Was Arizona Family that had Police Break Down Their Door at 1 A.M. Targeted by Medical Community Because They Don’t Vaccinate Their Children?

A story out of Arizona that we first reported at the beginning of March has received national attention, due to video footage of police breaking down the family's door in the middle of the night because the parents did not take one of their children who had a fever to the local hospital at the request of a doctor. The police and social workers removed all 3 children from the home. In our original coverage of this story, we mentioned a quote from the parents that they did not vaccinate their children, but the parents did not, at the time, think this was a factor in their removal. In a follow up report published in the Arizona Republic by Dianna M. Náñez after the parents' first court hearing, Arizona Representative Kelly Townsend, who attended the court hearing, stated: “It was brought to my attention that these parents may have been targeted by the medical community because they hadn’t vaccinated their children.” Arizona law allows for parents to opt out of vaccines for their children for religious or medical reasons. Townsend said parents who don’t vaccinate their children because of medical concerns aren’t criminals and shouldn’t be treated as such. She worried physicians were using it as a reason to refer parents to DCS. “I think if DCS decides to use this as a factor they would be violating a parent’s right to have a personal exemption, a religious exemption and perhaps a medical exemption,” she said.

Are Corrupt Police Assisting CPS in Trafficking Children?

Over the past several years Health Impact News has documented the abuse and over-reach of child "protection" social services (CPS) all across the U.S. who have participated in removing children from families where they are loved, and placed them into dangerous situations in the Foster Care system where they are routinely abused, and often sexually trafficked. Child sex trafficking is estimated to be the most financially lucrative illegal trafficking system in the U.S., with more money involved than both the illegal drugs and illegal gun trafficking businesses combined. When CPS comes to a home, parents are well-advised to know their Constitutional rights and resist any efforts to enter their home without a warrant signed by a judge. Social workers are not yet armed in the United States, so if they want to force their way into a home, the participation of law enforcement is needed. However, even police have to obey the Constitution, and if they enter a home without a sufficient warrant, they will almost always lose in court as violating the civil rights of the family. But what if law enforcement are actually complicit with CPS with the intent to harm children and even sexually traffick them? In this article we will look at the evidence that this may actually be happening all across the U.S.

Is Oregon Trafficking Children out of State via Their Foster Care System?

Oregon has a foster care problem. Too many foster children, and not enough foster homes to put them into. A 2016 lawsuit was filed against the state for housing foster children in hotels and offices. Richard Wexler, director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR), states: "Oregon tears children needlessly from their parents at a rate far above the national average." Since 2017, the rate of foster children being shipped out of Oregon to facilities in other states has more than doubled. Most of these are troubled youth being sent to psychiatric wards. Earlier this year (2019), Oregon Public Broadcasting reported that Oregon was shipping some foster children to facilities known for abuse. In an investigative report by Troy Brynelson of the Salem Reporter this week, it was revealed that two state Department of Human Services workers in Polk County, a supervisor and a paralegal, "remain on paid leave and stationed at home after the state investigated them for child abuse that involved indecency." The incident allegedly happened in Dallas, Texas.

BREAKING: Rockland County NY Becomes America’s First Vaccine Police State – Bans Unvaccinated Children from Public Places – Health Dept. Goes Door to Door

Rockland County Executive Ed Day held a press conference earlier today to announce that he had declared a "state of emergency" regarding the New York state county's 153 cases of measles over a 6-month period, and placed a ban on all children under the age of 18 from appearing in any public area, which includes schools, malls and places of worship. Mr. Day said that this was the "first such effort of this kind nationally." The emergency ban is clearly targeted towards parents of unvaccinated children, as Mr. Day stated: "Parents will be held accountable if they are found to be in violation of this state of emergency act. And the focus of this effort is on the parents of these children. We are urging them once again, now with the authority of law, to get your children vaccinated." Mr. Day tried to downplay fears of police checkpoints and random checks for vaccination status, but he also stated that any parent found to be not in compliance with the emergency order would be referred to the district attorney's office for possible prosecution. "If we have a situation where it comes to our attention that a parent is willingly, knowingly, not allowing a child to be vaccinated, under the emergency order, it will be referred into the district attorney." The Rockland County Health Department, who recommended the emergency ban, has reportedly been going door to door and calling homes within the community in an effort to deal with the measles "epidemic."

Idaho Lawmaker: Know Your Rights! Do Not Let CPS Into Your Home!

While 80 percent of home visits by CPS found no indications of child abuse, a growing culture within Idaho CPS deems it acceptable to use coercion and bullying to get into homes, sometimes telling families they must cooperate with extensive investigations. Citizens need to remember that without consent, or a warrant, or probable cause with exigent circumstances, no CPS staff or any government worker (including a police officer) can enter your home. There is ample case law in federal and supreme courts to prove this. With the help of concerned families from across the state, I drafted and introduced simple legislation, HB-170, to help address this CPS overreach. Here are some of your rights when government shows up at your door....

Investigation Finds Kentucky CPS Illegally Taking Children from Homes with Pre-signed Judge’s Orders

Kentucky social workers are failing to have courts properly scrutinize and approve the drastic step of taking some children from their homes, relying instead on blank removal orders with pre-signed judges' signatures, which is illegal according to several attorneys and judges. The allegations, which involve cases of purported parental abuse or neglect, have prompted numerous complaints to judges and state officials. They revolve specifically around the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services workers using pre-signed emergency custody court orders to remove children on weekends and after the courthouse has closed for the day. "The system that is currently set up allows for the social workers to call an on-call judge on the phone and then fill out the order themselves, a blank order with a judge’s signature on it," attorney Karen Faulkner said in an interview. "Children are being illegally taken from their home without judges’ proper authority."

Montana Legislator Calls for $1K a Day Fines and Jail for CPS Workers who Kidnap Children

James White of Northwest Liberty News out of Montana recently interviewed Representative Rodney Garcia, who has proposed legislation to punish CPS workers who break the law and remove children from their homes needlessly. Representative Garcia states: "Child Protective Services do not protect the kids, they kidnap them." He goes on to explain that CPS workers need a court order to remove children from their home, but routinely do not have court orders, and he wants to start fining them and putting them in jail when they take children out of homes without court orders. Prior to interviewing Representative Garcia, James White interviewed Debbie Westlake from Butte, Montana, as an example of the kind of corruption in child welfare services in Montana. He writes: "In summary, Debbie had some medical issues and needed to be hospitalized for a couple weeks. CPS took over and protected her son during her hospital stay. The visitation specialist who returned Debbie’s son, Robert, made advances on Debbie of a sexual nature, which she rebuked and then reported. The worker was subsequently arrested for 4 counts of incest and was sentenced to 80 years in prison. After another 5 hour hospital stay, CPS took Robert and he has not been home since." Watch both interviews at MedicalKidnap.com.

Is Justice Finally being Served in Arkansas 4 Years After Stanley Homeschool Children Kidnapped?

In 2015, we covered the story of the Stanley family in Arkansas, reporting how the local sheriff department arrived at the home one night with local social workers and issued a warrant to search their property for a "dangerous" mineral supplement that was supposedly being forced upon the children and endangering their health. The Stanley family homeschool their children, and that night, despite the fact that no dangerous materials were found in the house, and that a local doctor who came in an ambulance and examined each of the 7 children cleared them as being healthy, the local sheriff deputy ordered all 7 children to be forcibly removed from their home. Prior to this time, they had never spent a night away from their parents. DHS workers reportedly remarked that there was no reason to take the children out of the home. When Mr. Stanley asked who actually made the decision to take their kids, Garland County Deputy Mike Wright allegedly replied, “I did, and I am proud of it.” It turned out that the mineral supplement was perfectly legal, and posed no health threat to the children. So in order to justify the removal of the children, the charges were changed to something that was not on the original warrant, including "educational neglect" due to the family's homeschooling practice. The children were forced to live with foster parents and start attending public school. None of the charges were ever substantiated, and it was determined later that one the older teenage children made up all the accusations because he did not like being homeschooled and the family's strict Christian values. 5 months later, all the children were returned home, but not before suffering tremendous emotional trauma from being separated from their parents. After 21 months, all charges were dropped against the Stanleys. But this was not the end of their ordeal, only the beginning. Working with local attorney Joe Churchwell, the Stanleys sued the Garland County Sheriff's Department for a violation of their civil rights - a case that has reached all the way up to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which last year upheld a U.S. District Court ruling depriving the lead investigator from "qualified immunity." So the civil rights case continues. The investigator, Kathy Finnegan, was recently deposed by Attorney Joe Churchwell, and the Sentinel-Record has published an account of the deposition. Finnegan allegedly revealed that there was no evidence for the Garland County Sheriff to take the children in the first place.

New Proposed Texas Bill would Stop Child Protective Services from Falsifying Records

A new bill submitted in the Texas state Legislature by state Representative Gene Wu of Houston would require Child Protective Services (CPS) to increase accountability and prevent social workers from altering case records. What does this say about the current moral status of social workers in CPS when a law has to be passed to stop them from lying and falsifying records? One of the cases that was the motivation for this Texas bill is a case from 2018 that we reported here at Health Impact News where a family court judge ordered CPS to immediately return two children, a 5-month-old baby boy and 2-year-old little girl, to their family and have no more contact with them since they were removed from their home without a warrant and under false allegations. Later, Judge Mike Schneider took the unprecedented action to sanction CPS $127,000 for wrongfully removing the couple’s children and lying to the court about it. Representative Wu who authored the bill told the Houston Chronicle: “We’re talking about taking children away from families, breaking up families — we need to have the utmost transparency. We want there to be integrity in the reporting system.” According to the Chronicle: "The bill would require the department to track who makes every entry in a case and when, and it would require that the electronic records system prohibit users from modifying or deleting information."

Police Break Down Door of Arizona Family at 1 AM to Medically Kidnap 3 Children Because Parents Refused to Take Child to Emergency Room with Fever

Local news media in Arizona have reported that a family had their three children forcibly removed from their home in the early morning hours after armed police forces broke down their door to gain entrance. The military SWAT-like actions of these armed police forces were captured on video by the family's security cameras. The incident is reportedly the result of the family's doctor reporting them to child services because they did not follow her advice and take their 2-year-old son to the emergency room due to a high fever. The parents claim the child's fever came down considerably on the way, and that he started playing with his siblings. They offered to bring him back to the doctor to verify he was not in danger, instead of spending thousands of dollars for an emergency room visit, but the doctor allegedly refused and reported them to social services. If local authorities truly believed the child was in imminent danger, why did they wait until the middle of the night when the entire family was asleep to break down their door and come in and raid their home, traumatizing the children and taking all three of them into custody? The parents do not even know where their children are located, and social services reportedly canceled their meeting.