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Alabama Judge Threatens Health Impact News Reporter

In a move that can only be interpreted as an attempt to restrict free speech and deny the 1st Amendment right of freedom of the press, Alabama Circuit Judge Corey B. Moore had Health Impact News reporter Terri LaPoint escorted into his courtroom yesterday to give her a stern warning. Investigative reporter Terri LaPoint commented: "I had no idea that I would be taken into court today! I was simply outside (the courtroom) as a friend of the family when they called me in. I was only dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, since I never intended to enter the courtroom." Mrs. LaPoint was at the courthouse with the Prince family who had a hearing that day regarding one of the newborn babies that was taken away from the parents by DHR recently. Mrs. LaPoint has reported on the family and their fight against Alabama DHR which has removed two newborn nursing babies recently while still in the hospital at the time of birth. Her original story quickly went viral and was read by over 1 million people in the first 24 hours. Mrs. LaPoint relates how the court-appointed attorney for one of the young mothers who was at court that day explained to her that the lead counsel for DHR allegedly wanted to call her in and put her on the witness stand. They were allegedly upset with our reporting on these stories. The attorney appointed to the family allegedly objected, stating that she had no legal counsel at the moment and was not part of the case, but the judge ordered her to be brought into the courtroom anyway. Once Mrs. LaPoint was escorted into the courtroom, which she states this was the first time she was ever inside a courtroom, Judge Moore asked her what her name was, and told her that because she did not have legal counsel present, she did not have to make any comments or answer any questions. Mrs. LaPoint reports that Judge Moore then warned her that she should retain legal counsel, and become familiar with the confidentiality laws regarding juveniles in Alabama. The court-appointed attorney for the Prince family then apparently told Mrs. LaPoint on her way out that this was not strictly a "gag order," but that the judge was upset and wanted her to "play ball."

Health Impact News Named in Alabama Lawsuit for Exposing State-sponsored Child Kidnapping

Last week Health Impact News published the story out of Alabama where DHR (Department of Human Resources) removed a newborn breast-feeding child that was only 2 days old from his 14-year-old mother who is alleged to be a rape victim, and was still in the hospital. The story quickly went viral with over 1 million views in the first 24 hours, and gained national attention. The grandparents of the 14-year-old mother who lost her newborn child last week appeared in court today in Shelby County, Alabama for the DHR juvenile court proceeding regarding their grandchildren. Also appearing were members of the media and witnesses of the event at the hospital. However, not only did they not get their grandchildren and infant great-grandson returned home, another surprise awaited those who showed up at the court house. A lawsuit that was filed in the Circuit Court of Shelby County naming various family members and media personnel, including Health Impact News, was presented to many of those who had come to the courthouse. The lawsuit was filed by Erin B. Welborn, listed as the Guardian ad litem of the newborn child. They are demanding that we take down our story and stop publishing anything regarding this case.

Los Angeles Father Loses Daughter to Corrupt Court – Thousands Petition to Remove Rocky Crabb from the Bench

Thousands of people in Los Angeles have petitioned to have Commissioner Rocky Crabb removed from the bench in Family Court in Pomona, California. Commissioner Crabb first came to the attention of Health Impact News because California father Joshua James approached us with his story of fighting to protect his 3 year old daughter, Journey. His story suggests that there is much wrong in Commissioner Crabb's courtroom. Parents like Joshua are left wondering how justice can be served, when there appear to be so many abuses of power and signs of corruption when facing Commissioner Crabb. Joshua has hired attorneys who say they cannot go up against Crabb and have given him his money back. Joshua has tried to get Crabb to recuse himself after making prejudiced comments. Attorneys have told Joshua that his civil rights are being denied and that this commissioner has it in for him. Unless Crabb steps down, they tell him that he will not have a chance of getting custody back. Joshua has not seen his daughter for almost a year now.

Date for Execution of Man on Death Row for Shaken Baby Syndrome is Halted as Conviction is Blamed on “Junk Science”

Last week, we reported that Chief Justice Ralph Gants from the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts had ordered a re-trial in the case of Oswelt Millien, a young father, who in 2015 was jailed for 4-5 years for causing permanent injuries to his six-month old daughter, Jahanna. This week yet another case, this time in Texas, has hit the news. On 17th June, 2016, Reuters reported that: "The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on Thursday halted the planned June 21 execution of Robert Roberson and sent his case back to trial court. It based its decision on a recent state law that permits legal challenges citing new scientific evidence potentially pointing to wrongful convictions." In 2002, Robert Roberson was convicted for the murder of his two-year old daughter, Nikki Curtis. Although experts at the time had testified that the toddler had died of Shaken baby syndrome--a syndrome defined by brain swelling, bleeding behind the eyes and bleeding on the brain’s surface--Roberson had always denied that he had hurt his daughter and maintained that Nikki’s injuries may have been caused by a fall from her bed or a fever of 104.5 degrees Fahrenheit. (40.3 degrees Centigrade) Reuters continued, by explaining that Shaken baby syndrome can be caused by short falls, other undiagnosed medical conditions, such as blood clotting disorders and latent trauma from a difficult birth. They stated that lawyers had pointed out that it is impossible to shake a child to death without causing serious neck injuries which they said that the child did not have. They concluded that: "Robert Roberson was wrongly convicted of murdering his … daughter based on ‘junk science’ and highly inflammatory sexual-abuse allegations that were false." This is a landmark case and may lead to other innocent prisoners that are awaiting execution to be awarded a reprieve.

LA County Bribing Judges Declared Illegal: But Who Will Uphold Justice in LA?

Has corruption in the judicial system become such a boring topic that even politicians can safely ignore it? I am old enough to remember a time when people were genuinely outraged when they heard about the corruption of government officials. Careers would be ended, people would be expelled from government agencies in disgrace, and shame would haunt the fallen individuals for many years if not for the rest of their lives. But apparently, this is not the way things are now in California. Lawmakers seem indifferent to the system of corruption that has become a way of life in the state’s judicial system. The courts have ruled that LA County's kickbacks to judges are illegal, essentially amounting to bribery, but who will uphold justice in LA and hold these judges accountable?

Alberta Government Accused of Kidnapping Thousands of Children

A class action law suit, that claims from 1985 to 2009 the province took thousands of children and then illegally retained them, is a step away from certification. “You can’t take somebody’s child without following the law, whether you’re a neighbour, a stranger or the government,” said lawyer Robert Lee, whose firm began the class action. “The only way (Alberta) child welfare can take a child away from the parent is if they follow the law and if they take a child from a parent without following the law, to me, that’s kidnapping.”

Parents with “Ruined Lives” Protest Against Corrupt Family Court Commissioner in Los Angeles

Why have parents in Pomona, California been able to gather more than 2000 petitions to remove Commissioner Rocky Crabb from the bench in Family Court? Parents who have contacted Health Impact News have reported an abuse of power, discrimination against Hispanics, taking children away from good parents and leaving them in the hands of abusers, and a denial of civil rights by Commissioner Rocky Crabb, who functions in the same capacity as a judge. The primary difference between a commissioner and a judge is that a commissioner is appointed and voted on by judges, not the public, and therefore holds less accountability to voters. Rocky Crabb ran for office, as Superior Court Judge in LA County in 2008, but lost, having obtained just 37% of the vote while his opponent won with 63%. He remains on the bench, however, as an appointed commissioner. The website RobeProbe.com rates judges, and Commissioner Rocky Crabb has 44 ratings. A user can rate a judge on a variety of qualities, ranging from "Very Bad," "Bad," "Adequate," "Good," or "Excellent." Out of Commissioner Crabb's 44 ratings, 43 are overall "Very Bad" and 1 is "Adequate." There are currently over 30 cases Commissioner Crabb has ruled on that are being appealed. So how does this man stay in power? Parents have told us that attorneys are reluctant to take their case when they learn it is against Commissioner Rocky Crabb, a man who was appointed to his position - not elected by the public. Tammi Stefano interviewed two of the parents who claim they and their children have been abused by Commissioner Rocky Crabb: "He has destroyed my life." Watch this shocking interview with two fathers who are among the parents spearheading the movement to remove Rocky Crabb from the bench.

Avoiding Medical Kidnapping of Your Children: Attorney Allison Folmar Gives Advice

Attorney Allison Folmar is a civil rights attorney who passionately fought numerous charges brought against her client, Michigan mother Maryanne Godboldo. Maryanne refused to give up her daughter to State authorities when they attempted to force a harmful anti-psychotic drug upon her child who exhibited autistic-like symptoms immediately after vaccinations. Attorney Folmar won a lengthy legal battle against the Michigan Attorney General and State Prosecutors on the sole premise that a parent has the absolute fundamental liberty interest and constitutional right to have the final voice in choosing the course of medical treatment for his/her child. This presentation will highlight various aspects of parental rights including, but not limited to; federal laws, state laws, healthcare rights, patient rights, and civil rights, along with knowing your rights, being prepared with medical history, and tips to prevent CPS involvement. Quote from Attorney Folmar: They are trying to steal my client's child. They're playing for keeps! They're not saying "Oh, we'll send your child back in a week or two." They are playing for keeps. So when I am fighting, I am fighting with everything in me. When I go to court, I go to war. I am unapologetic about going to war in court, because my client's life, and their child's life, is at stake.

California Governor Wants to Shield Corrupt LA County Social Workers by Making Child Death Files Secret

Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration has quietly drafted a bill that would gut key portions of the state's landmark law requiring child protective services agencies to release records when a youth dies of abuse or neglect. A vote is expected within the next week. It is the second time in two years that California Department of Social Services Director Will Lightbourne has introduced the bill on an emergency basis through a "trailer bill," introduced as part of the state's May budgeting process. That approach bypasses the usual committee review and fast-tracks the proposal for a vote. Earlier this year, Los Angeles County prosecutors filed criminal charges against four social workers who handled the case of 8-year-old Gabriel Fernandez in the months before he was tortured and killed. The case was first reported in The Times based on information that included documents released through the disclosure law. The social workers union has staged protests against the criminal charges and worked with the administration to craft the bill that would reduce public scrutiny of the case files for child fatalities. The state child welfare directors association also supports the administration’s bill.

“We Don’t Need a Warrant” — Police Enter Home Through Window, Rip Infant From Mother’s Arms

In February, a family experienced a horrifying home invasion during which their children were taken from them, and they were assaulted. The father and husband, Ilya Petrenko caught the perpetrators on video — they were police officers with the Vancouver Police Department. After more than an hour of asking the police to politely leave, Ilya began filming. Police had guns and tasers drawn as they swarmed the house to attack the family. The entire time, the couple is demanding to see a warrant and they are told by the police that they do not need one. The police eventually entered through a window, and began to assault the mother who was holding the child. The mother passed out, and the police carried the children from the home.