was an adversary that could not be trusted. She never imagined that she would eventually lose all her children to the system that she initially trusted for help. Although she was under a doctor’s care for methadone treatment to detox from a prescription painkiller, the methadone treatment would become a constant subject of "drug abuse" allegations made against Sara to CPS. Believing that no one “inside” the system could be trusted, Sara began researching and learning all she could about the law to equip her in the long legal battle ahead. Sara is still fighting the courts to bring her youngest two children home. She has a final hearing on April 4th, and then Judge Jude is retiring the next day. Here is Sara’s story.

Veteran Dad on Hunger Strike Arrested with No Charges – Kept Naked in Dirty Cell

A Navy veteran father was arrested on Day 11 of a Hunger Strike at the Kansas Capitol building on Thursday, March 24th, on a warrant for charges that no one seems to know anything about. Raymond Schwab and his supporters believe that his arrest is about "retaliation" and "intimidation" because he has been publicly fighting to get his children back since they were legally kidnapped by Child Protective Services and abused while in state custody. After spending a night in jail that he says "was like being in hell," Raymond was released Friday afternoon, with no charges filed against him. The treatment that he describes after being arrested is shocking. He reported that he was stripped naked and forced to remain in that condition in a filthy, cold room for the duration of his stay. There was "urine everywhere" and blood on the mattress. There was a hole in the floor where prisoners are expected to urinate.

Falsely Accused Washington Couple Loses Medically Kidnapped Baby for Two Years

When Allison and Jesus Valenzuela took their 5 month old son to the emergency room with a seizure, they had no idea that their lives were about to be turned upside down. They were accused of shaken baby syndrome, and their son was seized from them by Child Protective Services on April 2, 2013. To this day, they don't know what was wrong with Alessandro that day, or what is causing symptoms that he shows even now. There were early signs of problems that doctors dismissed. After they were accused of child abuse, the Valenzuelas found, like many other parents, that doctors stopped looking for the medical basis for their child's symptoms. The parents are still looking for answers. After more than 2 years, Alessandro was returned to his parents who were cleared of all charges of child abuse. CPS is now completely out of their lives as of last month. Allison describes what they went through as "a living hell." She sent her heart-breaking story to Health Impact News, and we are publishing it in its entirety. She wants their voices to be heard.

Navy Dad Goes on Hunger Strike in Kansas Until State-Kidnapped Children are Returned or He Starves to Death

A U.S. Navy veteran is currently on a hunger strike in hopes of getting his children back from what he calls a very corrupt child protective system in Kansas. He is prepared to continue his hunger strike until he and his wife's children are returned, or until he starves to death. Raymond Schwab and his wife Amelia say that their children never should have been taken away from them almost a year ago, but what prompted the hunger strike was the fact that the Department for Children and Families (DCF) said they planned to place their 13 year old son in a psychiatric residential treatment center. They started him on psychotropic drugs 2 weeks ago, against his parents' will. Raymond Schwab began his strike on Monday, March 14, two days before DCF was to institutionalize their son. He doesn't belong there, the parents insist, and he certainly doesn't need dangerous psychotropic drugs. But he was placed into the facility on Wednesday, against his parents' wishes, and is expected to be there for up to 60 days. Three of their children have reportedly been abused while in DCF custody. DCF has reported to the family that their 5 year old little girl has been sexually assaulted in their care, and the 13 year old and another son have been abused in the DCF placement.

Isaiah Rider Chicago Court Hearing Monday – Supporters Pray They Will Let the 18 Year Old Go Free

There will be a court hearing in Chicago regarding the case of 18 year old Missouri resident. Even though he is now an adult, Cook County DCFS, their child protective system, still retains control of his life. Supporters are calling for Illinois to "Free Isaiah Rider!" They invite the press and supporters to attend the hearing, which takes place on Monday, March 21, 2016, at 1:30 pm, at 1100 S Hamilton, Chicago, Illinois, at the Juvenile Court in the courtroom of Judge Nicholas Geanopoulos. Supporters have been very frustrated with the fact that Isaiah Rider is now an adult, but the Illinois DCFS will not free him to live his life. Isaiah himself has pleaded, to no avail, for the system to let him go. He wants to be able to live his life without their interference.

Medically Kidnapped Children of Washington Parents Still not Returned – CPS Wants them Adopted

Three breastfed, homebirthed babies who were taken away from their parents by Child Protective Services in Washington state more than a year ago are still not home, but their mother reports that she is very hopeful that they will be home soon. The story of Erica May Carey and Cleave Rengo's children being taken by CPS was first reported by Health Impact News in November of 2014. Their heartbreaking story went viral and was read by more than 1.5 million people in less than 48 hours, leading to a national outcry. The governor of Washington reportedly received 6000 phone calls after the story was published. Twins Morna and Daniel and their brother Levi remain in a foster home in Washington, but despite earlier placement in separate homes, the 3 siblings are together in the same foster home. As recently as the last court hearing, a Bellingham social worker is still telling the court that the children should be adopted out. Erica reports that there is a new judge on her family's case. She has been told that the court will not discuss the case further or consider the children coming back home until he gets the In-Home Study report in his hands. When Health Impact News spoke with Erica May this past weekend, she had more hope in her voice than in any previous conversation throughout this whole ordeal. She has people on her team who believe that success is imminent and that her children will be returned home soon. She believes that God has shown her in her prayers that they are coming home soon. The hopes and prayers of many are with her that her children will be returned soon.

Dr. Phil Exposes Medical Kidnapping and Shaken Baby Syndrome False Diagnosis with North Carolina Family

In December of 2015, North Carolina mother Marty Peele contacted Health Impact News through their MedicalKidnap.com website in the hopes that we would tell her story of how her "miracle baby" had been taken away from her and the father of the baby with allegations of "child abuse." Local media had published stories portraying them as child abusers, in spite of the fact that Marty had suffered 8 miscarriages, was well respected in her community and church, and had worked with other family's children for over 17 years. Doctors had even testified that their child was suffering from infantile rickets, which would cause brittle bones. But they still did not get their baby back after 19 months, so they contacted Health Impact News, and we published their story at MedicalKidnap.com. The Peele family's ordeal has now appeared on the Dr. Phil show, and joining them on the show were several doctors who gave their expert testimonies in Marty's defense, confirming that there was a medical reason for Micah's broken ribs, and that it was not a result of child abuse. Testifying on the show were Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) genetics and pediatrics expert, Dr. David Ayoub, radiologist and published rickets expert and lecturer, and Dr. Doug Benson, orthopedic surgeon who has been involved in the case for some time. Also a guest on the show is attorney and child advocate Areva Martin who said: "The system has just run amuck on this case."

Medically Kidnapped South Carolina Boy Raped in Group Home – Attorney Speaks Out on State Abuse

The nightmare facing the Headley family just keeps getting worse. In a horrifying new development, William and Danielle Headley learned Friday that their oldest son, age 11, was raped at the group home where Child Protective Services placed the 4 Headley boys after medically kidnapping them. The family's attorney states: "I have a sick feeling in my stomach every time that I think of this horrific incident. I struggle to find words to console my clients. Dr. Henderson injected herself into a loving family in an effort to make the children 'as safe and healthy as possible.' The term child abuse specialist has taken an entirely different meaning. By allowing Dr. Henderson to abuse these children, the State and its system failed. When will the failure be recognized?"

10-Month Old Baby Medically Kidnapped in Michigan

Michigan parents Josh Soto and Alexandria Burgess took their ten month old baby girl Selena to the pediatrician on September 1, 2015 because she was fussy, tugging on her ears, cutting teeth, had severe diaper rash, and seemed to have pain in her legs. The pediatrician didn’t seem concerned, and gave her Benedryl and a cortisone cream for her diaper rash. He suggested that they keep an eye on her but didn’t note any concerns. Ten days later, on September 11, 2015, Selena’s pain seemed to have increased so they took her to the E.R. of a local hospital, Promedica-Bixby in Adrian, MI. The attending nurse initially ordered a hip x-ray, but Alexandria and Josh requested that they x-ray her legs, too, to be thorough. When the doctor came back into the room she said she had two broken legs, and asked “How did this happen?” They were referred to the University of Michigan Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan where a child abuse doctor determined that Selena had been abused, and had Child Protection services take custody of the child. The mother states: "We did everything we were supposed to as parents, and yet still found ourselves in this nightmare. This time, these moments with her.....we never get it back. Her first birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, her first time saying 'Momma', her first steps.....all away from home. All ruined by this nightmare we've been thrown into."

South Carolina Family Destroyed: Forced Vaccines, Sexual Abuse, Bruises Show Harm in State Care

The Headley boys of South Carolina aren't coming home any time soon, according to a recent hearing in family court. While their parents, William and Danielle, continue to fight to get them back, the family says that the boys are suffering in CPS custody. They are currently being held in a group home, and the parenting of their children by the government is quite concerning to the family. The children are reportedly being forced to have vaccines that they have medical exemptions for, are losing weight, are being sexually abused, and are showing up to visits with bruises. The state is also reportedly ignoring evidence that would clear the parents. Danielle Headley still faces criminal charges of child abuse and neglect, but no trial date has been set. Greenville Memorial Hospital and Child Abuse Specialist Nancy Henderson have accused her of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, or medical child abuse, after the Headley's youngest son Jack, now 4, was in and out of the hospital for much of his life. The family received documents last week summarizing the findings of the family court, and there are a number of things that are concerning to the family, things which should be concerning to every family in America with children.

Child Trafficking Reported in Kentucky as “One of the Most Corrupt States in the Country”

MedicalKidnap.com has been reporting alleged corruption within Kentucky's Cabinet Department of Community Based Services (DCBS) for over a year, but the history of alleged corruption goes back much further. Even though the corruption was investigated and exposed, it appears today in 2016 that Kentucky DCBS and Family Courts still conduct “Business as Usual,” sanctioning adoption over family reunification resulting in what many refer to as "child trafficking," according to the many stories we continue to receive from parents on a weekly basis. Will new leadership and new laws keep Kentucky families and children safe from DCBS and Family Court exploitation? In an article we published last year where we reported that the FBI had begun to investigate corruption in Kentucky after a Harvard study identified Kentucky as “one of the most corrupt states in the country,” one of our readers commented that in Kentucky, "we treat horses here better than we do our mothers, fathers, and children."