Wife of Hunger Strike Dad Arrested in Kansas While Protesting to Have Kidnapped Children Returned

Just before 11:30 am on Saturday morning, police arrested Amelia Schwab, wife of Raymond Schwab, who is the Navy veteran dad who went on a 17 day hunger strike at the Kansas state capitol in an effort to get their children free from child protective services custody. The strike ended only as a federal lawsuit was filed against Kansas DCF (Department for Children and Families). Raymond and Amelia and some of their supporters have been spending time at a local cafe which has wi-fi access. Amelia had just left from there when police pulled her over to arrest her. Raymond speculates that they may have been trying to see if there was any marijuana in the car. (There wasn't.) Health Impact News called the police department, which confirmed that Amelia Schwab has been arrested on a bench warrant for a battery charge, dated May 11, 2015. Her bond is $674. Interestingly, the police appear to have learned about the bench warrant from an anonymous tip, according to Raymond Schwab. When we spoke with Raymond, he said that this was around the same time as the bogus charges that he was arrested for recently. No charges were ever actually filed against him, and he was released on his own recognizance after spending a brutal night in jail on March 24. He sees the arrest of his wife as further harassment and intimidation, and the trumping up of bogus charges.

Former CPS Worker Used Position and Influence to Kidnap Tennessee Mom’s Baby

It is a story of friendship and betrayal. A local (GALLATIN, TN) mother said her baby was taken from her by a government worker who she said used her position to gain trust. A judge (recently) ruled on that mother's quest to get her baby back.

Children Kidnapped by State of Arizona Finally Returned to Parents After 600 Days

There were happy children's voices in the background as Tabitha Shoars spoke on the phone Wednesday, April 6, with Health Impact News to share their great news. After 600 days of fighting for their children against Arizona CPS, their case has been DISMISSED! Tabitha and Jeff and their children are overjoyed to be back together again after their horrific ordeal. Tabitha says that the faces of the children lit up when they came home last week. The children, who range in age from almost 4 to almost 11, tackled their parents in their excitement to be reunited. Health Impact News was the first to publish their side of their story. Their lives fell apart on August 14, 2014. Three year old Khloe fell outside while she was playing, and later that night collapsed. Her parents had left the children in the care of a babysitter while they went out for a date night. They rushed home when they were told that the babysitter had called 911. While their sister was taken to the hospital, the rest of the children were taken by Child Protective Services and divided up into separate foster homes. Khloe passed away the next day. Even though no one was ever charged with a crime, the children were not returned to their parents.

North Carolina Mother has Children Medically Kidnapped Based on “Child Abuse Specialist” Testimony

Holly Atkins was devastated last year when she learned that her son had multiple broken bones. A Child Abuse Specialist accused her of abuse without looking for medical conditions that would explain what happened, and Child Protective Services seized both of her children, placing them with her parents and sister. Now North Carolina is demanding that her family cut off all ties to her, including phone calls and social media, or her children will go into foster care and be adopted out. The court appointed GAL attorney advocate, Donna Michelle Wright, reportedly told Holly's parents in family court on March 23: "Act like [your daughter] never existed." This same attorney reportedly told Holly's father previously that: "If Holly's parental rights are terminated, your main priority will have to be the children. Your and Holly's relationship would be no more." While even murderers are allowed visitation with family members, 28 year old Holly is faced with losing the close relationship she has always had with her parents as well as with her 20 year old sister, who lives with her parents. Her sister is being forced to choose between her relationship between her parents and niece and nephew, or her big sister. The Guilford County Family Court has made it clear that she cannot have both. If Holly's parents choose not to sever all contact with their daughter, the court has made it clear that the grandchildren, Baylie and Daylan, will go into the foster care system with the intent of adopting them out to strangers.

Kansas Dad Ends Hunger Strike – Federal Lawsuit Filed To Return His Children

The hunger strike is over for Navy veteran dad Raymond Schwab, and a federal lawsuit has been filed against Kansas DCF for their role in kidnapping his children and holding them in state custody long past the time when the allegations against the parents were found to be unsubstantiated. But the battle is far from over. His children are not yet home, and thousands of children in Kansas and around the United States remain separated from their families without any evidence that the allegations are even legitimate. He fights for these children and others who are in the foster care system simply because a parent has used medical marijuana.

Wisconsin Mother’s Children Kidnapped by the State on False Allegations of Drug Abuse

Sara Ambrosini’s story spans many years, two sets of children, and several different case plans. Sara started out believing that the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families’ Child Protective Services (CPS) was a benevolent agency whose intentions were to truly help families in need, but came to realize that CPS and the Juvenile Court system was an adversary that could not be trusted. She never imagined that she would eventually lose all her children to the system that she initially trusted for help. Although she was under a doctor’s care for methadone treatment to detox from a prescription painkiller, the methadone treatment would become a constant subject of "drug abuse" allegations made against Sara to CPS. Believing that no one “inside” the system could be trusted, Sara began researching and learning all she could about the law to equip her in the long legal battle ahead. Sara is still fighting the courts to bring her youngest two children home. She has a final hearing on April 4th, and then Judge Jude is retiring the next day. Here is Sara’s story.

Veteran Dad on Hunger Strike Arrested with No Charges – Kept Naked in Dirty Cell

A Navy veteran father was arrested on Day 11 of a Hunger Strike at the Kansas Capitol building on Thursday, March 24th, on a warrant for charges that no one seems to know anything about. Raymond Schwab and his supporters believe that his arrest is about "retaliation" and "intimidation" because he has been publicly fighting to get his children back since they were legally kidnapped by Child Protective Services and abused while in state custody. After spending a night in jail that he says "was like being in hell," Raymond was released Friday afternoon, with no charges filed against him. The treatment that he describes after being arrested is shocking. He reported that he was stripped naked and forced to remain in that condition in a filthy, cold room for the duration of his stay. There was "urine everywhere" and blood on the mattress. There was a hole in the floor where prisoners are expected to urinate.

Falsely Accused Washington Couple Loses Medically Kidnapped Baby for Two Years

When Allison and Jesus Valenzuela took their 5 month old son to the emergency room with a seizure, they had no idea that their lives were about to be turned upside down. They were accused of shaken baby syndrome, and their son was seized from them by Child Protective Services on April 2, 2013. To this day, they don't know what was wrong with Alessandro that day, or what is causing symptoms that he shows even now. There were early signs of problems that doctors dismissed. After they were accused of child abuse, the Valenzuelas found, like many other parents, that doctors stopped looking for the medical basis for their child's symptoms. The parents are still looking for answers. After more than 2 years, Alessandro was returned to his parents who were cleared of all charges of child abuse. CPS is now completely out of their lives as of last month. Allison describes what they went through as "a living hell." She sent her heart-breaking story to Health Impact News, and we are publishing it in its entirety. She wants their voices to be heard.

Shaken Baby Syndrome Expert and World Renowned Neuropathologist Banned from Practicing Medicine

On March 14, 2016, Health Impact News published a report describing how the General Medical Council (GMC) had found neuropathologist and defense witness, Dr. Waney Squier, guilty of misleading her peers, being irresponsible, dishonest and bringing the reputation of the medical profession into disrepute. Taking further action to destroy her career and profession, on March 21, 2016, the GMC decided that it was in the public’s best interest to erase Dr. Squier’s name from the medical register, effectively removing her license to practice medicine and ending her medical career. Speaking to the Guardian newspaper on Monday, the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service, the disciplinary arm of the General Medical Council told reporters that they: “…had no option but to end Squier’s medical career, given her serial dishonesty.” Before being professionally assassinated, Dr. Squier was thought to be the UK’s leading scientist in the field of pediatric neuropathology and had worked as a consultant at the John Radcliffe Hospital for 32 years. Until 15 years ago, she, like many other professionals, had vehemently supported and adhered to the mainstream belief that when a medical professional suspects that an infant has been violently shaken, they must examine the baby for the “triad” of injuries believed to be associated with shaken baby syndrome (SBS). However, after studying and examining the scientific underpinnings of what is only, after all, a theory, Dr. Squier began to develop serious doubts, which led her to express her ever-increasing scientific skepticism. Those doubts are what ultimately led to the abrupt end of her successful career.

Navy Dad Goes on Hunger Strike in Kansas Until State-Kidnapped Children are Returned or He Starves to Death

A U.S. Navy veteran is currently on a hunger strike in hopes of getting his children back from what he calls a very corrupt child protective system in Kansas. He is prepared to continue his hunger strike until he and his wife's children are returned, or until he starves to death. Raymond Schwab and his wife Amelia say that their children never should have been taken away from them almost a year ago, but what prompted the hunger strike was the fact that the Department for Children and Families (DCF) said they planned to place their 13 year old son in a psychiatric residential treatment center. They started him on psychotropic drugs 2 weeks ago, against his parents' will. Raymond Schwab began his strike on Monday, March 14, two days before DCF was to institutionalize their son. He doesn't belong there, the parents insist, and he certainly doesn't need dangerous psychotropic drugs. But he was placed into the facility on Wednesday, against his parents' wishes, and is expected to be there for up to 60 days. Three of their children have reportedly been abused while in DCF custody. DCF has reported to the family that their 5 year old little girl has been sexually assaulted in their care, and the 13 year old and another son have been abused in the DCF placement.