Are Constitutional Sheriffs America’s Hope to Ending Child Protective Services’ Tyranny?

Too often, readers feel overwhelmed by the tragic stories published on, wondering how they can help, what can be done to change the current system, and fearing that they could become the next victims of Child Protective Services (CPS). These fears are compounded when those whom should be trusted to protect the family’s and children’s best interest, like medical doctors or local law enforcement, are often the ones aiding and abetting CPS against the family, instead of advocating for the family. Many of the stories shared with show blatant disregard for the rule of law and expose brazen violations of 4th Amendment rights when CPS and local law enforcement show up to remove children based on anonymous tips and hearsay, for parents seeking a second medical opinion, or just because a social worker (or neighbor) does not agree with how a particular family chooses to live, whether it be off-the-grid, choosing to homeschool, or wanting to choose alternative medical treatments. This article will focus on how concerned citizens can and should begin a conversation with their local sheriff, an elected official who is oath-bound to abide by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to protect their constituents. This would apply to protection from illegal search and seizures, especially in regards to aiding and abetting CPS when searching homes and seizing children without a warrant, and without probable cause, exigent circumstances or imminent danger being substantiated. It often appears that these public servants, our sheriffs and other local law enforcement, are taking their orders from CPS social workers, to act against the people, instead of protecting the people from violations of their God-given freedoms. Concerned citizens are encouraged to contact their sheriff, bringing to light the grievances of the people as a result of an over-zealous, often law-breaking child protective service in their area. This article is intended to be a document that can be printed out and shared with your local sheriff. It should be abundantly clear, that when considering the “best interest of the child,” if no crime has been committed, that the best interest of the child in all cases is for the child to remain with the family! Both CPS and local law enforcement need to be held accountable to uphold the law. Is your local sheriff up for the job of being a Constitutional sheriff? If not, next time, vote for one who will be!

LA County DCFS Whistleblower Reveals how Parents are Losing Their Children to a Corrupt System

Julian J. Dominquez, the author of "A Culture of Fear: An Inside Look at Los Angeles County’s Department of Children & Family Services" (DCFS), is a former social worker for LA County DCFS. Mr. Dominquez recently left his career of 18 years with DCFS which included working as an emergency response worker, family maintenance and reunification worker and a dependency investigator. In addition, he created and conducts training for child welfare and other support agencies and is a licensed marriage and family therapist. In this shocking interview, Mr. Dominquez tells the world just how corrupt LA County DCFS is, revealing inner policies and practices that harm children and families, not protect them. From an insider perspective, Mr. Dominquez tells us how reports against parents are falsified by managers who have no contact with the families, how parents are being labeled Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy when they have legitimate medical concerns for the child, and how parents are losing their children because they are asking for a second medical opinion. How long will we as a nation allow such corruption to exist in our child "protection" social service agencies as apparently exists in LA County, the largest Child Social Service agency in the United States?

Nonverbal Woman Taken Hostage in Colorado – Who Will Speak Up?

Disability advocates are infuriated about a case involving a nonverbal woman with disabilities who they say is being held hostage by Jefferson County in Colorado. "It is truly outrageous," said Julie Reiskin, director of the Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition. "I call this torture." County officials have assumed temporary guardianship over 36-year-old Sharisa Kochmeister, a college graduate, and removed her from her home and her father — the only person in Colorado who helps her communicate. They placed her in a nursing home and forbid her family, friends and even her doctor from visiting her, according to people close to the situation. "You take someone who is nonverbal, who is dependent on one person for communicating, and you remove that ... this makes me so mad," said Reiskin. "This is part of not understanding a population. You put them in an institution against their will with a bunch of people who have dementia. This is torture."

Medical Terrorism: KC Teen Isaiah Rider Will Remain in Illinois Custody After He Turns 18

Isaiah is not free to live his life as he wants, and if the Illinois DCFS has their way, he will still not be free when he turns 18. In his own state of Missouri, he was legally an adult at age 17, but Illinois retained custody of him. He needs your help. DCFS has allegedly repeatedly denied permission for medical treatment for Isaiah. Part of the reason for DCFS involvement in the first place was the Riders' frustration that Lurie Children's Hospital wasn't actually helping Isaiah with his pain. After they told Michelle that there was nothing else they could do, Michelle sought a second opinion, trying to find real medical help for him. Isaiah was medically kidnapped and put into foster care. It was while Isaiah was in a Chicago foster home that he was raped, and had guns and knives drawn on him. He has stated repeatedly that, though his mother has never abused him, he has suffered a great deal of emotional abuse and trauma at the hands of DCFS and Lurie Children's Hospital.

Medically Kidnapped Baby in Pennsylvania Diagnosed with Rickets – CPS Keeps Child Anyway

Pennsylvania baby Cesar Battiato is still in foster care, even though medical experts report that his injuries are the result of infantile rickets, not child abuse. His mother Jessica was recently diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a rare inherited connective tissue disorder, one which is likely to be passed on to her child. The Battiato's went to court on their case July 29, hoping that this evidence would result in a verdict that would bring their baby home. Instead, there is another hearing scheduled for October 22.

Grandma Denied Custody of Grandchildren Who were Medically Kidnapped in South Carolina

On July 10, 2015 in Spartanburg, South Carolina, the Spartanburg County Police walked right in the front door of the Headley family home while Danielle and her four boys were sleeping, and proceeded to remove all four boys from the home. Danielle had made the mistake of asking for a referral to another hospital for their youngest boy, who has had health problems since he was born. Now, all four of her boys have been kidnapped by the State, and the boys Grandmother, Brenda Bradshaw, wants to know why the State will not turn the boys over to her care.

EXCLUSIVE: State Corruption Exposed in Louisiana High Profile Medical Kidnap Case

Gerald Price speaks out for the first time in an exclusive interview with Health Impact News on what he says is rampant corruption and collusion in his daughter’s high-profile child abuse trial and conviction following a Department of Louisiana Children & Family Services (DCFS) seizure of his grandchildren. Believing his daughter to be innocent, DCFS originally refused to award custody of the children to their grandparents, instead putting them into a foster home. Local media reported the story as if his daughter was already guilty, and she was later convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison. An appellate court would later vacate that decision and reduce it to 10 years. Gerald and his wife filed for bankruptcy in the process of fighting for their daughter, and Gerald wrote a book on their whole ordeal: The Darker Side of Justice. Now, Gerald believes it is time for the family's side of the story to be heard.

Harvard-trained Beverly Hills Doctor Mom Has 4 Children Kidnapped by LA County DCFS

Dr. Susan Evans graduated from Harvard Medical School with dual medical degrees in dermatology and internal medicine. She established her medical practice specializing in dermatology in the heart of Beverly Hills, CA. Most of her clientele are celebrities we only see on the big screen. Along with the lime-light clientele, Dr. Susan's expertise has been sought as a medical expert on Dr. Oz, Oprah, the Doctors, CNN, the TODAY show and many more. Dr. Susan is the mother of four children: 10 year old twin daughters, L. Elizabeth, S. Mary, and two sons, Nick age 14 and Z. Hugh age 8. She was was voted Dr. Mom on the TV series Dr. 90210. However, like thousands of other parents in Los Angeles County, she has lost her 4 children to LA County Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS), even though no charges have ever been filed against her. Not only have no charges been filed against her, a dependency court judge ruled that there was no reason for DCFS to keep her children out of her custody, and dismissed the case with prejudice (meaning the evidence they presented could not be brought before the dependency court again). So why is she still battling LA County DCFS to get her children back? How has a child "protection" social services agency like LA County DCFS become so powerful, that a respected medical doctor in Beverly Hills' affluent community is rendered helpless over what she believes is the state-sponsored kidnapping of her children?

Youth in L.A. County’s Foster Center Recruited for Prostitution: Should be Closed Immediately

Los Angeles County's foster care system should promptly shut down its last-resort facility for older youth with nowhere else to go and make significant new investments in the facility for younger youth, a special committee appointed by the Board of Supervisors has concluded. The committee's report was prompted by a Feb. 28 article in the Los Angeles Times that described an array of problems at the county's Youth Welcome Center, including the recruitment of foster children for prostitution and workers who said the operation was spiraling out of control.

Two Sisters of Homeschool Family in Ohio Removed from Parents During Hospital Visit

Homeschool mom Hildy Straightiff took her two daughters (ages 12 and 13) to a hospital in Ohio because their ketone levels had become too high. Both of her daughters suffer from Type 1 diabetes and are at risk for Diabetic Ketoacidosis, requiring them to watch their ketone levels. While in the hospital, Child Protection Services in Clinton County had a judge remove custody of her two daughters, and she was not allowed back into the hospital. The girls' grandparents were allowed to stay in the hospital for a couple of days, but then both girls were separated and taken to different foster homes, to live in a place where they had never been before with people they had never met, while the grandparents and parents helplessly watched their lives take a dramatic turn. Hildy Straightiff was told she had "mental health problems" and was not able to take care of her diabetic daughters. In order for the father to receive permission to bring his daughters home, CPS ordered the mother, Hildy, to leave their home. Hildy had a visit with her daughters on August 3, 2015 and said that her oldest daughter Taylor was in tears when she said, “Mommy, I hope that someone will help so we can be together again.”

CPS Kidnaps 11 Children from Texas Homeschool Family

Claire Rembis was sick, and had to spend 3 days in the hospital. Her attack of pancreatitis paled in comparison to what happened next. The mom from Plano, Texas, came home to a nightmare that no parent should ever have to face. CPS came and took her children, all 11 of them, because a "well-meaning" couple, members of her oldest son's former youth group, didn't think that the 16 and 14 year olds could handle babysitting their siblings while their dad took the baby to the hospital to visit Claire. The 16 year old made a dramatic escape and eluded CPS for days, until a judge allegedly determined that the seizure and removal of the children was illegal, and allowed them to return home. Has it really gotten to the point where a mother cannot get sick without risking losing her children to the State? The traumatized family's problems are not over, unfortunately. They must vacate the house where they are currently living by August 8, and CPS is continuing to harass the family by allegedly attacking their homeschooling program and requiring the mother to stop breastfeeding their 3 month old baby. They show up at their home unannounced whenever they please, and the family fears that the children could be kidnapped back into State custody at any time.

Kentucky is Being Investigated for Corruption: Will the State’s Sordid History of Legal Kidnapping Finally be Punished?

As part of the “End Corruption Now Campaign,” the FBI began an investigation into public corruption in Kentucky, just after a recent Harvard study identified Kentucky as “one of the most corrupt states in the country.” The FBI website noted that between 2003 and 2012, approximately 300 individuals were convicted of federal crimes related to public corruption. has exposed many stories revealing the corruption within Kentucky's Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) and the unwarranted removal of children from loving homes. Many Kentucky families have shared their stories, revealing the unlawful overreach of these government agents into their lives, and the unjust kidnapping of their children for financial gain. One concerned mother, who is no stranger to the corruption within Kentucky DCBS, contacted Medical Kidnap asking us to urge all Kentucky families to share their personal concerns about the corruption in DCBS with the FBI in this current investigation.

Adult Medical Kidnapping in New York: 1950s Air Force Veteran Held Hostage in Hospital

Laredo Regular just wants to take his grandfather home, but a New York Hospital is keeping him hostage. Have we entered into a new age of "elder abuse" that includes medical kidnapping? Not happy with the medical treatment his grandfather was receiving, Laredo and his mom sought to transfer him to a different facility. They are the holder of a Health Proxy as well as POA (power of attorney) for their family member, and filled out the required forms for an AMA (or Against Medical Advice) hospital discharge. But the hospital would not discharge him, and later both Laredo and his mother were dragged out of the hospital room and banned from the hospital. The Laredo family has sought help through various legal entities—the police, attorneys, and the political system; all of whom, we are told, are in complete agreement with the family, but have not been able to get the hospital to budge from its decision to hold the grandfather against their will. How can a hospital have so much power to defy police, attorneys, and the political system?

Rochester General Hospital in NY Newborn Policy Includes Medical Kidnapping

Listen to this VM left by an administrator at Rochester General Hospital stating that their policy is to take newborns into medical custody if their parents refuse Vitamin K and erythromycin.

Medical Kidnapping is a Terrible Problem in the United Kingdom

In the UK, there has been a steady increase in the number of children taken into care for many years. Sadly, however, many of these children may have been needlessly taken away from loving families, families who are innocent of any wrongdoing. Forced adoption is a universal problem. Being falsely accused of child abuse and having your child taken away from you and given to a stranger can cause immense pain to both the parent and the child. Who gives social services the right to say who can be a parent and who cannot? Who gives social services the authority to decide that a person with a learning disability or a mental illness is unfit to be a parent? Who gives social services the authority to force a pregnant woman to have a caesarean section so her unborn baby can be adopted by the state?

Four Boys in South Carolina Medically Kidnapped When Parents Ask for Second Opinion

A parent’s worst nightmare happened on July 10, 2015 in Spartanburg, South Carolina for the Headley family. The Spartanburg County Police walked right in the front door of the Headley’s home while Danielle and her four boys were sleeping. William Headley had left for work earlier that morning and the front door was unlocked because the family felt safe in their community. Danielle stated that a female officer, later identified as Investigator Tracy Moss, walked into her bedroom and asked if she was Danielle Headley. Danielle replied that she was. Danielle states: “The cops busted into my house, didn’t knock or identify themselves. She (the investigator) said they have a search warrant and you need to get up and get up now!” Investigator Moss proceeded to demand that Danielle remove Jack from the crib in her room, unhook his feeding tube and bring him into the family’s living room. When Danielle walked into the living room, her three older boys were lined up on the couch. Danielle stated that: “Apparently she got my kids from their bedrooms before she came into my room.” According to Danielle, there were five or six officers to assist executing a search warrant for all electronics and medications in their home. The Emergency Removal Order served on that day states that they were contacted by Greenville Health System, Dr. Nancy Henderson, and the Headley’s four children needed to be removed due to mother being suspected of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Danielle had made the mistake of asking for a referral to another hospital for their youngest boy, who has had health problems since he was born. Now, all four of her boys have been kidnapped by the State, and they are threatening to vaccinate the youngest boy who has health problems tomorrow against the parents wishes, even though he is known to have severe reactions to vaccines.

Arizona Mother Loses 5 Children Over Incident Family Doctor Calls an Accident

It started with a simple accident, something that could happen in any home with children. The child's doctor concluded that it was just that - an accident, one that happened in a good home with a "loving" and "attentive" mother, according to the family's pediatrician. But that didn't stop an overzealous daycare worker from calling Child Protective Services (DSC) and reporting the mother. She has never been charged with a crime, but now, Aprilli Coumpy is fighting to get her 5 children back from the state of Arizona. She faces a Permanency Planning Hearing at the Maricopa Courthouse on Thursday, July 30 at 9 am. "My kids have never even been away from me! The state is trying to penalize me because I'm a single mom, and the kids were being kids."

Medical Director of LA Child Welfare Testifies Under Oath That He Does Not Know the Law Regarding Seizure of Children

Dr. Charles Sophy is the Medical Director for Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). Los Angeles County DCFS reportedly has the largest amount of children taken away from their families and put into foster homes of any other agency in the United States. When California attorney Shawn McMillan uploaded a video of a deposition of Dr. Charles Sophy, the Medical Director for Los Angeles County DCFS, whom he deposed in a case he is currently litigating to his YouTube account, I took special interest to listen to the video and learn more about this medical director who is responsible for the lives of so many children in LA County. In addition to his role as Medical Director for Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, Dr. Sophy also maintains a private practice as a Hollywood doctor and has appeared in reality TV shows such as "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills." In this video deposition, however, it would appear that Dr. Sophy is not well versed in the Constitutional laws regarding when a child can be taken out of their home and away from their parents, and he states that he has never supplied such training to his social workers.

18 Year Old Vermont Girl Medically Kidnapped & Abused Now Fights Adult Protective Services to Remain Free

Our first story earlier this year about Elissa Maple was a sad story given to us by her mother Karen. Her mother reported how the State medically kidnapped her 16 year old daughter Elissa, drugged her, and held her in a mental facility against the wish of both Elissa and her family. Elissa reported that she was repeatedly drugged against her consent, and sexually abused while in the custody of the State. The facility holding Elissa wanted her to sign papers that would give them custody of Elissa beyond her 18th birthday on July 1, 2015. Fortunately, a judge agreed with Elissa and her family, and ordered her released. Elissa is happy to be back again with her family, but it is a happiness intertwined with fear, as Massachusetts Adult Protective Services is now trying to take over custody of Elissa.

Devastated Parents of Children Medically Kidnapped in Virginia Fight Back

A nightmare story that has become all too familiar to those of us at Health Impact News, parents in Virginia reached out to us to expose a corrupt system that has ravaged families all across America, and is completely out of control. Trying to find solutions to medical problems for their family, these parents did what families all across the United States do every day: they took their children to see medical doctors. Not finding solutions to their family illness, these parents pressed on to find answers. The result was that they were allegedly accused of having a mental disorder, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, and even denied medical care. Worse, their children were terrorized and kidnapped out of the hospital by force. “My daughter ran screaming and crying to an old folks’ home next to the hospital, locked herself in the bathroom, and called me. When I got there from our house down the street from hospital, my son was inside of a van with no handles on the inside and my daughter was in the bathroom surrounded by six to eight police. One cop from Shenandoah County looked at my fourteen year old son and saw tears in his eyes and asked in a mean way, 'What is wrong with you, why are you crying?!?' It was awful." Lane and Susan have their children back now, but they want the world to know their story. They feel their children have been scarred for life: "My daughter is now back with me and is no longer a child, she left me believing in fairies and Santa and came back waking screaming every night, scared to death of being taken." This family has lost their home, their jobs, and their health, but they are not done. They are fighting back, and currently have a pending lawsuit in federal court. Here is their story.