Medically Kidnapped Teen and Family Escape Canada: Speak Out on Abuses

    It was a day that they were terrified would never come. The Herrmann family has escaped from Canada and has been reunited in Germany! Teenager Marc Herrmann was slated to stay within the system for the rest of his life after he was taken from his family in late 2013 over allegations of medical neglect. He was misdiagnosed several times, institutionalized, then placed in foster care, despite the urgent pleas of Marc and his family. After he was falsely labeled as "retarded," a hearing was scheduled on his 18th birthday to turn him over to the custody of the Canadian Office of Public Guardians. A man whom the family had never met was reportedly waiting in the wings to assume guardianship. Because his parents are German citizens, they were told that there was no way that they could be guardians over their own son. Marc says that he was told repeatedly that if he did not comply with numerous threats, he would never see his family again. Today, after public outcry and intervention from the German Embassy, the Herrmann family is together again, and safely out of reach of the system that the Herrmanns insist is rife with corruption. They are in Germany. With the help of the German Embassy, they have escaped.

      Innocent Father Wants Child Social Worker Charged After Spending 7 Months in Jail

      A Gwinnett County (Georgia) father cleared after spending seven months in jail now wants police to charge the state worker who accused him of attacking her. John Blue lost his interior design shop, his apartment and most of his belongings as he sat in jail for seven months. It took a jury less than 45 minutes to find Blue not guilty. For the past several days, Blue has been living in his van. Police said it is the same van he used to ram a state welfare worker last summer during a Division of Family and Children’s Services investigation at the time. Blue left with his children, and a Levi’s Call was issued hours later. As police arrested Blue that day, he insisted that the worker assaulted him. Now out of jail following the not-guilty verdict, Blue is on a mission to recover some of what he lost.

        Who is Trying to Silence Filmmaker and Judicial Watchdog Bill Windsor, Currently Held in County Jail?

        Filmmaker Bill Windsor has been in the process of producing a film called "Lawless America" since 2005. It is a film project which exposes the corruption in the American judicial system. He currently has over 1200 videos in his YouTube channel of testimonials from American citizens who have experienced corruption in the judicial system first hand. Windsor was detained in Texas in October of 2014, and held in jail for over 50 days before being released in December of 2014. He is 66 years old, and claims this is the first time he was ever arrested and detained, and previously had never been charged with a crime. He states he has never used drugs, and is a "non-violent law-abiding citizen." He has filed numerous lawsuits across the country, including a couple of cases where he claims he was attacked by "cyberstalkers" who allegedly want to discredit his work. After being released from jail in Texas, he started a "road-trip" and blogged twice a day, once in the morning, and once at night, to let everyone know he was still free. The blog posts stopped on February 19th. Health Impact News and other alternative news media began a search for Mr. Windsor, and found that he had been incarcerated in Ada County jail in Boise, Idaho on February 19th. Health Impact News spoke with Bill Windsor from Ada County Jail this past weekend, and he wants us to covey to everyone that he is "OK." He stated that he is currently being held on a $4.1 million bond. Why?

          Medically Kidnapped Isaiah Rider: “Don’t Underestimate Me”

          Teenager Isaiah Rider is speaking out about being a victim of DCFS and Lurie Children's Hospital after they seized custody of him from his mother last year. A verdict was reached Wednesday, March 11, that the 17 year old will remain a ward of the state of Illinois, a state he only visited in order to have surgery. His message to the world and to DCFS is this: "One thing you're not going to do - take me away from my family. Don't underestimate me. You're never taking me away from my family. I love my family more than anything."

            Retired Arizona Judge Reveals Corruption in Legal System

            Justice John F. Molloy was an attorney in Arizona who went on to serve as a judge on the Arizona Superior Court bench. He is probably best known for his time serving as Chief Justice to Court of Appeals for the State of Arizona, where he authored the famous Miranda decision that was subsequently appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, resulting in what is known today as the "Miranda Rights" which law enforcement now quotes to suspected criminals upon arrest. Judge Molloy wrote a book that was published in 2004 a few years before he died in 2008. He was apparently suffering from cancer at the time, and perhaps knew his remaining time on earth was short. The title of the book is: The Fraternity: Lawyers and Judges in Collusion, published by Paragon House. It is an amazing expose on just how corrupt the American Judicial System is today, and it perhaps gives us a better understanding on how so many judges in family or juvenile courts across the United States are able to successfully remove children from the custody of their parents in medical kidnapping cases.

              Breastfeeding 2-day Old Newborn Seized From Parents Because Mother Has Disability

              A Florida couple is devastated. Child Protective Services just took their breastfeeding newborn from her mother's arms at the hospital. She was is not even two days old, but parents Tracey and Freddie Verzosa of Kissimmee, Florida will now only be able to visit their baby for feedings, under supervision. The accusations against them, according to the parents' story, boil down to the facts that Tracey is a slow learner, they are poor, and the baby was born too quickly for them to make it to the hospital. The Verzosas have 6 other children, and they have been fighting since last summer to get them back from DCF (Florida's Department of Children and Families.) They say that their other children were taken unjustly, and the children, who are divided between 3 different foster homes, cry and plead to come home whenever they see them.

                Verdict – Missouri Resident Isaiah Rider To Remain Ward of the State of Illinois

                Michelle Rider is in shock. Her son is upset and angry. They cannot believe that the system can get away with making 17 year old Isaiah Rider a permanent ward of the state of Illinois. The Missouri residents only visited the state in order to have a surgery there that was supposed to help Isaiah, who suffers from a rare neurological condition that leaves painful tumors on nerves. Instead of helping him, the actions initiated by Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago have resulted in custody of Isaiah being seized by Child Protective Services of Illinois. The final hearing for the Riders was on Wednesday, March 11, and the verdict was not at all what they had hoped to hear. Michelle writes: "Isaiah was just made a ward of the court in the state of IL. A Missouri residing resident is a ward of another state."

                  New Film Exposes Shaken Baby Syndrome Myth – Opponents Want to Silence it at Film Festivals

                  A new film exposing the corruption behind much of the Shaken Baby Syndrome diagnosis used to remove children from the custody of their parents, and in some cases put parents behind bars, is currently making its way through the film festival circuit. The Syndrome is an explosive documentary following the crusade of a group of doctors, scientists, and legal scholars who have uncovered that “Shaken Baby Syndrome,” a child abuse theory responsible for hundreds of prosecutions each year in the US, is not scientifically valid. In fact, they say, it does not even exist. However, doctors and groups who benefit from Shaken Baby Syndrome diagnoses are opposing it, threatening film festivals with litigation if they consider including this film.

                    Chicago Lurie Children’s Hospital Takes Baby Away From Family for Seeking a Second Opinion

                    When Lakisha Tanna's infant grandson was transferred to Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, she thought that he was in the best place he could be to receive the care that he needed for his medical condition. She never dreamed that this choice would eventually result in her adorable grandchild being what she terms "medically kidnapped" more than a year later. On March 12, the family faces a hearing to determine whether Malik, now 2 1/2, will be able to return home to his grandparents who love him, or forever become a ward of the state of Illinois.

                      The Fight for Jaxon Adams Continues After He Was Taken by CPS When Parents Sought Second Opinion

                      As the Adams family continues to struggle to get their son back from the state of Missouri, they are reaching out to the public and to the media in the hope of exposing the tragic reality that far too many people are facing when they simply seek a second opinion or better medical care for their beloved child. The Adams family is yet another family that has fallen victim to the disturbing trend of “medical kidnapping” which is occurring across the United States. Medical kidnapping is a term used to describe children being taken into state custody after parents disagree with a course of treatment recommended by a doctor, or in the case of the Adams seeking a second opinion and/or a change in medical care. Upon being informed of the same, the physician then places a “hotline” call to child protective services and reports “medical abuse” by the parent.