Michelle Malkin Investigates Show Gives Terri LaPoint “Bulldog” Award for Medical Kidnapping

Michelle Malkin, from Michelle Malkin Investigates, gives the "Bulldog" award to Terri LaPoint of Medicalkidnapping.com

Oregon CPS Kidnaps Child Because Parents are Legal Medical Marijuana Patients

An Oregon couple was blindsided when Child Protective Services seized baby Kaylynn, alleging Child Neglect because of their medical marijuana use. Oregon has issued permits for the medicinal use for marijuana since 1998 and legalized recreational use since 2014. The couple has complied with all state laws, and they don't understand how the same state can legalize something on one hand while on the other hand, they seize a child from her home for the very thing that the legislators and voters have said that they can do. This murky and confusing legal climate has left a mother devastated and her baby girl robbed of her family. No matter what one believes about the legalization, use, or ethics of marijuana, it is clear that families should not be torn apart over differing policies within the same state agencies.

Formerly Healthy Girl with Rare Genetic Disorder Dies After Being Medically Kidnapped in Georgia

Nyhariah Mack's battle to live has ended. She passed away Thursday afternoon, December 7, 2017. The little girl with a very rare chromosomal disorder was full of life when a doctor and hospital enlisted Georgia's Child Protective Services to seize her from her mother a year and a half ago. At the time, she had no issues, just a rare medical condition that made her tiny and delayed her development. Shortly after going into "protective" custody, her health rapidly declined. She was subjected to unnecessary, experimental surgeries. Many family, friends, and supporters believe that the doctors and hospital at Emory took her in order to experiment on her, since her condition was so rare - only a little over a hundred people worldwide have the diagnosis of Trisomy 9. Her tonsils were removed only a couple of weeks after she was seized, providing tissue that scientists were free to use in experiments. What else might they have done to this little girl behind closed doors? It has been apparent to her mother since the beginning that there were some within this whole ordeal that saw her child as nothing more than a guinea pig, a lab rat to be used for scientific experimentation. Nhyariah is the latest casualty of this battle called Medical Kidnapping.

Arizona Disbands Federally Mandated Citizen Review Panels for CPS Cases Leaving Families Fewer Options to Fight Corrupt System

Is it a case of the fox guarding the henhouse? All states are federally-mandated to have some type of citizen review panel for Child Protective Services cases, but a recent decision by Arizona's Department of Child Safety Director Greg McCay will move that citizen review panel in Arizona in-house, within the Department of Child Safety, by the end of the year. Presumably, a citizen review panel is designed to provide some level of accountability to the Child Welfare/Foster Care system, allowing for an objective third party to evaluate cases and ensure that parents' rights are not being violated and that children are truly being protected. Critics and parents fear that Arizona's move to in-house review panels will only serve to further insulate corrupt officials and lead to less, not more, oversight and accountability of the Department.

Enraged Idaho Community Acts to Help Young Couple Who Refused Vaccine for Newborn – Baby Back Home for Now

An Idaho newborn who was seized by Child Protective Services the day before Thanksgiving over vaccine refusal was conditionally returned to his parents on Friday, December 1. While supporters are rejoicing over the judge's decision, there is a great deal of concern over the state of Idaho's overreach in taking baby Elijah. Precious bonding time was lost, and a new family has been traumatized. Diamond Mehlhoff has cerebral palsy, which is a brain disorder affecting movement. Despite her disability, she is active and involved in her church. She lives with her husband Ari and the baby's grandfather. For the Mehlhoff family, they have won a temporary victory. Their baby is now home with them. Their church family has rallied around them and will be providing round-the-clock support. Like every other family that comes under the heavy hand of Child Protective Services, the couple will have to jump through hoops as they prepare for the next court hearing.

Nevada Rules Against Arizona CPS on Shoar Family Baby – Remaining Children Still Held as Prisoners in Arizona Foster Care

Jeff and Tabitha Shoars are rejoicing today over a Nevada court's ruling. The Child Protective Services' claims against them that originated in Arizona, not Nevada, have been found to be unsubstantiated, and the case is closed as of 10 a.m. on November 30, 2017. Despite repeated attempts by social workers from the State of Arizona to have their baby Ny'tallieya removed from her parents' custody, a Nevada court has found that there are no reasons to keep the baby from her home. Tabitha Shoars says that they are very excited, and that it feels "like a weight's been lifted off of [their] shoulders." This is the 4th time that Arizona has presented false allegations against them to the state of Nevada, and it is the 4th time that the allegations were found to be unsubstantiated. The Shoars are hopeful that this will signal to Arizona social workers that they cannot manipulate social workers and courts in other states. She says that one of the Nevada social workers they have worked with clearly sees that the Arizona CPS attacks against them are "harassment." The fight continues, however, to get their other 7 children back from the state of Arizona, where they remain held captive in foster care. Arizona social workers traveled to Nevada last year and kidnapped the Shoars' children, bringing them back to Arizona. Baby Ny'tallieya was the only one spared at that time, because she was born in Nevada and local officials would not help Arizona kidnap her. The Shoars' 7 children held prisoner in Arizona foster care have been traumatized and desperately want to return home to their parents in Nevada. They have filed a lawsuit in Arizona demanding justice.

Vaccine Refusal Increasingly Being Linked to Medical Kidnapping – Violation of Civil Rights

Author and research scientist Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, is concerned about doctors and Child Protective Services overruling parents who choose not to vaccinate. In a video livestreamed on the Facebook VAXXED page on the evening of Tuesday, November 28, 2017, he said: "In the United States, there is a new rash of what can only be called Medical Kidnap." He goes on to state: "When the government acts as though they have the authority to take rights away, that's when people need to stand up. That's when the people, especially in the United States, have always recognized that we need to stand up. And I can't imagine a right that is more sacred to a mom than the bonding moments that occur right after birth." The single most damaging practice in the events surrounding childbirth is the separation of mother and baby, yet the practice is occurring with more and more frequency as hospitals threaten parents with the removal of the child for refusal to vaccinate.

Baby of Idaho Disabled Mom Seized when Parents Claim Religious Exemption to Vaccines

Something unconscionable has happened in North Idaho this last week. We were notified by the daugther of a local pastor here in Kootenai County regarding a woman of his congregation, Diamond Mehlhoff, who gave birth in Kootenai County @ KMC on Monday November 20th via C section. On Wednesday November 22nd, after the parents refused vaccination for the baby, the state became involved and took this beautiful baby, Elijah, from his loving parents, claiming the mother to be unfit due to a diagnosis of cerebral palsy (a non progressive movement disorder). Their court hearing is tomorrow, Monday 27th at 8am @ 205 N 4th Street Coeur D Alene ID 83814 in the Juvenile Justice Center. They are asking anyone available to please come support them.

Thanksgiving? A Day of Despair for Many Because of Crimes Against Humanity

Today is a holiday of "Thanksgiving" for many people in the United States. However, I think it is important to understand that this is not a day of Thanksgiving for many people, but a day of mourning. Dr. Gary Kohl has reminded us that Native Americans are not fond of Thanksgiving. Here is the text of a plaque that overlooks Plymouth Rock, the site where Puritans first landed on Native American soil that explains why Thanksgiving has only negative connotations for non-whites: "Since 1970, Native Americans have gathered at noon on Cole's Hill in Plymouth to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on the US Thanksgiving holiday. Many Native Americans do not celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers. To them, Thanksgiving Day is a reminder of the genocide of millions of their people, the theft of their lands, and the relentless assault on their culture. Participants in a National Day of Mourning honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today." If you are fortunate enough to be able to spend Thanksgiving with family members, you truly do have something to be thankful about. But for multitudes in the United States today, holidays like Thanksgiving are simply grim reminders of crimes committed against them that destroyed their families. It is very easy to look at the condition of our culture today, to see the injustice and abuses occurring on a daily basis, and lose hope. Why should one be thankful in the face of terrible injustice, where evil flourishes with seemingly no end in sight, and where it appears that there is no way to fight the corruption that is now the norm? Yet, there is still reason to be thankful...

Arizona Judge: Child Removed from Home Illegally – Only Reason Was Child Was “Adoptable”

One of the dirty little secrets of Child Protective Services is that children are sometimes taken from their homes, and their parents' rights ended, simply because the children are "adoptable." Now, in a stunning reversal of a termination of parental rights decision, a Court of Appeals has concluded that the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) took children from their mother primarily because her children were considered adoptable. This admission is now part of the court record. This confirms what many parents and social worker insiders have told Health Impact News - that one of the reasons that children are taken even from good, loving homes is because of their adoptability, not just in Arizona, but in every state. There is a great deal of federal funding in adopting out children to strangers; thus, children have literally become a commodity to be seized and sold. In any other context, this would be considered human trafficking. In the context of Child Protective Services, it is considered "in the best interest of the child."