Attorneys Being Trained to Fight Bogus Child Abuse Charges used in Medical Kidnappings
Incidences of innocent parents being accused of medical abuse from "abusive head trauma" (AHT), formerly known as shaken baby syndrome (SBS), are being reported more and more in the media these days. We have reported several of these stories here at, where babies are removed from the custody of their parents based on the testimony of a doctor. In some cases, the parents are going to jail over these accusations. The increase in parents being accused of AHT seems to parallel a new Child Abuse Specialist certification with the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2010. This has created a whole new class of pediatricians whose sole purpose is to determine if a child's injuries show parental or care giver abuse. Rather than the family pediatrician, who has regular contact with the family, making a determination if childhood injuries are indicative of abuse, now a "specialist" is called in who often has little or no contact with the family, and makes a determination of "abuse" simply on medical tests. One has to wonder if more children need to be determined to be "abused" in order to justify the employment of this new class of pediatric "Child Abuse Specialists"? Earlier this month (June 2015), the American Bar Association published an article in their Children's Rights Litigation section documenting the growing problem of innocent parents losing their children to Child Protection Services based on the testimony of these new pediatric Child Abuse Specialists. Attorney Melissa Staas from The Family Defense Center in Chicago wrote the article: Litigating Shaken Baby Syndrome Allegations in the Child Welfare Context.