Obamacare: America’s Elder Medical Kidnapping Epidemic is Leaving Seniors Homeless

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts from the Institute for Political Economy says, “The compassionate rhetoric aside, Obamacare makes the poor pay the most…” Who will speak up for our cherished senior citizens being led likes lambs to the slaughter, their assets plundered and their families left heartbroken? When Obamacare incentivized Medicaid, enabling state-sponsored senior citizen abuse, some of the most vulnerable among us became prey instead of being protected and the “care” got taken out of “healthcare.” At a fragile time in their lives, being forced to choose between healthcare and the generational homes their families have grown up in, our senior citizens civil rights are being grossly abused by our government and its henchmen and it must stop. Under the new revisions, states can impose liens on the property of a Medicaid enrollee who is permanently institutionalized during their lifetime. It’s no wonder that Medical Kidnap receives reports from families whose senior citizens are medically kidnapped by the state and placed in nursing homes, even in cases where there are family members at home willing and able to care for their loved ones. Forcedcare must stop. Arm yourselves with information on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from having your most precious possessions confiscated and devastated, before it’s too late.

Accused Man Arrested in Alabama Rape Mother Story – Allowed to Enter Hospital Room to See Baby Before His Arrest

The case of the 14 year old rape victim and her baby who was seized by Alabama DHR (Department of Human Resources, responsible for Child Protective Services) earlier this week has been continued by the judge to next week, and the accused rapist has been arrested. The alleged rapist was allowed to enter the hospital room and see the baby before his arrest, greatly upsetting the victim-mother and her family. Since Health Impact News originally published this story based on eyewitness accounts and video from Choices4Life founder Juda Myers, the story has gone viral, with over 1 million views in 24 hours. Rumors and speculation abound, and numerous comments are being made by those claiming to know inside information. Health Impact News strives for complete accuracy in our reporting, and the delay in updating the information has arisen from our determination to verify information before it is published.

Alabama Child Protective Services Steals New-born Breast-feeding Baby from Rape Victim While Still at the Hospital

Juda Myers of Choices4Life calls her a "Hero Mom." A 14 year old Alabama girl became pregnant from a rape, but she courageously chose life for the baby that was conceived. She refused to consider the option of abortion, and told her grandparents, who are her legal guardians, that if they would help her, she would raise and love this baby. Instead of celebrating her as a hero, Alabama child protective services - DHR - came into the hospital yesterday and seized her newborn baby, leaving a devastated young mother and her family in their wake. Juda Myers and I were there to witness the trampling of every Constitutional and moral right of this young mother, and we are shocked and devastated at what we saw. There is no legal or moral justification for what we saw happen at Shelby Baptist Medical Center in Alabaster, Alabama, on Wednesday, June 15, 2016. Choices4Life founder Juda Myers flew to Alabama from Texas on Monday in order to be supportive of this young mother who chose life for her baby conceived in rape. The tagline for the ministry is "Restoring honor and dignity to women and children of rape conception." Juda says: This 14 year old's dignity was stolen. Cases like hers are exactly why Choices4Life exists. There was no court order, no warrant, and no sign of imminent (or any other) danger, yet hospital social worker Jamilia literally ripped 51 hour-old Braelon from his mother's arms right after he finished breastfeeding.

Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts Opens the Legal Door to Retry All Shaken Baby Syndrome Convictions

As the medical profession continues to debate the merits of "Shaken baby syndrome" (SBS), the American judicial system is increasingly determining that the evidence against SBS is strong enough to prevent convictions in a court of law, where the standard is "reasonable doubt." As Christina England reports, Chief Justice Ralph Gants from the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts just ruled this month that another SBS case in Massachusetts must be re-tried, because evidence contrary to the supposed "science" behind SBS was not presented at the trial. Judge Gants even went beyond just issuing a ruling to provide legal advice to attorneys seeking to represent their clients against SBS claims. So now the question remains: if these parents have had their children removed illegally, and many of these parents have wrongly been convicted and incarcerated, should doctors who are responsible for these injustices be tried in a court of law for their crimes? An important case was heard last year in the Ninth Circuit Court, which ruled that Dr. Claudia Wang, the medical director of UCLA’s Suspected Child Abuse and Negligence (SCAN) team, does not have immunity from civil lawsuits, may have set an important legal precedent.

LA County Bribing Judges Declared Illegal: But Who Will Uphold Justice in LA?

Has corruption in the judicial system become such a boring topic that even politicians can safely ignore it? I am old enough to remember a time when people were genuinely outraged when they heard about the corruption of government officials. Careers would be ended, people would be expelled from government agencies in disgrace, and shame would haunt the fallen individuals for many years if not for the rest of their lives. But apparently, this is not the way things are now in California. Lawmakers seem indifferent to the system of corruption that has become a way of life in the state’s judicial system. The courts have ruled that LA County's kickbacks to judges are illegal, essentially amounting to bribery, but who will uphold justice in LA and hold these judges accountable?

Alberta Government Accused of Kidnapping Thousands of Children

A class action law suit, that claims from 1985 to 2009 the province took thousands of children and then illegally retained them, is a step away from certification. “You can’t take somebody’s child without following the law, whether you’re a neighbour, a stranger or the government,” said lawyer Robert Lee, whose firm began the class action. “The only way (Alberta) child welfare can take a child away from the parent is if they follow the law and if they take a child from a parent without following the law, to me, that’s kidnapping.”

Medically Kidnapped Teen Isaiah Rider Finally Free from Child Protective Services but Ruined Lives Remain

Isaiah Rider is finally free. The Missouri teen was taken captive by Illinois DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services) more than 2 years ago when his mother challenged the doctors at Lurie Children's Hospital when her son was in pain and not being helped by the doctors there. Isaiah and his mother Michelle Rider have been living in a nightmare ever since that horrible day on April 15, 2014, the day when DCFS kicked Michelle out of the hospital and seized custody of Isaiah. Now, that chapter is over, and they are beginning the difficult task of putting their lives back together. When an innocent family wins against Child Protective Services, it can feel like a hollow victory. It is, as Team Isaiah states, "bitter-sweet." It cannot be compared to winning a victory in a ballgame, or a race, or an election. It is a victory after fighting the hardest battle in a family's life, a battle that never should have happened in the first place. So much has been lost. As one mother told Health Impact News after winning such a victory: "How do we celebrate after our lives have been ruined?" The question remains: What are we going to do about it? Are we going to work to make sure that what happened to Michelle and Isaiah Rider stops happening to other families? Medical Kidnapping is wrong, and it needs to end.

Parents with “Ruined Lives” Protest Against Corrupt Family Court Commissioner in Los Angeles

Why have parents in Pomona, California been able to gather more than 2000 petitions to remove Commissioner Rocky Crabb from the bench in Family Court? Parents who have contacted Health Impact News have reported an abuse of power, discrimination against Hispanics, taking children away from good parents and leaving them in the hands of abusers, and a denial of civil rights by Commissioner Rocky Crabb, who functions in the same capacity as a judge. The primary difference between a commissioner and a judge is that a commissioner is appointed and voted on by judges, not the public, and therefore holds less accountability to voters. Rocky Crabb ran for office, as Superior Court Judge in LA County in 2008, but lost, having obtained just 37% of the vote while his opponent won with 63%. He remains on the bench, however, as an appointed commissioner. The website RobeProbe.com rates judges, and Commissioner Rocky Crabb has 44 ratings. A user can rate a judge on a variety of qualities, ranging from "Very Bad," "Bad," "Adequate," "Good," or "Excellent." Out of Commissioner Crabb's 44 ratings, 43 are overall "Very Bad" and 1 is "Adequate." There are currently over 30 cases Commissioner Crabb has ruled on that are being appealed. So how does this man stay in power? Parents have told us that attorneys are reluctant to take their case when they learn it is against Commissioner Rocky Crabb, a man who was appointed to his position - not elected by the public. Tammi Stefano interviewed two of the parents who claim they and their children have been abused by Commissioner Rocky Crabb: "He has destroyed my life." Watch this shocking interview with two fathers who are among the parents spearheading the movement to remove Rocky Crabb from the bench.

Pennsylvania Navy Veteran Mom Loses her 7 Children Because She Moved them out of a Moldy House

A Navy veteran is in the fight of her life to get her 7 children back home and out of foster care. While Roxanne Binkley was having to move her family from hotel to hotel after finding that their rental home was making them all sick, Child and Youth Services of Pennsylvania (CYS) stepped in and seized the children in January 2016. When Roxanne realized that her children were becoming sick because of the condition of the rental house, she sought to get her children out of the bad environment. That is not the way that CYS of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, sees it. In their petition to the court, CYS accuses Roxanne of being “unable to assure the children’s safety and well being.” Roxanne explained that she works very hard to feed her children appropriate diets that accommodate gluten intolerance and type 1 diabetes in her children without making anyone feel different because of it. She prepares meals from scratch and uses ingredients that are healthy for everyone. The children's dietary needs are reportedly not being met now that they are in foster care. At the time the children were taken into state care, Lorna - age 7 - was being treated for MRSA but was nearly through the medicine and was healing. She also has type 1 diabetes, which in Roxanne’s care was kept in remission with a proper diet. After being in the state's care, Lorna had to be hospitalized for her diabetes, which is back and now she has to take insulin daily. Her diet is not being observed. She has been traumatized by the hospital stay. In addition to the lack of proper diet, the children have been forced to have vaccines against Roxanne’s will and against her religious exemption, which is allowed in the state of Pennsylvania.

Mom Speaks Out on Corrupt Kentucky Child “Protection” System that Destroyed her Family

Kentucky has a well-documented history of corruption within its Cabinet for Health and Family Services’ Department of Community Based Services (DCBS), which has been exposed by whistleblower social workers and attorneys, investigated at length, and publicized in local radio and news. Yet Kentucky continues to carry on business as usual. Here is another story which exemplifies the depth of corruption in Kentucky’s DCBS and Family Courts, a system that allegedly routinely destroys families based on lies, hearsay and allegations. Amanda Orsetti Downs was initially afraid to take her story public, fearing retaliation from DCBS, even though it’s been 12 years since DCBS removed her children and they’ve all been adopted out. She now lives in another state. Overcoming her fears, Amanda decided to share her powerful story, in hopes that her children will learn the truth one day, and that others will realize just how corrupt this system really is. Amanda warns: "I really don’t think anyone fully understands just how powerful these people really are. They have the attitude that they are above the law and they will do whatever they want to, to you or your family, and they just don't care because they have gotten away with it for so long. They will make your life a living hell if you even try to stop them. They got doctors behind them. They destroyed records. These people are vindictive, they will haunt you, stalk you, do whatever it takes, even if that means retaliation on you or to hurt someone close to you. They do not care as long as they are getting a big paycheck from the state. My attorney couldn't even help me because of how vindictive they really are. I pray that one day they will be held accountable for their wrong doings, but until then all I can do is give it to God and hope for the best."

Avoiding Medical Kidnapping of Your Children: Attorney Allison Folmar Gives Advice

Attorney Allison Folmar is a civil rights attorney who passionately fought numerous charges brought against her client, Michigan mother Maryanne Godboldo. Maryanne refused to give up her daughter to State authorities when they attempted to force a harmful anti-psychotic drug upon her child who exhibited autistic-like symptoms immediately after vaccinations. Attorney Folmar won a lengthy legal battle against the Michigan Attorney General and State Prosecutors on the sole premise that a parent has the absolute fundamental liberty interest and constitutional right to have the final voice in choosing the course of medical treatment for his/her child. This presentation will highlight various aspects of parental rights including, but not limited to; federal laws, state laws, healthcare rights, patient rights, and civil rights, along with knowing your rights, being prepared with medical history, and tips to prevent CPS involvement. Quote from Attorney Folmar: They are trying to steal my client's child. They're playing for keeps! They're not saying "Oh, we'll send your child back in a week or two." They are playing for keeps. So when I am fighting, I am fighting with everything in me. When I go to court, I go to war. I am unapologetic about going to war in court, because my client's life, and their child's life, is at stake.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Label Destroys Families – Covers Up Vaccine Injuries

In my first article titled Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy – A False Diagnosis to Blame Parents for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths, I described what Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is, the man behind the label, Sir Roy Meadow, and his involvement in the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunization, an organization that sanctions vaccines in the UK. From extensive research it appears that Sir Roy Meadow did not work alone. Another professional who has been found to be deeply embroiled in the vaccine injury cover-up, is a Professor David Southall.

Mother Who had Son Medically Kidnapped Runs for Office in Washington State

Having a child medically or legally kidnapped by the state is one of the most difficult things that a family could ever experience, as many parents tell us every day. Parents tell us that there is nothing that compares to the despair and hopelessness of being powerless to protect one's children when Child Protective Services takes over. The system seems designed to break down both parent and child, and some who have fallen prey never recover from the devastation. Anne Giroux of Washington State is a mother who has lived through this trauma, and has decided to turn her experiences into something that can help and inspire other families. She is running for local office. When she realized that candidates have the ability to have their voices heard as they speak out about their platform, she decided to learn how to run for office. She has taken the bull by the horns and is now an official candidate for Legislative District 28 for the office of State Representative Position 1.

Children of Texas Family Victimized by Medical Kidnapping Now Safe, Away from CPS

The Giwa family's nightmare with Child Protective Services is over, and their children are safely with their family, outside of Texas and away from CPS. They want the world to know that prayer did what man could not do, and they give the glory to God for their victory. Kathy (Olubunmi) Giwa tells Health Impact News: "The fundamental part of the battle was won on our knees." Ahmed Giwa echoes her words with his message that he wants to tell families who are fighting CPS for their children: "They shouldn't give up. They need to keep fighting and PRAYING and believing that it is only God that can do it for them. There is someone that is greater than CPS, and that is GOD!" He says that even the best attorneys cannot do what God can do. Now, it is time to heal and rebuild. This whole ordeal has left the entire family traumatized. The once-secure children are now needy and clingy. They are fearful. They are glad to be together again, but their mother reports that they are exhibiting behaviors they did not before they were stolen from their parents. However, the Giwas are confident that the same God who delivered them from the hand of CPS will also work to heal their trauma. They look to the future that they will share together. They are thankful to be free to be a family again. Kathy tells Health Impact News: "Every day when I go into their rooms and see them sleeping in their own beds, I am so thankful that they're back home with me, and I get to raise them and be their mother. I remember the nights without them, and the despair and the hours of missing them."

Mad Angel: Former Foster Child Now Parent is Creating an Army of Victims to Fight CPS

I'm here to correct the misconceptions or false claims from CPS (Child Protective Services). For years I've watched in horror as children and foster children have tried to stand up to their abusers; tried to get anyone, the public, to hear their cries. Sadly, I also watched as the abusers described these children's words as meaningless, attention seekers and trouble makers. And the public believed the word of the abuser over the truth and the reality of the child's words. Pedophile, child rapist, child murderers, child abusers, child sex traffickers - there I've said the words that make you cringe, that make you want to pull back and hide and pretend it isn't happening. Those are the words that I've shown to be associated with people in authority. Preachers, judges, lawyers, doctors, teachers, foster and adoptive parents and above all CHILD PROTECTION WORKERS. Sadly, those horrific words are ones that children placed in their care can not just pull away from. They can not ask for help, they can not tell the nearest adult.

California Governor Wants to Shield Corrupt LA County Social Workers by Making Child Death Files Secret

Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration has quietly drafted a bill that would gut key portions of the state's landmark law requiring child protective services agencies to release records when a youth dies of abuse or neglect. A vote is expected within the next week. It is the second time in two years that California Department of Social Services Director Will Lightbourne has introduced the bill on an emergency basis through a "trailer bill," introduced as part of the state's May budgeting process. That approach bypasses the usual committee review and fast-tracks the proposal for a vote. Earlier this year, Los Angeles County prosecutors filed criminal charges against four social workers who handled the case of 8-year-old Gabriel Fernandez in the months before he was tortured and killed. The case was first reported in The Times based on information that included documents released through the disclosure law. The social workers union has staged protests against the criminal charges and worked with the administration to craft the bill that would reduce public scrutiny of the case files for child fatalities. The state child welfare directors association also supports the administration’s bill.

“We Don’t Need a Warrant” — Police Enter Home Through Window, Rip Infant From Mother’s Arms

In February, a family experienced a horrifying home invasion during which their children were taken from them, and they were assaulted. The father and husband, Ilya Petrenko caught the perpetrators on video — they were police officers with the Vancouver Police Department. After more than an hour of asking the police to politely leave, Ilya began filming. Police had guns and tasers drawn as they swarmed the house to attack the family. The entire time, the couple is demanding to see a warrant and they are told by the police that they do not need one. The police eventually entered through a window, and began to assault the mother who was holding the child. The mother passed out, and the police carried the children from the home.

Medical Kidnapping in California Results in Infant Death

It is hard to imagine a mother hearing more difficult words than those Danielle Hines from Riverside, California heard after her ultrasound at 6 1/2 months of pregnancy. Doctors told her that her new baby would be born with a severe heart defect, and they advised her to abort her baby. She refused. There was a lot of love in her heart, and she was determined to meet the challenge, giving everything that she could to help her baby. After all of this, Child Protective Services swooped in and seized her baby before she was even two months old. In Danielle's words: "CPS removed her from our beautiful home because I have too many children and were fearful I could not care for her due to Hayden having Hypoplastic left heart syndrome." Though Danielle was able to regain physical custody, she was told that the state retained medical rights over Hayden. Now, Hayden is gone, and her mother is left asking, "Why?" She truly believes that: "If CPS hadn't taken my daughter from me, she would still be alive." She tells Health Impact News that, had they not taken her medical rights away from her, she could have researched medications and procedures and had a voice in decisions that were made. As it was, there appear to have been several medical missteps that could have been avoided, and Hayden might still be alive. The prognosis for babies with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a 70% chance of survival into adulthood. Hayden only lived 4 months, and Danielle believes they were using her baby as a medical guinea pig.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy – A False Diagnosis to Blame Parents for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths?

Over the years there has been a growing epidemic of parents claiming to have been falsely accused of Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP). Many of these parents state that they were only accused of suffering from the condition after they reported that they believed that their child had suffered a vaccine injury. MSBP is a diagnosis given to a parent or caregiver to describe certain aspects of their behaviour. This behaviour usually includes subjecting what appears to be a previously healthy child, to unnecessary painful tests or medical interventions, such as scans, x-rays and surgical procedures to gain the attention of the medical profession. In this investigative report, Christina England reveals that Professor Sir Roy Meadow was the first professional to use the term Munchausen syndrome by proxy in a paper published by The Lancet in 1977. Sir Roy Meadow has strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry and vaccines, and in 2005 he was found guilty of serious professional misconduct by the General Medical Council in the Sally Clark case, and lost his license to practice medicine. Sally Clark spent 3 and a half years in prison because of false testimony given at her trial by Sir Roy Meadow, where she was being accused of killing her two infant children.

Kentucky Family Falsely Accused of Child Abuse – Children Medically Kidnapped to Cover Corruption

How does a routine trip to an E.R. by concerned parents in Kentucky turn into a terrifying ordeal where the parents were blindsided by child abuse accusations, and sent home empty-armed and broken-hearted without their children? Only recently did they discover the truth about what happened that night over two years ago when their infant son was in Vanderbilt Children's Hospital without them. They believe their baby's diagnosis was changed by a Child Abuse Specialist to cover-up Vanderbilt's medically induced injuries, blaming it instead on the parents. They have been fighting to get their children back ever since, and want to bring their story to the public. The family shares: "It is not easy to tell our story because it is embarrassing to be accused of child abuse when you know that you are innocent. We decided to share our story because we know that we are not alone. There are many other parents that have experienced and are presently going through the same thing that we are going through now. We share our story because we want to draw public attention to this dark side of the so called shaken baby syndrome which is not scientific and where innocent parents are being locked up, their children taken away from them and their lives destroyed. We share our story because the only HOPE that a poor person has is their faith in God as the legal cost of having good representation in fighting accusations of shaken baby syndrome can be tremendous. It is our hope that our voices are heard and those in position of power will take a look at how doctors are making decisions concerning the shaken baby syndrome based on one symptom or a triad of symptoms without any other evidence of physical abuse. Families are being destroyed by only the word of a doctor. In other words, a doctor’s word is allowed to become a legal conclusion rather than focusing on only the material evidence. This ought not to be and that is why we have decided to share our story."