Arizona Successfully Kidnaps Shoars Kids from Nevada After Judge Terminates Parental Rights

Jeff and Tabitha Shoars eagerly awaited the day when they would hear the final verdict from Maricopa County Superior Court in Arizona. They firmly believed that the judge, who was presented with all the evidence in the case, would ultimately rule that their children should be returned home to their custody. The judge had even met with the children, who all expressed their desire to go home to be with their parents. Just before 8 am on Wednesday morning, May 24, they learned the horrible news: their children are not coming home and their parental rights have been terminated. They are devastated. All the charges made against the Shoars which had been dismissed by both the police and DCF, allowing them to move their family to Nevada, were apparently reused in the current court proceedings, with no new evidence. How did this happen? How was Arizona DCF able to kidnap children from another state and break up this family who wants to be together?

Mother Falsely Accused of Shaking Baby Found Innocent But Loses Everything

Once again we see the terrible injustice of the false science behind "Shaken Baby Syndrome" (SBS) and how it destroys families, often imprisoning innocent parents and caregivers. More and more courts and judges are overturning past convictions as the "science" behind SBS crumbles. In this story recently published in Australia, Lorraine Harris was convicted of killing her baby, and then had her second child taken away from her after birth because of the false conviction. She served 17 months of her sentence before being paroled, and then fought to clear her name. She was "successful" in clearing her name, but lost everything. Her second son was adopted out and she has had no contact with him. Ironically, Dr. Waney Squier testified in both her conviction, and in her acquittal. That's because Dr. Waney Squier, a world renowned neuropathologist, has become one of the world's most outspoken critics on the lack of science behind SBS. She has sacrificed her career to tell the world the truth, and to stand for those wrongly accused.

Oregon Couple Labeled “Incapable” Parents by Social Workers – 2 Day Old Baby Kidnapped

For nearly four years, Amy Fabbrini and Eric Ziegler of Bend, Oregon, have been fighting to prevent Oregon Department of Human Services' Child Protection Services from terminating their parental rights to their children. The agency has deemed the couple "incapable" of parenting. CPS claims that the couple cannot provide for their children because they are believed to be intellectually limited. Since has started covering these stories, we have learned that child social services around the country seldom remove children from homes due to "abuse" anymore, but have now mainly resorted to using a much broader category of "neglect" where they determine who is a good parent and who is not. This label of "incapable" placed on Amy and Eric comes as a shock to those who know the couple, given that both of the parents graduated from high school with a standard diploma, and both ranked in the middle of their graduating class.

Navy Dad Plans Hunger Strike at White House Over Medically Kidnapped Kids

In December, a Kansas judge ordered reunification for the "Hunger Strike Dad" and his children. That hasn't happened. Though Raymond and Amelia Schwab have done everything the court has ordered them to do, they say that the Kansas Department of Children and Families (DCF) has "sabotaged the whole process." The Navy veteran father of 6 has had enough, and he is throwing down the gauntlet. He is making plans now for another hunger strike - this time at the White House - until President Trump acts to investigate the child trafficking by Child Protective Services, or he starves to death in front of the White House.

Missouri Hospital Refuses Transfer of Sick Baby – Kidnaps Kansas Couple’s Newborn Child

Baby Serenity decided to make her arrival about 4 weeks ahead of time, catching her parents, Brianne and Jason Glazier off guard. The couple were in the middle of moving from Kansas to Illinois, and her father had gone ahead a couple weeks before to get things set up at their new apartment to get ready for her arrival. Brianne never made it there. She went into labor early, and Serenity was born in a Kansas hospital on September 15, 2016. Jason rushed back to Kansas for what should have been a happy occasion, but it has turned into a nightmare for the new family. Now, the couple are fighting Child Protective Services in a third state - Missouri - to try to bring their baby home. Their newborn daughter was born with a heart defect, called Tetralogy of Fallot, as well as other birth defects. The hospital she was born in transferred her to another Kansas hospital, which immediately transferred her to Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. The frightened parents found themselves in a strange city, in a state where they had no connections, and they were faced with doctors and staff who they say were not telling them what was going on with their baby. They told the staff that they wanted to transfer their baby to Illinois and arrange for her care in hospitals near their home. Jason tells Health Impact News that is when the problems with the hospital began.

Justina Pelletier and Medical Kidnapping 4 Years Later – Has Anything Changed?

It has been more than 4 years since the most infamous case of medical kidnapping in the United States occurred when the state of Massachusetts, together with Boston Children's Hospital, seized custody of then 14-year-old Justina Pelletier over a medical disagreement. The story exploded across mainstream and international media after her father Lou Pelletier courageously defied an unconstitutional gag order and risked prison to tell his family's story. With heavy hitters in the national media like Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee and Dr. Phil giving them exposure, as well as an army of advocates by their side, it still took 16 months to get their daughter home. Justina, to this day, still suffers physical, mental, and emotional trauma from all that happened to her during her captivity. At the time, most of the public thought this story was an anomaly - an egregious abuse of power by an out-of-control hospital and bureaucracy that was stunning in its tyrannical reach, but still the exception to the rule. Few ever dreamed in their wildest nightmare that this was common, everyday practice all over the United States and other countries. Silence and shame surrounded the families to which this kind of thing happened, and it may well be that the explosion of stories that have come out in the years since then may be attributed to Lou Pelletier's boldness in speaking out, opening the floodgates for others to come out of the shadows and speak up. What have we learned since then? Has anything changed?

California Mom Fights to Get Child Back Removed from Hospital at Birth

Excerpts: Eight years ago, Melinda Garrett was induced into labor a month and a half before her due date. To Melinda, the baby represented a new beginning, a way to right all the wrongs and trauma and abuse she herself had endured as the survivor of childhood sexual and physical abuse, sex trafficking and a previously stillborn birth. She swore to break the cycle of abuse and to give everything she never had as a child to her newborn baby. She was never given that chance. Shortly after Melinda finished successfully breastfeeding the baby for the very first time, CPS removed the newborn from her custody. She never left the hospital with her baby.

Arizona CPS Uses Police-State Tactics to Kidnap Safe Children

Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS), under fire for its skyrocketing rate of child removals in recent years, was just exposed for a new policy which allowed social workers to secretly record interviews with parents or caregivers suspected of crimes using a controversial and questionable technology meant to detect lying. The Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA), which a DCS spokesperson labeled a “new tool,” isn’t really new at all, and appears to have almost zero validity. One independent study found the lie detector was "no better than flipping a coin." The CVSA policy had only been recently implemented late last December. Gregg Woodnick, a Phoenix family law attorney whose practice defends families against DCS charges, unearthed the new policy and after confronting DCS legal counsel, notified local TV station 12 News. Woodnick said DCS was effectively performing polygraphs on people without their consent. After 12 News notified Arizona’s DCS they were doing a story on the secret recordings, an agency spokeswoman, Cynthia Weiss, said the policy was being "rescinded." The covert audio story, which broke March 20, ran a week after Health Impact News/Medical Kidnap interviewed Woodnick to discuss the state of Arizona’s DCS.

Massachusetts Senior Citizen and Attorney Medically Kidnapped – Estate Plundered – Represents National Epidemic

Retired lawyer Marvin Siegel of Boxford, Massachusetts, has lived an isolated and heavily-medicated existence, against his will and wishes, after court proceedings in August in 2011 resulted in his being placed under a court-appointed guardianship and conservatorship that his family considers to be unlawful. His meticulous estate planning has been eviscerated, and millions of dollars continue to be plundered from the 88-year-old’s estate. He is being held prisoner in his own home, under medical providers that his daughter has termed "24/7 guards." Meanwhile, his daughters Attorney Lisa Siegel Belanger and Devora Kaiser tirelessly advocate for him in the court system, despite those who are working vigorously to shut them out of their father’s life. At this point, those in charge of Mr. Siegel’s estate have drained half of the retired attorney’s approximate nine-million-dollar estate deceptively and fraudulently, according to Lisa. Further, as Lisa began to research her father’s case, she uncovered a network of corruption within the family and probate court system of Essex County, where the case is, as well as in other Massachusetts counties. The daughters’ court documents allege fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering, involving 40 litigants in the Siegel case alone. Lisa states that the medical kidnapping and plundering of senior citizens' estates is common, as they target poor and rich alike: "The scary part of it is that this is not an isolated incident. This is business as usual. It is a pattern of isolate. Medicate. Liquidate. It doesn’t matter the amount of a person’s estate, even if a person has virtually nothing to their name. The fact that an elder is receiving some sort of government benefit that automatically brings you into their clutches. People don’t realize that it affects basically everyone."

Microbiome Online Summit to Explore how Microbiome Orchestrates, Regulates and Heals Your Body

Your greatest ally in health is your microbiome — the trillions of bacteria that are the control center of your health! During the online Microbiome Summit from May 8th through May 15th, you will learn the lessons and methodologies of microbiome medicine, and how it could improve your health, longevity, vitality and assist with unresolved problems! The Microbiome Medicine Summit will explore how the microbiome orchestrates, regulates and can heal your body. It reveals the latest discoveries about a wide variety of health problems, and how the microbiome can help you heal at a deep level.