Los Angeles Mom Watches in Horror as Medically Kidnapped Baby Taken Away by Angry Woman (Video)
Los Angeles mother Lori Ibrahim recognizes that there is an inherent need in children to be with their mother, and she is broken-hearted that Child Protective Services is ignoring that fact. Her children were taken away from her after she had a positive drug screen after giving birth to her youngest son in July. Her friends are asking how this can happen, since the only drugs that she was taking were medications that were properly prescribed by doctors. Since being in state care, her infant has bruises, and her older son is traumatized from the separation. Health Impact News spoke with Lori after a recent visit with her children. She put into words what many parents have expressed about the grief of being separated from their children and the joy of spending time with them at visits, followed by the heartbreak of having to say goodbye at the end of the visits: "It's like being admitted through the pearly gates, and then someone opens a trap door and drops you into the pits of hell. It's so unnatural and so wrong to hand your babies to a stranger and walk away from them."