Study Debunks the Theory that Depression is Caused by a Chemical Imbalance in the Brain – America’s Problem with Criminal Drug Dealers

America has a huge drug addiction problem, where drug dealers are literally destroying this country. No, I am not referring to fentanyl, meth, crack, heroin, or any other "illegal street drug" and the people who push them. I am referring to the much larger drug addiction problem with drugs that are distributed by a much larger drug dealer network: FDA-approved and authorized prescription drugs. This is, by far, the largest criminal organization in the world. The pharmaceutical drugs distributed by medical doctors and purchased in drug stores that are on the corner of every city and town in America, are what is destroying this country. These drugs are the leading cause of death in the United States, and their drug dealers are the largest class of criminal organizations in the world. The worst offenders among these drug pushers, are the fake doctors called "psychiatrists," where 1 out every 5 of these "doctors" are arrested on criminal charges, where 40% of all women in psychiatric wards are raped, and where a child is 3 times more likely to be sexually molested by a psychiatrist than by a stranger or registered sex offender. The holy grail of psychiatry that is used to justify pushing psych drugs onto people diagnosed with "mental illness," including toddlers that are 2-3 years old, the "brain imbalance" theory, has been thoroughly debunked now by a study published last year in the journal Molecular Psychiatry. This study caused a lot of outrage in the field of psychiatry, which is understandable as it rendered most psych drugs as useless and dangerous, and the study totally discredited the entire field of psychiatry as a fraud. The authors waited almost a full year for all the criticisms to be sent in to them, and have now published their response.

With The Chemical Imbalance Myth Exposed, That’s Not All Psychiatry Got Wrong

Today, CCHR released its latest figures of global drug regulatory agency warnings about psychotropic drug risks, reporting a 34% increase in cautions about violence-related side effects and a 27% increase in self-harm and suicidal effects since June 2017. These figures raise questions about whether the psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry has been misleading consumers for the past 30 years about the potential violence- and suicide-inducing effects of psychotropic drugs, in the same way patients were deceived into believing that a chemical imbalance in the brain causes mental disorders, requiring the drugs to correct it. University College London (UCL) researchers recently disproved the decades-old theory that a brain-based chemical abnormality causes depression. Since the early 1990s, the industry has propagated this fabricated theory, while also denying the drugs used to “treat” it can induce violent and suicidal behavior. The official warnings have been issued by agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its counterparts in countries that include Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, European Union, New Zealand, and United Kingdom.   Since June 2017, there was also a 112% increase in warnings about psychotropic drugs linked to addiction or withdrawal, a 32.5% in emotional problem warnings and a 19% rise in death or increased risk of death.

The Marketing of “Mental Health” – People who Admit to Having “Mental Health Issues” now Considered Heroes

Society is now celebrating people who say they have mental health issues. Athletes who “come forward” with their confessions are heroes. So let me be clear. “Mental health issues” is a PRODUCT. It’s being sold like SUVs, cereal, beer, skin care lotions. And just to give you an idea of how successful the sales campaign is, here is a staggering quote from NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, about a large survey of college students: “The researchers also found that students are more willing to use university mental health services…By 2015, nearly 20 percent of those surveyed said they used these services…Moreover, nearly 75 percent said they would consider using university mental health services…” These services are a gateway, a funnel into the diagnosis of a mental disorder…and then the prescription of drugs. The drugs are the bottom line, the moneymaker. The drugs CAUSE very real mental problems. There is no doubt that some of the people confessing their mental health issues these days are really talking about the effects of the drugs; but they don’t know it.

Medicalizing Grief: Psychiatrists Suggest If You Grieve Over A Lost Loved One After One Year, You Could Be An Addict! And There’s A Drug To “Treat” It!

In a continuing series exposing the American Psychiatric Association’s updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders-5 called DSM5-TR, CCHR draws attention to The New York Times on 18 March 2022, that reported the APA’s launch of a “new” mental disorder—prolonged grief disorder (PGD).  Psychiatrists suggest that grief has a time limit and that if grief continues after one year, it’s a mental illness, akin to addiction. The article was headlined, “How Long Should It Take to Grieve? Psychiatry Has Come Up With an Answer.” Come up with an answer? Hardly. It was psychiatry’s usual potpourri of subjective data, surveys, and conclusions that APA relies upon for DSM—not science discovering a disease. The official inclusion in DSM5-TR comes while there’s an addiction treatment drug under clinical trial to treat prolonged grief. It takes an extremely vulnerable and distressing time in a person’s life and pathologizes it as an “illness” that can be terribly misleading to someone in grief that for some, can last for years. There’s no etiology or cure for this new “disorder.” One study says that “the normal grieving process is not fully understood” but “one prominent theory holds that healthy grieving typically involves completion of loss-focused tasks and restoration focused tasks.” But that doesn’t stop psychiatrists from drugging the condition.

L​andmark Federal Lawsuit Charges Missouri With Failure to Protect Foster Kids from Powerful Psychotropic Medications

Watchdogs Children’s Rights, National Center for Youth Law (NCYL) and Saint Louis University School of Law Legal Clinics have today filed a landmark, civil rights complaint against Jennifer Tidball, Acting State Director of the Missouri Department of Social Services and Tim Decker, Director of the Children’s Division of DSS, on behalf of all minor children and youth who are or will be placed in Missouri’s foster care custody. The first class action lawsuit to shine a federal spotlight solely on the overuse of psychotropic medications among vulnerable, at risk populations – such as Missouri’s 13,000 children in foster care – the complaint alleges longstanding, dangerous, unlawful and deliberately indifferent practices by the defendants.

New Mexico Law Prohibits Forced Psychiatric Drugging of Children – First Such Law in the U.S.

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) has produced and released a new video featuring New Mexico lawmaker Nora Espinoza, who sponsored New Mexico House Bill 53 which ensures that a parent’s decision not to administer psychotropic drugs to a child is not grounds for a child being removed from parental custody by Child Protective Services (CPS). The law also restricts school personnel from taking any action against the parent or compelling or requiring any student to take a psychotropic drug and, further, requires parental written consent prior to any psychological screening. CCHR states that: "This is the strongest law against childhood drugging ever acted in the United States."

Kids in Foster Care 3 Times As Likely To Get Psych Drugs

Children in foster care in Pennsylvania are at least three times as likely as other children to receive drugs used to treat mental illness. That’s the conclusion of research released today at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the results have public health officials concerned. Researchers found that while about 15 percent of all children covered by Medicaid receive psychotropic drugs — drugs that work on their brains — about 45 percent of those in foster care do. State human services secretary Ted Dallas says it’s true that kids in foster care may have greater mental health needs because of the trauma that got them in the system, but he says the disparity indicates that over-medication is taking place. “To think that we’re compounding that damage (of foster care placement) by inappropriately prescribing medication to these kids is deeply disturbing to me and is simply unacceptable,” he said.

Success with Troubled Youth Using No Drugs or Mental Health Therapy – A Threat to the Medical Kidnapping System

In 2015, Health Impact News published an article from Nehemiah Flynt, a former foster parent who left the foster care system after seeing how corrupt it was. Nehemiah exposed how CPS often takes children away from loving parents. He noticed that almost all of the foster children were drugged. Nehemiah left the foster care system, and became part of a ministry that worked with troubled youth without using drugs or mental health services. It was a highly successful program, but soon CPS came knocking on his door, and effectively shut down the program, since it was not using "approved" drugs and mental health services. Is this the state of "Child Protection Services" in the United States today? Have we as a society allowed the government and their social services programs to redefine "abuse" and "health"? Is "abuse" and "mental health" now defined as the absence of psychiatric drugs? Who are the true abusers of today's troubled youth? I asked Nehemiah Flynt to describe the former program he worked in that was so successful, that it became a threat to CPS and the psychiatric drug industry.

Feds Pay for Drug Fraud: 92 Percent of Foster Care Kids Prescribed Antipsychotics for Unaccepted Uses

The release in late March of an alarming new report by federal investigators has confirmed in shocking new detail what has been known for years: Poor and foster care kids covered by Medicaid are being prescribed too many dangerous antipsychotic drugs at young ages for far too long -- mostly without any medical justification at all. Medicaid spends about $3.5 billion a year on antipsychotics for all ages, largely for unaccepted uses, with nearly 2 million kids prescribed them. Nationally, about 12 percent of all the nation's 500,000 foster care children have received Medicaid-paid antipsychotics at some point, often because they haven't been offered proven, "trauma-informed" intensive therapies, according to Kamala Allen, director of Child Health Quality for the Center for Health Care Strategies.

Foster Care Abuse: Drugging Children Against Their Will

They are California's most powerless children: abused, neglected, deeply traumatized. In this investigative report "Drugging Our Kids," we present a documentary video that gives voice to many of these young people, who say they were silenced during their youth by the powerful drugs. We have found a system that has become dependent on quick-fix profit-driven pharmaceuticals to control troubled children.

California’s Crisis: 1 Out of Every 4 Children in California’s Foster Care Prescribed Powerful Psychiatric Drugs

We have previously documented how one incentive for hospitals and social workers to medically kidnap children is because they can bill all drugs and medical care to medicaid, with virtually no accountability for children who are wards of the state and in the foster care system. Carlos Morales, a former CPS investigator now turned whistle-blower, states that foster kids are 3 times more likely to be put on psychotropic drugs than children left with their parents. Now, a new report from the Bay Area News organization shows that 1 out of every 4 adolescents in California foster care system is being drugged, 3 times the rate for adolescents nationwide.

How a Homeschool Mom Fought Back Against CPS and Won Her Daughter Back

Maryanne Godboldo and Allison Folmar are extraordinary women. Their names may not elicit immediate recognition by the masses but it is because of their belief in the right of parents—not the state—to decide whether to medicate a child, that their struggle will protect thousands of children who otherwise would have become victims of deeply flawed State Child Protective Services policies.