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Editor - Health Impact News

The Children’s Aid Societies of Ontario: Powerful As God

Every family and child in Ontario is vulnerable to the Children’s Aid Society's authority. Poor parents and children are at even greater risk. The Children’s Aid Society can remove a child from a home, with or without a reason. While the law requires the agency to obtain a warrant for an apprehension, they rarely do – and they get away with it in court. This behaviour encourages malicious behaviour from teachers and principals, neighbours, adversaries, and health-care providers to use the agency as a weapon to avenge a personal vendetta – one of the most common reasons the agency is called.

Washington: Vaccinate All Your Children with Flu Shot or We Will Take Your 2-Week Old Baby

Foster families in Washington State are under a new mandate that everyone in their house needs a flu shot if they have foster kids under two years of age. If they don't comply, the children will be taken from them. This is in spite of the fact that the flu vaccine is both dangerous and largely ineffective. As KOMO News is reporting in Tacoma, at least one foster parent is fighting back, and refusing to comply, even if it means losing her 2-week old baby.

Connecticut Supreme Court Sides with DCF, Girl to Remain in Custody for Forced Chemotherapy

A Windsor Locks teen faced a judge in Connecticut State Supreme court Thursday after she’s been forced to undergo chemotherapy against her will. She is identified as Cassandra C. in court papers, and she believes she should be allowed to make her own health care decisions even though she’s a minor. After roughly one hour of arguments, the court sided with Department of Children and Families and determined she must remain in state custody to continue forced chemotherapy.

Is Shaken Baby Syndrome Often Misdiagnosed and Caused by Vaccine-Induced Rickets?

Since the conventional medical system ignores vaccine injuries and even denies they exist, very few physicians today know how to diagnose injuries and illnesses caused by vaccines. Yet, this ignorance in the medical system does not mean there is not solid scientific evidence showing some of the harmful effects of vaccines. One of the truly tragic situations we are seeing today among infants suffering from vaccine damage is the prevalence of vaccine-induced rickets. The typical characteristics of an infant suffering from vaccine-induced rickets are often misdiagnosed as being caused by parents abusing their babies by shaking them too hard. In these cases, the family suffers twice: first by the damage to their child caused by vaccines, and then by the medical and social welfare systems who blame the parents and take away their children. Christina England highlights this growing problem in today's society.

Foster Care Abuse: Drugging Children Against Their Will

They are California's most powerless children: abused, neglected, deeply traumatized. In this investigative report "Drugging Our Kids," we present a documentary video that gives voice to many of these young people, who say they were silenced during their youth by the powerful drugs. We have found a system that has become dependent on quick-fix profit-driven pharmaceuticals to control troubled children.

Connecticut Teen Taken Away from Mother and Physically Forced to have Chemotherapy

Several local news media in Connecticut are reporting that a 17 year old girl who is refusing chemo therapy and seeking a second opinion has been taken into custody by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families and been physically forced to have chemo therapy against her desire. Cassandra's mother, Jackie Forton, supported her daughter's decision, and as a result of disagreeing with the doctors, lost custody of her daughter.

2014 Top Stories: Medical Kidnappings, Vaccine Cover-ups, Glyphosate Food Contamination

2014 was a year that saw Health Impact News grow into a major network of health information in the Alternative Media. Two new websites were launched in 2014 due to reader demand: MedicalKidnap.com and VaccineImpact.com. Our top stories in 2014 were on the topics of Medical Kidnapping, Vaccine Cover-ups, and the contamination of our food supply by the herbicide glyphosate.

Medical Kidnapping: Billion Dollar Adoption Business

Child ‘protection’ is one of the biggest businesses in the country. We spend $12 billion a year on it. A reasonable taxpayer would assume that children are going from a bad environment to a good environment, a sick environment to a healing environment. We would assume they are going to a new environment totally void of any more suffering or trauma, safe from abuse or neglect of any kind, right? Wrong! Some of these children have suffered more trauma by being taken by CPS than they ever suffered in their own homes. Being taken from your own home and placed in another home with strangers while often not having any clue why, is extremely traumatizing. The impact is just like an illegal kidnapping; but in these cases the kidnapping is totally legal. In this report, Child and Family Advocate Steve Isham uncovers the multi-billion dollar adoption industry, and shows how one state, Arizona, seems to be utilizing a "Children for Cash" program to help balance their state budget.

Woman Arrested for Filing 28 False Child Abuse Reports in Florida

A Florida woman was recently arrested for making too many false charges of child abuse to the Florida Department of Children and Families, which were reportedly directed against two families. When asked why she made the multiple false child abuse charges, her reply reportedly was “to create havoc.” According to Chipleypaper.com, Jessica Elizabeth Combee, 28, of Westville, Florida is charged with 28 felony counts of false child abuse reports, and is currently being held in the Holmes County Jail with a $28,000.00 bond. As the testimony from the Bonifay Police Chief reveals, this is a common practice of how people abuse the child welfare system for their own agenda. We hope that more people will be prosecuted for abusing the system, including not just nosy neighbors or jealous family members, but medical personnel as well who take out their anger against parents who choose not to follow their medical advice, or want to seek a second medical opinion. Those doctors also deserve to be arrested and prosecuted for false charges.

Medical Kidnap Case in South Dakota Featured in Local Media

Reporter Bridget Bennett and KSFY in Sioux Falls, South Dakota reported on the Medical Kidnap case of Molly and Michael first reported at Health Impact News' website MedicalKidnap.com. Molly and Michael will be spending Christmas without their three children, simply because they brought their 2-month old son to the emergency room after they discovered an injury to his tongue after picking him up from daycare. The doctor reported them to CPS, and they lost custody of all three of their children, even though there was no evidence of abuse. The police reportedly removed the children from the home without a warrant, allegedly stating that they "didn't need one."