15-Year-Old Girl Awarded Permanent Custody to State of Massachusetts Amidst National Outcry

This week Judge Joseph Johnston of Massachusetts juvenile court awarded permanent custody of 15-year-old Justina Pelletier to the State of Massachusetts against her desires and the desires of her parents, and also amidst great public outcry. The plight of Justina's case has garnered national attention after her father disobeyed a gag order originally imposed by the judge (which has been since removed due to great public outcry). Justina's story has been covered in several major media outlets, such as Dr. Phil, The Blaze, FoxNews, and many others. If you are not familiar with this story, or think that it does not affect you, think again. This is a case where one medical institution, more powerful than another one in another state, has abused the power of the state to impose their views of psychiatric care by force against a different medical diagnosis by a different team of doctors. This also violates the right of the parents to choose their own medical treatment for their 15-year-old daughter, who has been removed from her family and kept detained under psychiatric care, away from her family for over a year now, even as her health continues to deteriorate. If this kind of medical tyranny is allowed to continue, even under tremendous negative national media exposure, it will drastically change the direction of forced medical treatment inside the United States and affect everyone. Could it be that Justina is part of some drug research going on at Boston Children’s Hospital, and that strong political forces aligned with Harvard are putting pressure on this judge? We may never know, but for now, the nation looks on in horror at what is happening in Massachusetts, and begins to learn just how widespread the practice of medical tyranny is in the United States today.

Medical System and Child Protective Services Run Amok: FDA Denies Hope for Dying Kids

The FDA is condemning children to death by refusing to allow them access to experimental cancer treatments, even though it has the authority to grant such access to terminal patients who have not responded to conventional treatment. Six years ago, 10-year-old Braiden was enrolled in a clinical trial for his incurable brain tumor. The “experimental” drug Antineoplaston (ANP) was the sole treating agent. He went into full remission, and suffered no toxic side effects. An MRI recently revealed Braiden’s tumor has reoccurred. The FDA is now refusing to allow Braiden to go back on ANP even though the treatment has already proven its efficacy through his previous remission. Many other terminal patients are also being prevented from accessing ANP.

Judge Continues to Refuse to Release 15-Year-Old Girl Held in Psychiatric Care Against Parent’s Wish

While the Justina Pelletier story has gained coverage in the national mainstream media which has for the most part rallied to the side of the parents, the judge presiding over her case continues to refuse to release her to her parents' custody. After the most recent court date on Monday, the family issued the following statement to Fox CT: Boston, March 17, 2014-- "At the hearing today, Judge Johnston took under advisement the motions previously submitted by the Pelletiers, but refused to take action about Justina’s care or custody." "Despite Justina’s worsening condition, Judge Johnston still has not enforced his ruling to transfer Justina’s medical care to Tufts. Justina remains at the Framingham Foster Facility and has not been seen by a single doctor, apart from an emergency room visit on Saturday, due to her declining medical condition." Earlier in the day Justina's parents were interviewed on the popular daytime television program Dr. Phil.

Woman Confined by Force to Psychiatric Ward for Praying and Fasting

The use of psychiatry to "diagnose" people with "mental" illnesses and restrain them against their will in psychiatric wards is not new. Unfortunately, such stories are becoming much more common in the present-day USA. Justina Pelletier's story, for example, is gaining national attention even in the mainstream media right now. This 15-year-old girl has been confined to psychiatric care against her desire and the desires of her parents for over a year now. Psychiatry is not a medical science based on biology. There are no laboratory tests that can detect "mental disease." All mental illnesses are defined by psychiatrists according to behaviors and then voted on to be included in their "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM). The latest version, version 5 (DSM5) was published last year and is very controversial. New "disorders" are added with each revision, making it legal to prescribe dangerous and addictive drugs for these published mental diseases. This week the Courthouse News Service has published a news release regarding a case filed in court where a 56-year-old woman was forcibly confined to a psychiatric ward against her will for praying and fasting. Medical tyranny is alive and widely practiced in the U.S. today. And there are signs that the role of psychiatrists will increase under Obamacare.

Foster Homes: Where Good Kids Go To Die

A former CPS Investigator exposes the seedy underworld of foster homes in the United States, where children are routinely physically, emotionally, and sexually abused.

Parents Denied Access to Son in Forced Medical Detention and Forced Medication Case in Alaska

A young man’s deteriorating health led the state of Alaska to assume full control of his medical care — against his own written will and the against the wishes of his family. Since last October he has been trapped in a hospital, isolated without visitors, on an extensive series of psychotropic drugs, in a condition that continues to diminish.

Justina Pelletier Might be Closer to Going Home

TheBlaze has reported that Massachusetts Department of Children & Families, who has maintained custody of 15 year old Justina against the wishes of her parents for over a year, was trying to transfer Justina to Connecticut, so she could be reunited with her family. Glenn Beck of The Blaze has taken a personal interest in this case, and after he interviewed Jusitna's father who defied a judge's gag order against him, the case received widespread national media coverage. With the bad publicity over Boston Children's Hospital, who held Justina in the psychiatric ward until just recently, and the Massachusetts Department of Children & Families who seized custody of Justina over a disagreement over her medical treatment, some Massachusetts lawmakers are stepping forward in an attempt to intervene. Lou Pelletier, Justina’s father, told TheBlaze, however, that he was not getting his hopes up. “They have thrown more carrots out there over the last 13 months, dangling, teasing us, and that’s the cruelest thing you can do,” he told TheBlaze.

Mother Collapses in Court House After Daughter Put in Foster Care Over Medical Dispute

The mother of Justina Pelletier, the 15 year old girl who was seized by Boston Children's Hospital and held for over a year, reportedly collapsed in court Monday when she learned the judge was placing her daughter in foster care. Lou Pelletier, the father of Justina, had made a round of news and talk show appearances the previous week, telling the story of their daughter which has garnered national media attention. There were high hopes that they might see some positive results from this case that has been going on for over a year, but their daughter was not returned to them this time either. She will reportedly be transferred to a foster home until the next court appearance later in March.

Justina Pelletier Finally Leaves Boston Children’s Hospital, but not Returned to Parents

The Boston Globe and the West Hartford Patch are reporting that Justina Pelletier has finally left Boston Children's Hospital, where she was held captive against her desire, and the desire of her parents, for almost one year. She has not been returned to her parents, however. She has reportedly been transferred to the Wayside Youth and Family Support Network in Framingham, Massachusetts, and is still under the care of doctors at Boston's Children's hospital. A judge ruled earlier this month (January 2014) that Boston Children's Hospital could not indefinitely detain Justina in their Children’s Bader 5 psychiatric unit, and reportedly ordered that a plan be put into place to transfer her back to Connecticut, which is where her home is and where her parents live. It is also where Tufts Medical Center is located, the facility originally treating Justina before Boston Children's Hospital had the Massachusetts Child Protection Agency seize custody of Justina due to a disagreement over her treatment. Beau Berman, a local investigative reporter from Fox CT, has covered this story in depth. He gives background information regarding Justina's case, showing how Boston Children's Hospital has a history of seizing children from parents. Some of those children have even died. Unless a local media source picks up the story, or it happens to someone you know, most Americans are totally unaware that this is happening quite frequently in the United States. Medical tyranny is sadly a reality today in the U.S., and if you disagree with a medical professional over the care of your child, you face losing custody of your child. Justina's case is especially bizarre, because the parents were actually following a treatment plan for her that was recommended by doctors in their home town. Their only "crime" was to disagree with the doctors at Boston Children's Hospital and want to discharge her and take her back to her original doctors. Boston Children's Hospital is part of the Harvard Medical School system, with strong ties to funding from the federal government. Boston Children's Hospital "is home to the world's largest research enterprise based at a pediatric hospital. More than 1,100 scientists, including nine members of the National Academy of Sciences, 11 on-staff members of the Institute of Medicine and 9 members of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute." Could it be that Justina is part of a medical research trial?

More Accusations Emerge Over Boston Children’s Hospital’s Forced Medical Treatments

Another man attending the Justina Pelletier rallies outside the courthouse in Boston claims the same thing happened to his child, and that the hospital ended up killing his 2 year old son who had previously been healthy, and fed only organic food. He died in October 2013. Here is his statement on video. Another published story from 2008 explains a child died while in custody at Boston Children's Hospital, after being removed from her parents over a disagreement on medical treatment.