2 Year Old South Carolina Child Medically Kidnapped is Sexually Abused by Nurse in Foster Care

Kaya Thomas, a South Carolina mother, is wondering how the state can justify taking custody of her 2 year old daughter, Egypt, when they admit that she has done nothing wrong to harm her daughter. Egypt was taken into custody when her biological, non-custodial father, almost beat her to death during a visit with her. The father is currently in prison serving an 18 year prison sentence for the crime he was convicted of committing. When it came time for little Egypt to leave the hospital, her mother Kaya Thomas says that the Department of Social Services kidnapped her child and placed her in foster care, because they decided that she was incapable of taking care of her child who is now labeled as "special needs." Instead of working with her to train her in how to take care of her daughter, the state of South Carolina provided a home health nurse 20 hours a day to a foster family that is unrelated to the child. Kaya tells us this option was never offered to her, even though she is the mother. While in the care of the foster home, the child was allegedly abused sexually by her home health care nurse, who has since been arrested and incarcerated. Now, they want to terminate Kaya's parental rights and adopt her out, even though, in their own words, she "was not accused of inflicting the injuries." She doesn't understand how her child can be taken "for something I had nothing to do with."

CDC Publishes New Rules for Quarantine and Isolation on Last Day of Obama Presidency

There are new U.S. government rules that can force travelers into quarantine or isolation if they are suspected of having a contagious disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published their revised rules explaining how they will intervene to protect the public from the spread of quarantinable communicable diseases such as Ebola. For those of us who prefer to minimize our contact with the conventional medical care system and its pharmaceutical products, these new rules should cause us to carefully consider our health status when traveling across state lines or traveling back to the United States during a CDC health emergency. If we have symptoms of illness that might be confused with a communicable disease, then it might be wise to carefully consider our travel plans. The rules were released on the last day of the Obama Administration, 1/19/2017, and will take effect on February 21, 2017. Under these rules, if a CDC medical professional examines and quarantines you under a public health order, certain medical procedures, such as mandatory vaccinations, could be required as a condition of your release.

The Autoimmune Revolution: Breaking the Cycle of Pain – FREE Online Docu-series

The average lifespan of someone with an autoimmune disease is 10 years shorter than a healthy person. It doesn't have to be this way! Learn to break the cycle of autoimmune pain at Dr. Peter Osborne’s Autoimmune Revolution! Attend this event FREE and online January 30, 2017 through February 6, 2017. Autoimmune diseases and the physical, chemical and emotional pain they create impacts millions around the world. The primary way doctors treat these diseases today is to prescribe immune suppressing drugs. Unfortunately, this approach has failed to achieve a meaningful outcome and has created an even greater health crisis — what Dr. Peter Osborne calls “The Prescription Pain Trap” — which you will learn more about during this event.

Homeschool Arkansas Dad Files Federal Lawsuit Against Officials Who Kidnapped His Children

This isn't just about their family, Hal Stanley told Health Impact News in a recent interview. Since his children were unjustly taken from his home two years ago on a cold January night, the homeschool father of 10 has learned that what happened to his family happens all across his state of Arkansas and, indeed, all across the United States and beyond. Although his children have been returned home, they are not the same as they were before more than 30 different government officials invaded their home and took them away from their family. They have been traumatized. Hal and his wife Michelle Stanley hope that their lawsuit will help to bring accountability and help to keep other families from going through the nightmare they have experienced. Together with attorney Joe Churchwell, the couple filed a 65 page complaint in federal court on January 13, 2017 - 2 years and a day after DHS and armed law enforcement swooped into their home based on false allegations and took away their children. They hope no other parents will go through the nightmare they endured, and they need help in funding their federal lawsuit.

Arizona Medical Kidnapping Exposed in Mainstream Media Report

Reporter Bob Ortega of the Arizona Republic has published an expose on the atrocities of Arizona child kidnapping happening within the state's Department of Child Safety (DCS). We welcome this new report from the Arizona Republic, who has reported over the past several years that Arizona has the highest percentage of children taken out of their homes of any state in the U.S. Only Texas, a state with 4 times the population of Arizona, removes more children from their families. MedicalKidnap.com, part of the Health Impact News network, originally started because of parents in Arizona reporting to us that the state of Arizona was kidnapping their children, usually through medical kidnapping where parents were disagreeing with doctors and then losing their children. We were among the first ones to report the alleged travesty of justice regarding one Arizona mother, Melissa Diegel, who lost her two children because she disagreed with doctors over their care. Health Impact News has published more stories about alleged corruption in child kidnapping in Arizona than any other state

First Vaccine DocuSeries a Huge Success: FREE Replay Weekend

The first ever Vaccine DocuSeries finished this week, and it was a huge success. Dr. Patrick Gentempo, teamed up with Dr. Beau Pierce, CEO of “Circle of Docs” and award-winning documentary filmmaker Jeff Hays, to produce this life-changing event. The Vaccines Revealed docu-series exposed some of the most critical and controversial topics surrounding vaccines. These included autism and vaccines, the dangers of the flu shot, Gardasil, parental rights, and documented fraud and deception in the vaccine arena. Hundreds of people have asked that some of the episodes be replayed. (Episode 3, the Robert Kennedy Jr. episode is the one with the most requests.) So starting at 9:00 PM EST on Friday January 20th, you can access the ENTIRE 9 episodes for FREE! But this opportunity is only until midnight on Sunday, January 22nd. After that it will be taken down.

Alabama Grandparents of 14 Year Old Rape Victim and Baby Still Not Allowed Contact with Own Grandchildren Raised in Their Home

The story of the 14 year old Alabama mother whose newborn baby was taken away from her by Child Protective Services last summer quickly went viral, and inspired outrage all over the world. That outrage translated into action, with many phone calls, emails, and letters calling upon state legislators to "do something" about the situation. Local courts and social workers tried to silence the media, and squelch the negative attention that the actions of the Department of Human Resources (DHR) was receiving. But the public refused to back down in their fight for this family, and because of the calls for action, things changed for this family. There is also new legislation pending in the state of Alabama which arose from their case. Fortunately, the baby was eventually returned to his mother, but he and his mother were taken to Childhaven, a group home in Cullman, Alabama. Her twin brother was placed in a foster home originally, and then into a group home 2 hours away from his sister. After much public attention, all three children were placed with a relative, but not returned to the grandparents' home where they grew up. Since that time, the relative has declined to speak with media. However, Health Impact News has been able to confirm that the children appear to be safe and baby Braelon appears to be thriving, now that they are out of the group home setting. DHR forbids any contact with Dee and Rodney Prince to the twins whom they have raised since infancy. The week before baby Braelon was taken, a Shelby County DHR social worker had approved the Prince's home as a safe place for infants. What changed?

Should Foster Children who Become Parents as Adults Automatically Have Their Children Seized? Alabama Mother Fights to Get Children Back

A young Alabama mother is fighting to maintain hope that she can get her children back. Haly Boothe was a minor in foster care herself when she gave birth to her first two children. When she aged out of the system, her foster mother and DHR refused to let her take her children with her. She got a job, got married, and had another baby. DHR took that baby from her at the hospital at 3 days old, simply because DHR already had her other two children. Haly and her husband Anthony love their children and desperately want to have their children home. Haly's grandmother, Dee Prince, says that she never even had the chance to be a mother. They feel that the system has been doing everything that they can to keep the children away from their family, even though they have done nothing to deserve losing them. They believe that Haly is the victim of a cruel system, and no matter what she does, it doesn't seem to be enough.

Judges Reject Claim That Social Workers Didn’t Know Lying In Court to Remove Children Was Wrong

Using taxpayer funds, government officials in Orange County have spent the last 16 years arguing the most absurd legal proposition in the entire nation: How could social workers have known it was wrong to lie, falsify records and hide exculpatory evidence in 2000 so that a judge would forcibly take two young daughters from their mother for six-and-a-half years? From the you-can't-make-up-this-crap file, county officials are paying Lynberg & Watkins, a private Southern California law firm specializing in defending cops in excessive force lawsuits, untold sums to claim the social workers couldn't have "clearly" known that dishonesty wasn't acceptable in court and, as a back up, even if they did know, they should enjoy immunity for their misdeeds because they were government employees. A panel at the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled on Orange County's appeal of federal judge Josephine L. Staton's refusal last year to grant immunity to the bureaucrats in Preslie Hardwick v. County of Orange, a lawsuit seeking millions of dollars in damages. In short, judges Stephen S. Trott, John B. Owens and Michelle T. Friedland were not amused. They affirmed Staton's decision.

Snopes Exposed: A Look at the “Fake News” Watch Dogs

Unless you've been living under a rock or hiding beneath the covers in your bed for the past couple of months, you've undoubtedly heard the war cries against "fake news." Facebook — being the largest social media site on which news is shared among millions — has vowed to take steps to limit the amount of "misinformation" that can be spread on its site by forwarding suspected fake news stories to fact-checkers like Snopes. The danger of giving certain entities the power to tag a news story as "fake" or "real" is clearly demonstrated by recent revelations about Snopes. After Facebook announced Snopes would be used to fact-check stories, The Daily Mail questioned Snopes' façade as a paragon of truth. Snopes was created in 1995 by Barbara and David Mikkelson to explore the truth and fiction behind myths and urban legends (see video above). According to the Daily Mail's investigation into the company, the couple posed as "The San Fernardo Valley Folklore Society" when they first started — a society that, in fact, does not exist as a legal entity. David has admitted they created the fake society, with official-looking stationary and all, "to help make the inquiries seem more legit." The Mikkelsons divorced in 2015, but are still locked in a heated legal battle over corporate and private funds. Barbara claims David embezzled $98,000 of company money, allegedly spending it on "himself and prostitutes," and used corporate funds for his personal use, including attorney's fees, without consulting her. David, on the other hand, claims he's been underpaid, and is demanding an "industry standard" rate of at least $360,000 per year. He's currently making $240,000 a year from Snopes. He also accuses Barbara of taking millions of dollars from their joint bank accounts to buy property. According to the Daily Mail, David's attorneys have also "blasted Barbara as 'a loose cannon who simply must have her way.'"