Arkansas CPS Attorney Writes: “What Happened to my Country?”

So I'm lying here and can't sleep for the second night in a row wondering what has happened to my Country. My Country that Merle Haggard sang about. My Country that was born of courage of the likes of Nathaniel Bacon, Francis Marion, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and Sam Houston. My Country that hometown buddies would fight to defend if you so much as insulted her; and even more dangerous and downright foolish was to insult Texas or the South. My Country that loved and protected her own above all others; but was kind, and strong, and protective of the weak and oppressed. If my Country ever truly existed she has just as surely as I lie here writing this with tears in my eyes been put to death by apathy, and greed, and weakness, and cowardice. Everyday I see injustice. Everyday I see oppression. Everyday I see on the faces of my clients; terror and anguish as they are forced to endure the wrath of "Child Protective Services". Child Protective Services operates with no sense of duty to the people. The checks and balances and safeguards created by our Constitutions are ignored today and no citizen in this State can be secure in his person, house, paper, or effect, if he is a parent with a minor child in his care. Arkansas DCFS boldly and openly operates outside both the US and Arkansas Constitutions and will continue to do so as long as we the people allow it.

Texas CPS Defies Judge’s Order to Homeschool, Keeps Rembis Children in Public School

On Monday September 26th, we reported that Texas Judge Hart made a stunning Pro-Family order at the close of the Adversary hearing for the Rembis family on September 20th, allowing Claire Rembis to homeschool her 10 children, even while they are in temporary state custody in Lubbock, Texas. On Monday September 26th, the Rembis’ met with CPS, who informed them they must start attending “Life Skills” classes beginning Saturday October 1st, and then allegedly made this shocking statement: “It’s not possible to homeschool while in foster care.” Therefore, the children remain in public school, directly defying Judge Hart’s order from September 20th. Some of the children are being bullied in public school, and CPS is forcing the children to get medical procedures against their parents' desires. Claire cried: "This is terrible. Just so mean. CPS will not abide by the court orders. We learned yesterday that they are not going to allow us to continue homeschooling. They have pretty much laughed in judge Harts' face."

Texas Judge Allows Mother to Homeschool Her Own Children – Denies Request to Vaccinate Children While in State Custody

Texas Pro-family Judge Hart has allowed Claire Rembis to homeschool her 10 children while they are still being held in state custody in Lubbock, Texas. The family is hopeful that their children will soon be home with them. Judge Hart, who seems intent on following the law, also denied the CPS request to give vaccines or cut the Rembis children's hair while they temporarily remain in State custody.

Two Indiana Boys Medically Kidnapped Remain in CPS Custody Despite Testimony of Medical Experts

January 24, 2016 will forever be a day seared in the heads and hearts of the Timmons family from Indiana, when a trip to the emergency room turned into their worst nightmare. Now, Austin and Andrea Timmons are fighting to get their boys, Foster and Cooper, home. Despite having medical expert testimony to support their innocence, their children remain in custody. This has been the Timmons family’s hardest fight of their lives, and they are pouring all of their time, hearts, and resources into proving their innocence and bringing their boys home. It is their hope that their statements from the expert doctors will eventually have their case dismissed, and they can start healing as a family.

Los Angeles Mom Watches in Horror as Medically Kidnapped Baby Taken Away by Angry Woman (Video)

Los Angeles mother Lori Ibrahim recognizes that there is an inherent need in children to be with their mother, and she is broken-hearted that Child Protective Services is ignoring that fact. Her children were taken away from her after she had a positive drug screen after giving birth to her youngest son in July. Her friends are asking how this can happen, since the only drugs that she was taking were medications that were properly prescribed by doctors. Since being in state care, her infant has bruises, and her older son is traumatized from the separation. Health Impact News spoke with Lori after a recent visit with her children. She put into words what many parents have expressed about the grief of being separated from their children and the joy of spending time with them at visits, followed by the heartbreak of having to say goodbye at the end of the visits: "It's like being admitted through the pearly gates, and then someone opens a trap door and drops you into the pits of hell. It's so unnatural and so wrong to hand your babies to a stranger and walk away from them."

Shoars Children Kidnapped from Nevada to Arizona Still not Returned

Their children's screams still haunt Jeff and Tabitha Shoars' dreams, and echoes of the laughter that once filled their home brings the couple to tears on a daily basis. It has been almost 3 weeks since the horrific day that social workers drove from Maricopa County, Arizona, to Las Vegas, Nevada, and seized 6 of the Shoars children without warning. They still have not seen or heard from their children since then. They want to know why, and they are terrified for the safety of their children. Tabitha asks: "Are they crying for us? Are they having a hard time going to sleep? The house is too quiet." The family's court date was canceled, and four judges assigned to the case have already been removed, with a 5th judge now scheduled to hear their case later this month.

Outrageous and Unfounded Claims Used Against Texas Homeschool Family to Keep Children in Custody

A Texas homeschool family is still fighting CPS in Lubbock Texas for the return of 10 of their 11 children, who were taken away from the place where they were staying in Colorado and transported back to Texas. Playing outside in old clothes with no shoes, having no deodorant, boys having hair that is too long, are all reasons CPS is using to keep these children away from their parents. The parents have a medical exemption for vaccines for their children, but CPS is allegedly threatening to vaccinate them all, as the parents desperately try to get their children back home.

South Carolina Boys Medically Kidnapped Still Not Returned to Parents – Suffering in State Custody

The Headley family out of South Carolina has endured many hardships since their four boys were taken into custody in July of 2015, because the mother disagreed with a doctor regarding the care of her youngest son, and wanted a second opinion. One of the hardships they have endured was recently discovering mold in their home - a likely culprit in the health problems of their children. However, when it was suggested that mold might be the culprit for some of the children’s illnesses, a court-appointed expert rejected the possibility. Now, parents William and Danielle await a phone call to find out when their next court date will be, and it is uncertain when the boys will get to come home. Ironically, recent developments in the air quality at the Spartanburg County courthouse related to mold, the same mold that was found in the Headley home, has forced the courthouse to shut down for a while, extending their reunification date even further.

Texas Mother Speaks out on Kidnapping of her 11 Children on National Safe Child Show

Claire Rembis, the homeschool mother of the 11 children who were abducted in Colorado recently and brought back to Texas, was interviewed Friday, September 2nd by Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show. The show begins with Claire on the phone with Ms. Stefano while still wrapping up a monitored visitation with some of her children who were recently taken into custody by Texas CPS in Lubbock, Texas. Claire is upset while trying to wrap up her visit to do the interview, because she was reportedly only allotted one hour of time with her daughters, and when she took a short break to use the bathroom about 45 minutes into the visitation, they took her daughters away before she could even say goodbye. The story of the Rembis family, and how Texas CPS has repeatedly harassed their family and taken away their children even though the parents have never been charged or convicted of anything wrong, is starting to gain national attention. Their only crime simply seems to be that some people think they have too many children, and that they have publicly criticized Texas CPS. Listen to this interview as a tearful mother explains how her children suffered abuse, including sexual abuse, while in foster care the first time Texas CPS took her children. Today, she does not even know where her children are.

Child Abuse Pediatricians: An “Ethically Bankrupt” Profession that Destroys Families

"I do not think that you can get a fair child abuse trial before a jury anywhere in the country… I do not care how sophisticated or law smart jurors are, when they hear that a child has been abused, a piece of their mind closes up, and this goes for the judge, the jurors, and all of us. …we do not care whether it is the right individual or not. Somebody should be punished for this heinous crime." –Abner Mivka, Former Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals/District of Columbia Circuit Judge Mikva’s assertion, that child abuse might affect jury verdicts, is used to illustrate “generic prejudice.” But it’s not just judges and juries that are prejudiced. Child abuse pediatricians, doctors, their institutions, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the entire system of Child Protective Services (CPS) and law enforcement are all too often guilty of generic prejudice as well. As thousands of innocent families increasingly become subject to heinous accusations of child abuse by pediatricians and doctors, the tragedy of false accusations and convictions is increasing. But the medical and child protection system’s lack of impartiality is just the tip of the iceberg. More shocking are the many ways in which the medical profession and its child abuse pediatric specialty hide stereotyping, arrogance, abuse of authority and twisted “science” when it claims to “diagnose” child abuse – which is in fact a legal allegation, not truly a medical diagnosis. With agonizing slowness, as families’ stories are told, some are finally beginning to look more closely and question the assumptions on which child abuse pediatrics are based.