Alabama Child Protective Services Continues to Harass Alabama Family

A set of twins seized from their home in June by Shelby County DHR in Alabama may have to repeat the 8th grade, even though both were promoted by their school to the 9th grade. Family and friends are very concerned about the impact that the Department of Human Resources (DHR) will have on the twins' education. There have also been numerous problems with visitation attempts with the twins. Their family's story has been at the heart of an ongoing series of articles from Health Impact News after one of the twins, a young rape victim, had her baby seized from her at Shelby County Baptist Medical Center on June 15 without a court order, warrant, or emergency circumstances. Both twins were told last week by DHR officials that they would be going into the 8th grade when school starts, even though both of them completed the 8th grade in the spring. They were promoted by their school to the 9th grade before they were taken from their home. In the meantime, when the twins are allowed to appear in public they are surrounded by many government workers which some observers say feel like the Gestapo or the KGB. The newborn baby also continues to suffer in State care.

“Terrorism Is An Inadequate Term To Describe What CPS Puts Families Through” – Arkansas Attorney Joe Churchwell

Arkansas attorney Joseph Churchwell was interviewed by Tammi Stefano this past week on the National Safe Child Show. Attorney Churchwell has seen first hand the corruption of "Child Protection Services" (CPS) in his state, the state of Arkansas, including the way they tried to destroy the homeschooling family of Hal and Michelle Stanley last year, which we covered here on Attorney Churchwell, who represents families in his state in their fight against the corruption in child social services in Arkansas, agrees with the late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer, who stated that CPS is too corrupt to be reformed, and needs to be abolished.

Victims of Child Protection Service to Rally in Washington D.C. August 4th

Join Jennifer Winn, The Schwab Family and many others to demand the reunification of children unlawfully seized from around the nation. The purpose of the event is to force the issue to a national dialog in this critical election year. The APA oversees the professionals who are illegally force medicating children and we are demanding it stops. With CNN next door we are not ruling out a sit in somewhere here in DC until Federal agencies, other professional groups and national media help investigate and put an end to State Sponsored Child Trafficking.

Kidnapped Twins in Michigan Physically Abused: Being Shipped out of State to Destroy Family Ties

Laura Odonnell was shocked to see her 15 year old daughter Alexis arrived to court with a huge bruise on her face. Both twins show signs of being abused in state custody. The Odonnell twins just want to go home and be together as a family again, but on Friday July 29th Judge Elwood Brown has approved a request from the state to send the Michigan teens to a juvenile facility in Boys Town, Nebraska. When Alyssa, 17, learned that her sisters were going to be sent 19 hours away from home for the next 4 years, she stormed out of the courtroom, visibly upset. For that, a bailiff threatened her with a tazer. The Odonnell children were healthy before they were taken into state custody 2 years ago after allegedly trying marijuana. They were having a bit of difficulty adjusting to a new school, but the pot incident started a snowball of state intervention which keeps getting worse. Now, the twins are reportedly on a suicide watch, and are spending almost every hour of the day in isolation. They never had any psychiatric or mental health concerns before entering state custody, but now Abbie has anorexia and Alexis has bulimia. Abbie seems to be turning the trauma inward, but Alexis, always the bolder of the two, is very angry and has been having meltdowns. Little wonder. Every time there is hope of coming home and being together again, their hopes are dashed. Laura wonders how they are going to hold on.

Medical Kidnapping in Los Angeles: 2 Day Old Infant Seized at Hospital From Mother

A California mother had her newborn child kidnapped in Los Angeles earlier this month (July 2016). Lori Ibrahim had her 2-day old infant seized from her right after giving birth at Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center. Apparently, Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and doctors at Kaiser determined that this mother, who already was parenting a five year old son that she was awarded sole custody in a divorce case, was a danger to her newborn son, and removed him from her care while she was trying to breast-feed him. Why? That's the question that Lori and her husband have been asking the past couple of weeks, as not only has DCFS taken away their newborn baby, but also her 5 year old son in what appears to be another tragic case of State-sponsored medical kidnapping, where the State steps in and takes children away from good parents for reasons other than abuse. Unbeknownst to her, Lori was given a urine drug test at the hospital that she was never informed about, nor had given consent. Since she had been prescribed medications by her OB Gyn during pregnancy, and because she had received drugs from the hospital during the birth of her baby who was delivered by a surgical cesarean procedure, it is not surprising that the drug test was positive. A drug test was then taken for the baby, and the baby tested clean for the presence of any drugs. Nevertheless, doctors ordered DCFS to take custody of the baby away from his mother, and treat the baby with methadone, a powerful drug used to wean people off of drugs like heroin. Lori was not only robbed of her children, but declared to be a child abuser with no formal charges, no proper investigation, and no trial or chance to defend herself, effectively ending her 15 year career as a child educator. Lori contacted National Safe Child and Health Impact News recently, as she wants the world to hear her story, and to understand the injustice done to her family with LA County DCFS apparently conspiring with medical professionals to kidnap her children.

Arizona Mom Still Fighting to Get Her 5 Children Back From the State 2 Years After Accident

Arizona mother Aprilli Coumpy is still fighting to get her five children, ages 2-17, back from the state. We published her story a year ago. Her children were taken away by the state of Arizona after her baby was accidentally burned. Her 6 and 7 year old daughters wanted to fix breakfast for their tired mommy and surprise her. They accidentally spilled some of the noodles onto the baby’s leg. The second degree burn was reported to child protective services by a day care worker the next day. When the burn occurred, Aprilli called her pediatrician’s office and followed the nurse’s instructions for dressing it. She also scheduled a follow up appointment with the doctor according to the nurse’s instructions. The day care worker decided to take the baby to a doctor on her own and CPS swooped in taking all of Aprilli’s children into foster care for two years now.

California Family Traveling Through Texas Loses Children to CPS After Autistic Daughter Drowns in Accident

Local Texas media has been reporting the story of the Wartena family, who recently had been returning to California from vacation and stopped in Texas along the way. Tragically, their oldest daughter who was autistic wandered away from their hotel and drowned in a nearby lake. Wandering or "eloping" is a common issue parents of children with autism are familiar with. Local police intervened and the parents' other four children were immediately taken away by Texas social services and held for over a week. On one of the visitations, the parents noticed that one of their children had bruises all over his body, as he had suffered in foster care. Thanks to local media's coverage of the situation, CPS quickly returned the other children and the parents went on their way back to California. Here are some local media reports of this tragic situation and state-sponsored kidnapping of children from a grieving family.

Reporter Relates First-hand View of Corruption and Child Kidnapping in Alabama Shelby County Court House

People in Alabama connected to the Prince family story that Health Impact News has been reporting on since the seizure of the new-born baby born to a 14 year-old alleged rape victim while still in the hospital, have reported to us that everyone they have met has now heard of this story. The stories we have published in regards to Alabama DHR's apparent attempt to destroy the Prince family have been read by hundreds of thousands of people, with the first story we published having well over 1 million views alone. Given the population of Alabama, it is safe to assume that the majority of the residents are familiar now with this story. When people walk into retail stores, stop to get gas, etc. - everyone is talking about this story and has heard about it. And yet, the local media is not reporting it. Many have written to us explaining that they are afraid to do so, such is the perceived reign of terror DHR holds over the population, with their seemingly unlimited power to seize children away from families without even having a court order or warrant. One person has visited the courthouse in Shelby County themselves to see if these types of allegations are true. Below is a record of what they saw. For obvious reasons, this person wants to remain anonymous.

Alabama DHR Continues to Destroy Family of 14 Year Old Rape Victim

"They just make it up as they go along." That is what more than one person told Health Impact News about Alabama Shelby County DHR's treatment of the Prince family. Friends of the family were horrified when DHR seized the baby of Dee and Rodney Prince's 14 year old granddaughter in June. While the man accused of raping her sits in jail accused of raping 3 other underage girls, the young mother and her twin brother have also lost their freedom and remain in DHR custody. The latest developments have the family reeling. Their older sister Haly and both of the 14 year old twins continue to suffer at the hands of Shelby County's Child Protective Services, under the Department of Human Resources (DHR).

Father Convicted in Non-Vaccinated Child Death Released From Jail on Bail

Being in jail was an interesting experience to say the least. Even though I had no access to sunlight, the fresh food I am accustomed to, direct human contact and recreational activities… the food was actually better than expected, the officers (guards) were quite nice and the reading material was good. Unfortunately, the individuals that suffered most by my being in jail was first and foremost, my children and then subsequently, Collet. Having been left to my own thoughts over the past 3 weeks, I had the opportunity to analyze all that has taken place over the past 4.5 years. Having removed myself from the trauma and pain and the need to defend my family against the mass hypocrisy of this all, I have begun to connect the dots as to what took place. I as well had the ability to reinitiate the mourning process of my son Ezekiel once again. A process that I haven’t been able to engage in for over 3 years now. Having an overabundance of time to read and write, I was able to write much of my feelings and respond to the glaring fallacies that have been disseminated over the past 4 months. Writings which I will share over the next week or so.