CPS Caseworker in Arizona Turns Whistleblower – Reports on Abuse of Power

ABC 15 Arizona interviewed a former CPS caseworker turned whistleblower regarding some of the alleged abuses in the Arizona foster care system. The caseworker reportedly quit her job after seeing the abuse of power within CPS last year. Keeping her identity hidden, the former caseworker claims that many of her colleagues forged reports and were not truly investigating the welfare of children taken into state custody. She claims there was one instance in which a child died while in state custody, and the caseworker knew nothing about it. ABC 15 did an excellent investigative report showing court documents in which judges admitted that children were removed from their parents' home simply because the caseworker "got ticked off" at the parents. The Arizona CPS whistleblower states in the interview that these are not isolated cases, but happen frequently.

Why is the Arizona “Family Advocate” Threatening People Asking About Children in State Custody?

Maria Hoffman carries the title "Director of the Arizona Legislative Office of Family Advocacy." Her job description is stated to be: "Under contract to the President of the Arizona Senate and the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, and working for all ninety members of the legislature, Ms. Hoffman is the only person at the legislature who handles CPS constituent issues directly and with the Attorney General’s Office." So any parent who has a question about why CPS took away their child cannot even ask their elected representatives in the Arizona State Legislature anything about their child, as all such inquires are handled only by Maria Hoffman, who is an employee and not an elected official. When people ask questions about her role or about their children in state custody, she replies by threatening them with jail time or fines, including state legislators according to one source. This is a "Family Advocate"? How can one woman have so much power to keep families apart as a paid employee of the government and not an elected official? Who is she really protecting? Health Impact News has discovered some shocking information about Maria Hoffman.

2-year-old Taken From Loving Parents Killed by Foster Mother

A tragic story was back in the news this week in Texas. The foster parent of Alex Hill was sentenced to life in prison for the death of the young child who was taken away from her parents' home. Alex Hill was reported to have been taken away from her biological parents because her father admitted to using marijuana at night after the child was in bed. With no evidence of abuse, CPS took custody of the child and placed her into a foster home with Sherill Small. Sherill Small reportedly admitted to police that she had slammed the child onto the floor, saying it was an accident. It was also discovered that Sherill Small’s husband, who lived in the home while the child was there, was himself a recovering crack cocaine addict and admitted to multiple drug charges. So here we appear to have another case where social services removed a child from a loving home with no sign of abuse, and then put the child into an abusive foster home, with the child tragically being murdered.

Mom of 2 Year Old Special-Needs Child Asked for Help: Arizona CPS Took Him Away Instead

Lisa Meltzer is an Arizona mom of a special needs little boy. She and her family received special training to care for this precious little baby. But one day Lisa was so sick, she felt she needed more help than her family could supply for her son for a short time, while she recovered from her sickness. She called the Arizona State social services to request help. But according to Lisa, instead of helping, they removed the child from her custody and are now offering him up for adoption to foster parents. Even though she has not been charged with abuse, the state apparently believes they can remove the child simply based on his complicated medical needs. Her parental rights have allegedly been violated, as she has not been able to visit her 2 year old son for 4 months, and the Arizona Attorney General and Family Court Judge allegedly removed her from court when she tried to speak up for her parental rights. What is going on in Arizona?

Parents Falsely Accused by CPS Fight to Get Reputation Back – Pay Forced Hospital Bills

The parents did nothing wrong, yet their lives were turned upside down. They were falsely accused of abuse when they took their baby girl to the doctor for an accidental injury. Later, they were compared to "dolphins caught in a net." A child abuse doctor at Helen DeVos Children's Hospital (HDVCH) in Grand Rapids, Michigan, actually thanked them for "taking a hard hit for the greater good" of catching abused and neglected children. They were innocent.

Arizona’s Exploding Foster Care Intake: Kids sleeping in State Office Buildings

KPHO CBS5 in Arizona reported that there are so many children being removed from homes and put into foster care in Arizona, that there is a severe shortage of foster homes, and that babies and children are being "housed" in social services' office buildings.

Free Christopher Rally & Press Conference in Phoenix with Tonya Brown & Guests!

Phoenix Children's Hospital and DCS seized custody of Christopher Reign Brown on June 25, 2013, taking custody away from his legal mother, Tonya Brown. Tonya and family members claim this was a "medical kidnap" simply because they disagreed with doctors and wanted to seek other options for his dangerous cancer treatment, a bone marrow transplant with no family member donor. Full Story here. Tonya has a court hearing in Family Court on Friday November 11th. This court hearing could sever her relationship to her son permanently. Advocates for the family have organized a rally for the family at the Court House.

Phoenix Children’s Hospital Seizes 8 Year Old Boy Because Mother Seeks Second Opinion

Tonya Brown is “just a mom who is in love with her kid,” adorable 8-year-old Christopher Reign. Because Tonya questioned a very risky, painful procedure for her son, Tonya reports that his doctor at Phoenix Children’s Hospital enlisted Child Protective Services to take him away from her custody. If the doctor has her way, Tonya could lose her beloved child forever in the upcoming hearings to permanently sever her parental rights later this month – all because a mother wanted to try less invasive options for her son before going to a treatment that carries sizable risks.

Foster Kids Speak Out: Sue Agency over Abuse in “Kids for Cash” Scandal

Kim Baldonado of NBC news in Los Angeles reported this week that several foster care kids have come out into the open to testify about abuses allegedly committed in California's foster care program. In a press conference, former foster care children who are now young adults testified to horrendous abuses including: being tortured by "specially-made tools," and being "abused verbally, physically and sexually."

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: A Fake Psychiatric Disorder Used to Medically Kidnap Children?

A Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy diagnosis lacks scientific validity. The Munchausen syndrome by proxy profile used by doctors contains paradoxes that make it very difficult, almost impossible, for mothers to prove their innocence. For example, being an over-protective parent is part of the Munchausen syndrome by proxy profile, but so is being a negligent parent. Read how one family lost custody of their vaccine-damaged daughter to a Munchausen syndrome by proxy diagnosis in a medical kidnapping case. It took months to regain custody of the girl, but it was too late. The child died a short time later.