Colorado Police Help Texas CPS Kidnap Rembis Children and Bring Back to Texas – Father Jailed

"Pray for my babies’ safety. Pray for their hearts & souls. Several of them were sexually abused & 1 was mentally abused when they were taken for only a few hours/days last year. Pray for peace. Pray that they won't be separated." An anguished Claire Rembis cries out after learning that her children were being taken into state custody by Colorado CPS and police, where they had been visiting a friend. Simultaneously her husband William Rembis was being arrested on what she says are "bogus" charges in Texas. The children were all transported back to Lubbock Texas from Colorado, and Texas CPS has allegedly severed their parental rights, as this homeschool family's nightmare continues.

Arizona Kidnaps Shoars Children from Nevada, Children Scream in Terror As They are Dragged Away (audio)

When Arizona Judge Bruce Cohen dismissed the case against Tabitha and Jeff Shoars on April 6, 2016, the family thought that their nightmare with Arizona DCS (Department of Child Safety) was over. They moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, to try to rebuild their lives and heal from the trauma of being separated for 600 days. They were happy. Laughter once again filled their home. The children began school in their new neighborhood. The children welcomed home their new baby sister this week, on Tuesday, August 23, 2016. Due to some complications at birth, Nevada social workers investigated the family, but found nothing wrong. However, while the local social services found nothing troubling about the family, Arizona social workers showed up with local police, and within 10 minutes were transporting the children back to Arizona based on the same charges that had already been dismissed. Terrorized, the children began screaming and trying to get away, as some of them had allegedly been abused in Arizona foster care, and they were horrified as they were being forced to go back to the same foster home. The local police stood by and not only allowed this to happen, but participated by restraining the children and parents. The parents Jeff and Tabitha are stunned, wondering how local Nevada police could honor a social services order from another state, allowing them to take away their children so easily?

Pennsylvania Children with Genetic Disorder Medically Kidnapped, Mother Falsely Accused of Abuse

Pennsylvania mother Jessica Battiato has been diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - a rare inherited connective tissue disorder which can cause brittle bones which may be easily broken. When she took her first-born son to the doctor more than a year ago for a swollen leg, she was shocked to learn that he had 18 to 20 fractures in his body. Cesar was seized by child protective services. Since that time, experts have diagnosed him with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, low vitamin D, and infantile rickets. However, after more than a year, the state has still not released Cesar back to his parents. In April, Jessica gave birth to another baby. Jessica hid her pregnancy from Berks County social workers out of fear that they would take her baby from her as soon as he was born. This fear appears justified, as social workers around the country often seize babies, even breastfeeding babies, right from the hospital, especially if another child in the family is already in the system. Jessica was afraid, so she sought prenatal care and gave birth on April 27 in another county. She and the boys' father Cosme were able to bond and spend those very important early weeks bonding together. Then, when baby Julius was 7 weeks old, Jessica says that she applied for Medicaid for him. That was when their family time ended. Their new baby was taken by Berks County Children and Family Services, and the parents Jessica Battiato and Cosme Aviles are once again being accused of child abuse.

Homeschool Texas Family Terrorized by CPS for Speaking Out and For Having Too Many Children at Home

Claire and William Rembis recently moved to Lubbock County Texas for a new job offer in May, but little did they know that Lubbock CPS was considered the “worst county in all of Texas” in terms of removing children from families and not returning them, according to one Texas attorney. They thought their nightmare with Texas CPS was over when Judge Wheless dismissed their case last year and rebuked the Collin County social workers for “clearly harassing” them. During this time last year, their youngest children were sexually abused while in foster care, causing permanent emotional damage. Their lives were about to be turned upside-down and scrutinized all over again. Shortly after moving to Lubbock, the local CPS contacted their neighbors and told them they were investigating them for abuse, and asked them to spy on the family. When one of their daughters was seen alone in the front yard, a neighbor called CPS to complain. Their nightmare was about to start all over again. Lubbock County CPS is now accusing the family of speaking out against CPS on and social media, and criticizing them for having so many children in their home. Being terrorized and fearing the safety of their children, the family has left home to have time to prepare their case and find a good attorney.

Alabama 14 Year Old Rape Victim Released from State Custody with her Baby

Baby Braelon and his young mother have been released to the custody of a family member, according to a source close to the Prince family. The mother's twin brother remains in a group home, but the source, who asked not to be named, reports that the judge in the case, Judge Corey Moore, appears to finally be listening to the evidence in the case. No more will the young mother be under the watchful guard of the 24 hour sitters. No more will she be isolated from her support system and everyone she cares about. When she attends church, she will be able to sit with family and friends instead of social workers. She won't be followed into the bathroom. She will be living in a much cleaner environment. Her phone conversations with family members will not be monitored. She will be able to breastfeed her baby on demand and meet his needs, without being coerced to follow poor decisions for his care made by sitters, social workers, and group home mothers. If he needs to go to the doctor, she will be able to get him seen without having to beg for days. In short, the young mother will no longer be treated like a prisoner.

Medical Doctor Exposes Corruption in Medical Practice with New Book

Dr. Suzanne Humphries, author of the new book Rising From The Dead, appeared on the National Safe Child Show with Tammi Stefano to discuss her book. Noting that 400 medical doctors on average per year take their own life through suicide, Dr. Humphries explains why she lost faith in the current medical system, after starting out as a promising young medical student, whose goal in life was to cure people. After two residencies, several years of medical practice in a hospital setting, along with teaching, she finally left the system to start her own practice where she could truly help to heal people without following the medical "gold standard" that mainly relied on drugs that never really cured people. As a practicing nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Humphries began noticing the damage that vaccines often caused to her patients' kidneys. Upset that a new hospital policy was put in place to automatically vaccinate every patient with the flu shot upon admittance, she spoke out on the evidence she was seeing in these vaccines damaging the health of some of her patients. But doctors and administrators that otherwise valued her experience and knowledge refused to even consider that vaccines could have side effects that could harm their patients. This led Dr. Humphries on a journey to find out what else in the medical system was not based on sound science, and her years of research are chronicled in her new book.

Alabama DHR Seizes Newborn Baby with No Court Order, No Trial, and No Evidence

The assumption of the public is that when a child is removed from his or her parents, the government has a compelling reason to be involved, based on allegations of abuse or neglect. Sometimes, however, that is not the case, and children are literally separated from their families because a social worker thinks a parent MIGHT cause harm in the future, even if there is no current abuse or harm being committed. This appears to be the case with an Alabama mother whose 3 day old breastfeeding baby was taken from her at the hospital in May. The mom, 20 year old Haly Booth, is an older sister of the 14 year old rape victim whose story of her baby's kidnapping has been heard around the world. Shelby County DHR has seized Haly's newborn baby with no court order, no trial, and no evidence. The reasons they have given in a written letter to the mother are basically that they do not think she is a good mother, and that she might harm her baby in the future. The mother is a former foster child herself, and that is used against her. Is this what we have come to in the United States of America, where children can be kidnapped by the State so easily? Is any family safe?

Alabama Child Protective Services Continues to Harass Alabama Family

A set of twins seized from their home in June by Shelby County DHR in Alabama may have to repeat the 8th grade, even though both were promoted by their school to the 9th grade. Family and friends are very concerned about the impact that the Department of Human Resources (DHR) will have on the twins' education. There have also been numerous problems with visitation attempts with the twins. Their family's story has been at the heart of an ongoing series of articles from Health Impact News after one of the twins, a young rape victim, had her baby seized from her at Shelby County Baptist Medical Center on June 15 without a court order, warrant, or emergency circumstances. Both twins were told last week by DHR officials that they would be going into the 8th grade when school starts, even though both of them completed the 8th grade in the spring. They were promoted by their school to the 9th grade before they were taken from their home. In the meantime, when the twins are allowed to appear in public they are surrounded by many government workers which some observers say feel like the Gestapo or the KGB. The newborn baby also continues to suffer in State care.

“Terrorism Is An Inadequate Term To Describe What CPS Puts Families Through” – Arkansas Attorney Joe Churchwell

Arkansas attorney Joseph Churchwell was interviewed by Tammi Stefano this past week on the National Safe Child Show. Attorney Churchwell has seen first hand the corruption of "Child Protection Services" (CPS) in his state, the state of Arkansas, including the way they tried to destroy the homeschooling family of Hal and Michelle Stanley last year, which we covered here on Attorney Churchwell, who represents families in his state in their fight against the corruption in child social services in Arkansas, agrees with the late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer, who stated that CPS is too corrupt to be reformed, and needs to be abolished.

Victims of Child Protection Service to Rally in Washington D.C. August 4th

Join Jennifer Winn, The Schwab Family and many others to demand the reunification of children unlawfully seized from around the nation. The purpose of the event is to force the issue to a national dialog in this critical election year. The APA oversees the professionals who are illegally force medicating children and we are demanding it stops. With CNN next door we are not ruling out a sit in somewhere here in DC until Federal agencies, other professional groups and national media help investigate and put an end to State Sponsored Child Trafficking.