Texas Child Protection Services Social Worker Tells 14-year-old Foster Care Girl to Become Prostitute

Reporter Randy Wallace of Fox News in Houston, who has covered many stories the past few years regarding the abuses of CPS in Texas, brings this exclusive story of how a mother's 14-year-old daughter in foster care was told by a social worker that she should become a prostitute. As we have reported numerous times over the years, the U.S. Foster Care Child Welfare system is the #1 source for child sex trafficking. Texas is one of the worst states in terms of children being sexually abused in foster care, and most of the state's foster care juvenile centers are run by "Christian" groups. In 2015, U.S. District Judge Janis Graham Jack ruled against the State of Texas stating that the foster care system named in a lawsuit was unconstitutional. In her 255 page ruling, Judge Jack stated: "Texas’s PMC (Permanent Managing Conservatorship) children have been shuttled throughout a system where rape, abuse, psychotropic medication, and instability are the norm." Judge Jack ordered that the current system had to be abolished, and a new one formed with real reforms. But Texas State Attorney General Ken Paxton opposed the Judge and challenged her in court. In 2018, almost 3 years after Judge Jack's ruling, she stated that nothing had changed. Tragically, it would appear that is still the case today.

Online Classes – COVID Makes Medically Kidnapping Children Easier – Direct Access to Your Home

The brave new world of COVID has certainly changed everyone's lives, for the worse. Not too long ago homeschooling one's child meant keeping the child in the safest place possible, far away from those who would intend to do harm, such as require them to get dangerous vaccines, or reporting them to Child Protective Services where often social workers would come to schools and remove the child without the parents even knowing about it. Homeschooling used to prevent all that, but not anymore. At least not if you are participating in government education. Last week, for example, it was reported in several media outlets that parents in Tennessee were reporting that they were being forced to sign a waiver stating they will not eavesdrop on their children's online lessons. Homes are still the safest place for children, but now we need to add a new disclaimer: Only if you keep the government out of your home through the Internet! Otherwise, if you do not comply with their dictates, you may soon have a SWAT team breaking down your door in the middle of the night and forcibly taking your children from your home, which has already been happening in the U.S., as a story we covered last year in Arizona exemplifies: "Police Break Down Door of Arizona Family at 1 AM to Medically Kidnap 3 Children Because Parents Refused to Take Child to Emergency Room with Fever" Allie Parker reports that parents are now being accused of abusing their children simply if they do not log into their class online.

The Weaponizing of CPS – Lose Your Children IF: You Don’t Vaccinate, You Don’t Make a Dentist Appointment, You Don’t Pay School Lunch Fees, You Don’t Shut Up, Etc.

We’ve all heard stories about an angry neighbor or ex-spouse making false reports to Child Protection Services (CPS.) This weaponizing of CPS drew national attention recently because a School Board President, acting more like a bully than the director of a school, sent letters to parents threatening to call CPS if their child’s lunch debt wasn’t paid. However, this weaponizing of CPS has far greater consequences than simply intimidating parents to pay school lunch debts. It can lead to the death of children, the very children these taxpayer social service agencies are supposed to be "protecting." This is what happened to one mother pregnant with twins who was threatened to lose her twins at birth to CPS if she did not consent to receiving the flu shot. Out of fear of losing her babies to CPS, she complied, and her previously healthy twins died shortly later, before they were even born. CPS today is not really focused on "protecting" children, but intimidating non-compliant parents.

Parents Risk Losing Children to CPS in NY if They Fail to Comply with Mandatory Vaccines

As we reported last week, on June 13, 2019, the New York legislature quickly pushed a bill (A2371) to repeal the religious exemption to vaccination through both the Assembly and Senate in one day with no public hearings. The unprecedented legislative coup, which cut the citizens of New York out of participating in the law making process, culminated in the Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo immediately signing the bill into law. Soon after this bill passed in New York, some parents apparently received letters from their children's school districts informing them of the new law, and that any child who previously had a religious exemption to vaccines now needed to comply and get caught up on their vaccinations. One of these letters, from Deer Park, New York, was posted on Facebook and quickly circulated, where James Cummings, the Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, let parents know that failure to comply and vaccinate their children would result in being reported to Child Protective Services (CPS). CPS workers routinely seize children from parents who do not comply with medical directives. Today, you can lose your children to CPS for simply wanting to obtain a second opinion from a different doctor for medical treatments for your children. These children are very often taken out of their homes and put into foster care, where the vast majority of them are abused. Foster care is a billion dollar industry, and it is the main source of the United States' very large, and very real, problem of child sex trafficking. We have documented these cases of "medical kidnapping" for almost 5 years now on our MedicalKidnap.com website. It would appear that State Legislators and governors imposing strict mandatory vaccination laws have now found another pipeline of putting children into this very lucrative foster care system to access federal funds, where corruption is the norm.

New Proposed Texas Bill would Stop Child Protective Services from Falsifying Records

A new bill submitted in the Texas state Legislature by state Representative Gene Wu of Houston would require Child Protective Services (CPS) to increase accountability and prevent social workers from altering case records. What does this say about the current moral status of social workers in CPS when a law has to be passed to stop them from lying and falsifying records? One of the cases that was the motivation for this Texas bill is a case from 2018 that we reported here at Health Impact News where a family court judge ordered CPS to immediately return two children, a 5-month-old baby boy and 2-year-old little girl, to their family and have no more contact with them since they were removed from their home without a warrant and under false allegations. Later, Judge Mike Schneider took the unprecedented action to sanction CPS $127,000 for wrongfully removing the couple’s children and lying to the court about it. Representative Wu who authored the bill told the Houston Chronicle: “We’re talking about taking children away from families, breaking up families — we need to have the utmost transparency. We want there to be integrity in the reporting system.” According to the Chronicle: "The bill would require the department to track who makes every entry in a case and when, and it would require that the electronic records system prohibit users from modifying or deleting information."

Indian Mother and Attorney wins Award for Fight Against Child Protection Services and Children Civil Rights Abuse

We have previously reported here at Health Impact News how authorities in India are now providing information to families planning to visit or work in the United States in helping them to avoid having their children kidnapped by Child Protection Services. The Sunday Guardian reported: "Young Indian couples travelling to the United States on short to mid-term job assignments are increasingly facing the menace of child confiscation by the country’s child protection agencies, who wrongly accuse them of abuse. The 'child abuse' is determined using the controversial Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) indicator, the veracity of which is contested. Suranya Aiyar, a New-Delhi based lawyer, who has been providing counsel and aid to Indian families in the US, Norway and other countries to help them get back their confiscated children, recently submitted a 'Report on Indian and India-Origin Children Confiscated by the United States Child Protection Agencies' to the Ministry of External Affairs. Based on her extensive case study of 12 Indian families, who were falsely accused of child abuse, her report sheds light on the US agencies’ many biases and flawed methodology. The report wants a travel advisory to be issued to young Indian families moving to the US of possible confiscation of their children as, in most cases, the victim families are not aware of what might goad the child protection agencies to initiate action against them." Last year (2018) Indian mother and attorney Suranya Aiyar was awarded a laureate by the Nordic Committee for Human Rights (NCHR). NCHR is a human rights organization specializing in advocacy against wrongful child removals by child protection agencies in Nordic countries. In her acceptance speech, attorney Aiyar appeals to policymakers in India to resist and reject the Western models of child protection. Such is the sad state of affairs here in the U.S. today, where attorneys and policy makers in other countries must issue travel advisories and warn against child kidnappings by American child "protection" agencies.

New Way to Kidnap Children from Their Homes: Pretend to be a Social Worker

It is the one of the scariest things that a parent can ever experience. There is a knock on the door. Someone says, "I am a social worker from Child Protective Services. We got a call and I need to see your children." It happens every day in every state all across America. Social workers, alone or accompanied by police, show up to homes and to hospital rooms without a court order or warrant. There is no emergency circumstance where a child's life is in danger in the time it would take for them to get a court order or warrant signed by a judge, as provided for in the 4th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. As terrifying as this is, what if the person on the doorstep is not even a social worker? What if they are a kidnapper posing as a social worker? This happened to a mother in New York recently. Ashley Bradley posted her story on Facebook, and the post went viral. If she had not known her rights, she could easily have fallen prey to a scheme to kidnap her 9-month-old baby.

America #1 in Child Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia – CPS and Foster Care are the Pipelines

Many Americans hold to a national pride that believes the United States is, or at least was, the greatest country in the world. Few would argue that America is "not what it used to be" when considering the "greatness" of America today. Current American President Donald Trump was swept into power because he ran on a campaign slogan to "Make America Great Again" (MAGA), suggesting that what was once considered "great" in America no longer is. This pride that America is greater than most other countries of the world, that it is the land of opportunity and hope, was perhaps best articulated by the American poet, Emma Lazarus, who penned the following words that today are etched into a plaque attached to the Statute of Liberty standing in the harbor of New York City, which was once considered the gateway to America: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Today, depending on how one measures "greatness," America could still be considered greater than other countries in certain aspects, such as having the world's largest economy, or the world's most powerful military force. But there is one area where America exceeds all other nations' of the world that hopefully most Americans would not be proud to admit: America is the #1 destination for pedophilia and child sex trafficking, and this huge market exists mainly because it is funded by taxpayers through the U.S. government Child Protection Services and Foster care system.

Child Protective Services in North Carolina using Blackmail to Illegally Seize Children from Families

Associated Press reporters recently exposed a story of illegal practices by Child Protective Services social workers in one North Carolina county. Social workers in Cherokee County have been reportedly coercing parents and taking their children illegally, bypassing the court system by threatening to adopt out their children or throw the parents in jail if they refused to sign paperwork known in NC as a CVA - Custody and Visitation Agreement. The same paperwork is known in other states as a "safety plan" or other such name. Richard Wexler of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR) has another name for it - blackmail. Wexler authored an article in response to the AP expose' entitled, "Child welfare, foster care and civil liberties: When CPS resorts to blackmail." Where the AP article leaves room to believe that the actions in Cherokee County are a problem of corruption unique to one area, Wexler's opening salvo leaves no room for that impression: "Reporters in North Carolina exposed the practice of child welfare agencies blackmailing families into giving up all their rights and letting them take away children with no court review at all. The only thing unusual about this is that, in North Carolina, it’s illegal. Elsewhere it’s standard operating procedure."

Report: The Corruption and Sadistic Culture Within Child Protective Services is a Threat to Every Family in America

The Huffington Post has released a report on Child Protective Services (CPS) by Child Advocate and contributor Patricia Mitchell, founder of Patricia's Children, Inc. The report is filled with documented data that is important for all families to know, due to the threat that CPS poses to literally every family in America. Some of the data in the report will come as no surprise to the families impacted by medical kidnapping. While children and parents are being destroyed behind closed agency and courtroom doors, the majority of the public remains blissfully ignorant of the reality, much like the citizens in Eastern Europe were unaware of the atrocities happening to their fellow citizens in the concentration camps under the Nazi regime. This is information that needs to be shared with friends and neighbors, politicians, media, and policy makers, and it needs to provide a catalyst for change. We simply cannot maintain this trajectory and survive as a culture. The cost - our children - is simply too high. The report concludes: "Currently, billions of dollars are used to support the barbaric treatment of our most vulnerable citizens. Ending the daily corruption and sadistic culture within Child Protective Services is the civilized thing to do." We agree.

Vaccine Extremist Pediatricians Want Child Protective Services to Remove Children from Parents Who Object to Vaccines

Pediatricians who hold the most extreme views on vaccines (ALL people should be vaccinated with ALL vaccines ALL the time by force if necessary) are starting to publicly call for children who are not vaccinated with all recommended vaccines to be removed from their parents by reporting the parents to Child Protective Services. Similar to what happened in 2015 when the media and pro-vaccine extremists used the California Disneyland measles outbreak as an excuse to attack parents with children not vaccinated as the cause, so the most recent call to punish parents who choose not to vaccinate is using a supposed outbreak of measles in Minnesota to justify such severe actions. As we saw in 2015, the Disneyland measles outbreak was completely blown out of proportion by the mainstream media who did not accurately report on the facts. For example, many of those who contracted measles at Disneyland were already vaccinated against measles, and the "outbreak" (90 cases) was hardly significant, as similar outbreaks have occurred throughout the U.S. the past 30 years, and among a highly vaccinated population. What we saw in 2015 was a rash of proposed state bills to mandate vaccines, using the Disneyland measles "outbreak" as an excuse. Most of those bills were defeated in local state legislatures, and that trend has continued to 2017. The public, overwhelmingly, does NOT want the state forcing parents to vaccinate their children. With legislative efforts to force vaccines upon the public failing across the country, is the new strategy to have doctors start reporting parents who delay or refuse certain vaccines to local Child Protective Services (CPS) for "medical neglect"?

75% of Children Taken by Texas CPS are Based on Unfounded Accusations

Meagan Corser of the Texas Home School Coalition recently published an article about the status of Child Protective Services (CPS) in Texas regarding the evidence required to terminate parental rights. What she reports confirms what Health Impact News has exposed in many other states, that the vast majority of children taken away from parents are not for actual "abuse" where the child is in imminent danger. Corser reports that by Texas CPS' own admission: "in 75 percent of cases they lack sufficient evidence to support the accusations they made against the parent." That may seem like a high number to those who do not follow the articles we publish regularly at MedicalKidnap.com, but from our sources that number is probably too low, not too high. CPS whistleblowers have told us that only about 5% of the cases where children are removed from their parents are for actual cases of abuse that can be substantiated. In a recent report by ABC TV6 in Indiana, attorneys there report that "only 15% of children taken away from their parents are ever substantiated for abuse or neglect."

Homeschool Arkansas Dad Files Federal Lawsuit Against Officials Who Kidnapped His Children

This isn't just about their family, Hal Stanley told Health Impact News in a recent interview. Since his children were unjustly taken from his home two years ago on a cold January night, the homeschool father of 10 has learned that what happened to his family happens all across his state of Arkansas and, indeed, all across the United States and beyond. Although his children have been returned home, they are not the same as they were before more than 30 different government officials invaded their home and took them away from their family. They have been traumatized. Hal and his wife Michelle Stanley hope that their lawsuit will help to bring accountability and help to keep other families from going through the nightmare they have experienced. Together with attorney Joe Churchwell, the couple filed a 65 page complaint in federal court on January 13, 2017 - 2 years and a day after DHS and armed law enforcement swooped into their home based on false allegations and took away their children. They hope no other parents will go through the nightmare they endured, and they need help in funding their federal lawsuit.

South Florida Police Assault Business Owner Who Refuses to Give His Name to CPS

A South Florida business owner recently received a visit from a CPS social worker and police officer at his place of business. A former disgruntled employee had allegedly called a child abuse hotline to complain that the business owner was abusing his children by "doing drugs, narcotics, in front of his children." The social worker and police officer were apparently trying to get access to the man's children to take custody of them. The business owner asked the officer if he had a warrant, and if he was under arrest. When the officer answered "no" to both questions, he stated that they did not have permission to enter his private business (a Call Center), and that he was not going to answer any questions. He offered to let them talk to his attorney. They refused, and forced their way into his business anyway. When back up police arrived, they assaulted the man and threw him to floor inside his own place of business, handcuffed him, and took him away. They probably did not realize that this business owner also maintains Facebook Page called "South Florida Copwatch" which documents police abuse of power. The entire incident was captured on video, and posted to his Facebook page.

Texas Mother Speaks out on Kidnapping of her 11 Children on National Safe Child Show

Claire Rembis, the homeschool mother of the 11 children who were abducted in Colorado recently and brought back to Texas, was interviewed Friday, September 2nd by Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show. The show begins with Claire on the phone with Ms. Stefano while still wrapping up a monitored visitation with some of her children who were recently taken into custody by Texas CPS in Lubbock, Texas. Claire is upset while trying to wrap up her visit to do the interview, because she was reportedly only allotted one hour of time with her daughters, and when she took a short break to use the bathroom about 45 minutes into the visitation, they took her daughters away before she could even say goodbye. The story of the Rembis family, and how Texas CPS has repeatedly harassed their family and taken away their children even though the parents have never been charged or convicted of anything wrong, is starting to gain national attention. Their only crime simply seems to be that some people think they have too many children, and that they have publicly criticized Texas CPS. Listen to this interview as a tearful mother explains how her children suffered abuse, including sexual abuse, while in foster care the first time Texas CPS took her children. Today, she does not even know where her children are.

Avoiding Medical Kidnapping of Your Children: Attorney Allison Folmar Gives Advice

Attorney Allison Folmar is a civil rights attorney who passionately fought numerous charges brought against her client, Michigan mother Maryanne Godboldo. Maryanne refused to give up her daughter to State authorities when they attempted to force a harmful anti-psychotic drug upon her child who exhibited autistic-like symptoms immediately after vaccinations. Attorney Folmar won a lengthy legal battle against the Michigan Attorney General and State Prosecutors on the sole premise that a parent has the absolute fundamental liberty interest and constitutional right to have the final voice in choosing the course of medical treatment for his/her child. This presentation will highlight various aspects of parental rights including, but not limited to; federal laws, state laws, healthcare rights, patient rights, and civil rights, along with knowing your rights, being prepared with medical history, and tips to prevent CPS involvement. Quote from Attorney Folmar: They are trying to steal my client's child. They're playing for keeps! They're not saying "Oh, we'll send your child back in a week or two." They are playing for keeps. So when I am fighting, I am fighting with everything in me. When I go to court, I go to war. I am unapologetic about going to war in court, because my client's life, and their child's life, is at stake.

Mad Angel: Former Foster Child Now Parent is Creating an Army of Victims to Fight CPS

I'm here to correct the misconceptions or false claims from CPS (Child Protective Services). For years I've watched in horror as children and foster children have tried to stand up to their abusers; tried to get anyone, the public, to hear their cries. Sadly, I also watched as the abusers described these children's words as meaningless, attention seekers and trouble makers. And the public believed the word of the abuser over the truth and the reality of the child's words. Pedophile, child rapist, child murderers, child abusers, child sex traffickers - there I've said the words that make you cringe, that make you want to pull back and hide and pretend it isn't happening. Those are the words that I've shown to be associated with people in authority. Preachers, judges, lawyers, doctors, teachers, foster and adoptive parents and above all CHILD PROTECTION WORKERS. Sadly, those horrific words are ones that children placed in their care can not just pull away from. They can not ask for help, they can not tell the nearest adult.

Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Family in America Today

If you live in the United States of American today, and you have children in your home under the age of 18, every day you are in danger of losing your children to the State through medical kidnapping. All across the United States today, parents are losing custody of their biological children due to medical kidnapping. Medical kidnapping is defined as the State taking away children from their biological parents and putting them into State custody and the foster care system, simply because the parents did not agree with a doctor regarding their prescribed medical treatment for the family. In some cases it is as simple as telling a doctor you are going to seek a second opinion on a suggested medical procedure, and then ending up being charged with "medical abuse" and losing your children.

Is This What Has Become of America? Texas Citizens Have 3 Children Seized at Airport for Wanting to Visit Dying Mother

Tammi Stefano, host of The National Safe Child Show, is joined by Kathy and Ahmed Giwa, a couple who have received national media attention recently. Kathy Giwa has a Ph.D. and is working on her second Ph.D. She is a Texas certified special education teacher, Texas certified principal and also a CPS approved daycare director. Her husband, Ahmed, holds a Masters in Computer Science and also an MBA. Ahmed works for energy companies in Houston, Texas, where they live. The Giwas are dual citizens of the U.S. and Nigeria. Their children were seized by Texas Rangers at the Dallas airport in November, after Customs and Border Control officers and local police reportedly refused to arrest them due to lack of evidence. Child Protection Services (CPS) was the one recommending the arrest. Ali Giwa, the youngest child, was medically kidnapped on April 14, 2015, by Harris County CPS – a county the family doesn’t even live in – on allegations of “failure to thrive.” Though Ali has some developmental delays, CPS never mentioned to the judge that he is in the 75th percentile with his height and weight. He was returned home on July 29, but the case remained open. The U.S. Marshal at the Dallas airport allegedly had a private meeting behind closed doors with CPS, and acting on orders from CPS arrested the parents. They were at their gate, ready to board their plane with their car parked in the airport parking garage as they were clearly expecting to come back shortly to their home and jobs in Houston. They were hoping to get to say goodbye to their grandmother on her deathbed in Nigeria (Ahmed's mother) to fulfill her dying wish. Without a trial or any charges pressed against the parents, the Giwa family was torn apart when their three young children we removed from their custody at the airport just before Thanksgiving and Christmas. They have not seen their young children for over a month. They recently told their story to Tammi Stefano on The National Safe Child Show.

Christian Family Loses 5 Children to CPS for “Radicalizing and Indoctrinating” Children with Christianity

Child welfare services in Norway have reportedly removed five Christian children from their parents' home and placed them into foster care after the parents were accused of radicalizing and indoctrinating their children with Christianity. According to the British-based Christian Institute, Norway's child protection services, known as the Barnevernet, seized the three sons and two daughters of Ruth and Marius Bodnariu in mid-November. Although the family wasn't quite sure at the time why their children were being taken away from them, their lawyer discovered that the parents were being charged with Christian indoctrination. The Bodnariu's lawyer obtained a copy of the government document that lists the charges against Marius and Ruth, which includes being listed as "radical Christians who were indoctrinating their children."