Arizona Family Terrified – Foster Parents Taking Their Children to Mexico Against Their Will

Tabitha and Jeff Shoars have just received word that a judge has allegedly approved a request for 2 of their children in Arizona DCF custody to travel to Mexico for a week with their foster parents - a request that the Shoars did NOT approve. They are terrified for their children. The U.S. State Department has recently issued travel warnings for the region in Mexico where the foster parents are planning to take the children, and these warnings are "terrifying" to the Shoars. The Shoars were placed under a gag order in January so that they cannot speak publicly about the actions of DCS in taking custody of their children. When the foster parents first made the request to take the children to Mexico, Tabitha and Jeff reportedly denied the request, as is their parental right, which they legally still retain. They learned on Friday that the foster parents petitioned the judge for the unusual request, and he approved it. Tabitha is reportedly terrified for her children, wondering what possible valid reason the foster parents could have for wanting to take her children into such a dangerous region, where human trafficking and drug cartels are rampant. The Shoars state that the law mandates that there must be a conference or a hearing in such cases, for the parents to voice their concerns to the judge. This never happened. There is a hearing apparently scheduled, but it will not happen until after the children are scheduled to be across the Mexican border.

Texas Attorney: CPS is Too Powerful – Has Become an “Adoption Mill”

“The role of CPS has changed over the years,” Julie Ketterman of KHA Lawyers, PLLC said. “They have become too powerful and have shifted their focus from offering guidance and support to acting as a punitive force.” Ketterman alleges that CPS frequently oversteps their boundaries, opting to remove children from their homes, placing them outside the home and in to foster-to-adopt homes for monetary advantage. “CPS profits every time they place a child outside the home for adoption,” Ketterman said. “It has stopped being a resource for families in need and has instead turned into an adoption mill.” One victory against CPS corruption is the recent passing of SB 1876, a bill recently signed by Governor Greg Abbott into law on June 19. The law will go into effect on September 1 of this year. “The bill specifies that attorneys ad litem, guardians ad litem and mediators in CPS cases will be appointed on a rotating basis,” Ketterman said. “This prevents corrupt judges from appointing attorneys they have in their pockets.”

Pennsylvania Mom of Medically Kidnapped Child With Rickets Tells Her Story to FOX News

A Pennsylvania mother now reportedly has the backing of a couple of world-renowned medical experts who say that the evidence supports her story that there is a medical reason for her baby boy's injuries, and that she did not abuse her son. Local media, including FOX 29 in Philadelphia, is now picking up Jessica Battiato's story, which was first reported by

Judge Rules that Baby Malik Taken at Chicago Hospital is to Go Home

Lakisha Tanna is ecstatic. She has been fighting Illinois DCFS for her now 3 year old grandson Malik Mitchell for more than a year and a half. The family has been desperately concerned for his well-being and his very life, because they believe that Lurie Children's Hospital has been conducting human experiments on the little boy. In a court hearing on Tuesday, July 7, 2015, the judge reportedly said that, "This case has been going on too long. It is past time for Malik to go home." Malik is going home.

Florida Refuses to Return 7 Children to Loving Parents who are Not Accused of Any Crime

While the nation celebrates Independence Day with barbecues, fireworks, and family get-togethers, Freddie and Tracey Verzosa are struggling to maintain hope. Freddie's voice broke as he told Health Impact News that this week, July 9, marks 1 year to the day since their beloved children were ripped away from them by Florida CPS because Tracey has a "mild intellectual disability." Later, their newborn baby was literally taken from her mother's arms just one day after she was born on March 11, 2015, simply because the state already had custody of the other 6 children. To date, the parents have never been charged with abuse or neglect, yet the state still has their children. The children are still in various foster homes, separated not only from their parents, but also from each other. Since Health Impact News broke their heart-wrenching story on the day that baby Taylor Lynn was taken in March, the Verzosas have received a huge outpouring of love and support, but their children remain separated from them. The father reports that their children were in good health before the state took them, but now there always seems to be something wrong with them. He says that they often look drugged up, and that all the kids except the baby are on some type of medication. Their 8-year old son was also forcibly circumcised against the desires of the parents.

Medical Kidnapping in Chicago: DCFS Does Not Want You to Know What They are Doing to 3 Year Old Malik

Malik Mitchell turns 3 years old today, but he will not be celebrating his birthday at home with his family. Instead, he is still stuck in the Illinois Child Protective System, where he has been for more than a year and a half, away from his family. DCFS seized custody of Malik on December 6, 2013, after his grandmother, who had legal custody, asked for a second opinion about his medical care. Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago had already performed numerous surgeries on his tiny body, and Lakisha Tanna wanted to know if there were other options for her grandson. The final court date to permanently remove custody is Tuesday, July 7, at 1:30 pm at the Juvenile Detention Center, 1100 S. Hamilton, Chicago. The State does not want the public to know about this, as they have issued a gag order on the family, and have told Health Impact News to take down our stories about Malik. We will not comply. Instead, we are encouraging the public to take action!

Mapping the Genome and Modern Genetics: Eugenics Repackaged for Modern Times

The "science" of eugenics in America's past history resulted in racism, forced sterilization, forced vaccination, and tyrannical government policies all in the name of developing a "superior" race of people. In Germany, the "science" of eugenics was used by the Nazi Party to "eliminate" over 11 million men, women, and children. The term "eugenics" has fallen out of favor and is no longer a politically correct word to use, because of its negative stigmatization. But has the philosophy behind "eugenics" simply been replaced with the "new science" of genetics, and the mapping of the human genome? Is there reason to suspect hidden motivations of certain groups who want us to be convinced that our genes, and only our genes, control every aspect of our health and well-being? Can we trust everything we hear about the benefits of genetic research? Is there a dark side to genetics? Is America heading down the same path that eugenics led us in the past, and that led Nazi Germany up to World War II?

Mother Charged for Letting 7-year-old Daughter go to Park Across the Street Alone

Nicole Jensen and her three children live a few hundred feet from the park and Jensen said she lets her kids play together there because she can see them from her porch. She also said she requires them to check in with her every hour. But Wednesday, police said Jensen’s 7-year-old daughter, Brooklynn, was playing alone. They took her to the police station and charged Jensen with child endangerment.

Vaccine Induced Scurvy and Shaken Baby Syndrome

Most people, including babies, have only marginal reserves of vitamin C. Injections of vaccines containing a great number of toxic substances, such as formaldehyde, mercury and aluminium compounds, as preservatives and adjuvants, and foreign proteins (antigens) are the primary and documented cause of harmful immune response anaphylaxis. Depletion of vitamin C reserves was linked to vaccination by Pekarek and Rezabek (1959) who demonstrated that when the rats are injected with pertussis vaccine, they develop an acute scurvy. The difference between rats and human babies is in that the rats produce their own vitamin C and recover fast, unlike the humans who do not. While it is not surprising that scurvy still occurs in the twenty first century, it is surprising that modern doctors generally fail to recognize it. Simple administration of sufficient doses of sodium ascorbate (a non acidic form of vitamin C) would save a very large number of premature deaths as demonstrated by Levy (2012) in his article "Vitamin C prevents vaccination side effects." Instead, tens of thousands of innocent parents and other care givers are serving long prison terms and being accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome, a non-existent invalid syndrome that in many cases can be directly related to vitamin C deficiency and scurvy.

Rengo Children’s Health Deteriorates in State Custody: Parent Visitation Cut Off

It has been more than 7 months since Medical Kidnap published the story of 3 breastfeeding, homebirthed babies being seized by CPS in the state of Washington. Cleave and Erica May Rengo lost their children when someone worried about their homebirth called paramedics. Our original story has been shared over 1 million times on Facebook. They have reportedly been jumping through hoops ever since to get their children back. They still don't have them back. In an interview with Medical Kidnap, the mother explains how their children's health is rapidly deteriorating while in State care, as they took all three children off of her breast milk and an organic diet, and replaced it with toxic formula and commodity food heavy with GMOs that the children were not used to. Seeing the deplorable condition that their children were in outraged the parents, and as a result of their protests, visitation has been cut off. In addition, the judge in their case has ordered the mother, Erica, to divorce the children's father, Cleave, as a condition to receiving her children back, even though they never obtained permission from the State to get married in the first place by obtaining a marriage license. A very exasperated mother cries out and asks: "Where are those who stand up for the women and children? Where are the Christians? Why aren't people getting riled up about this? Where are the protests?"