CPS & Police Taser, Handcuff Parents: Enter Home of Homeschool Family without Warrant

The Fourth Amendment strikes a carefully crafted balance between a family’s right to privacy and the government’s need to enforce the law. In most situations, government agents cannot simply force their way into a home. Instead, they must explain to a neutral magistrate why they need to enter the home, and they must provide real evidence to support that need. This rule applies to all government agents. Court after court has agreed that there is no social services exception to the Fourth Amendment. All too often, law enforcement officers and child-welfare workers act as if the Fourth Amendment does not apply to CPS investigations. They are wrong.

CPS Takes 1 Day Old Baby from Mom Because She Left the Hospital “Too Early”

She delivered the baby naturally at 2:34 a.m., and around noon was put in a room with two other new mothers and their babies, including one who Langwell says kept talking loudly on her cellphone. Later that afternoon, Langwell decided to check out and go home. Langwell said the baby was breastfeeding well and was healthy, and she preferred to take her home early "AMA" (against medical advice) so they could all get some sleep. When she left, a member of the hospital's staff called and reported her to the county's child welfare agency. The next day, a representative of the child welfare agency in Riverside County, California, took the infant into protective custody.

Medically Kidnapped Teenager In Canada Pleads To Be Returned To His Family

Marc Herrmann is a teenage boy who desperately wants to go home to his family who loves him, but apparently he cannot. The 17-year-old feels he is trapped in what he sees as a cruel system that won't let him go, and now he is crying out for help. He says he is just "A child in Canada," who has no voice, who feels like no one is listening. He says he is tired of being a medical lab rat for research projects to which neither he nor his parents ever agreed. He has been sending messages written in the third person that have been posted on a Facebook page created by friends of his, called "A child in Canada." Despite the possible risks to himself in coming forward with his story, he says he is ready for his story to be told. He wants somebody to listen and just let him go home to his family.

Medical Kidnap: 17 Year Old Isaiah Rider Taken Captive Against His Will

Isaiah Rider is 17 years old, and has been in custody of the State of Illinois for several months over a medical dispute. However, for the past several weeks Isaiah was allowed to return home from Lurie Children's hospital in Chicago to his grandparents' home in Kansas City, while his mother, a nurse, has fought the State of Illinois to regain custody of her son. On December 6, 2014, the State of Illinois, allegedly via his guardian ad litem, Kim Boone, forced Isaiah Rider to get into an ambulance and return to Chicago, even though neither he nor his family wanted him to return to the place where he was separated from his family previously, and where he reportedly suffered emotional distress. Isaiah made a very emotional video the night before he was taken away by force in an ambulance. The video has been posted on YouTube. The Team Isaiah Facebook Page is reporting that Isaiah is confined at Comer Children's Hospital, is not allowed visitors, and is wearing a "security sensor bracelet" on his wrist. They report that he has even been denied pastoral care by the hospital.

Judge Allows Rengo Babies to go Home: But with Conditions, Calling CPS “Heroes”

Commissioner Thomas Verge ruled Friday that Cleave and Erica could have their three babies back, after CPS had removed them from their home, as first reported by Health Impact News on our Medical Kidnap website. The original story has been read by over 1.5 million people and shared on Facebook by over 1 million, creating a national outcry. It is but one of many stories we have covered at MedicalKidnap.com. We get multiple requests every day from families begging us to publish their stories of "medical kidnap." If we had not picked up this story and published it on behalf of the parents who requested us to do so, would they be going home today with their children? Judge Verge, in allowing the parents to have their children back, reportedly made several conditions, threatening the young couple that their children would be removed again if they did not comply with his directives.

Isaiah Rider Being Forced to Leave Home Town and Return to Chicago Against His Will

Health Impact News has just learned that Team Isaiah Facebook Page is reporting that the State of Illinois is transporting Isaiah Rider back to Chicago from Kansas City against his wish and the wish of his family on December 5th.

Boy Removed from Family – Father Jailed Over Lyme Disease Disagreement

At this time of year, most families are looking forward to the festive season and preparing for Christmas. However, for one family, Christmas is the last thing on their minds. In the space of just a few months, they report how their lives have been torn apart by Child Protective Services (CPS) in Colorado. Due to an alleged disagreement over a Lyme Disease diagnosis, their son has been put into State Custody, the father has served time in jail, and the mother is now in hiding due to fear.

Isaiah Rider Is Suffering Horrible Pain But Not Getting Help [Video]

Teenager Isaiah Rider has been back in the hospital for more than two weeks. He spent Thanksgiving in the hospital in his hometown of Kansas City, Missouri. However, the state of Illinois still has custody of him, and the hospital behind his "medical kidnapping," Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago, is still allegedly affecting his care, or lack thereof. They are reportedly blocking him from receiving help for his suffering, according to the Team Isaiah Facebook Page. Team Isaiah has posted a heart-rending video of the extreme pain and seizures that Isaiah is experiencing. There are different hospitals in other states that could help Isaiah, but his family says they are completely powerless to get him that help, because the state of Illinois retains custody of him and refuses to transfer him to one of those hospitals.

Local King 5 News Reports on Rengo Family Children being Medically Kidnapped

The young couple now had three children, all under the age of 1 year. Erica breastfed all three. Soon after, however, paramedics showed up when someone reported the birth. According to Carey and Rengo, the paramedics suggested taking the newborns to the hospital for a check up, but they refused, worrying about the twins' health with fragile immune systems among patients fighting disease. The next day, CPS showed up for the first of several visits. They say CPS pushed them to switch to steroid creams, which the couple refused as well. "It's a very harsh treatment and can have very negative side effects. It can cause damage to bones, the muscular system and liver," Carey said. "They wanted the authority in my household. I told them, 'I'm a Christian and God gave me the authority in my household," Rengo said. Soon after, CPS took all 3 children.

Child with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome taken from Loving Family by Doctors

The fact that Medical Kidnappings have become so common is now reaching the mainstream media, who are beginning to investigate stories in their local communities. This report comes to us from WMTW 8 in Maine. In this report, reporter Katie Thompson interviews the parents of 2-month old Ryder Ross, who was taken away from his family when they brought him into the emergency room because his leg was swollen. X-rays allegedly revealed multiple fractures in various stages of healing throughout Ryder's body. Doctors reported them to Child Protection Services (DHHS in Maine) for child abuse, and they lost custody. However, blood work showed vitamin D and calcium deficiencies in the baby, and a doctor at Boston Medical Center diagnosed the baby with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which doctors say is not all that rare. "Somewhere around one in five-thousand individuals probably have this disorder and its significantly under diagnosed," said Dr. Jeff Milunsky, with the Center for Human Genetics in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The couple is still fighting to get their child back, however, as the father has been charged with criminal charges of child abuse.

Phoenix Mother Who Lost Son to CPS in Medical Dispute Appears on Local TV

One of the stories we broke recently was the story of Tonya Brown, and her adopted son who has leukemia. She lost custody due to a disagreement regarding cancer treatment. Because she has decided to speak out in spite of allegedly being warned by the judge in her case not to, Fields Moselely of Phoneix 3TV was able to interview her, and has also now covered this story in the local media in Phoenix. You can watch the interview here. Fields also interviewed Charles Flanagan, who oversees the new department created earlier this year (2014) by Governor Jan Brewer to replace CPS in Arizona. He basically admits that a parent only has a "right to choose" when that choice does not conflict with a medical authority. Yet, as we have reported frequently on Health Impact News, the medical system is the biggest defrauder of the U.S. Government, and the largest criminal cases in U.S. history have been settlements over criminal charges against pharmaceutical companies. The medical system also causes more deaths per year than any single disease through hospital errors and side effects of prescription drugs. Should they have unquestioned authority to overrule a parent on medical decisions?

Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital

All three of their babies have been taken away from them and placed in the care of strangers. Levi was 10 months old when his mother, local singer and songwriter Erica May Rengo, gave birth to his twin brother and sister, at their home in Bellingham, Washington. "Our birth was glorious," she said, and the twins were reportedly healthy, full-term babies, who had no problem quickly figuring out how to breastfeed. The little family was overjoyed, until CPS stepped in to "help." It is another medical kidnapping according to the parents. The Rengos have chosen a wholesome, holistic lifestyle, based in their Christian faith, but CPS has allegedly stepped in to override the parents' decisions. Now Erica and Cleave are living what they call a nightmare, separated from their children for reasons that don't make any sense at all to them.

Will Medical Kidnapping in Arizona Change Under Governor Doug Ducey?

When Janet Napolitano became Governor of the State of Arizona she created a new philosophy for Arizona’s Child Protective Services agency. She stated, “Err on the side of protecting the children and we’ll sort it out later”. This philosophy sounds wonderful for children, but after closer scrutiny it is a terribly flawed technique that devastates Arizona’s families and our children. This philosophy mirrors the, “acceptable losses” philosophy and the “collateral damage” philosophy of child protection services. In other words, in Arizona it is acceptable to take a child from their family with less than the legal standards and protocols and allow the courts to settle any discrepancies later on.

Medical Kidnapping Featured on “Stop Child Abuse Now” Radio Program

"For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison, and Tracy Baxter, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will lead the this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. A growing number of parents have lost their children after being falsely accused of child abuse and even imprisoned for crimes they didn't commit. Many of these cases only occur after parents mention that their child first became ill after they received a routine vaccination, or if they request a second opinion about a diagnosis or a prescription for their child. Many of them have had the support of other leading experts proving their innocence. Tonight's show will include Connie Reguli from Tennesee, an attorney and founder of the group Innocent Families Against Family Law Corruption. We'll also hear from Terri LaPointe from Alabama, a journalist from Health Impact News. Then Kristi Devine will visit, a representative for the Diegel family from Arizona, whose 2 children are currently being held against their will. Another guest will be Tim Donnelly, California State Assemblyman. Finally, Maryanne Godboldo from Detroit will join us, a mother who withstood a 10-hour confrontation with police and SWAT for refusing to give her daughter a harmful drug. Many children are stolen by the State as a result of "medical kidnapping."

Standing up for Parental Rights and Freedom of Choice in Healthcare

ANH-Intl has been campaigning for freedom of choice in healthcare for over 12 years now. It’s one of our most fundamental campaigns. In this article, we start to prise the lid off a fairly taboo subject area. We’ve brought you news in the past of individual cases where parental rights are being totally eroded, but there appears to be a rising trend in further incidences. Particularly in the US, parental rights are being removed by conventional healthcare authorities in order to ensure sick children receive a particular medical treatment, when that treatment has been opposed by the child’s parents. We asked two US organisations — the Parental Rights Foundation (PRF) and Medical Kidnap (MK) who do important work for families in distress to comment further.

17 Month Old Baby Taken from Family for Disagreeing with Doctors

Jessica Gilmore says, "I just want to love my grandson. That's all I want." However, if Connecticut DCF (their child protective services) has their way, little 17-month-old Jaxon Gilmore, who may not have much longer to live, will be adopted out to strangers, all because a grandmother allegedly questioned authority, seeking the best possible care for her sick grandchild. Here is the family's story as reported to Health Impact News.

Canadian Court Rules 11-year-old Girl with Cancer Cannot be Forced to Have Chemotherapy

In a huge victory for parental rights and health freedom, a Canadian court recently ruled that the family of a 11-year-old girl with cancer cannot be forced to treat her with chemotherapy.

CPS Caseworker in Arizona Turns Whistleblower – Reports on Abuse of Power

ABC 15 Arizona interviewed a former CPS caseworker turned whistleblower regarding some of the alleged abuses in the Arizona foster care system. The caseworker reportedly quit her job after seeing the abuse of power within CPS last year. Keeping her identity hidden, the former caseworker claims that many of her colleagues forged reports and were not truly investigating the welfare of children taken into state custody. She claims there was one instance in which a child died while in state custody, and the caseworker knew nothing about it. ABC 15 did an excellent investigative report showing court documents in which judges admitted that children were removed from their parents' home simply because the caseworker "got ticked off" at the parents. The Arizona CPS whistleblower states in the interview that these are not isolated cases, but happen frequently.

Why is the Arizona “Family Advocate” Threatening People Asking About Children in State Custody?

Maria Hoffman carries the title "Director of the Arizona Legislative Office of Family Advocacy." Her job description is stated to be: "Under contract to the President of the Arizona Senate and the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, and working for all ninety members of the legislature, Ms. Hoffman is the only person at the legislature who handles CPS constituent issues directly and with the Attorney General’s Office." So any parent who has a question about why CPS took away their child cannot even ask their elected representatives in the Arizona State Legislature anything about their child, as all such inquires are handled only by Maria Hoffman, who is an employee and not an elected official. When people ask questions about her role or about their children in state custody, she replies by threatening them with jail time or fines, including state legislators according to one source. This is a "Family Advocate"? How can one woman have so much power to keep families apart as a paid employee of the government and not an elected official? Who is she really protecting? Health Impact News has discovered some shocking information about Maria Hoffman.

2-year-old Taken From Loving Parents Killed by Foster Mother

A tragic story was back in the news this week in Texas. The foster parent of Alex Hill was sentenced to life in prison for the death of the young child who was taken away from her parents' home. Alex Hill was reported to have been taken away from her biological parents because her father admitted to using marijuana at night after the child was in bed. With no evidence of abuse, CPS took custody of the child and placed her into a foster home with Sherill Small. Sherill Small reportedly admitted to police that she had slammed the child onto the floor, saying it was an accident. It was also discovered that Sherill Small’s husband, who lived in the home while the child was there, was himself a recovering crack cocaine addict and admitted to multiple drug charges. So here we appear to have another case where social services removed a child from a loving home with no sign of abuse, and then put the child into an abusive foster home, with the child tragically being murdered.