Medical Kidnapping in Pennsylvania: Parents of Baby with Rickets Accused of Abuse

Pennsylvania mother Jessica Battiato is frustrated with a doctor and a system that refuses to look for the medical cause of her baby's condition, instead placing the blame on the parents. Since her son Cesar, now 5 months old, was taken by child protective services 2 months ago, her son has been diagnosed with rickets and hypotonia by a radiology expert. However, CPS seized custody of Cesar in April, based on accusations by Penn State child abuse specialist, Dr. Kathryn Crowell, that Cesar's injuries could only be caused by abuse. Dr. Crowell has been accused of falsely testifying against parents before. In a 2009 case she accused a parent of child abuse which led to a father spending over a year in jail. A jury later found him not guilty. Jessica wants answers for her baby, and she wants her baby back home, not in a foster home. "My son needs medical attention. He doesn't need to be neglected by the state."

Medical Kidnapping in Missouri: 25 Year Old Daughter Forced onto Drugs and Committed to Mental Facility

A mother in Missouri has reached out to Health Impact News for help in getting the story of her 25 year old daughter told to the public. Donna Hitt from Columbia, Missouri tells Health Impact News that her autistic daughter, Chasity, started functioning at a high level after she weaned her off of psych drugs, and started feeding her an organic diet. Chasity had reportedly been confined to a hospital and heavily sedated, sleeping about 20 hours a day. After bringing her home, weaning her off of her drugs, and changing her diet, Donna reports that Chasity started functioning at a high level. She reportedly started contributing to household chores, attending church, and even applied for a job. However, a social worker assigned to their case suggested that Donna should seek legal guardianship of Chasity, since Chasity is an adult. Donna says she followed this advice, and after the State of Missouri allegedly conducted a mental health evaluation of Chasity, they took over her custody against her will, and the will of her daughter. She is now confined to a mental facility, back on the same drugs she had previously suffered from, and is again sleeping away most of her days. Donna says she has not been able to talk to her daughter since October of 2014. Here is her story.

Kids in Foster Care 3 Times As Likely To Get Psych Drugs

Children in foster care in Pennsylvania are at least three times as likely as other children to receive drugs used to treat mental illness. That’s the conclusion of research released today at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the results have public health officials concerned. Researchers found that while about 15 percent of all children covered by Medicaid receive psychotropic drugs — drugs that work on their brains — about 45 percent of those in foster care do. State human services secretary Ted Dallas says it’s true that kids in foster care may have greater mental health needs because of the trauma that got them in the system, but he says the disparity indicates that over-medication is taking place. “To think that we’re compounding that damage (of foster care placement) by inappropriately prescribing medication to these kids is deeply disturbing to me and is simply unacceptable,” he said.

Arizona Mother Speaks Out on Medical Kidnapping of Her Daughters

My trial has finally started in Arizona. My family's case isn't tiny; nobody's is when it involves children's lives. For my family, it has been 14 months since both my daughters Kayla and Hannah Diegel were taken. I have seen the most horrifying images. They are etched into my brain as if a hot iron has seared it there. I not only had my children taken, but now I have become an outspoken advocate, a writer, an activist, a fighting mother that was falsely accused. Suddenly, I have found myself amongst thousands of families who are now intertwined with mine, and I can feel their pain because I know their pain...... because I LIVE THEIR PAIN. I too know what it is like to have a child ripped from my arms and taken from my home. Time keeps moving, but it's like my heart has stopped.

Former LA County Social Worker Reveals Corruption in Child “Protection” Services

Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show interviewed Melinda Murphy regarding the abuses of the LA County Department of Children and Family Services. Melinda Murphy has worked in Child Welfare for over 20 years. She has a master's degree in counseling and educational psychology. She is co-author of the book A Culture of Fear: An Inside Look at Los Angeles County’s Department of Children & Family Services. She worked for DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services) in LA County for 10 years in various capacities, including: social worker, supervisor, investigator, and court officer. She was known for handling tough cases that other social workers could not handle, and when she left the agency, she left on good terms. So why did she leave after working there for nearly 10 years? "Because I had a conscience. I wanted to be able to sleep at night. I wanted to be able to look at myself in the mirror. When I went to work for them, I thought I'd be working for the children, I'd be working for the families, building on their strengths. I discovered no, what I am doing is I am working for the Department of Children and Family Services. I am a PR agent. I'm not protecting the children and the families. I am protecting the Department of Children and Family Services. And I couldn't live with that."

Neuropathologist Rejects Theory of Shaken Baby Syndrome

A UK neuropathologist has told the trial of a child-minder charged with assaulting a baby that shaken baby syndrome has no scientific validation. “I looked at many many cases of shaken baby syndrome,” she said. “I could no longer agree that this was a syndrome that had any scientific validation. I came to the view that I could not be sure this is a real syndrome.”

Family Fights for their 5 Children Medically Kidnapped in Missouri

Since we published the Wanosik family story earlier in June, we have some very exciting updates. The Wanosik family is getting local media attention. “You are guilty until proven innocent in this family court situation” said the mother, Rebecca Wanosik. They were able to share their story in their local newspaper. Now the Wanosik’s have been assigned a “child services specialist,” apparently because their case is considered a "high profile" case due to media coverage. But the battle is not over yet. Many families are enjoying their children this summer on family vacations and beautiful weather with picnics and family get-togethers. Rebecca and Anthony continue to fight for this nightmare to come to a close.

Are Vaccines Altering Our Genes Causing Brittle Bones in Infants?

In recent years, doctors have seen a rise in the number of children suffering from genetic conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Osteogenesis Imperfecta. This has caused many to question whether or not the rising number of vaccinations could be to blame. A growing number of parents have reported that their child was fit and healthy prior to receiving their vaccinations and that they have only developed these conditions after being vaccinated. If this is true, could it be because their children already had the genetic markers for these conditions and the vaccinations simply prompted their bodies to develop the full-blown disorder? In this article, we take a look at the evidence that healthy children are developing potentially life-threatening genetic disorders rarely seen before the increased vaccination schedule.

Medical Kidnapping in Maine: Child with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome & Sister Seized – Grandfather Commits Suicide

Brandon and Cynthia Ross became concerned after noticing their baby’s leg was swollen. Even though Ryder was not crying excessively, had no bruises, red marks, or any outward signs of injury other than the swelling, the couple took him to the doctor for an examination. After performing some x-rays and finding the infant with multiple fractures throughout his body, the doctors sent the family to the Maine Medical Center (MMC) for further evaluation. Before the couple understood the depths of the evaluation, they were deemed guilty of child abuse by officials at MMC. Six days after Ryder was admitted to the hospital, the state of Maine chose to remove both Ryder and his two-year-old sister Rosalynn from their parents’ care. On June 12, 2014 Brandon, a twenty-five year old father, was indicted on twelve counts of child abuse and was arrested by Bath, Maine police. After being transported to the local jail, he received death threats from other inmates. The threats were taken so seriously that the jail provided Brandon with private accommodations for his safety. On Father’s Day of 2014, just days after Brandon’s arrest, after telling the family he believed the state was out to get Brandon, Ryder’s seventy-four year old grandfather committed suicide, after writing a note falsely claiming responsibility for Ryder’s injuries. In October of 2014, the true cause of the baby’s fractures was finally discovered. The little guy suffered from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). He, his mother, and his grandmother were diagnosed by Dr. Michael Holick at the Boston University Medical Center.

California Mother Fights Corrupt System in LA to Get Daughter Back

Not being informed of court hearings. Falsified drug tests. Threats and accusations to intimidate and coerce. Social workers, her state representative and even the attorney assigned to her case ignoring emails, not returning calls. Her daughter ripped from a happy home and placed in a non-English speaking foster home without critical, life-saving medications. A system that seems to have already decided her family’s fate, without even the most cursory attempt at justice. Mayan Hewes describes these events and wonders what happened to her rights, and the rights of her six-year-old daughter Layla, in L.A. County, California.

Baby Found with Broken Bones – Parents Assumed Guilty of Abuse and Lose Custody

Keshia Turner understands why authorities wanted an investigation. She and her husband Chris want answers, too. They desperately want to know what is wrong with their baby boy Brayden, because something is clearly wrong. She believed that the investigation would lead to a medical explanation being found for her baby's medical and developmental issues, an explanation that would demonstrate that they are loving, dedicated parents, and would lead to proper treatment for their child. However, a Child Abuse doctor at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital accused Keshia of abuse instead. With no formal charges filed, and no trial or hearing conducted for over 9 months now, Keisha and her husband have lost custody of their baby who is no longer breastfed, and whom they can only visit 1 hour per week.

Police in Michigan Seize 6 Children Because Family Was Camping in Tents

A Michigan family which had dreams of camping during the summer in the great outdoors was horrified when state officials seized their six children simply because they were temporarily living in tents, according to Off The Grid News. “The government has tried to standardize what a home is and what a home must have, without consideration for if the children’s needs are being met or not,” Christopher and Antonia said in a joint statement. “This was not a case of neglect, but a case of the government telling us how we have to raise our children — that we must have running water, we must have electricity and we can’t stay in a tent for the summer. To the government it makes no difference if the children are happy and healthy. We need to conform to their idea of normal or they can take your children away."

Tell Congress to End Federal Funding for Child Welfare – Let Local Communities Take Over

Our nation's Child Welfare system is corrupt, and there are few now who do not recognize the problems. American children in foster care are being abused. And that abuse is far greater than if the children had been left with their families in troubled homes. (See: Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes.) Where there is disagreement is in how to fix the Child Welfare problem. The current Child Welfare system is rife with corruption, as billions of dollars in federal aid cannot be collected by states unless they put children into the Child Welfare system. Senator Ron Wyden from Oregon understands there is a problem, but his solution is to spend more federal taxpayer money, not less. Responding to a BuzzFeed investigative report that found "deaths, sex abuse, and blunders in screening, training, and overseeing foster parents at the nation’s largest for-profit foster care company," Senator Wyden sent a letter to all 50 governors in the United States addressing the issue. As a result, Senator Wyden is now proposing to spend more federal money on foster care in a supposed attempt to protect foster children. Is this really the correct solution? Will more government oversight and spending solve the current problems in the foster care system? If you were to put that question before the many tens of thousands of parents in this country who have had their children taken away from them by social services like CPS, they would give you a resounding "NO!" as a reply. If lawmakers are truly concerned about the incredible abuse of children in today's foster care system, perhaps they should start interviewing the parents of these children who are taken out of homes, in many cases homes where they are loved by their parents, and are then put into abusive foster care centers or homes. More government and more federal funding is NOT the answer: it is the problem.

Parents Arrested and Children Seized by CPS for Being Alone in Back Yard of Own Home

One afternoon this past April, a Florida mom and dad I'll call Cindy and Fred could not get home in time to let their 11-year-old son into the house. The boy didn't have a key, so he played basketball in the yard. He was alone for 90 minutes. A neighbor called the cops, and when the parents arrived—having been delayed by traffic and rain—they were arrested for negligence. They were put in handcuffs, strip searched, fingerprinted, and held overnight in jail. It would be a month before their sons—the 11-year-old and his 4-year-old brother—were allowed home again.

Are Parents Going to Jail for Vaccine Injuries?

One of the true travesties of justice in modern society is the medical profession's refusal to acknowledge vaccine injuries. While U.S. law forces the government to pay out damages to vaccine injuries and deaths in a special federal vaccine court that was setup to protect the manufacturers of vaccines from any legal liabilities, medical professionals continue to deny the existence of vaccine injuries, and therefore research to learn how to help vaccine damaged children is never funded nor conducted. The fact that the child autism rate has skyrocketed from a rate of 1 out of every 10,000 children to 1 out of every 50 in the past few years, and is still climbing, is a national tragedy as the science linking vaccines to autism is covered up or ignored. But how much more of a travesty of justice is it when a child is harmed by vaccines resulting in brittle bones, and then the parents are put in prison for a false diagnosis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome," while the real criminals go free and continue harming other children with their faulty medical products? These medical criminals can never be sued for damages in a court of law in the U.S., and therefore have no motivation at all to produce safe products. The U.S. government is the largest purchaser of childhood vaccines buying $4 billion worth of vaccines, giving the pharmaceutical companies a guaranteed market for their products. And now, today in 2015, lawmakers in states like California are pushing to make these liability-free vaccines mandatory by removing parental exemptions. But if a child is found with broken bones due to a vaccine-induced brittle bone condition, the parent is the one who risks going to jail, not the manufacturer of the vaccine, nor the medical professional who administered it.

Former Foster Parent Speaks Out on Corruption: Falsified Information & Failure To Protect Children from Abuse

Every day children in foster homes are abused and neglected. Many of those children are over-medicated and some even have seizures or fall into bouts of depression as a result of the unnecessary pills they are prescribed. How does this happen? It happens because there are so many children stolen by Child Protective Services, that there aren’t enough employees to handle supervising the children’s placements.

Texas Baptist Home Failed to Protect Foster Kids from Sexual Abuse

Texas Baptist Home for Children says it has a mission to protect abused and neglected children. Tell that to Bryan and Austin Cook of Cleburne. They say they were molested by the same 13-year-old boy in one of the Waxahachie foster homes run by the Baptist agency. They say their cries for help were repeatedly ignored and discounted. "We told our caseworkers about it," said Austin, now 13. "We tried to tell Texas Baptist Home manager people, and they wouldn't listen to us." A News 8 investigation has uncovered troubling new information appearing to back up their claims. For more than a year, their mother, Angel Cook, has repeatedly claimed Austin, Bryan, and her oldest son, Justin, were sexually abused by other foster children while in foster care at Texas Baptist Home for Children. An Ellis County grand jury will soon hear a case against the teenager accused of sexually assaulting Justin in another of Texas Baptist's foster homes in Waxahachie. "Nobody listened, and two girls are now rape victims," Angel Cook said. "They will forever have to live with this. You can never erase sexual assault."

Arizona Continues Record Pace of Taking Children out of Homes into State Custody – Now 1 of every 100 Children in Foster Care

Ever since the inception of in the fall of 2014, we have been reporting that the State of Arizona has the highest percentage of any other state in the U.S. in taking children out of their homes and putting them into foster care. Are we to believe that there are more criminal, abusive parents in Arizona than anywhere else? Reports show that these state-sponsored kidnappings are only getting worse in 2015. Local media reports that the numbers are still rising. Arizona State democrats have also criticized Republican Governor Doug Ducey in a recent blog post, noting that 1 in every 100 Arizona children is now in foster care.

Maryland Father Accused of Abuse over Broken Bones – Both Children Removed from Home of Loving Parents

Max and Justine Gibbs were blessed with their second child on February 15th, 2014 in Lexington Park, Maryland. When their daughter was 8 weeks old, Max noticed her leg was swollen. With Justine being a nurse, they trusted the medical profession and believed that they would provide assistance to their daughter. Hospital test results showed 3 ribs and one femur were fractured in their daughter. The questioning of abuse began and the Gibbs described the questioning as an interrogation. Maintaining his innocence, Max was arrested on 2 counts of child abuse and 2 counts of assault. Max had never been in trouble with the law, he was terrified and couldn’t believe what was happening. Max and Justine took matters into their own hands and started researching. Justine went through testing and was diagnosed with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. This type of EDS is classified as loose joints and chronic joint pain, a connective tissue disorder. Believing their daughter to also have EDS, the Gibbs requested that she see a geneticist. The judge will not clear Max of all charges until the geneticist sees their daughter, and talks to the CPS abuse specialist. Although the doctor has contacted the abuse specialist, not just by phone several times but additionally by email, the abuse specialist has not returned any communication. The abuse specialist is now stating, according to the Gibbs family, that she does not have to abide by the court order and speak to the doctor. So their daughter still remains unseen by the geneticist, even though there is a court order in place, as CPS plans to adopt out both children.

How to Protect Yourself and Your Children from Medical Kidnapping

It is common for people to spend more time deliberating over what type of cable TV package they will purchase than over who will provide their family with primary health care services. Making the right choice of health care provider may be one of the most important decisions that you make for your family. It may determine whether your family stays together or is broken up and destroyed by Child Protective Services. Are you a parent who believes that you have the right to make decisions for your children regarding the medical care they receive? Are you a parent who believes that you have a responsibility to control what your children eat? Are you a parent who believes that you should be able to determine how your children should be educated and what they are taught? If you are such a parent, then beware, your freedom to raise your children and make decisions for them may be threatened by Child Protective Services in the state where you live. The security of your home and family could be destroyed by those who do not support your rights as a parent to raise your children according to the values that you cherish. This article will help you protect your family from unwanted intrusion by those who think they know more about parenting your children than you do. To protect your family, it is necessary that you make wise decisions about the healthcare providers that you choose. The wrong choice of a physician can lead to dreadful consequences for every member of your family, because there is a legal connection between your physician and Child Protective Services.