Mom of 2 Year Old Special-Needs Child Asked for Help: Arizona CPS Took Him Away Instead
Lisa Meltzer is an Arizona mom of a special needs little boy. She and her family received special training to care for this precious little baby. But one day Lisa was so sick, she felt she needed more help than her family could supply for her son for a short time, while she recovered from her sickness. She called the Arizona State social services to request help. But according to Lisa, instead of helping, they removed the child from her custody and are now offering him up for adoption to foster parents. Even though she has not been charged with abuse, the state apparently believes they can remove the child simply based on his complicated medical needs. Her parental rights have allegedly been violated, as she has not been able to visit her 2 year old son for 4 months, and the Arizona Attorney General and Family Court Judge allegedly removed her from court when she tried to speak up for her parental rights. What is going on in Arizona?