New Study Confirms Foster Care System Harms Children

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently published a study comparing "mental and physical health outcomes of children placed in foster care to outcomes of children not placed in foster care." The study claims to be the first of its kind looking specifically at these health outcomes. Similar to other past studies looking at outcomes comparing foster children to those not placed in foster care, the results of this new study were predictable: "We find that children in foster care are in poor mental and physical health relative to children in the general population, children across specific family types, and children in economically disadvantaged families... Children in foster care are a vulnerable population in poor health, partially as a result of their early life circumstances."

FREE Vaccine DocuSeries Reveals “Biggest Public Health Experiment Ever”

Join us January 10th as we expose the biggest public health experiment ever! Your kids are already a part of the experiment, you're next. This new exclusive documentary series is about to be unveiled for FREE viewing on January 10th – 18th. You’ll discover the most cutting edge news and just released evidence — from over twenty of the world’s authorities and experts. All sessions are FREE - sign up today to reserve your spot!

Arkansas Senator Issues “Child Welfare Manifesto” – Child Abuse Perpetrated by the State Must Stop

On December 26, 2016, Senator Alan Clark posted to his Facebook page his vision for Child Protective Services, which he has entitled "Child Welfare Manifesto." In it, he acknowledges the great harm that is being done to children in the name of protecting them, and gives some common sense considerations that lawmakers in every state would do well to pay attention to as they examine the Child Protective Services agency and its impact on the families in their state.

Top 10 Health Impact News Stories from 2016

Articles published on our Medical Kidnap website dominated our top most-read stories in 2016. Four of the top ten stories read involved infants taken away from their families at or near the time of their birth. One of them later died while in state custody. In terms of total traffic to our network, the HPV Vaccine and Gardasil continued to dominate the most traffic over any other topic. Two of the top 10 articles from 2016 involved the HPV Vaccine, including the story of a 19 year old girl who died from complications of the HPV Vaccine. Previous articles published prior to 2016 about Gardasil and the HPV vaccine also received significant traffic. Here are the top 10 articles read on the Health Impact News network in 2016:

South Florida Police Assault Business Owner Who Refuses to Give His Name to CPS

A South Florida business owner recently received a visit from a CPS social worker and police officer at his place of business. A former disgruntled employee had allegedly called a child abuse hotline to complain that the business owner was abusing his children by "doing drugs, narcotics, in front of his children." The social worker and police officer were apparently trying to get access to the man's children to take custody of them. The business owner asked the officer if he had a warrant, and if he was under arrest. When the officer answered "no" to both questions, he stated that they did not have permission to enter his private business (a Call Center), and that he was not going to answer any questions. He offered to let them talk to his attorney. They refused, and forced their way into his business anyway. When back up police arrived, they assaulted the man and threw him to floor inside his own place of business, handcuffed him, and took him away. They probably did not realize that this business owner also maintains Facebook Page called "South Florida Copwatch" which documents police abuse of power. The entire incident was captured on video, and posted to his Facebook page.

Judge Allegedly Tries to Gag Former Amish Mother Over Medical Kidnap Story

A woman identifying herself as Debora HOLCHIN has contacted Health Impact News stating that Judge Nancy Vernon has ordered that all photos and Internet stories about the Byler children in Pennsylvania are to be removed. Our original story was published on December 11, 2016. Ms. Holchin also supplied with a copy of the alleged court order. Elizabeth Mason is apparently the name of the former Amish mother before marrying her current husband, Rudy Byler. Debora HOLCHIN is also apparently the woman referred to as "Betsy" in the original story. She stated to Health Impact News/ "This is a FALSE STORY. She was given a court order to get all of this off the internet Story & pictures it has also been turned over to the DA"s office... [sic]" Health Impact News has a healthy respect for the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, and the protected right to freedom of the press and freedom of speech.

The Autoimmune Revolution: FREE Online Docu-series

The average lifespan of someone with an autoimmune disease is 10 years shorter than a healthy person. It doesn't have to be this way! Learn to break the cycle of autoimmune pain at Dr. Peter Osborne’s Autoimmune Revolution! Attend this event FREE and online January 30, 2017 through February 6, 2017

Baby of Parents Who Declined Birth Certificate Still Not Returned in Alabama

Missionaries Christian and Danielle Holm were devastated Tuesday when it became clear that their baby was not coming home with them that day. It has been more than 2 months since Alabama social workers and sheriffs ripped their newborn baby from his mother's arms and placed him into foster care, even though the parents have broken no laws and have not harmed their child. Judge Melody Brooks Walker was due to render a judgement in their case on Tuesday, December 20, after hearing the case on Wednesday and Thursday of the previous week. That didn't happen. The Holms and several supporters came to the courthouse before the scheduled 4 pm hearing, hoping for answers. They received word Tuesday afternoon that Judge Walker had recused herself from their case that morning. This was reportedly done "to avoid the appearance of impropriety." They were told that there will not be another hearing or a decision on the case until a new judge is appointed. They don't know when that will be. Tears flowed freely in the parking lot as Danielle learned that the judge would not be issuing any judgement, and that she would not be getting her baby back that day: "I can't keep going home without my baby." Christian Holm sought to understand what was happening: "This is inhumane to torture our little baby and us like this."

New California Proposed Bill to Increase Government Seizure of Children from Families?

You may be familiar with the phrase “as California goes, so goes the nation." California’s legislative innovations are increasingly becoming harbingers of medical tyranny over children and their families. California Senator Dr. Richard Pan pushed through the mandatory vaccine law SB 277 last year with financial backing from vaccine manufacturers to ban children from public and private schools unless most of the CDC vaccine schedule was completed. Previous allowable vaccination exemptions are no longer allowed, except for medical exemptions. However, one prestigious California pediatrician is being threatened with losing his license to practice for issuing a medical exemption to vaccines to one of his patients. Could this be the State's method of shutting down doctors who dare to write vaccine exemptions, so that soon not even medical exemptions will be readily available to those who need them? Other such state bills mandating vaccines and removing exemptions were easily defeated across the U.S. in 2015, due to public outcry. Yet even though the public outcry was probably the loudest in California in opposition to SB 277, it somehow still passed. California became the first state to remove religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccines. Two other states, Mississippi and West Virginia, have never had such exemptions, and their yearly health statistics on children are consistently among the worst in the United States. Will the health of California's children now decline due to mandated increases in vaccination rates? Now that same state senator, Dr. Pan, is introducing new legislation, SB 18, that allows the state to assume total ownership of a child’s well being, as defined by state and medical bureaucratic “experts.”

Cyber Attacker on Hunger Strike in Prison for Protesting Medical Kidnapping of Justina Pelletier

The medical kidnapping of Justina Pelletier in 2013 by Boston Children's Hospital made national news, and brought the issue of "medical kidnapping" to the attention of the American public. Justina's story was picked up by national TV personalities such as Dr. Phil, Mike Huckabee, Glenn Beck, and others. Justina's family, from Connecticut, was referred by their doctor to specialists at Boston Children's Hospital for her diagnosed condition of "mitochondrial disease." But once she was admitted, a different group of physicians decided she did not have mitochondrial disease, and put her into the psychiatric ward instead. When her parents (and doctors back home) objected, Massachusetts took custody of Justina, effectively making her a prisoner and victim of medical kidnapping. One part of Justina's story which has attracted recent media coverage is regarding the actions of Marty Gottesfeld, who allegedly hacked Boston Children's Hospital's website disrupting a fund raiser event, in protest of the injustice that was at that time be carried out against Justina. Marty was arrested earlier this year over his actions, and is now on a hunger strike in prison. While Health Impact News does not support the breaking of laws or the publication of threats in protesting social injustice, we believe Marty's story should be heard. His wife, Dana, has asked us to publish her editorial regarding Marty's actions, and the cause he is now willing to die for in order to raise public awareness of the medical kidnapping issue.