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Editor - Health Impact News

America #1 in Child Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia – CPS and Foster Care are the Pipelines

Many Americans hold to a national pride that believes the United States is, or at least was, the greatest country in the world. Few would argue that America is "not what it used to be" when considering the "greatness" of America today. Current American President Donald Trump was swept into power because he ran on a campaign slogan to "Make America Great Again" (MAGA), suggesting that what was once considered "great" in America no longer is. This pride that America is greater than most other countries of the world, that it is the land of opportunity and hope, was perhaps best articulated by the American poet, Emma Lazarus, who penned the following words that today are etched into a plaque attached to the Statute of Liberty standing in the harbor of New York City, which was once considered the gateway to America: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Today, depending on how one measures "greatness," America could still be considered greater than other countries in certain aspects, such as having the world's largest economy, or the world's most powerful military force. But there is one area where America exceeds all other nations' of the world that hopefully most Americans would not be proud to admit: America is the #1 destination for pedophilia and child sex trafficking, and this huge market exists mainly because it is funded by taxpayers through the U.S. government Child Protection Services and Foster care system.

Attorney: Elder “Protective Services” is a Racketeering Enterprise Medically Kidnapping Seniors

More than 30 years ago, throughout the United States, state governments created agencies known as “elder protective services.” As seen by such designated titles, these agencies are made to appear as though state governments are helpful resources for citizens. However, nothing could be further from the truth. These so-called protective agencies are, in fact, wolves in sheep’s clothing that I can attest to from not only my direct personal experiences, but also from years of research. Upon years of my reviewing and obtaining voluminous court documentation throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts—particularly, in my professional experience as an attorney, there is no doubt, whatsoever, that public officials have been operating a racketeering enterprise through the probate and family courts, feeding off our most vulnerable citizens, the elderly. These public officials do so through physical and financial exploitation of the elderly. In 2015, I filed a federal civil action in the District Court of Massachusetts providing overwhelming and irrefutable documentation that state elder protective agencies is one cog of many in a long-embedded governmental money laundering and embezzlement enterprise.

Arizona Veterans Group Calls Out Local Law Enforcement and Mayor for Covering Up Pedophile Trafficking

Last month (June 2018) Health Impact News reported on the story out of Tuscon, Arizona, where a group called Veterans on Patrol uncovered a child sex camp that was believed to be used by cartels crossing the border from Mexico to traffick children in the U.S. Local law enforcement refused to acknowledge that the camp was used in child sex trafficking, and just when it looked like they were going to remove the members of the group from continuing their investigations, something dramatically changed, and the veteran group, now joined by hundreds of volunteers coming in from all over the world, was allowed to continue their patrols in the area. Their patrols have continued the past few weeks, and the group is claiming that they have shut down some of the human trafficking, as well as drug trafficking, as a result of their efforts. The leader of the group, Lewis Arthur, who once enjoyed a great local reputation for his work with getting veterans off of the streets, has come under increasing pressure and criticism from local law enforcement and the corporate-sponsored media. He recently vented some of his frustration on a Facebook Live-stream broadcast, where he accused local law enforcement and the Tucson mayor, Jonathan Rothschild, for covering up known pedophile groups operating within Tucson, Arizona. Throughout his broadcast, Arthur makes is clear that he is being driven by a mission he believes has been given to them from God, and his trust that God will protect him from those seeking to destroy him and his credibility. He believes that their work is revealing the truth about human trafficking coming across the border, and its link to pedophile groups operating out of Tucson and elsewhere which is being covered up by bad law enforcement officers and political figures.

Father Wrongly Convicted for Shaken Baby Syndrome Death of Son Set Free After 10 Years

A District Court judge has overturned the 2009 homicide conviction of Robert Wilkes, marking yet another court victory for the Montana Innocence Project. Wilkes’ 3-month-old son, Gabriel, died in October 2008. More than a year later, Wilkes was convicted in the baby's death and sentenced to 40 years in prison. The Montana Innocence Project began to look into his case in 2012, finding that Gabriel had no signs of abuse and that the prosecution relied on the theory of Shaken Baby Syndrome in Wilkes' case. The Innocence Project gathered a series of medical experts from around the country to review the case. They determined a number of other likely causes of his death. Also, the medical examiner who performed the autopsy had listed the cause of death as “undetermined,” something Wilkes’ defense attorney did not present at trial. In an order issued Thursday, District Court Judge James Haynes of Ravalli County, who was brought in to oversee the Wilkes case, overturned the conviction. As part of his order the judge concluded that Wilkes’ attorney at trial had been ineffective in his representation of his client. In a statement, Innocence Project attorney Toby Cook said the medical evidence they presented was “overwhelming.” “While we have always believed in Dave’s innocence, he can never regain the 10 years he has lost,” Cook said.

Hundreds of Thousands of Children in the U.S. are Being Separated from Their Parents – Many are Sexually Trafficked

The corporate sponsored "mainstream" media has been fixated in recent days with reports that children are being separated from their parents at U.S. borders. For the news sources that are critical of the current administration, one is led to believe that this is a recent problem that just started. However, this limited and biased view is not even close to the truth. Health Impact News has covered the issue of child trafficking of minor children coming across the U.S. borders since 2016, when Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) published a six-month investigation into the matter during the Obama administration. Focusing on a couple of thousand children currently in border facilities without their parents also ignores a far greater problem, one that is a national crisis, and that is the 400,000+ children who have been taken away from their parents, and the practice of child trafficking that is continuing to happen in every U.S. state every single day. The overall real problem in this tragedy is one of child trafficking, and it is time that this issue gets public attention.

American Children Terrorized by CPS While Lawmakers Cry About Border Children

Americans are in an uproar about illegal immigrant parents and children separated at the border. The level of hysteria surrounding this topic has reached a fever pitch with senators like Chuck Schumer mugging distraught for the cameras at every opportunity. While the shrill voices shriek loudly about the rights of Mexicans and other assorted border jumpers, American parental rights are being stripped from them, unconstitutionally, every single day. American parents have lost their due process and Fourth Amendment rights, and most of them don't even know it. Most anyone who has been visited by Child Protective Services can testify to the absolute terror that the state can inflict on a family for very little or no reason at all. Right now in the state of Mississippi, Michael Chambers is missing his little girl, Belle. His nightmare began when a Mississippi social worker, Kyra Reed (who also goes by Kyra Carson), knocked on his door demanding entrance without a warrant. Chambers was never told what the charges were. Chambers refused to allow the social worker in without a warrant, and this began a process of the social worker trying to get into the home without a warrant. When she was unsuccessful, she simply abducted Chambers' daughter from school.

Trump Administration Continues Practice of Blocking Attempts to Investigate Elder Abuse – Adult Medical Kidnapping

Health Impact News reporter, Terri LaPoint, recently wrote a report explaining that in the United States today, over 1.3 million seniors are currently held under appointed guardians, representing over $50 billion in seized assets. That makes adult medical kidnapping a far more prevalent occurrence in the United States than child medical kidnapping, since the published figures of children currently in foster care number about 450,000. (See: Adults Medically Kidnapped: 3X More than Children in Foster Care – $50 BILLION in Assets Seized.) Today's guest commentary about elder abuse and adult medical kidnapping comes from Massachusetts Attorney Lisa Belanger, who has experienced first-hand, both through personal experience and through litigation, the injustices and crimes being committed against elders in the United States. Attorney Belanger is commenting on a recent article published in Law360 entitled: Trump Admin Stonewalling Atty’s Probes Into Elder Abuse.

Harvard-trained Beverly Hills Doctor Mom Still Fighting for Kids After 6 Years

Reporter Sara Tiano of The Chronicle of Social Change, an online news publication dedicated to solution-based news coverage of child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health and educational issues faced by vulnerable children, has written an investigative report about the case of Dr. Susan Spell, a Harvard-trained Beverly Hills California doctor who has been fighting to regain custody of her children for over 6 years. Health Impact News originally reported on Dr. Susan's case back in 2015, and Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show first brought Dr. Susan's story to the public in LA County in 2014 by having Dr. Susan on her show. Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show first brought Dr. Susan's story to the public in LA County in 2014 by having Dr. Susan on her show. The Chronicle of Social Change is reporting that: "In March, Los Angeles County paid a $150,000 settlement to a celebrity Beverly Hills doctor after social workers lied under oath and falsified evidence to take her four kids from her, amid a thorny custody battle. But despite the payout — and the help of top-notch private lawyers — Susan Spell, whose TV credits include Oprah, CNN, Good Morning America, and Dr. 90210, still doesn’t have her kids back."

2-Year-Old Girl Taken Away From Parents Because Military Vet Dad Chose Medical Cannabis Over Dangerous Psych Drugs for PTSD

Parents Ashley and Edward Thomas of Idaho recently had their 2-year-old daughter taken out of their home, as police arrested them and locked them up in jail. Their crime? Edward is a disabled military veteran who suffers from PTSD after serving in a combat role in Iraq. Not doing well with toxic pharmaceutical drugs, which many reports link to an alarming increase in suicide rates among veterans, Edward turned to medical cannabis to ease his stress and stop his seizures. In many states, this would be perfectly legal, as most states are moving towards approving legislation for the medical use of marijuana, if not decriminalizing entirely. But not in Idaho. Idaho is the home of these young parents, however, who need the support of their family in their home state. Now Edward and his pregnant wife face a future as branded criminals as the State of Idaho takes custody of their children.

U.S. Press Condemns U.K. Treatment of Baby Alfie While Ignoring Same Medical Kidnapping Seen in U.S. Every Day

The tragic medical kidnapping story of Alfie Evans and his resulting death in the U.K. has been widely published in both the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media as well as in the alternative media. While this story is being spun as a tragic rare event that only happens outside the U.S. in places like the U.K., the fact is that this story is being repeated every single day right here in the U.S. So it begs the question: why are similar stories happening right here in the U.S. not getting the same kind of media coverage? I am very glad that the public and the media was outraged over the injustice of Baby Alfie in the U.K., so much so that there were demonstrations in the streets protesting medical tyranny and standing up for parental rights. But why is that not happening right here in the United States, where the problem is probably much worse? America's children are being kidnapped by the state every single day. They are being used for drug trials, they are being put into pedophilia sex trafficking rings, they are dying at the hands of medical authorities, and American taxpayers are paying BILLIONS of dollars to employ hundreds of thousands of government employees, from social workers, to psychologists and medical doctors, to attorneys and family court judges and workers who profit from this child trafficking system, and allowing it to continue. What is it going to take to get the American public out into the streets to protest this gross injustice against our children?

Parents File Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit Against Minnesota Because CPS Kidnapped Their Children

This past week (April 2018) a group of Minnesota parents filed a federal civil rights lawsuit accusing Dakota County and the State of Minnesota for kidnapping their children and placing them unnecessarily into foster care. The lead plaintiff in the lawsuit is Dwight D. Mitchell, who founded an association of parents called Stop Child Protection Services From Legally Kidnapping, which has about 250 members in Minnesota. Mr. Mitchell and several parents held a press conference at the State Capital last week, and Mr. Mitchell was interviewed by several local media sources. Mr. Mitchell explains how he had his three children removed from his home because a family babysitter reported him to CPS for a "bottom spanking" with one of his children. It took him almost 2 years to get his son back home.

The Corrupt Foster Care and Adoption System: Why Aren’t More Foster and Adoptive Parents Speaking Out?

For years now, Health Impact News, via their MedicalKidnap.com website, has exposed the child welfare system in the United States, which encompasses foster care and adoption services, as a child trafficking system. The data is very clear. A very small minority of children removed from their homes by child protective services (CPS) are removed because they live in "abusive" homes. The vast majority, anywhere from 75% to 85% or more, are removed for other reasons, usually under the umbrella term of "neglect." This would include "medical neglect" where one can lose custody of their children simply for disagreeing with a doctor, or seeking a second medical opinion. Based on large scale research studies conducted at MIT by Joseph Doyle in 2007 and 2008, the data also clearly shows that children in foster care fare far worse than even children left in "troubled homes," which begs the question as to why we even have a child welfare system that takes children out of families and makes them wards of the State. Since the evidence clearly shows that the child welfare system is thoroughly corrupt, causing far more harm to children than good, we pose the question: Why aren't more foster and adoptive parents speaking out against this corruption? If "good" foster and adoptive parents took a stand against corruption in Child Welfare, it could put a big dent in the system, if not take it down altogether. If you are a foster parent or adoptive parent that participates in this tyrannical, evil system that trafficks and murders children, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution, no matter what your motives or intentions are. Expecting a bloated government system funded by BILLIONS of dollars to change itself is unrealistic, and not much will happen to change the system until foster and adoptive parents, many of them being recruited by Christian churches, develop a conscience and a soul, and decide to take a stand against real child abuse which is happening every day here in the United States, through child welfare services.

Refusing to Vaccinate Your Kids is Not Abuse

Last fall, when an exhausted new mom wanted time to consider vaccinations for her newborn, the infant was taken from her by the on-call pediatrician at a Portland hospital, who claimed "medical negligence." A caseworker from the state Department of Human Services, without a judicial review, had the child removed and allowed the attending nurse to vaccinate the child "with whatever they wanted to give" against the parents' permission. This happened even though Oregon allows parents to opt out of vaccinations. The mother was allowed to see her baby only for the purpose of nursing her and then escorted out of the hospital by police. Throughout this illegal nightmare, a DHS caseworker falsified reports and placed numerous roadblocks in the way of this family wanting to parent their newborn. Despite this, many Oregon families came forward to help them. With the aid of attorneys who offered to represent the family pro bono, the case was dismissed, with DHS conceding the woman was an excellent mother.

Steemit Group Raising Funds for “Family Protection” – Who Are They?

The "Fake News" wars are raging in full force these days, as the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media fights to hang on to its influence in American culture, using the term "Fake News" to refer to anyone outside of their influence who publishes material contrary to their own agendas. They are exerting extreme pressure on social media giants such as Facebook and Google-owned YouTube, where the term "Fake News" is being used to censor content that they deem "fake" or "false." As a result, many are looking for alternative platforms to exchange the free-flow of information without centralized authoritarian censorship based on political views and ideology. A new kind of social media platform that was started in 2016 is Steemit, which is based on "blockchain" technology, the same technology used for cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin. There are many advantages advertised for this new technology, and because it is "community-driven," it is seen by many as an alternative to current social media networks that are controlled from the top down, which can lead to censorship based on the political views of those who control the platform. Health Impact News recently joined Steemit, and we found a group that calls themselves "FamilyProtection" publishing stories and negative experiences with child social services such as we publish on our MedicalKidnap.com website. However, when we tried to learn more about this group, we were met with resistance. We asked some simple questions about who ran the group, because they are actively soliciting funds for "FamilyProtection" and have already collected donations exceeding $29K. Do you use Steemit?

Neuropathologist Doctor: I Believed in Shaken Baby Syndrome until Science Showed I was Wrong

Dr. Waney Squier is a renowned British pediatric neuropathologist and considered the UK's leading scientist in the field of pediatric neuropathology, and worked as a consultant at the John Radcliffe Hospital for 32 years. Until 16 years ago, she vehemently supported and adhered to the mainstream belief that when a medical professional suspects that an infant has been violently shaken, they must examine the baby for the “triad” of injuries believed to be associated with shaken baby syndrome (SBS). However, after examining the science behind SBS, Dr. Squier changed her opinion of SBS, and went from being a doctor who testified against parents and others who were accused of shaking their babies and injuring or killing them, to being a doctor who defended such parents and caregivers by offering other medical evidence that could explain such evidence apart from "shaking." As a result, her peers in the medical field attacked her, and in March of 2016 the UK General Medical Council (GMC) found Dr. Waney Squier guilty of “misleading her peers, being irresponsible, dishonest and bringing the reputation of the medical profession into disrepute” and she was "struck off the medical register" which prevented her from practicing medicine. However, over 350 doctors, scientists and lawyers rallied together in her support, and in an unprecedented move they sent a letter of protest to the British Medical Journal (BMJ), questioning the GMC’s decision. As a result, in October 2016, Dr. Waney Squier won her appeal and was reinstated. However, although Dr. Squier’s name was returned to the medical register, she has been prevented from giving evidence as an expert witness for another three years, which many believe was her punishment for standing up to the establishment. Dr. Waney Squier gave a TedX talk in November 2017 at Wadsworth, and it is now available on YouTube. In this TedX lecture, Dr. Squier speaks openly about the problems with SBS, and how thousands of parents are being wrongly accused of harming their babies.

Attorney Reporting in Newsweek: Foster Care is a System Set Up to Sex Traffic American Children

Attorney Michael Dolce, from the law-firm Cohen Milstein, recently wrote an opinion piece published by Newsweek stating that the nation's foster care system is set up to sexually traffic children. Dolce, who speaks from experience from representing children abused in foster care, writes: "Here’s the ugly truth: most Americans who are victims of sex trafficking come from our nation’s own foster care system. It’s a deeply broken system that leaves thousands vulnerable to pimps as children and grooms them for the illegal sex trade as young adults. We have failed our children by not fixing the systemic failures that have allowed this to happen for decades."

Florida Dad Wrongfully Convicted for Shaking Baby and Served 20+ Years of a 70 Year Sentence Featured on CNN

On February 17, 2018, CNN aired a Special Report titled "Broken Bones, Shattered Lives" which featured the story of James Duncan, who was convicted of child abuse for shaking his son who was an infant at the time. He has served over 20 years of a 70 year conviction for a crime he claims never happened. A Florida appeals court has agreed to re-try the case. CNN's Jean Casarez interviewed James' ex-wife and two sons (now adults) for the report, and they all maintain that James is innocent. Jean Casarez also interviewed Dr. David Ayoub, a radiologist and expert on infantile rickets who stated: "It's a bad diagnosis." He said he believes Kody had infantile rickets, a disease of early life in which bones do not mineralize properly. Ayoub said it led Kody to develop metabolic bone disease, causing his bones to be very fragile. When Jean Casarez asked Dr. Ayoub how many parents he thought might be incarcerated today wrongfully on charges of Child Abuse for shaking their child, he replied "In the tens of thousands."

Do Criminals have more Rights than Parents in Tennessee? Local Media Covers Problem of “Legal” Kidnapping by State of Tennessee

It is pretty hard to believe that serial killers have more rights than parents in Tennessee, but once you enter the Juvenile Justice System, anything can happen. And even if you do absolutely nothing wrong, your children can be taken from you. It may sound like a ridiculous question but not when you consider what happened to a Williamson County, Tennessee, mom.

Don’t Believe the Hype: The Family First Act is a Step Backwards for Child Welfare Finance Reform

Perhaps you’ve heard. Tacked onto the bill that averted another government shutdown is a child welfare finance “reform” measure called the Family First Prevention Services Act. The bill was thought to be dead. It was killed last year by what one reformer who transformed his own institution years ago called the group home industry – the collection of private agencies typically paid for every day they hold foster children in the worst form of care, group homes and institutions -- and their public sector allies. But it came back to life as part of the process of keeping the government open. Now it’s law. One might expect advocates of family preservation to celebrate, and some almost certainly will. The bill allows some federal money once restricted to funding foster care to be used for better alternatives. And, in theory, it curbs federal funding for group homes and institutions. Some very good child welfare reformers favor the bill. But I disagree. In 2016, I wrote that the range of prevention services that could be funded under Family First was tiny, and there were absurd restrictions on which programs within that range could get federal aid. And instead of limiting group homes and institutions, I argued that the bill was so weak that it actually strengthened them, creating a whole category of institution that would be, in effect, sanctified in federal law.

Arizona Foster Care System Revealed as Pedophile Ring: Former Foster Child Tortured for Years Sues for $15 Million

The state of Arizona, which has the infamous reputation of removing the highest percentage of children in the U.S. from their homes and families through Child Protective Services, has now also been exposed as having a very corrupt foster care network that includes pedophile rings where young children are imprisoned in state-approved foster homes and trafficked to pedophiles. In a developing story based out of the military town of Sierra Vista, Arizona, the home of Fort Huachuca, David Frodsham, a former commander with the Department of Defense in Afghanistan who was discharged from duty due to “sexual harassment” behavior and an assessment by the military that he had an unalterable personality disorder, has been arrested and convicted of operating a pornographic pedophile ring based out of his state-approved foster home. Health Impact News first reported on the charges brought against David Frodsham and his wife who were state-approved foster parents last year with the story of the young child Devani, who was seized from her family just days before her second birthday and placed into the Frodshams' state-approved foster home where she was allegedly raped repeatedly and trafficked as part of an organized pornographic pedophile ring. After David Frodsham was arrested due to a federal investigation, Devani was placed into another state-approved foster home where 80% of her body was burned by scalding water, forcing the amputation of some of her toes. Now, another foster child who was adopted by the Frodshams and put into their pornographic pedophile ring has turned 18 and come forward to reveal details of years of horrible torture and sexual trafficking while suing the state of Arizona for damages of $15 million. How can this be happening today in the United States? How can we be talking about "making America great again" when this kind of child sex trafficking is happening right here in our own borders?