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Editor - Health Impact News

I Can Do All Things Through Christ: Natural vs. Supernatural

What is better: natural or supernatural? Is the supernatural available to us today? How can one experience the supernatural life?

9-Month-Old Baby Taken from Parents on Routine Traffic Stop in North Carolina

New Jersey couple Raymond Sykes and Kaila Boulware were traveling back to their home in New Jersey with their 9-month-old son after visiting Kaila's father in Florida for the Thanksgiving holiday. Also in the vehicle were their two dogs, MANUELA and Rayla. Rayla is the 9-month old baby's puppy. On the night of December 3rd, 2020, while driving through Troy, North Carolina at around 3 a.m., the family was stopped by two sheriff deputies. Reports from the sheriff department states they were pulled over because they were driving with "a white tail light" and it was “being driven in a manner, place and time that was suspicious.” When one of the officers stated that they were going to search the van, Raymond allegedly asked them "why?", raising concerns about the legality of searching their vehicle without a warrant. That's when the situation took a bad turn, according to media reports. Rebecca Panico, writing for NJ Advance Media on NJ.com reports: "Sheriff’s deputies from Montgomery County, N.C., drew their guns, violently beat Sykes with a baton in the baby’s presence and searched their vehicle for two hours. The couple told NJ Advance Media they nervously complied with officers’ orders prior to the traffic stop escalating." “Yahweh, please protect me,” Sykes said he shouted, hands in a prayer formation in the air as he walked toward the hood of the deputy’s car. “Don’t let these people hurt me.” At the end of the two hour search of their vehicle, both parents were arrested and locked up, the baby was turned over to Child Protective Services and placed in Foster car, the two dogs were taken to an animal control center where the older one ended up dying, and the car was towed away. Welcome to North Carolina.

Brazilian President on Pfizer Vaccine: “I won’t get vaccinated.” Cites Fact that Pfizer has No Liability for Side Effects

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is refusing a COVID-19 vaccine, citing liability concerns for his skepticism of the experimental shots prepared by monolithic pharmaceutical corporations for profit. He made the point in colorful terms, singling out the Big Pharma giant, Pfizer, as a vaccine maker that is benefiting from liability waivers. “In the Pfizer contract it’s very clear: ‘we’re not responsible for any side effects.’ If you turn into a crocodile, it’s your problem,” Bolsonaro said on Thursday. “If you become superhuman, if a woman starts to grow a beard or if a man starts to speak with an effeminate voice, they will not have anything to do with it,” he added, calling out the vaccine manufacturers. Bolsonaro has vowed to make COVID-19 vaccines free for the people Brazil, but he refuses to make them compulsory and does not plan to ever take one, which has enraged technocrats urging blind compliance. “It will be available for everyone that wants it. But me, I won’t get vaccinated,” Bolsonaro said. “Some people say I’m giving a bad example. But to the imbeciles, to the idiots that say this, I tell them I’ve already caught the virus, I have the antibodies, so why get vaccinated?” the Brazilian president remarked.

Moderna Experimental mRNA Vaccine Issued Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA Illegally

After an FDA Advisory Committee voted 20 to 0 with one abstention to issue Moderna emergency use authorization (EUA) for their mRNA experimental COVID vaccine, the FDA took their advice today and issued the EUA. As is the case with the Pfizer mRNA experimental vaccine which received an EUA last week, it is important to understand that this vaccine is NOT approved by the FDA. It is only authorized to be used in emergency situations, and the Health Bureaucrats who make these decisions for everyone have already planned to make COVID an "emergency pandemic" that apparently will last for more than a year, if not longer. The Advisory Committee that met on Thursday, much like the same Advisory Committee that met last week to give the go-ahead to the Pfizer experimental mRNA COVID vaccine, is entirely comprised of pharmaceutical industry insiders, such as Paul Offit of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia who himself is a patent holder of a vaccine in the CDC Childhood Vaccine schedule, and Paula Annunziato, a top executive for Merck pharmaceutical company, a major producer of vaccines. The sole abstention came from Michael Kurilla, who works for the National Institute of Health. He stated: “I abstained because I am uncomfortable with the language. In the midst of a pandemic and with limited vaccine supply available, a blanket statement for individuals 18 and older is just too broad. I’m not convinced that for all of those age groups that the benefits do outweigh the risks. I want to see it more targeted toward people at high risk of serious and life-threatening COVID-19 disease.” The other concern that was allegedly discussed was the fact that three of the trial participants contracted Bell’s palsy, which causes paralysis in the face. The trial group also saw 13 deaths, 6 in the vaccine group, and 7 in the placebo group. There were only 6 deaths total in the Pfizer trials. Nevertheless, the only thing they were voting on for emergency use authorization, was whether or not the potential benefits of the vaccine out-weighed the risks, and not whether or not people were going to be injured and killed by the vaccine, as that just seems to be an acceptable side effect.

Tennessee Nurse Manager Passes Out on Camera After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine

Shortly after publishing our lead story today about how healthcare workers in the U.S. are suffering serious side effects from the illegal Pfizer COVID vaccine, a video from a news report in Chattanooga, Tennessee at Channel 9 has surfaced. Nurse Manager Tiffany Dover from CHI Memorial Hospital passed out live on air while giving a press conference about the vaccine. Since these kinds of videos have a way of disappearing from the Internet rather quickly, we put a copy up on our Bitchute Channel under the Fair Use Act. The doctors from the hospital were quick to inform the public that her passing out was in no way related to the ingredients in the illegal Pfizer experimental vaccine. Tiffany Dover recovered later and also assured everyone her passing out had nothing to do with the vaccine. What else would you expect them to say? And how could they possibly know this without even examining her or running any tests first?

Health Impact News is on Gab!

Twitter has already banned any articles from Health Impact News being shared on their platform, and Facebook has been removing our posts on the experimental COVID vaccine and is about to unpublish our main page, so we have now moved to Parler.com, MeWe.com and Gab.com for our Social Media posts. In the event that our websites are seized, please go to our Parler account or our MeWe account until we get back up and running. For the past month or so Parler and MeWe have been two of the most downloaded apps in the various app stores, which is why we chose to start with these two for now. Both claim to provide free speech and no censorship. Thank you for your continued support in trusting us for publishing the truth about Medical Tyranny and the rapid take-over of America and most of the world happening right now as the Eugenicist Gloablists make their move very rapidly now with the new COVID vaccines, and their stated goals in reducing the world’s population and installing a New One World Government. This is no longer a conspiracy “theory,” but is unfolding before our very eyes right now.

LONDON OUTRAGE! Massive Police Brutality Recorded with Attacks Against Peaceful Protesters Over COVID Restrictions

The citizens of London were strictly ordered NOT to protest outdoors on Saturday, November 28, 2020. Tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, disobeyed their government and took to the streets in peaceful protests over new COVID restrictions. (The "official" corporate media report is that "300-400" turned out to protest. Watch the video below to see for yourself.) And the police responded. They ganged up and assaulted women, old men, and others. The corporate media is reporting "over 60" were arrested, but other reports state "hundreds" were arrested. Their crime? Walking in parks and on public streets. That's it.  Words cannot describe what I have seen in recordings filmed during the protests in London earlier today and posted on Social Media. I grabbed as many of these video clips as I could as Twitter seemed to be deleting them as fast as I was downloading them. Watch for yourself.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Files Amended Complaint in Lawsuit Against Facebook and “Fact Checkers”

The amendment details allegations about how Facebook accomplishes its censorship of CHD's page through its surrogate "fact-checkers," who are neither "independent" nor objective, and why this agency relationship cannot insulate Facebook from liability under the federal Communications Decency Act, Section 230.

Facebook’s “Fact Checkers” Call Danish Study on Facemasks in Annals of Internal Medicine Journal “False”

On Wednesday, scientists in Demark published a "revolutionary" study that demonstrates mask-wearing does very little to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. By Friday, an Oxford University professor, citing the study in an article published on The Spectator, reported that he was flagged by Facebook for "false information" as he attempted to repost the article on the social media platform.  Before we begin, we want to remind readers that hours after the study's publication in Annals of Internal Medicine, titled "Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearer," we asked a straightforward question of how social media companies would respond to these new developments.  Well, that answer quickly appeared as director of the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University Carl Heneghan tweeted Friday that his article titled "Landmark Danish study finds no significant effect for facemask wearers," citing the new study, was flagged as false information by Facebook. 

The COVID Cult: Greatest Public Health Fiasco in the History of the World

This is the greatest public health fiasco in the history of the world, and the media has distorted it so badly, that much of the general public is celebrating villains and hissing at heroes. And, even — perversely enough — celebrating the destruction of their own lives and their children's lives.