Kansas Mom Has Children Taken Away While Husband Dies in Jail for Using Medical Marijuana

A Eureka, Kansas couple reportedly had police enter their home recently without a warrant, based on what the police allegedly stated was a complaint from someone that they heard screaming from inside the home. Jennifer Hess answered the door and explained that no one was screaming, and attempted to close the door. Doug McVay, writing for FreedomLeaf.com reports: "At that point, they forced the door open. Two of them entered the house, and they demanded I go outside,” Hess tells Freedom Leaf. On June 14 on Facebook, she wrote: “They said they were getting a search warrant, alleging they had seen drug paraphernalia in the house.” Police searched the house and found “293 grams” (about 10 ounces) of cannabis, “all personal use.” Hess and Wilson both had medical conditions and used marijuana for that purpose, she said. “They made up a reason to come to my door, probably because there was no one we associate with to do a controlled buy.” Medical marijuana is legal in many U.S. States, but not Kansas. Jennifer and her husband Homer were arrested, and the two children, Ashton, 15, and Holden, 11, were put into protective custody. Two weeks later, with Homer having various medical conditions and being denied his medical marijuana, he died in jail. Facing criminal charges and having just lost her husband, Jennifer must now also fight to regain custody of her children. "On June 7, I was preparing to bond out and was taken to the interview room and informed by the Sheriff and a KBI agent that my husband had a medical emergency, and he didn’t make it. They proceeded to ask me questions about his health and habits, then left me in the interview room for about 30 minutes. Now, I’m separated from my kids and unable to be with them during this difficult time, and facing serious charges all alone. I’d like to know what makes us such a danger to society that my husband deserved to lose his life."

Mother’s Day Reunion: Military Dad and Mom Reunited with Children 3 Years After Kansas Took Them Over Medical Cannabis

Shortly before Mother's Day 3 years ago, on April 26, 2015, the Department for Children and Families (DCF) in Kansas seized 5 children from Raymond and Amelia Schwab over false allegations. Now, just before Mother's Day 2018 - 3 years later - their nightmare is officially over. The children are home and the case against them is finally closed. The final closure of the case was not expected to happen for another 2 months, but the unexpected email arrived Thursday, May 10, 2018 to announce the good news. Even so, Raymond told Health Impact News that even this is not really a "win" because they lost so many years with their children. Those are years they can never get back. Health Impact News has previously reported that, under DCF care, at least one of the Schwab children was sexually assaulted, and others were abused. The parents want to encourage other parents who are fighting for their children: "We've just got to keep up the fight and hope that our story inspires people to never give up. Never quit. Never surrender." The part of fighting DCF to get their children home is indeed over. But the battle for families is not over by any means. Raymond and Amelia Schwab and Jennifer Winn have each stated that they intend to keep fighting for justice for all families.

Families Protest at Kansas State Capitol: “Our Children are not for Sale!”

The crowd of parents, advocates, and recently freed children say they have had enough. About 150 people braved freezing temperatures to march on the Kansas state capitol for the 3rd annual Fools No More rally on April 2, 2018. Event organizer Jennifer Winn, family advocate and former gubernatorial candidate, said: "This is about our children. All the aspects of this event are about issues that impact our children from DCF, parental rights, juvenile justice, medical cannabis; all these issues impact the lives of our children.... We are fighting for their future." Some of the most fervent marchers were children who were recently held captive in the Child Protective System, known as DCF in Kansas, and who are now reunited with their families. One such child, the 14 year old son of "Hunger Strike Dad" Raymond Schwab, was asked what he thought of what DCF did to him. There was no hint of hesitation on his part. He replied passionately: "Shut the system down!"

Navy Veteran Makes Christmas Eve Plea for His Children

It is Christmas Eve, and the Schwab children were supposed to be home for Christmas. They are not. Earlier this month, a judge assured Navy Veteran Raymond Schwab and his wife Amelia that their children would be coming home in time for the holidays, but in a heart-wrenching turn of events, efforts to get them home have been thwarted by the children's attorney ad litem. The role of the ad litem is to advocate for "the best interest of the children," but the children have called their mother in tears because their foster parents told them that they aren't going home. They obviously don't agree with their court-appointed representative about what constitutes their best interest. They were never abused or neglected at home, but there is a great deal of evidence that they have suffered abuse in foster care. Now their Christmas hopes of being home and together again have been cruelly dashed. This is their 3rd Christmas apart, and Christmas day is young Asher's birthday. Child Protective Services has, once again, stolen the Christmas wishes from the children. Raymond Schwab took to YouTube this afternoon to plead with the public to help them to get their children home.

Grandparents Fight State of Kansas Over Attempted Forced Vaccination of Grandson Residing in Their Home

The war against parents who choose not to vaccinate their children, or to not follow the CDC vaccine schedule which requires more vaccines for children in the U.S. than any other developed nation of the world, rages on all across America. Citizens of the United States are waking up and recognizing that with no legal accountability for pharmaceutical companies to produce safe vaccines in the U.S., unlike most other countries of the world where one can sue a vaccine manufacturer for damages resulting from their vaccine products, the proliferation of vaccines and their known side effects carries tremendous risk of injury and even death. Parents and physicians in the U.S. are increasingly standing up for their rights to choose medical procedures for their children and resisting coercion by government agencies who seek to mandate vaccines even against the desires of parents and sometimes their physicians as well. In Johnson County, Kansas, one 2-year old little boy has been taken away from his mother and placed in foster care with his grandparents. The young boy was born with a serious heart defect, and has never been vaccinated. The mother and the grandparents, for both health and religious reasons, have utilized Kansas' legal vaccine exemption laws to prevent the young boy from being vaccinated. But since the child has been removed from his mother and placed into the temporary custody of the state of Kansas, the state is now trying to force the child to be vaccinated against the wishes of both his mother and grandparents, even while he continues to live under the care of his grandparents.

Judge Orders Children Home in Kansas Case with Navy Dad Who used Medical Cannabis

Raymond and Amelia Schwab didn't know what to expect when they went into a Kansas courtroom on Tuesday, August 15, 2017. The Colorado couple has been fighting to get their children back since the Department for Children and Families (DCF) seized custody of them in April 2015. During that time, they have been told that their parental rights would be terminated, that their children would be returned home, and everything in between. It has been an emotional roller coaster, and 5 of their 6 children have been in foster care for more than 2 years. (Their oldest son was 19 when his younger siblings were taken and therefore avoided foster care.) Raymond Schwab, an honorably discharged Navy veteran, and his wife Amelia took to Facebook Live with an update for thousands of their followers, many of whom have been praying for their children to be returned to the family. The update was a mixture of good news and bad news - the children are supposed to be returned home, just not immediately. They were told that the children should be home by Christmas.

Navy Dad Plans Hunger Strike at White House Over Medically Kidnapped Kids

In December, a Kansas judge ordered reunification for the "Hunger Strike Dad" and his children. That hasn't happened. Though Raymond and Amelia Schwab have done everything the court has ordered them to do, they say that the Kansas Department of Children and Families (DCF) has "sabotaged the whole process." The Navy veteran father of 6 has had enough, and he is throwing down the gauntlet. He is making plans now for another hunger strike - this time at the White House - until President Trump acts to investigate the child trafficking by Child Protective Services, or he starves to death in front of the White House.

Missouri Hospital Refuses Transfer of Sick Baby – Kidnaps Kansas Couple’s Newborn Child

Baby Serenity decided to make her arrival about 4 weeks ahead of time, catching her parents, Brianne and Jason Glazier off guard. The couple were in the middle of moving from Kansas to Illinois, and her father had gone ahead a couple weeks before to get things set up at their new apartment to get ready for her arrival. Brianne never made it there. She went into labor early, and Serenity was born in a Kansas hospital on September 15, 2016. Jason rushed back to Kansas for what should have been a happy occasion, but it has turned into a nightmare for the new family. Now, the couple are fighting Child Protective Services in a third state - Missouri - to try to bring their baby home. Their newborn daughter was born with a heart defect, called Tetralogy of Fallot, as well as other birth defects. The hospital she was born in transferred her to another Kansas hospital, which immediately transferred her to Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. The frightened parents found themselves in a strange city, in a state where they had no connections, and they were faced with doctors and staff who they say were not telling them what was going on with their baby. They told the staff that they wanted to transfer their baby to Illinois and arrange for her care in hospitals near their home. Jason tells Health Impact News that is when the problems with the hospital began.

Children Taken from Military Dad Using Medical Marijuana for PTSD to be Returned

Tuesday, December 13th, was a day of victory for the Schwab family, and their advocate Jennifer Winn is calling it "a miracle." When Raymond and Amelia Schwab walked into the Riley County Courthouse in Kansas Tuesday morning, it looked like they were going to lose their children. Child Protective Services' social workers had made it clear that they were pushing for termination of parental rights during the 3 day permanency hearing. Instead, the judge ruled that there will be no termination, but instead, they are to be reunified with their children. Raymond Schwab told Health Impact News: "They really were attempting to terminate, and they failed." It has been 18 long months since 5 of their 6 children were first seized by Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) over false allegations. (Their oldest was already of age.) Raymond, a Navy Gulf War veteran, went on a hunger strike last spring in the hopes of getting his children home. Like many military veterans, Raymond suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and when pharmaceutical products were used to treat his symptoms, he developed a heroin addiction. He was prescribed medical marijuana to break his heroin addiction, and the family was living in Colorado homeschooling their children where medical marijuana is legal. The family was happy, and Raymond had successfully returned to the work force. But while visiting Kansas where marijuana is not legal, false allegations led to CPS taking custody of their children. The Schwab family case gained national media attention over the civil rights of military veterans and medical marijuana users.

Wife of Hunger Strike Dad Arrested in Kansas While Protesting to Have Kidnapped Children Returned

Just before 11:30 am on Saturday morning, police arrested Amelia Schwab, wife of Raymond Schwab, who is the Navy veteran dad who went on a 17 day hunger strike at the Kansas state capitol in an effort to get their children free from child protective services custody. The strike ended only as a federal lawsuit was filed against Kansas DCF (Department for Children and Families). Raymond and Amelia and some of their supporters have been spending time at a local cafe which has wi-fi access. Amelia had just left from there when police pulled her over to arrest her. Raymond speculates that they may have been trying to see if there was any marijuana in the car. (There wasn't.) Health Impact News called the police department, which confirmed that Amelia Schwab has been arrested on a bench warrant for a battery charge, dated May 11, 2015. Her bond is $674. Interestingly, the police appear to have learned about the bench warrant from an anonymous tip, according to Raymond Schwab. When we spoke with Raymond, he said that this was around the same time as the bogus charges that he was arrested for recently. No charges were ever actually filed against him, and he was released on his own recognizance after spending a brutal night in jail on March 24. He sees the arrest of his wife as further harassment and intimidation, and the trumping up of bogus charges.

Kansas Dad Ends Hunger Strike – Federal Lawsuit Filed To Return His Children

The hunger strike is over for Navy veteran dad Raymond Schwab, and a federal lawsuit has been filed against Kansas DCF for their role in kidnapping his children and holding them in state custody long past the time when the allegations against the parents were found to be unsubstantiated. But the battle is far from over. His children are not yet home, and thousands of children in Kansas and around the United States remain separated from their families without any evidence that the allegations are even legitimate. He fights for these children and others who are in the foster care system simply because a parent has used medical marijuana.

Veteran Dad on Hunger Strike Arrested with No Charges – Kept Naked in Dirty Cell

A Navy veteran father was arrested on Day 11 of a Hunger Strike at the Kansas Capitol building on Thursday, March 24th, on a warrant for charges that no one seems to know anything about. Raymond Schwab and his supporters believe that his arrest is about "retaliation" and "intimidation" because he has been publicly fighting to get his children back since they were legally kidnapped by Child Protective Services and abused while in state custody. After spending a night in jail that he says "was like being in hell," Raymond was released Friday afternoon, with no charges filed against him. The treatment that he describes after being arrested is shocking. He reported that he was stripped naked and forced to remain in that condition in a filthy, cold room for the duration of his stay. There was "urine everywhere" and blood on the mattress. There was a hole in the floor where prisoners are expected to urinate.

Navy Dad Goes on Hunger Strike in Kansas Until State-Kidnapped Children are Returned or He Starves to Death

A U.S. Navy veteran is currently on a hunger strike in hopes of getting his children back from what he calls a very corrupt child protective system in Kansas. He is prepared to continue his hunger strike until he and his wife's children are returned, or until he starves to death. Raymond Schwab and his wife Amelia say that their children never should have been taken away from them almost a year ago, but what prompted the hunger strike was the fact that the Department for Children and Families (DCF) said they planned to place their 13 year old son in a psychiatric residential treatment center. They started him on psychotropic drugs 2 weeks ago, against his parents' will. Raymond Schwab began his strike on Monday, March 14, two days before DCF was to institutionalize their son. He doesn't belong there, the parents insist, and he certainly doesn't need dangerous psychotropic drugs. But he was placed into the facility on Wednesday, against his parents' wishes, and is expected to be there for up to 60 days. Three of their children have reportedly been abused while in DCF custody. DCF has reported to the family that their 5 year old little girl has been sexually assaulted in their care, and the 13 year old and another son have been abused in the DCF placement.

Mother Files Federal Lawsuit Against State of Kansas for Kidnapping Her Son

Attorneys Sarah Swain and Matthew Pappas have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the State of Kansas and its Department for Children and Families on behalf of cannabis oil activist and Crohn’s disease patient Shona Banda, whose 11-year-old son was taken by authorities in April of this year after he spoke out about his mother’s successful medical marijuana treatment during a public school anti-drug presentation.

Special Needs Sisters Kidnapped From Homeschooling Christian Family

Throughout history, people have taken a stand for their faith which oftentimes resulted in unfavorable consequences for the individuals. For disabled veteran David Owen and his wife Teresa, their refusal to stop practicing their Christian faith was ultimately used as a rationale in Kansas Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) seizing custody of their two special needs daughters, Angel and Catrina. According to Teresa Owen: ''Our daughters were wrongfully removed from our home because we refused to stop attending church and teaching our daughters about Christ. Angel and Catrina are being wrongfully kept out of our home, abused, and medically neglected. We are still fighting for our daughters and trying to help other families.'' Their children were taken at the beginning of 2011. To this day, they are not home, and Teresa and David are fighting to regain custody of their daughters. They believe their daughters are being abused both physically and emotionally in State custody, and are pleading with people to get their story published.