Boston Hospital Seizes 15 Year Old From Parents Over Medical Treatment Disagreement

A 15-year old girl has been held for 9 months at Boston Children’s Hospital against her wish, and against the wishes of her parents. Here is yet another case where CPS has abducted a child from loving parents all in the name of proper "medical treatment." She is being held hostage because of a controversial diagnosis of mental illness.

Family of Amish Girl Who Fled the Country to Avoid Forced Experimental Chemo Tells Their Side of the Story

Why did Akron Children's Hospital spend so much time and resources to prosecute this Amish family, trying to force a 10-year old to receive chemotherapy that neither she nor her family wanted, even after multiple judges ruled custody of the 10-year old to her parents, multiple times? What motivated this hospital to seek out a different judge to finally award custody of this 10-year old child to their hospital attorney, forcing the family to flee the country? The family has spoken out and given their side of the story, which the mainstream media apparently has no interest in covering.

Ohio Amish Girl Escapes with Parents from Forced Chemotherapy, Father Claims She was on Experimental Drugs Without Consent

Earlier this month we published the story of 10-year old Sarah Hershberger, an Amish girl in Ohio, and how her parents took her off of toxic chemo therapy. The courts in Ohio overturned a previous judge's ruling on her case and awarded custody of the girl to the hospital's attorney, who is also a nurse. The hospital was claiming that Sarah's life was in danger if she did not continue with the chemo therapy, but her parents were claiming that Sarah was doing better, and that the chemo therapy was actually killing her. Now, David Michael of The Journal of Natural Food and Health is reporting that the Amish girl was part of an experiment of new drugs, and that the hospital's motivation for getting custody of the girl and having her continue her therapy was because the hospital stood to lose substantial funding for ending the drug trial too soon. When you consider also the potential billions of dollars a pharmaceutical company can potentially make from a new cancer drug, it is easy to understand the hospital's motivation to try and get custody of this child and have her continue the treatment, whether she needed it or not. Michael has interviewed the parents, who reportedly left the country shortly before the court decision in early October, and where their daughter received alternative cancer treatment which is approved in Europe and other places, but banned in the U.S. As a result, their daughter Sarah has now been declared "cancer-free," verified through laboratory tests. I have been in contact with one of the family members as well, who has confirmed that the information Michael is reporting is "100% accurate." Akron Children’s Hospital has testified in court that Sarah would die without chemo therapy. The Hershbergers would now like to return to the U.S. and be rejoined with their other 6 children, but they believe there is a warrant out for their arrest and that they will lose their daughter. They are raising funds to mount a legal challenge.

10 Year Old Amish Girl Taken Away from Parents for Refusing Chemotherapy by Ohio Hospital

In the United States of America, only FDA approved drugs are allowed to treat cancer. Cancer is the most lucrative product the medical industry has. Empowered by the government, the pharmaceutical companies have developed a monopoly on cures in the United States, particularly cancer cures. If you dare to stand in their way, they will do anything they can to crush you. If you think that I am exaggerating, just ask Dr. Burzynski in Texas, who has fought possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history, as they tried to shut him down. Children all across America are being ripped away from their parents for opposing Big Pharma and their monopoly on "cures," which are almost 100% patented toxic drugs that often do not cure at all. Here is one more story of how an Ohio hospital has won a court decision to take legal custody of a 10-year-old Amish girl because their parents chose to stop using toxic drugs that were destroying her. Medical tyranny is a reality today in the United States of America.

Mother Forced to Give Son Chemo, Even Though He is in Remission

A Colorado mother is being forced to put her son, who is suffering from leukemia, back into toxic chemotherapy and radiation treatment that almost killed him, even though his cancer is in remission. When her son almost died from the first round of chemotherapy, she took him to Colorado so she could give him medical marijuana which is natural and has none of the side effects of chemotherapy. In spite of the fact that there is solid scientific research on cannabis healing cancer, it remains not only a drug not approved by the FDA, but a criminal illegal drug federally. Colorado recently passed laws allowing it to be distributed in that state. But under threat of the CPS taking her child away, she was forced to obey a medical doctor to allow chemotherapy to resume again.

Gulf War Vet and Wife Lose Children to CPS because Doctor Prescribed Medical Marijuana for Headaches

This is a very sad story of how one family lost custody of their children for a whole year simply because the father was using marijuana, legally prescribed by a doctor, to treat his headaches that he says were the result of all the chemicals he was exposed to while serving his country in the Gulf War. Active duty military personnel are also subjected to many vaccines not used in the general public. Child Protection Services in San Diego removed the children from their home and their parents, and it took the parents a year to get them back. It is quite ironic to think of how many parents today have medicine cabinets full of toxic "legal" prescription drugs which have far more serious side effects than marijuana, and yet would never come under suspicion of Child Protection Services, as this would probably constitute the majority of American families in the U.S. today. It is not surprising that this Gulf War veteran found a doctor to prescribe marijuana for his headaches in San Diego, since the University of California in San Diego has a center for the "Medicinal Cannabis Research" which conducts clinical research on marijuana. An Oncology physician in San Diego who has studied marijuana states that it contains: "anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and probably anti-cancer compounds in it." He prescribes marijuana for his cancer patients for "their loss of appetite, nausea, pain, depression, and insomnia." He says this one drug, marijuana, can replace 5 prescription drugs.

How Child “Protection” Services is Legally Abducting Children in the U.S.

Child Protection Services (CPS) across the United States is legally abducting children from parents through a profit motive, and placing them into the foster care system. The right to legal counsel, your Miranda rights, the right to a speedy jury trial, are American rights protected by our Constitution. But not in family court, where a single judge can decide whether or not you are a fit parent. CPS services "protecting" children today has become a $29.4 billion dollar industry. CPS has more power today than the police, sheriff, or FBI, as they can come into your home and remove your child without a search warrant or court order. Someone who doesn't like you, for any reason, can make a phone call and provide an anonymous "tip" with the result of you losing your children. Children are being taken away from parents today with no warrant and no jury trial for things such as: refusing vaccines, being overweight, being underweight, refusing to drink fluorinated water, eating organic food, and more.

WW2 Hero Refuses Medical Care, So Police Kill Him in His Nursing Home

When John Wrana was a young man, fit and strong and fighting in World War II with the U.S. Army Air Corps, did he ever think he'd end this way? Just a few weeks shy of his 96th birthday, in need of a walker to move about, cops coming through the door of his retirement home with a Taser and a shotgun. The old man, described by a family member as "wobbly" on his feet, had refused medical attention. The paramedics were called. They brought in the Park Forest police. First they tased him, but that didn't work. So they fired a shotgun, hitting him in the stomach with a bean-bag round. Wrana was struck with such force that he bled to death internally, according to the Cook County medical examiner. "The Japanese military couldn't get him at the age he was touchable, in a uniform in the war. It took 70 years later for the Park Forest police to do the job," Wrana's family attorney, Nicholas Grapsas, a former prosecutor, said in an interview with me Thursday.

Child Protection Services Investigated in California After International Child Abduction Uproar in Sacramento

The California State Assembly has voted to audit the reported abuse of power by the Child Protection Services after the highly publicized case of Anna and Alex Nikolayev, who had their baby removed from their home by force simply because they wanted to seek a second opinion regarding recommended heart surgery on their child. The case drew international attention since the father is a Russian national, and Russia accused the United States of violating the couple's human rights.

How a Homeschool Mom Fought Back Against CPS and Won Her Daughter Back

Maryanne Godboldo and Allison Folmar are extraordinary women. Their names may not elicit immediate recognition by the masses but it is because of their belief in the right of parents—not the state—to decide whether to medicate a child, that their struggle will protect thousands of children who otherwise would have become victims of deeply flawed State Child Protective Services policies.