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Judge Orders California Student Information Released to Nonprofit – Privacy Standards Violated

The Identity Theft Resource Center and Privacy Rights Clearing House want to alert all parents of school-aged children throughout California about a pending deadline to Opt-Out on the potential release of their child’s sensitive personal identifying information. The deadline for parents and adult students to object to the disclosure of personal information and records is April 1, 2016.

Ten Year-old Girl with Cystic Fibrosis Medically Kidnapped in Oregon

Mariah Mumpower is a ten year old little girl with cystic fibrosis (CF) who was taken away from her mother by Oregon Child Protective Services (CPS) in September 2015 during a routine visit to the CF clinic in Portland, Oregon. The shelter order allegedly claimed that her mother, Rhonda Mumpower, was neglecting her child because she was underweight. The seizure of her daughter also occurred shortly after she complained about the services at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital CF clinic in Portland, and stated that she wanted to find a different clinic to take her daughter to for medical services. Mariah was also asked to participate in a Harvard University backed research study on her rare form of cystic fibrosis.

Government Investigation Confirms Children are Trafficked in the U.S. – Modern Day Slavery

The trafficking of children and sexual slavery world-wide is a global epidemic. Most of the public's image of such horrific examples of modern-day slavery evoke images of poorer countries where this problem is well-documented. However, a new government investigation confirms that the problem of trafficking children and modern-day child slavery is a very real problem right here within our own borders. Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) recently published a six-month investigation looking at 125,000 unaccompanied minors who have crossed the U.S. borders into the United States since 2011, reportedly fleeing violence and unrest in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. This U.S. Senate report concluded that the Office of Refugee Resettlement, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has failed to protect these children from human trafficking, leaving them vulnerable to abuses at the hands of government-approved caretakers. While it is good that the issue of unaccompanied alien children being brought into the United States by organized trafficking rings is getting some public exposure in the mainstream media and Congress, the broader issue of child trafficking and sexual slavery of all children in the United States is one that does not get much press or attention from politicians. Every day in the United Sates, children are being ripped away from their parents and trafficked through organizations that are for the most part legal.

Medically Kidnapped Disabled Man Held Against his Will in Orange County California

Nate Tseglin was born on November 5, 1989 to Ilya and Riva Tsleglin. The parents, now residents of California, are originally from the former Soviet Union. They have a younger son Robert as well. Nate was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome at age 14. He was first taken away from his parents by the State of California on January 12, 2007 at age 17 when a teacher reported his parents to the Child Protective Services (CPS) because Nate was scratching himself on the arms. His family has been fighting for him to be home, and to be cared for at home, ever since. He is currently being detained by the State of California against his own will, and also the will of his family. Nate is now an adult. He is allegedly being forced to take drugs his family does not approve, and is kept locked up like a prisoner. The Tseglin family would like the public to know their story of medical kidnapping happening in California. They do not believe that having a disability such as Asperger's Syndrome gives the State a right to kidnap their son.

North Carolina Mother Flees State to Protect Children from State-sponsored Kidnapping

A grieving North Carolina mother who lost her 7-year-old son when a neighbor's dog attacked him and mauled him to death, has taken her five remaining children and left the State of North Carolina to allegedly protect them from being taken away by social services. WRAL in North Carolina interviewed the grieving mother, Jamie West, who reported that the accident reopened a 5-year-old rift between her and the Robeson County Department of Social Services. Soical workers allegedly threatened to take her remaining children after the funeral of her 7-year-old son Talen. Rather than attend the funeral, she has reported that she has left the state with her children.

Medical Kidnapping of Baby Boomer Seniors Not Rare – Now the Norm

While the vast majority of stories we cover on MedicalKidnap.com report on how parents are losing their children to a corrupt CPS and medical system, we have had multiple readers also contact us regarding elder abuse and senior medical kidnappings. Our reader's problems are compounded by the courts and their ability to dictate who can do what, with whom. The door to elder abuse has long been knocked off its hinges starting as early as the 1980s with the S&L scam that was perpetrated against the elderly Baby Boomers. Unfortunately, this road map for Boomer carnage has led the way for a more clandestine, organized, and once undocumented illegal activity--kidnapping and medical abuse of today's senior Boomers. Under the guise of court appointed guardianship, our seniors are being drained of familial contact, removed from their homes, isolated, given unnecessary drugs rendering them lethargic and semi-comatose, and then relieved of their property.

North Carolina Whistle-blower Imprisoned, Daughter Kidnapped by CPS – Are Their Lives Now in Danger?

One Native American tribe’s descent from a proud heritage into lawlessness and greed has gone unchecked for decades. Until now. In 2012, Randy Davis just wanted to obtain a box of his family’s papers from his local tribal headquarters. Little did he know his questions would bring down retaliation that included his daughter being kidnapped by CPS, theft, false imprisonment, uncounted civil rights violations, his name smeared, his livelihood lost, and his life forever changed. Though the Croatan, as a people, still exist, many of its leaders appear to have sold out their birth right for state and federal largesse – not only changing their tribal name, but paying academics to eradicate the name from historical research and even illegally changing birth/death certificates. In addition to this paper genocide being perpetrated against the tribe by its own, there is federal and state fraud and abuse, and the lawless attempts to bribe, smear, coerce, kidnap and jail those members who might object or reveal the truth. And then there is the “reservation shopping” by the national casino and gambling interests who have literally stolen the Croatan’s historical records, apparently in an effort to “create” a tribe worthy of federal recognition, with the accompanying right to set up casinos, netting billions of dollars for those who control it. One man stumbled into all of this unwittingly, setting off such retaliation that he has considered seeking witness protection for himself and his daughter.

American Judicial System for Sale: Bribes and Corruption now the Norm

Since Health Impact News started reporting on medical kidnappings taking place in the United States, we have briefly touched upon the topic of corrupt judges and the courts that allow this to happen. I recently was privileged to have a conversation with one of the top American legal minds of our day and age, Dr. Richard I. Fine, who lost his career and was unjustly put in prison for 18 months as a political prisoner. He was never even charged with a crime. His story is not widely known, and it gives the public an insider perspective to the depth of the corruption in the American judiciary. Health Impact News investigative reporter John P. Thomas recently interviewed Dr. Fine, and this is his report. Dr. Fine's message is a message every American needs to know.

Judge Condemns Texas Foster Care System that Abuses Children as Unconstitutional

In December of 2014 Health Impact News reported on the class action lawsuit filed against the State of Texas and their foster care program brought by the group Children’s Rights, a New York-based advocacy group. The group was representing 12,000 foster care children as the plaintiffs. After legal proceedings that lasted about one year, where the State of Texas tried to get the case dismissed, U.S. District Judge Janis Graham Jack ruled against the State of Texas in December of 2015 stating that the foster care system named in the lawsuit was unconstitutional, and needed to be replaced with one that is constitutional. In her 255 page ruling, Judge Jack stated: "Texas' PMC (Permanent Managing Conservatorship) children have been shuttled throughout a system where rape, abuse, psychotropic medication, and instability are the norm."

Christmas is not so “Merry” when your Children Have Been Kidnapped by the State

Child trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States today, with American taxpayer funds paying for the kidnapping of children for placement into foster care and adoption programs. Child Protection Services across the United States by and large do NOT look out for the interests of the child anymore, but instead look out for their own interests and programs, and billions of dollars in federal funds. Christmas is a lonely time, and a cruel reminder that their family has been torn apart, for thousands of families across the U.S. who have had their children medically kidnapped by force.

EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt North Carolina Officials Try to Silence Whistleblower Using Child Protection Services

A massive fraud cover-up in the state of North Carolina has Randy Davis fighting mad. The corruption involves senators, the NC Commission of Indian Affairs, the Coharie Intra-Tribal Council, and entire departments within Sampson County – including Child Protection Services (CPS) – where Randy lives. The laundry list of crimes, which stretches back to the 1920s, is extensive and involves everything from misuse of federal HUD and USDA funds, to virtually every civil rights violation imaginable, to a massive land grab and falsifying birth and death certificates. The whole ugly story resembles the mafia – whole generations of families in NC with multiple crimes and cover-ups. And Randy Davis not only knows everyone involved – he allegedly has hundreds of documents, audio and video to prove every bit of it. That apparently makes him a high value target that needs to be silenced. But using CPS to take his daughter didn’t keep him quiet. She has been on the run for the past year - in hiding so CPS can’t grab her to be used against her father. Three arrests on eight different trumped up charges (all eventually dismissed) and 136 days in jail without cause – all to coerce him into revealing his daughter’s location – unsuccessful. With this story – an exclusive to Health Impact News – Randy is now coming forward to tell an astonishing story of governmental abuse of power and corruption.

Arizona Child Traffick Racketeering via CPS and Doctors on Trial Before U.S. Supreme Court

Since the MedicalKidnap.com website was started in 2014 as part of the Health Impact News network, we have had more parents from Arizona contact us regarding medical kidnappings than any other state in the U.S. Arizona has the highest percentage of children taken away from their families and put into foster care of any other U.S. state. One of the most egregious cases we published from Arizona is the case of Leanna Smith, who had her two daughters taken away from her for alleged medical reasons, and adopted out. Sources who have followed this case closely have told us that pretty much everyone in Arizona in the political system knows that there was corruption involved in the Smith family case, as their 4 year old healthy daughter was taken away from them as an apparent retaliation against Leanna for exposing the corruption in the Arizona medical system that led to her losing her two daughters. But everyone was too afraid to take a stand on the truth in this case, as it exposes alleged conspiracy and racketeering between doctors, out-of-state psychiatrist Brenda Bursch from UCLA, CPS social workers and managers, and the foster parents who eventually adopted the 4-year old girl and changed her name. From State legislators to the Arizona Governor to the U.S. Department of Justice, no one seemed to want to touch this case. Even the Arizona Judge presiding over the initial case sealed much of the evidence, including over 1800 recordings by Leanna Smith that allegedly exposes the conspiracy and corruption. After the 9th U.S. Circuit Court ruled against them on a technicality due to the dates of their filing evidence, forcing them to try and re-file the case in Arizona, they have instead filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court. This 211 page document names the names of the "Racketeers" in Arizona and the conspiracy between the State, medical doctors, CPS caseworkers and supervisors, and foster parents in the kidnapping of children and the destruction of the Smith family. Will the Smith family finally get justice and a chance to have their case heard? Will these 1800 recordings finally be unsealed and revealed to the world? Now that the cover-up has been exposed to the world, how will the nation respond to this story of corruption, abuse of power, and racketeering in Arizona that is destroying families and injuring children?

Christian Family Loses 5 Children to CPS for “Radicalizing and Indoctrinating” Children with Christianity

Child welfare services in Norway have reportedly removed five Christian children from their parents' home and placed them into foster care after the parents were accused of radicalizing and indoctrinating their children with Christianity. According to the British-based Christian Institute, Norway's child protection services, known as the Barnevernet, seized the three sons and two daughters of Ruth and Marius Bodnariu in mid-November. Although the family wasn't quite sure at the time why their children were being taken away from them, their lawyer discovered that the parents were being charged with Christian indoctrination. The Bodnariu's lawyer obtained a copy of the government document that lists the charges against Marius and Ruth, which includes being listed as "radical Christians who were indoctrinating their children."

Report: Illinois DCFS Needs Total Overhaul

Beset by failures in leadership and in treatment of the state's most vulnerable children, Illinois' Department of Children and Family Services is hammering out a reform plan after a panel of court-appointed experts determined the agency needs a top-to-bottom overhaul if it hopes to improve the safety and well-being of the thousands of youths in its care. The report concluded that too many children who are wards of the state are shuffled from placement to placement and forced to wait months for services. The result, the experts wrote, was an erosion of the children's "already pronounced distrust in the system." The beleaguered agency also suffers from an "absence of responsibility and accountability" when it comes to ensuring the children receive the help they need, according to the report.

Alabama Girl Medically Kidnapped and Forced on Drugs: Parents Facing Jail for Failure to Pay State Child Support

An Alabama girl has been medically kidnapped from her family because her mother refused to allow social workers to put her daughter on strong anti-depressant drugs. The mother had good reason to refuse these drugs, as both of her parents had been prescribed anti-depressants by the very same facility - her mother at the age of 22, and her father at age 54, one year prior to the social worker's demand. Both of her parents subsequently committed suicide after taking the medications. Now, the mother is facing a jail sentence for failing to pay child support to the state for the daughter they kidnapped, and her fiance has a warrant out for his arrest as well. Due to rumors of corruption and violence in DeKalb County jail, they are terrified for his well-being if he goes to jail, and they are calling on the public for support.

Ohio Social Workers and Attorneys Criticize “Chaotic and Tyrannical” Judge for Abducting Children

A Cuyahoga County magistrate who removed a newborn from her parents last month after a mother drank marijuana-based tea for pregnancy pains chronically oversteps her legal authority in child custody cases, according to county children services workers and attorneys. County attorneys objected to Magistrate Eleanore Hilow's order to take Nova Sanford from her parents after her mother agreed to not use marijuana. Workers found the baby was in no danger living with her parents, Hollie and Daniel Sanford. Attorney Joseph Jacobs, who represents the family, has asked Hilow's boss, Juvenile Court Judge Thomas O'Malley, to overturn her order. Another hearing in the case is set for December. Jacobs called Hilow's courtroom "chaotic and tyrannical" and said her "unreasoned, ill-tempered and punitive decisions" were "wreaking havoc on families throughout Cuyahoga County."

California Holds Medically Kidnapped Adult Daughter for 14 Years

Jeffrey and Elsie Golin have been fighting against the State of California and California’s San Andreas Regional Center (SARC) for nearly fifteen years to have their daughter returned to them. SARC is a community-based, private nonprofit corporation that is funded by the State of California to serve people with developmental disabilities and works with Stanford University. The Golins are fighting for their autistic daughter Nancy’s right to be able to return home to live with them, and fighting for the right to advocate for their daughter’s best interests. According to their main attorney, Dave Beauvais, there are two main issues that lie at the heart of this ongoing case. The first is the issue of the Golin’s losing all rights to act in their own daughter Nancy’s best interests and the second is the issue of whether a person who is disabled has the same protection under the U.S. Constitution as a non-disabled person does. The two issues the state brought as grounds for removing Nancy from their care were the fact that she wanders away and the fact that the Golins disagreed with the doctors at Stanford University about which medication was best to prevent Nancy’s seizures.

From Child Protection to State-sponsored Child Kidnapping: How Did we Get Here?

When most people today hear of a terrible child abuse case, their immediate reaction is to call on the government to protect the child and bring justice to bear on the situation. This reliance upon government to enforce child protection, rather than families, churches or non-profit groups, is a relatively new concept in history. As American government has grown ever larger in response to society’s expectations that it should be all children’s protector, Americans have discovered these good intentions have created a system that is becoming more and more intrusive, demanding and corrupt. Parents’ protests, state hearings and local media attention are gradually bringing the public’s attention to a Child Protective Services (CPS) system that has the power to rip children from their parents – and do it without any of the civil rights and protections ALL American citizens are guaranteed. How did a government service meant to protect children become something entirely different? How and when did CPS start – and why are Americans facing its growing power without even basic civil rights?

Shocked Arizona Mother Finds GoFundMe Page for Medical Needs of Daughter Medically Kidnapped

We have previously covered the medical kidnapping story of Leanna Smith, who had her two daughters removed from her family and eventually adopted out due to allegations of "medical abuse" and Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Leanna has been fighting in court for several years now to seek justice, and earlier this year her case was heard in the 9th Circuit Court. This week, Leanna found a GoFundMe page put up by the foster parents of her youngest child requesting funds for medical needs and to move out of their home which was infested with mold. Leanna wonders if CPS and the State of Arizona did any investigations with the foster parents as they have publicly admitted that her youngest daughter now has DRESS syndrome, severe rashes, and "serious damage to her liver." Leanna, who has had no contact with her daughter in several years, states: "I fear for my daughter's life. She may need a liver transplant. Every day now I read the obituaries looking for her name."

Massachusetts Prosecutors Withheld Exculpatory Evidence in Shaken Baby Case

In the Boston Globe, columnist Yvonne Abraham writes about how prosecutors in the Middlesex County, Mass., district attorney’s office withheld exculpatory evidence in the Shaken Baby Syndrome case against Irish nanny Aisling Brady McCarthy. These prosecutors didn’t just rely on bad science; they actively suppressed evidence that not only should have informed that their theories about these cases were flawed, but was ultimately the evidence that led to the accused getting freed. A just system would sanction them. If they aren’t punished, there’s little disincentive to do it again, or for other prosecutors who might be tempted to shortchange a suspect’s rights.