Michigan Family Traumatized by CPS in Medical Kidnapping of Twins

Let me tell you, there is nothing worse than being accused of abusing the kids that you would lay down your life for. I knew we never hurt our kids, as they are our whole reason for being, so what was wrong? I would have these moments of complete devastation and outright panic in the reality of what was happening. I remember being in CVS one day and the reality of the State of Michigan wanting to terminate my parental rights hit me. I became paralyzed and sobbed uncontrollably thinking I was going to collapse and trying to figure out who I could call to come get me. This on top of the countless nights I cried myself to sleep in Tony's arms. Everything we do is for them. How this could be happening to us was beyond my comprehension. Was it really necessary to show up at my house with 3 police officers unannounced and traumatize my kids forever? How does a system set up to protect the children not take into consideration the fact that what they are doing potentially causes an irreversible emotional damage that nothing could repair?

Oklahoma City Parents Lose Their 2 Children to CPS Due to “Shaken Baby” Allegation

An Oklahoma City couple has lost both of their children to CPS after taking their son to the hospital. He was injured while playing in a "bouncy chair," according to the parents. The father was accused of "abuse," and their parental rights were severed when a court appointed attorney allegedly did not put up much of a defense in their trial. The parents have a new attorney now, and are appealing their case in the hopes that the children will not be adopted out of foster care. The parents have not seen their babies Aleck and Mariposa since they were taken under state supervision on February 17, 2015.

After Parents Ask for Second Medical Opinion, CPS Destroys this Missouri Family

The trauma continues for the Jaxon Adams family. 8-year-old Missouri resident Jaxon was seized by Child Protective Services last September after his parents sought a 2nd opinion for his medical conditions. Now CPS has taken his 11 year old sister into custody, and Tiffany Adams, their mother, is fighting to put her life back together and get both children back. According to Tiffany, "When they take your kid, it destroys your life." Tiffany has now lost her husband, her home, her career, and now finds herself homeless as she struggles to get her children back. The Adams family's experience seems to be typical of what many families are reporting to us in demonstrating how CPS has the power to destroy a family today in the United States of America.

More Parents to be Labeled “Child Abusers” in Tennessee? DCS to Publicly Publish “Suspected” Child Abusers Even if not Charged

The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services has begun sharing the names of people who it believes have committed child abuse or neglect — but who have not necessarily been charged — with an online, publicly accessible registry of abusers of adults maintained by the state Department of Health. We have been documenting on our MedicalKidnap.com website for many months now many stories of families who were accused of "abuse" simply because they disagreed with a doctor. The tragedy in these stories is that the parents are almost never afforded due process of the law, but have their children medically kidnapped and then struggle to get them back. To add insult to injury, they often have their names entered into a child abuse registry. So now in the State of Tennessee, these parents who have never even been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of one, will allegedly soon have their names in a public registry which will further violate their Constitutional rights to privacy by slandering their name, and in many cases, prevent them from keeping or obtaining employment.

Adoption and Fostering for Profit: An Arizona Mom Who Lost her Children Exposes A Corrupt System

Are you aware of the fact that adoptive families are compensated if they adopt a special needs child? This is known as a maintenance subsidy which falls under the umbrella of the adoption subsidy. Adoptive families receive this adoption subsidy if the children they adopt are special needs children in the state of AZ. Let’s stop here for a minute. I am the mom of two special needs children. I love them dearly. Most special needs moms I know would not give up their kids. There you have it, there is one of the problems.WHERE DID THEY GET THESE KIDS? I have read thousands of cases now. I have met hundreds of families. Many of these special needs children were wrongfully removed - horrifically separated for profit!

Are New Pediatric “Child Abuse Specialists” Causing an Increase in Medical Kidnappings?

Going to the Children’s Hospital? Bring Your Lawyer. New Pediatric Sub-specialty Appears to Correlate with Recent Epidemic of Medical Kidnappings. The rise in aggressive uses of CPS by doctors and hospitals in diagnosing "child abuse," extensively documented by MedicalKidnap.com, appears to parallel several new developments in the world of pediatric medicine. In 2010, the American Academy of Pediatrics certified a new sub-specialty in child abuse pediatrics, which requires a fellowship with a teaching hospital’s child protection unit and a separate board exam. The majority of the nation's 324 Child Abuse Pediatricians are housed within children's hospitals. This new subspecialty of pediatrics has generated questions regarding the investigatory or prosecutorial role assumed by child abuse pediatricians.

Arizona Family Terrified – Foster Parents Taking Their Children to Mexico Against Their Will

Tabitha and Jeff Shoars have just received word that a judge has allegedly approved a request for 2 of their children in Arizona DCF custody to travel to Mexico for a week with their foster parents - a request that the Shoars did NOT approve. They are terrified for their children. The U.S. State Department has recently issued travel warnings for the region in Mexico where the foster parents are planning to take the children, and these warnings are "terrifying" to the Shoars. The Shoars were placed under a gag order in January so that they cannot speak publicly about the actions of DCS in taking custody of their children. When the foster parents first made the request to take the children to Mexico, Tabitha and Jeff reportedly denied the request, as is their parental right, which they legally still retain. They learned on Friday that the foster parents petitioned the judge for the unusual request, and he approved it. Tabitha is reportedly terrified for her children, wondering what possible valid reason the foster parents could have for wanting to take her children into such a dangerous region, where human trafficking and drug cartels are rampant. The Shoars state that the law mandates that there must be a conference or a hearing in such cases, for the parents to voice their concerns to the judge. This never happened. There is a hearing apparently scheduled, but it will not happen until after the children are scheduled to be across the Mexican border.

Texas Attorney: CPS is Too Powerful – Has Become an “Adoption Mill”

“The role of CPS has changed over the years,” Julie Ketterman of KHA Lawyers, PLLC said. “They have become too powerful and have shifted their focus from offering guidance and support to acting as a punitive force.” Ketterman alleges that CPS frequently oversteps their boundaries, opting to remove children from their homes, placing them outside the home and in to foster-to-adopt homes for monetary advantage. “CPS profits every time they place a child outside the home for adoption,” Ketterman said. “It has stopped being a resource for families in need and has instead turned into an adoption mill.” One victory against CPS corruption is the recent passing of SB 1876, a bill recently signed by Governor Greg Abbott into law on June 19. The law will go into effect on September 1 of this year. “The bill specifies that attorneys ad litem, guardians ad litem and mediators in CPS cases will be appointed on a rotating basis,” Ketterman said. “This prevents corrupt judges from appointing attorneys they have in their pockets.”

Pennsylvania Mom of Medically Kidnapped Child With Rickets Tells Her Story to FOX News

A Pennsylvania mother now reportedly has the backing of a couple of world-renowned medical experts who say that the evidence supports her story that there is a medical reason for her baby boy's injuries, and that she did not abuse her son. Local media, including FOX 29 in Philadelphia, is now picking up Jessica Battiato's story, which was first reported by MedicalKidnap.com.

Judge Rules that Baby Malik Taken at Chicago Hospital is to Go Home

Lakisha Tanna is ecstatic. She has been fighting Illinois DCFS for her now 3 year old grandson Malik Mitchell for more than a year and a half. The family has been desperately concerned for his well-being and his very life, because they believe that Lurie Children's Hospital has been conducting human experiments on the little boy. In a court hearing on Tuesday, July 7, 2015, the judge reportedly said that, "This case has been going on too long. It is past time for Malik to go home." Malik is going home.