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Rochester General Hospital in NY Newborn Policy Includes Medical Kidnapping

Listen to this VM left by an administrator at Rochester General Hospital stating that their policy is to take newborns into medical custody if their parents refuse Vitamin K and erythromycin.

Medical Director of LA Child Welfare Testifies Under Oath That He Does Not Know the Law Regarding Seizure of Children

Dr. Charles Sophy is the Medical Director for Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). Los Angeles County DCFS reportedly has the largest amount of children taken away from their families and put into foster homes of any other agency in the United States. When California attorney Shawn McMillan uploaded a video of a deposition of Dr. Charles Sophy, the Medical Director for Los Angeles County DCFS, whom he deposed in a case he is currently litigating to his YouTube account, I took special interest to listen to the video and learn more about this medical director who is responsible for the lives of so many children in LA County. In addition to his role as Medical Director for Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, Dr. Sophy also maintains a private practice as a Hollywood doctor and has appeared in reality TV shows such as "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills." In this video deposition, however, it would appear that Dr. Sophy is not well versed in the Constitutional laws regarding when a child can be taken out of their home and away from their parents, and he states that he has never supplied such training to his social workers.

18 Year Old Vermont Girl Medically Kidnapped & Abused Now Fights Adult Protective Services to Remain Free

Our first story earlier this year about Elissa Maple was a sad story given to us by her mother Karen. Her mother reported how the State medically kidnapped her 16 year old daughter Elissa, drugged her, and held her in a mental facility against the wish of both Elissa and her family. Elissa reported that she was repeatedly drugged against her consent, and sexually abused while in the custody of the State. The facility holding Elissa wanted her to sign papers that would give them custody of Elissa beyond her 18th birthday on July 1, 2015. Fortunately, a judge agreed with Elissa and her family, and ordered her released. Elissa is happy to be back again with her family, but it is a happiness intertwined with fear, as Massachusetts Adult Protective Services is now trying to take over custody of Elissa.

Devastated Parents of Children Medically Kidnapped in Virginia Fight Back

A nightmare story that has become all too familiar to those of us at Health Impact News, parents in Virginia reached out to us to expose a corrupt system that has ravaged families all across America, and is completely out of control. Trying to find solutions to medical problems for their family, these parents did what families all across the United States do every day: they took their children to see medical doctors. Not finding solutions to their family illness, these parents pressed on to find answers. The result was that they were allegedly accused of having a mental disorder, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, and even denied medical care. Worse, their children were terrorized and kidnapped out of the hospital by force. “My daughter ran screaming and crying to an old folks’ home next to the hospital, locked herself in the bathroom, and called me. When I got there from our house down the street from hospital, my son was inside of a van with no handles on the inside and my daughter was in the bathroom surrounded by six to eight police. One cop from Shenandoah County looked at my fourteen year old son and saw tears in his eyes and asked in a mean way, 'What is wrong with you, why are you crying?!?' It was awful." Lane and Susan have their children back now, but they want the world to know their story. They feel their children have been scarred for life: "My daughter is now back with me and is no longer a child, she left me believing in fairies and Santa and came back waking screaming every night, scared to death of being taken." This family has lost their home, their jobs, and their health, but they are not done. They are fighting back, and currently have a pending lawsuit in federal court. Here is their story.

Mother Files Federal Lawsuit Against State of Kansas for Kidnapping Her Son

Attorneys Sarah Swain and Matthew Pappas have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the State of Kansas and its Department for Children and Families on behalf of cannabis oil activist and Crohn’s disease patient Shona Banda, whose 11-year-old son was taken by authorities in April of this year after he spoke out about his mother’s successful medical marijuana treatment during a public school anti-drug presentation.

The Medical Kidnapping of Cassandra in Connecticut – First Interview Since Forced Chemo

It’s legal for a 12-year-old to get birth control and have an abortion without the consent or knowledge of her parents in most states. But a 17-year-old isn’t allowed to reject poison (chemotherapy) and is held as a prisoner, strapped to her hospital bed, injected with poison (medically raped), isolated from her family and friends, confined to her room, with an armed guard at the door. Did I miss anything? Oh yes, this treatment is “legal” and “approved”!!! If the US military did that to Guantanamo captives, what would folks think of that?

Education Secretary Wants Government Boarding Schools: “Certain Kids We Should Have 24/7”

Education Secretary Arne Duncan recently spoke at the fourth annual Youth Violence Prevention Summit at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City by an interagency initiative led by the Justice and Education departments. Secretary Duncan discussed the role of public education in reducing youth violence. Secretary Duncan stated that one of the federal government's ideas to curb "youth violence" was to start government boarding schools. He states that there are "certain children we should have 24/7." Do you agree with Secretary Duncan? Should the federal government take the role of "parents" and take some children and put them into government boarding schools so that they have them "24/7" at taxpayers' expense?

Michigan Family Traumatized by CPS in Medical Kidnapping of Twins

Let me tell you, there is nothing worse than being accused of abusing the kids that you would lay down your life for. I knew we never hurt our kids, as they are our whole reason for being, so what was wrong? I would have these moments of complete devastation and outright panic in the reality of what was happening. I remember being in CVS one day and the reality of the State of Michigan wanting to terminate my parental rights hit me. I became paralyzed and sobbed uncontrollably thinking I was going to collapse and trying to figure out who I could call to come get me. This on top of the countless nights I cried myself to sleep in Tony's arms. Everything we do is for them. How this could be happening to us was beyond my comprehension. Was it really necessary to show up at my house with 3 police officers unannounced and traumatize my kids forever? How does a system set up to protect the children not take into consideration the fact that what they are doing potentially causes an irreversible emotional damage that nothing could repair?

Oklahoma City Parents Lose Their 2 Children to CPS Due to “Shaken Baby” Allegation

An Oklahoma City couple has lost both of their children to CPS after taking their son to the hospital. He was injured while playing in a "bouncy chair," according to the parents. The father was accused of "abuse," and their parental rights were severed when a court appointed attorney allegedly did not put up much of a defense in their trial. The parents have a new attorney now, and are appealing their case in the hopes that the children will not be adopted out of foster care. The parents have not seen their babies Aleck and Mariposa since they were taken under state supervision on February 17, 2015.

More Parents to be Labeled “Child Abusers” in Tennessee? DCS to Publicly Publish “Suspected” Child Abusers Even if not Charged

The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services has begun sharing the names of people who it believes have committed child abuse or neglect — but who have not necessarily been charged — with an online, publicly accessible registry of abusers of adults maintained by the state Department of Health. We have been documenting on our MedicalKidnap.com website for many months now many stories of families who were accused of "abuse" simply because they disagreed with a doctor. The tragedy in these stories is that the parents are almost never afforded due process of the law, but have their children medically kidnapped and then struggle to get them back. To add insult to injury, they often have their names entered into a child abuse registry. So now in the State of Tennessee, these parents who have never even been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of one, will allegedly soon have their names in a public registry which will further violate their Constitutional rights to privacy by slandering their name, and in many cases, prevent them from keeping or obtaining employment.

Adoption and Fostering for Profit: An Arizona Mom Who Lost her Children Exposes A Corrupt System

Are you aware of the fact that adoptive families are compensated if they adopt a special needs child? This is known as a maintenance subsidy which falls under the umbrella of the adoption subsidy. Adoptive families receive this adoption subsidy if the children they adopt are special needs children in the state of AZ. Let’s stop here for a minute. I am the mom of two special needs children. I love them dearly. Most special needs moms I know would not give up their kids. There you have it, there is one of the problems.WHERE DID THEY GET THESE KIDS? I have read thousands of cases now. I have met hundreds of families. Many of these special needs children were wrongfully removed - horrifically separated for profit!

Are New Pediatric “Child Abuse Specialists” Causing an Increase in Medical Kidnappings?

Going to the Children’s Hospital? Bring Your Lawyer. New Pediatric Sub-specialty Appears to Correlate with Recent Epidemic of Medical Kidnappings. The rise in aggressive uses of CPS by doctors and hospitals in diagnosing "child abuse," extensively documented by MedicalKidnap.com, appears to parallel several new developments in the world of pediatric medicine. In 2010, the American Academy of Pediatrics certified a new sub-specialty in child abuse pediatrics, which requires a fellowship with a teaching hospital’s child protection unit and a separate board exam. The majority of the nation's 324 Child Abuse Pediatricians are housed within children's hospitals. This new subspecialty of pediatrics has generated questions regarding the investigatory or prosecutorial role assumed by child abuse pediatricians.

Texas Attorney: CPS is Too Powerful – Has Become an “Adoption Mill”

“The role of CPS has changed over the years,” Julie Ketterman of KHA Lawyers, PLLC said. “They have become too powerful and have shifted their focus from offering guidance and support to acting as a punitive force.” Ketterman alleges that CPS frequently oversteps their boundaries, opting to remove children from their homes, placing them outside the home and in to foster-to-adopt homes for monetary advantage. “CPS profits every time they place a child outside the home for adoption,” Ketterman said. “It has stopped being a resource for families in need and has instead turned into an adoption mill.” One victory against CPS corruption is the recent passing of SB 1876, a bill recently signed by Governor Greg Abbott into law on June 19. The law will go into effect on September 1 of this year. “The bill specifies that attorneys ad litem, guardians ad litem and mediators in CPS cases will be appointed on a rotating basis,” Ketterman said. “This prevents corrupt judges from appointing attorneys they have in their pockets.”

Mother Charged for Letting 7-year-old Daughter go to Park Across the Street Alone

Nicole Jensen and her three children live a few hundred feet from the park and Jensen said she lets her kids play together there because she can see them from her porch. She also said she requires them to check in with her every hour. But Wednesday, police said Jensen’s 7-year-old daughter, Brooklynn, was playing alone. They took her to the police station and charged Jensen with child endangerment.

Vaccine Induced Scurvy and Shaken Baby Syndrome

Most people, including babies, have only marginal reserves of vitamin C. Injections of vaccines containing a great number of toxic substances, such as formaldehyde, mercury and aluminium compounds, as preservatives and adjuvants, and foreign proteins (antigens) are the primary and documented cause of harmful immune response anaphylaxis. Depletion of vitamin C reserves was linked to vaccination by Pekarek and Rezabek (1959) who demonstrated that when the rats are injected with pertussis vaccine, they develop an acute scurvy. The difference between rats and human babies is in that the rats produce their own vitamin C and recover fast, unlike the humans who do not. While it is not surprising that scurvy still occurs in the twenty first century, it is surprising that modern doctors generally fail to recognize it. Simple administration of sufficient doses of sodium ascorbate (a non acidic form of vitamin C) would save a very large number of premature deaths as demonstrated by Levy (2012) in his article "Vitamin C prevents vaccination side effects." Instead, tens of thousands of innocent parents and other care givers are serving long prison terms and being accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome, a non-existent invalid syndrome that in many cases can be directly related to vitamin C deficiency and scurvy.

Attorneys Being Trained to Fight Bogus Child Abuse Charges used in Medical Kidnappings

Incidences of innocent parents being accused of medical abuse from "abusive head trauma" (AHT), formerly known as shaken baby syndrome (SBS), are being reported more and more in the media these days. We have reported several of these stories here at MedicalKidnap.com, where babies are removed from the custody of their parents based on the testimony of a doctor. In some cases, the parents are going to jail over these accusations. The increase in parents being accused of AHT seems to parallel a new Child Abuse Specialist certification with the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2010. This has created a whole new class of pediatricians whose sole purpose is to determine if a child's injuries show parental or care giver abuse. Rather than the family pediatrician, who has regular contact with the family, making a determination if childhood injuries are indicative of abuse, now a "specialist" is called in who often has little or no contact with the family, and makes a determination of "abuse" simply on medical tests. One has to wonder if more children need to be determined to be "abused" in order to justify the employment of this new class of pediatric "Child Abuse Specialists"? Earlier this month (June 2015), the American Bar Association published an article in their Children's Rights Litigation section documenting the growing problem of innocent parents losing their children to Child Protection Services based on the testimony of these new pediatric Child Abuse Specialists. Attorney Melissa Staas from The Family Defense Center in Chicago wrote the article: Litigating Shaken Baby Syndrome Allegations in the Child Welfare Context.

Kids in Foster Care 3 Times As Likely To Get Psych Drugs

Children in foster care in Pennsylvania are at least three times as likely as other children to receive drugs used to treat mental illness. That’s the conclusion of research released today at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the results have public health officials concerned. Researchers found that while about 15 percent of all children covered by Medicaid receive psychotropic drugs — drugs that work on their brains — about 45 percent of those in foster care do. State human services secretary Ted Dallas says it’s true that kids in foster care may have greater mental health needs because of the trauma that got them in the system, but he says the disparity indicates that over-medication is taking place. “To think that we’re compounding that damage (of foster care placement) by inappropriately prescribing medication to these kids is deeply disturbing to me and is simply unacceptable,” he said.

Former LA County Social Worker Reveals Corruption in Child “Protection” Services

Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show interviewed Melinda Murphy regarding the abuses of the LA County Department of Children and Family Services. Melinda Murphy has worked in Child Welfare for over 20 years. She has a master's degree in counseling and educational psychology. She is co-author of the book A Culture of Fear: An Inside Look at Los Angeles County’s Department of Children & Family Services. She worked for DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services) in LA County for 10 years in various capacities, including: social worker, supervisor, investigator, and court officer. She was known for handling tough cases that other social workers could not handle, and when she left the agency, she left on good terms. So why did she leave after working there for nearly 10 years? "Because I had a conscience. I wanted to be able to sleep at night. I wanted to be able to look at myself in the mirror. When I went to work for them, I thought I'd be working for the children, I'd be working for the families, building on their strengths. I discovered no, what I am doing is I am working for the Department of Children and Family Services. I am a PR agent. I'm not protecting the children and the families. I am protecting the Department of Children and Family Services. And I couldn't live with that."

Neuropathologist Rejects Theory of Shaken Baby Syndrome

A UK neuropathologist has told the trial of a child-minder charged with assaulting a baby that shaken baby syndrome has no scientific validation. “I looked at many many cases of shaken baby syndrome,” she said. “I could no longer agree that this was a syndrome that had any scientific validation. I came to the view that I could not be sure this is a real syndrome.”

Are Vaccines Altering Our Genes Causing Brittle Bones in Infants?

In recent years, doctors have seen a rise in the number of children suffering from genetic conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Osteogenesis Imperfecta. This has caused many to question whether or not the rising number of vaccinations could be to blame. A growing number of parents have reported that their child was fit and healthy prior to receiving their vaccinations and that they have only developed these conditions after being vaccinated. If this is true, could it be because their children already had the genetic markers for these conditions and the vaccinations simply prompted their bodies to develop the full-blown disorder? In this article, we take a look at the evidence that healthy children are developing potentially life-threatening genetic disorders rarely seen before the increased vaccination schedule.