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Enraged Idaho Community Acts to Help Young Couple Who Refused Vaccine for Newborn – Baby Back Home for Now

An Idaho newborn who was seized by Child Protective Services the day before Thanksgiving over vaccine refusal was conditionally returned to his parents on Friday, December 1. While supporters are rejoicing over the judge's decision, there is a great deal of concern over the state of Idaho's overreach in taking baby Elijah. Precious bonding time was lost, and a new family has been traumatized. Diamond Mehlhoff has cerebral palsy, which is a brain disorder affecting movement. Despite her disability, she is active and involved in her church. She lives with her husband Ari and the baby's grandfather. For the Mehlhoff family, they have won a temporary victory. Their baby is now home with them. Their church family has rallied around them and will be providing round-the-clock support. Like every other family that comes under the heavy hand of Child Protective Services, the couple will have to jump through hoops as they prepare for the next court hearing.

Nevada Rules Against Arizona CPS on Shoar Family Baby – Remaining Children Still Held as Prisoners in Arizona Foster Care

Jeff and Tabitha Shoars are rejoicing today over a Nevada court's ruling. The Child Protective Services' claims against them that originated in Arizona, not Nevada, have been found to be unsubstantiated, and the case is closed as of 10 a.m. on November 30, 2017. Despite repeated attempts by social workers from the State of Arizona to have their baby Ny'tallieya removed from her parents' custody, a Nevada court has found that there are no reasons to keep the baby from her home. Tabitha Shoars says that they are very excited, and that it feels "like a weight's been lifted off of [their] shoulders." This is the 4th time that Arizona has presented false allegations against them to the state of Nevada, and it is the 4th time that the allegations were found to be unsubstantiated. The Shoars are hopeful that this will signal to Arizona social workers that they cannot manipulate social workers and courts in other states. She says that one of the Nevada social workers they have worked with clearly sees that the Arizona CPS attacks against them are "harassment." The fight continues, however, to get their other 7 children back from the state of Arizona, where they remain held captive in foster care. Arizona social workers traveled to Nevada last year and kidnapped the Shoars' children, bringing them back to Arizona. Baby Ny'tallieya was the only one spared at that time, because she was born in Nevada and local officials would not help Arizona kidnap her. The Shoars' 7 children held prisoner in Arizona foster care have been traumatized and desperately want to return home to their parents in Nevada. They have filed a lawsuit in Arizona demanding justice.

Vaccine Refusal Increasingly Being Linked to Medical Kidnapping – Violation of Civil Rights

Author and research scientist Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, is concerned about doctors and Child Protective Services overruling parents who choose not to vaccinate. In a video livestreamed on the Facebook VAXXED page on the evening of Tuesday, November 28, 2017, he said: "In the United States, there is a new rash of what can only be called Medical Kidnap." He goes on to state: "When the government acts as though they have the authority to take rights away, that's when people need to stand up. That's when the people, especially in the United States, have always recognized that we need to stand up. And I can't imagine a right that is more sacred to a mom than the bonding moments that occur right after birth." The single most damaging practice in the events surrounding childbirth is the separation of mother and baby, yet the practice is occurring with more and more frequency as hospitals threaten parents with the removal of the child for refusal to vaccinate.

Arizona Judge: Child Removed from Home Illegally – Only Reason Was Child Was “Adoptable”

One of the dirty little secrets of Child Protective Services is that children are sometimes taken from their homes, and their parents' rights ended, simply because the children are "adoptable." Now, in a stunning reversal of a termination of parental rights decision, a Court of Appeals has concluded that the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) took children from their mother primarily because her children were considered adoptable. This admission is now part of the court record. This confirms what many parents and social worker insiders have told Health Impact News - that one of the reasons that children are taken even from good, loving homes is because of their adoptability, not just in Arizona, but in every state. There is a great deal of federal funding in adopting out children to strangers; thus, children have literally become a commodity to be seized and sold. In any other context, this would be considered human trafficking. In the context of Child Protective Services, it is considered "in the best interest of the child."

Alabama Grandparents of Rape Victim Cleared of False Charges Used to Medically Kidnap Infant

The story of Baby Braelon in Alabama went viral during the summer of 2016, reaching a million people in just the first 24 hours. The baby boy was born to a 14 year-old mother who was a rape victim. When Braelon was born, his grandmother Dee became concerned that DHR was going to try something to take the baby away from his young mother, whom Dee and Rodney had raised since infancy. Dee was shocked when they witnessed the accused rapist Samuel Woods III and his mother barge into the hospital room uninvited shortly after the baby was born, having somehow bypassed hospital security. They saw the shocked faces of the young mother and family members as Woods scooped the baby from the bassinet like he owned the place. After a brief, uncomfortable conversation, Woods was told to leave. That encounter was used later that same day as the grounds for DHR to come into the hospital, flanked by hospital security and armed police officers, to kidnap Baby Braelon out of his breastfeeding mother's arms. It was not until several months later that the Princes were finally able to learn that "inviting the rapist into the hospital room" was the grounds used to seize Baby Braelon that day, and the young mother and her twin brother less than 24 hours later. Dee was warned not to post their story on social media. She was told to "keep quiet" and "comply." But Dee Prince knew that silence would only enable and embolden the bullies that were her abusers. Now, she has won - because she dared to trust God and speak out.

Will Everyone in the U.S. Soon Need Government Approval to be Parents and Keep Their Children?

Children belong to their parents. Such a concept is foundational to every culture throughout all of human history. The family is the core group of any society. The need of the child for his or her own parents is a need that impacts the child on every level: biologically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, developmentally, and culturally. In most circles, the truth of the above statements is accepted as common knowledge. However, there are some who do not hold to these most cherished values of family and kinship. Unfortunately, some of these people are radicals and extremists who hold positions of great influence over public policy, which translates into very real problems for families. Richard Wexler, Executive Director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, wrote of some radical views of the family by Elizabeth Bartholet, who is a Professor of Family Law at Harvard Law School: "Bartholet’s ideas are so extreme that they include requiring every family with a young child to open itself to mandatory government surveillance." Bartholet has worked with another radical whose views we have exposed here at Health Impact News, Professor James Dwyer of William and Mary College. Dwyer believes that there is no inherent right to parent one’s own children, and has stated: "The reason that parent-child relationship exists is because the state confers legal parenthood on people through its paternity and maternity laws." One of Dwyer's books was even the required text for a course on Family Law that Bartholet taught. If these law professors' radical views were isolated and contained to a few classes and lectures attended by a handful of elite college students, their views might be dismissed as irrelevant to most of us. However, both Dwyer and Bartholet appear to have a great deal of influence over public policy, and their views trickle down to the very people who have the power to make the equivalent of life-and-death decisions over families. These radical views that supplant parental rights in favor of government control of children are behind many of the Medical Kidnap stories we publish.

Teen Girls Abused in State Care in Michigan Seized Again in Florida After Insurance Refuses to Cover Treatment

A battle to get insurance to cover necessary medical care for teenage sisters with bulimia nervosa has ended up with those teens being taken by Child Protective Services in Florida. Their mother is asking how it can be that an insurance company is able to direct CPS to remove children from their homes. The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) has accused Laura Dalton of "medical neglect," but the evidence provided to Health Impact News demonstrates that she is a dedicated mother who has been working tirelessly to secure the proper treatment for her daughters. In fact, one of the twins was seized from the hospital, where her mother had taken her the week before due to her dangerously low blood pressure and pulse. The twins have suffered eating disorders after they were put into foster care in Michigan, where they were allegedly abused. They were healthy girls prior to that time, but as a penalty for allegedly smoking marijuana one time, they were removed from their home, and that is when their real problems began. Both girls almost died in state care in Michigan, before their mother was able to get them back home. Once home, their mother looked for help for their eating disorders, and eventually found treatment options for them in Florida. Statistics show that children who have been in foster care are 7 times more likely to develop bulimia and other eating disorders. Foster children are more likely to develop PTSD than veterans of war. But now, after being recommended for a treatment plan that has showed great promise for the girls, their insurance will not cover it, and the mom has been reported to CPS for medical neglect. One of the twins was immediately seized from the hospital, as the family's nightmare has begun all over again.

Local Dallas CBS Affiliate Goes Undercover to Reveal Medical Kidnapping of Teenage Girl

Being held against one's will is one of the most frightening, and powerless, things a person can experience. Whether it is a hostage situation with a bank robber, or a masked man holding a loved one for ransom, the terror experienced by both the victim and the family of the victim is the stuff of blockbuster movies, and the hero swoops in and defeats the bad guys, setting the captives free. What if, instead of the captor being a stereotypical "bad guy," the captor is a hospital or the state? Would the terror and post traumatic stress experienced by the victim be any less? Those who have experienced this tell us that it is just as disturbing and traumatic. If anything, the powerlessness takes on a whole other dimension because this isn't the way things are supposed to happen in America. The hospitals are supposed to be the good guys that we turn to in times of need. A news investigative team in Texas has investigated a number of reports of local hospitals holding young people against their will, while their parents are stripped of their power to help their children, saying that: "This could happen to almost any parent out there." Investigative reporter Ginger Allen says that they have investigated similar complaints "for years," and that the story they reported on October 27, 2017, is: "an example of the complaint we probably hear most often. People - kids - are transported to these hospitals and you can't get them out. This means that any parent out there could go through what you are about to watch play out." A teen was taken to Sundance Behavioral Hospital in Texas and held against her will, even when her mother tried to check her out against medical advice. She was also drugged without her mother's consent while she was there. CBS 11 went undercover with hidden cameras to report on the medical kidnapping.

Reign of Terror at Colorado Boys and Girls Ranch Finally Stopped Years After Abuse First Reported

When Lisa Mitchell contacted Health Impact News in 2016 about the medical kidnapping of her son Samuel, she recounted horrific acts of abuse that her son suffered at the hand of El Pueblo Boys and Girls Ranch, where he was forced to stay by Child Protective Services for 6 years. Now, that facility has been shut down by the state of Colorado - permanently. It is a measure of vindication for the Mitchells and other families who suffered at El Pueblo, but the years that they lost can never be replaced. Lisa reports that the children were drugged, abused, and starved - "treated like guinea pigs for profit." Children got into trouble for sneaking food, but they were hungry. Children were put into restraints and illegal holds. While several news reports about El Pueblo allude to fights between the residents, Lisa said that it went much deeper than that. She alleged that the staff would drug the kids, then pit them against each other to fight - much like cock fights or dog fights, only with children. While Samuel was in the facility, Lisa says that they broke his arm, his foot, and his leg. Her son was already on 6 psychotropic medications at age 6. The private, non-profit organization has been in operation for 57 years. Among its board members are a police chief, a judge, pharmaceutical reps, bankers, and realtors. Lisa Mitchell is asking the questions of how deep the conflicts of interests run among those involved with El Pueblo. Who made money at the children's expense? She says that her son’s Guardian ad Litem (GAL) once told Samuel: "You’re worth a lot of money." Lisa Mitchell is very thankful that the facility which caused such harm to her son has finally been permanently shut down. She says that the Child Protective System and the health care system is "trafficking children." Now, she wants to see the people who are responsible for the rampant abuse shut down.

Baby Seized at Birth from Breast-feeding Alabama Mother to go Home More than 1 Year Later

An Alabama baby seized more than a year ago from her mother by Shelby County DHR (Department of Human Resources) is to be returned home in a dramatic turnaround of events. Public outcry and media exposure of corruption eventually led to meetings with state DHR officials and a change of venue for Haly Boothe and her husband Anthony Lett’s case. Their case was transferred out of Shelby County, and almost immediately, things began to change. Now, Avyonna is on her way home. Avyonna was taken from her parents, Haly and Anthony, when she was only 3 days old. She was a breastfeeding newborn taken from her mother's breast before she ever left the hospital. There was no court order, warrant, or emergency circumstance, but the department mistakenly believed that they had the right to seize children without such, in direct opposition to the 4th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Caseworkers from the same department seized Avyonna's cousin - Baby Braelon - just one month later from Haly's 14 year old sister who was the alleged victim of a rape. It was one of the most-read stories covered by the Medical Kidnap division of Health Impact News and read by millions of people who were outraged. The family alleged then that they had been unjustly targeted for years by Shelby County DHR, with multiple family members seized without any evidence of abuse or neglect. While the grandparents of the Prince family are overjoyed that their granddaughter baby Avyonna will soon be home, they are still not permitted to have visitation with Baby Braelon. Yet, it is reported that the family of the biological father, accused rapist Samuel Woods III, is now being allowed visitation with the baby every other weekend.

Tennessee Mom of Premature Twins Who Refused Vaccines is Arrested and Jailed

Almost a year after her youngest set of twins was taken by Child Protective Services, a Tennessee mother was arrested this week and charged with 2 counts of felony child neglect. Tamika Seagraves was blindsided by the arrest when she appeared for a child support hearing on Tuesday, October 24. Friends are trying to raise money to get her out of jail. According to the Nashville and Davidson County court website, her bond is set at $20,000. Her arraignment is set for 9 am on November 8 at the Justice A.A. Birch Building Courthouse in Nashville, Tennessee. Tamika has been fighting to get the twins back home since they were medically kidnapped in January 2017 by the Department of Children's Services, due to their low weight. She has always believed that their seizure by DCS had less to do with their weight and more to do with the unusual circumstances of their birth. Zaylen and Zaliyah were born on December 5, 2016. They were premature - born at 34 weeks. They were the third set of fraternal twins born to their mother, and all 3 sets of twin were a boy and girl pair. Their oldest brother Zayden died in the hospital at 13 days old. He and his twin Ziria were micro-preemies, born at just 24 weeks gestation. Two years later, Tamika Seagraves gave birth to another set of twins - Jordan and Jaliyah, born at 35 weeks. Again, tragedy struck when little Jordan passed away in his sleep. He was almost 2 months old. DCS removed Jaliyah from her home at that time, accusing Tamika of demonstrating “erratic behaviors” because she refused vaccinations, stopped a medication for her child out of concerns for its side effects, and “tried to have Jaliyah seen by a holistic chiropractor as opposed to a pediatrician.” While Tamika was fighting the state to get Jaliyah back, she gave birth to her third set of twins. When they were born, Tamika determined not to take any chances with their health. She refused all vaccines, the Vitamin K shot, the eye ointment, and circumcision for her son. She chose to exclusively breastfeed. Whistleblowers who are NICU nurses have confirmed that they have seen premature infants injured in the NICU by vaccines, and a 2015 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that there are adverse effects from vaccinating very low birth-weight infants. Now, her biggest fear, according to her close friend who contacted Health Impact News, is that her babies will be vaccinated and her son circumcised without her consent.

Texas Mother of Daughter Injured by Gardasil Vaccine Fights to Get Daughter Back as Attorneys Betray Her

A Texas mother faces another setback in trying to get her daughter back from Child Protective Services. Her daughter was medically kidnapped after a serious medical accident in which a pediatrician accidentally gave 4 month old Aniya Blu Vasquez the Gardisil 9 vaccine that was intended for her big brother. After receiving the vaccine by accident, baby Aniya began experiencing health problems that were subsequently blamed on her mother, Anita Vasquez. But Anita Vasquez recently learned that the attorney she hired to help her fight for baby Aniya is not, in fact, an attorney. Randall George Lamberg met with Anita and reportedly told her that he was an attorney who would work hard to get things done and file the motions needed to get Aniya home. Lamberg reportedly said that he was an attorney working with Esequiel Ramos, Jr. However, he is a paralegal under Ramos, not a lawyer. Lamberg was indicted in February in another case where he fraudulently represented himself as an attorney, but the Vasquez family was unaware of this history. Anita Vasquez set to work fundraising and selling menudo, a spicy Mexican soup, to raise money to pay his law firm. Between the fundraisers and a loan from a friend, she was able to pay him $7000. Court last Tuesday was supposed to be a hearing about custody of Aniya. Instead, the child was little more than an afterthought in the circus surrounding the attorney impersonator, who did not even show up for court. Anita told the Victoria Advocate: "I've been scammed."

Report: The Corruption and Sadistic Culture Within Child Protective Services is a Threat to Every Family in America

The Huffington Post has released a report on Child Protective Services (CPS) by Child Advocate and contributor Patricia Mitchell, founder of Patricia's Children, Inc. The report is filled with documented data that is important for all families to know, due to the threat that CPS poses to literally every family in America. Some of the data in the report will come as no surprise to the families impacted by medical kidnapping. While children and parents are being destroyed behind closed agency and courtroom doors, the majority of the public remains blissfully ignorant of the reality, much like the citizens in Eastern Europe were unaware of the atrocities happening to their fellow citizens in the concentration camps under the Nazi regime. This is information that needs to be shared with friends and neighbors, politicians, media, and policy makers, and it needs to provide a catalyst for change. We simply cannot maintain this trajectory and survive as a culture. The cost - our children - is simply too high. The report concludes: "Currently, billions of dollars are used to support the barbaric treatment of our most vulnerable citizens. Ending the daily corruption and sadistic culture within Child Protective Services is the civilized thing to do." We agree.

Is This Medically Kidnapped Girl in Atlanta Being Murdered for Medical Research Due to Rare Genetic Disorder?

According to doctors at Atlanta's Egleston Children’s Hospital at Emory, ten-year-old Nhyariah Mack is on death's door. Her mother Jasmin Mack has been told that she could die at any moment because her heart is failing her. Jasmin says that the hospital offered her a very large sum of money as a settlement if she agree to a heart transplant and just walk away, leaving her daughter with the hospital and the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS), and stop talking about her daughter's situation. She believes that they are more interested in her organs and the research they can use her for than they are in her. Nhyariah has an extremely rare chromosomal disorder - Trisomy 9 mosaic. There are just over a hundred people worldwide who have that diagnosis, making Nhyariah a prime target for those who would like to use her as a lab rat for medical research. Jasmin wants to know - what is really going on? Why has this hospital given her daughter a death sentence? Why won't they allow her to transfer to another hospital that gives her hope of survival? If she is really at death's door, why is she so full of life? If Child Protective Services is about protecting children, why aren't they letting her transfer to the hospital that believes that she has a chance to live? Why did the hospital offer her such a large sum of money to keep quiet and walk away from her daughter? If they actually expected her to take it, does that mean they are accustomed to other parents complying with such offers? How many other parents have sold their children to be studied and turned their backs on their own flesh and blood? How can this be happening in America? How can a child so full of life be sacrificed on the altar of medical research, while her mother fights for her life? Why cannot a parent get a second medical opinion in the land of the free and the home of the brave? How can Child Protective Services push aside an innocent, loving mother and allow a hospital to experiment on her child?

Medical Kidnapping in Atlanta! Child with Rare Disorder to Die for Medical Research?

A little girl's life literally hangs in the balance in Georgia. Nhyariah Mack's mother wants her to be transferred back to their hometown hospital in Pensacola, Florida, but Child Protective Services and Egleston Children's Hospital at Emory refuse to allow her mother to transfer her or get a second opinion. For months doctors at Egleston have been telling Jasmin Mack that Nhyariah doesn't have long to live and will need to go into hospice care soon. This week, a new cardiologist told Jasmin that they have a heart for her daughter and they want to do a heart transplant. At first Jasmin was hopeful, thinking that maybe, finally, doctors were going to try to save her child's life. Then she says that she saw the doctor "skipping down the hallway" toward the front desk. That was when it hit her like a ton of bricks: "They want my baby's heart! These people are still trying to research my child!" Jasmin went to court Monday, hoping the judge would hear her request for a transfer again and look at the evidence that she did not miss any doctor appointments and that it was Nhyariah's Trisomy 9, not medical neglect on her part, that was responsible for her small size. Instead, she found that the judge had removed herself from the case. She had court again on Wednesday, September 26, but she never saw a judge. A sheriff simply gave her a piece of paper informing her of yet another court date - October 18. Jasmin doesn't even know if her daughter will live that long. There will be a rally for Nhyariah on Friday, October 6, at the hospital. The family welcomes any and all supporters to help them to call for Nhyariah to be released to go to Pensacola for a second opinion and a chance at life.

Babysitter Arrested for Shaken Baby Syndrome – But CPS Still Refuses to Return Baby to Parents

When Michael and Chelsea Wolken of Canyon County, Idaho, picked up their 5 month old baby last month from the babysitter's house, they were concerned that she wasn't acting right. Now, the babysitter has been charged with felony injury to a child and accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Now that the parents are no longer being blamed, their baby should be home. Child Protective Services doesn't see it that way, and they appear to be looking for any reason they can find to keep the child in their custody. The parents are devastated and just want Baby Rylee home, where she belongs.

Child Protective Services Failure – A Tale of Two Boys Who Suffered Abuse

They are a microcosm of the failures of the Child Protective Services System - two young men whose stories clearly illustrate two sides of the same coin. It was a chance encounter in the middle of Union Station in downtown Washington, D.C. As we talked with these young men, I realized that their stories were perfect demonstrations of why Dee Prince, Whitney Manning, and I joined hundreds of other parents and activists in our nation's capitol for the Million Parent March events of September 17 - 19, 2017. One of them had grown up in the foster care system since age 3, and told that he and his siblings had been abandoned by their mother because she didn't care. After he aged out of the system at age 18, he found out he had been lied to, as he was reunited with his mother and siblings. He was never abused in his home. The other young man grew up being abused in his home, and there were people who knew, who saw, yet did nothing. They left a scared, hurting little boy in a bad situation and didn't intervene. The contrast in their stories is riveting, yet it is something that I hear on almost a daily basis. The Child Protective System failed the children in both cases. Why?

5 Idaho Children Medically Kidnapped based on Doctor’s Opinion of Shaken Baby Syndrome

An Idaho couple has been blindsided by an accusation of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Michael and Chelsea Wolken had a date night and left their 5 month old baby in the care of a trusted babysitter. They knew something wasn't right when they got baby Rylee home that night, but they never dreamed that her symptoms would be diagnosed days later as Shaken Baby Syndrome. The Wolkens have more questions than answers about what happened to make their baby so sick, but one thing they say they are certain of - they didn't shake their baby. A Child Abuse Specialist pediatrician told police and Child Protection Services that the baby's condition had to be caused by abuse, based on his interpretation of x-rays, despite the fact that there were no external signs of trauma, such as a neck injury, bruising, or history of violence in the parents. Since the doctor has made this diagnosis, CPS has taken custody of Rylee and removed Chelsea's other 4 children from the home. And doctors have stopped looking for any other explanation. A very sick baby is now living with strangers in foster care.

Chicago Boy Medically Kidnapped for 20 Months Back Home – Family Strives to Overcome Trauma

It has been two years since "Baby Malik" was returned to his family. It has been a long journey of helping him to overcome the harm from being taken by Child Protective Services and Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago, but his grandmother Lakisha Tanna says that they can finally "function like a normal family again." Malik just started K-5 kindergarten. He is doing well now, but that didn't happen overnight. He was out of his family's custody for 1 year, 8 months, and a day. All that time in the custody of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) had a lasting impact on him, and it wasn't good. He came home with a great deal of insecurity, afraid to let Lakisha out of his sight. There were times that Lakisha was afraid that he would never come home, and times that she feared for Malik's very life. She thanks God that he is safe now. The public attention brought to their story by Health Impact News made a big difference, she believes. As long as DCFS and Lurie Children's Hospital were able to operate in secrecy, there was no accountability and they were able to do whatever they wanted with Malik, including perform multiple experimental surgeries on him without his family's consent. To this day, Malik's story remains one of the most horrific stories we have ever covered of medical abuse under Child Protective Services custody. Because our readers became involved in making phone calls and writing letters, holding the hospital and DCFS accountable, Malik was finally returned home.

Law Professor Attacks Homeschoolers – Believes State Should Choose Parents for Babies

A law professor at the oldest law school in the nation believes that there is no inherent right to parent one's own children. In an interview for CRTV about homeschooling, Professor James G. Dwyer told syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin that: "The reason that parent-child relationship exists is because the state confers legal parenthood on people through its paternity and maternity laws." An investigation into Dwyer's writings and history reveals that this alarming statement was not an exaggerated statement taken out of context or misrepresented by a conservative journalist. Instead, the statement appears to be a foundational core belief held by a man who formerly worked in New York state family courts as a Law Guardian, which is the equivalent of a Guardian ad Litem. Dwyer's writings now influences policy within the family court system. Dwyer argues: "Courts should recognize that newborn babies, much more clearly than birth parents, have fundamental interests at stake in the state's selection of legal parents and, therefore, a much stronger claim to constitutional protection."