Tables Turned? Russia Complains of Human Rights Abuse in the U.S. with CPS Case in Sacramento

A hearing that was scheduled for Monday morning in a Sacramento court room for the case of Child Protection Services (CPS) forcibly removing an infant from Russian parents was delayed past lunch after it was reported that two judges had already declined to preside over the case. The case has drawn international attention due to the fact that the Russian media is reporting that the couple are dual citizens of both Russia and the U.S. A judge finally ruled in favor of the parents Monday afternoon.

CPS Assaults Father and Snatches Baby from Mother After Doctor Discharges Baby from Hospital

This couple did everything right in caring for their baby, seeking the medical treatment he needed. When one hospital was negligent in their patient care endangering their child, they removed him from that hospital and took him to a different hospital, where he was discharged by a physician and cleared to return home. But apparently the first hospital reported the family to CPS, and CPS came with police to the family's home, and allegedly removed the baby from the mother's arms after assaulting the husband to get his keys and enter the home, without a warrant.

Mom Who Faced Swat Team Over Refusal to Drug Child and Went to Jail Fights Back

Health Impact News Editor Comment: In 2011 Health Impact News was one of the first news sources to cover the story of Maryanne Godboldo, […]

State of Michigan Appeals Case Against Parents to Force Chemo on Cancer-free Child

Health Impact News Editor Comments:

We reported the story of Jacob Stieler last year, and his parents won a hard fought battle with the state […]

Pediatrician calls Police and CPS on Parent refusing to Vaccinate Child

Rachel Garmon, a resident of the Centre County area of Pennsylvania, recently took her 2 ½ year old son to an appointment with a […]

Ron Paul: Fighting to Ban Mandatory Mental Health Screening

Maryanne Godboldo, a mother in Michigan, noticed that pills prescribed by her daughter’s doctor were making her condition worse, not better. So Mrs. Godboldo stopped giving them to her. That’s when the trouble began. When Child Protective Services (CPS) bureaucrats became aware that the girl was not receiving her prescribed medication, they decided the child should be taken away from her mother’s custody on grounds of medical neglect. - See more at:

State of Michigan Sues Parents to Force Chemo on Cancer-free Child

UPDATE March, 2012: State of Michigan Appeals Case Against Parents to Force Chemo on Cancer-free Child
Judge Solka wrote in his […]

As a Parent, You Don’t have the Right to Choose Cancer Treatment for Your Child

You may recognize Jim Navarro from the documentary film Cut Poison Burn, which I recently posted. You can watch the entire film for free. If you haven’t seen it yet, I urge you to take the time to view it now.

Center that Reported Home School Mom to Child Protection Services has Ties to Drug Companies

Health Impact News Editor Comment: For background information on this story, read Police use Assault Weapons and Tank against Home School Mom wanting to protect […]

When It Comes to Natural Health for Children, We’re Living in a Police State

by Alliance for Natural Health

Increasingly, state governments are determining what treatments a child can and cannot have—regardless of parents’ wishes. Three shocking stories prove […]