U.S. Spy Firm Can Track Cryptocurrency Users – Offers its Services to the Highest Bidder

Leaked files reviewed by MintPress expose how intelligence services the world over can track cryptocurrency transactions to their source and therefore identify users by monitoring the movements of smartphone and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, such as Amazon Echo. The contents comprehensively detonate the myth of crypto anonymity, and have grave implications for individuals and states seeking to shield their financial activity from the prying eyes of hostile governments and authorities. The documents are among a trove related to the secret operations of Anomaly 6, a shadowy private spying firm founded by a pair of U.S. military intelligence veterans. The company covertly embeds software development kits, or SDKs, in hundreds of popular apps, then slices through layers of “anonymized” data in order to uncover sensitive information about any individual it chooses anywhere on Earth, at any time. In all, Anomaly 6 can simultaneously monitor roughly three billion smartphone devices – equivalent to a fifth of the world’s total population – in real-time. The company’s international surveillance reach could be more sweeping – and invasive – than even that of the C.I.A. and N.S.A. MintPress can reveal individuals, organizations, and states seeking to bypass traditional financial structures and systems loom prominently in Anomaly 6’s mephitic crosshairs, and spying on their transactions is a pivotal component of its sales pitch to government and private clients. This Orwellian technology leaves cryptocurrency users the world over nowhere to hide.

NFL Legend Franco Harris Dies Suddenly – Was CDC Spokesperson for COVID “Vaccines”

NFL Pittsburgh Steeler legend and Hall of Fame star running back Franco Harris died suddenly today, just days before he was to be honored by the Pittsburgh Steelers and have his jersey number retired. Franco Harris was one of the "NFL Alumni" who worked with the CDC last year to promote the COVID-19 "vaccines." Franco Harris becomes another casualty on an ever increasing long list of current and former athletes who have been "dying suddenly" or suffering heart attacks since the COVID-19 "vaccines" were rolled out.

Health Impact News Quits All Social Media – Sorry Trolls!

Health Impact News received notice this week that our Twitter account has been reinstated. However, we will not be logging into this account and using it, and in addition, we have now deleted our other social media accounts and will no longer post any articles on Social Media.

Satanism Goes Mainstream in America Indoctrinating Children and Young People

In the article I published yesterday, "ALERT! Are You Ready for the Coming Foreign Invasion of the U.S. This Week?", the most comments I have received so far had to do with a single sentence within that article that I added as an aside note: "Coincidentally, Wednesday is the shortest day of the year and the Winter Solstice, a pagan Satanic holiday that pre-dates the Christian Christmas holiday." Here is a comment I received from someone named Julie Fausette: "It is cruel and erroneous to state that the Winter Solstice which was universally acknowledged had anything to do with Satan who is only found in the Bible where he was invented as a fictional character. Being a religious zealot ruins the otherwise good information that your organization provides. It points to complete ignorance of what is in your world." I was somewhat surprised by these comments, because I just assumed that it was common knowledge that the Winter Solstice has been a part of pagan and Satanic rituals for many thousands of years now, celebrated at the same time of the year that Christians celebrate Christmas, and is certainly not something that is disputed or hidden from those who participate in it. The Satanic Temple lists it on their website under the category "Holidays," and just like websites selling gifts to celebrate the Christmas Holiday with ordering instructions to get your gifts before the Christmas Holiday, so too the Satanic Temple website has ordering instructions to receive Satanic gifts before the Solstice Holiday. The fact is that the name of Satan is being promoted out in the open in many places in our culture today, including After School Satan Clubs, and even within Disney entertainment, targeting children. As I have reported numerous times, it doesn't matter if your own belief system believes in Satan or not. Because the Globalists who control the financial world, politics, and the entertainment industry, clearly do. So this is NOT a topic you want to be ignorant about, no matter what your religious background is.

ALERT! Are You Ready for the Coming Foreign Invasion of the U.S. This Week?

When Democratic Mayors and Governors publicly state their opposition to the removal of a policy that was implemented by Republican President Donald Trump, and at the same time voice their displeasure with the Democratic Biden Administration, it's time to sit up and take notice, because that is exactly what has been happening for the past several days as Trump's Title 42 policy that stemmed the tide of illegal immigrants crossing the borders is set to expire this week, Wednesday, December 21, 2022. California Governor Gavin Newsom, NYC Mayor Eric Adams, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, and El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser, all Democrats, are declaring states of emergency as they fear what is about to happen on Wednesday this week when Trump's Title 42 policy is set to end. On Friday (December 16, 2022), Judge Emmet Sullivan, from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, rejected an appeal by 19 Republican states to maintain Title 42. So unless the U.S. Supreme Court intervenes today or tomorrow and overrules Sullivan's decision, which at this point seems very unlikely, something that neither the Democrat nor the Republican State leaders want, is going to happen. Why? I honestly don't know, and although I have some good ideas why, they would be pure speculation at this point. What we do know is that if this happens on Wednesday, the United States is going to become a much more dangerous place, as the flow of criminal cartel gang members (and possibly military-trained mercenaries??), illegal drugs like fentanyl, and sex trafficking of unaccompanied minor children, is going to increase exponentially, just before the Christmas holiday weekend. Coincidentally, Wednesday is the shortest day of the year and the Winter Solstice, a pagan Satanic holiday that pre-dates the Christian Christmas holiday. The situation at the border has already been so bad that last month Texas Governor Greg Abbott referred to the mass border crossings as an "invasion" and invoked the state's "Invasion Clauses," and is now deploying Texas Military and National Guard troops to the border with heavy artillery, including tanks. So please do not underestimate the seriousness of what is about to happen, as I did not use hyperbole in the headline for this article: this is going to be a FOREIGN INVASION on U.S. soil.

Judicial Watch: FDA Records Show Significant Number of mRNA Test Rats Born with Skeletal Deformations

Judicial Watch announced today that it received 699 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding data Moderna submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, which indicate a “statistically significant” number of rats were born with skeletal deformations after their mothers were injected with the vaccine. The documents also reveal Moderna elected not to conduct a number of standard pharmacological studies on the laboratory test animals.

80X More Deaths Following COVID-19 Shots than Influenza Vaccines 2020 through 2022

An examination of the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reveals that since the Fall of 2020 through today, people injected with COVID-19 shots die 80 times more frequently following those shots, than people who die after being injected with the flu shots. Also, people receiving a COVID-19 shot suffer side effects 40 times more frequently than people who are injected with flu shots.

Tucker Carlson Repeats Old News: The CIA Orchestrated the Assassination of JFK

Apparently somebody in the Biden Administration decided it was time to insert the John F. Kennedy assassination back into the news cycle this week. They "released" thousands of documents on the event that apparently just confirmed the U.S. Government's official position on the matter: Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. The larger news story that made the rounds in the Alternative Media came from Tucker Carlson of Fox News who stated: "Today we spoke to someone who had access to the still-hidden JFK files, and is deeply familiar with their contents. We asked this person directly: did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy? Here’s the reply: 'The answer is yes. I believe they were involved.'" This was treated as "breaking news" in the Alternative Media this week as if this had never been stated in the corporate media before. But the fact is that this is very old news, and pretty much every major corporate news organization has published something similar to this for decades now. And of course, those of us in the Alternative Media have covered this topic in depth for many years now. In 2020, we published an interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Ron Paul's Liberty Report show, where Kennedy said not only did the CIA kill his uncle, but also his father. If you want to go beyond what the controlled opposition corporate media is reporting about this, and understand the much larger picture of how the CIA and our government operates, the best film I have seen on this topic is Francis Richard Conolly's epic 2014 film, JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick. It has an 8.6 out of 10 rating on IMDB.com, and as far as I know it was only self-published on YouTube, as no production company or studio would dare to touch the subjects covered in this film. There are still several copies on YouTube. It is almost 3.5 hours long, and may take you a few days to watch, but it is well worth it. I have watched it twice over the years.

What are the Consequences of Sending Thousands of Satellites into Orbit Around Earth?

On the evening of Thursday, December 8, 2022, OneWeb launched 40 satellites from Cape Canaveral, Florida, bringing the total number of active satellites in orbit around the Earth to more than 7,000. These cell towers in space are altering the electromagnetic environment of the entire planet and are debilitating and exterminating all life on it. Even the first fleet of 28 military satellites launched by the United States caused a worldwide pandemic of influenza when they became operational on June 13, 1968. The Hong Kong flu began in June 1968, lasted through April 1970, and killed up to four million people worldwide. Up until about a decade ago, an average of 80 to 100 satellites per year were launched into varying orbits. Some reentered Earth's atmosphere quickly, while others will remain in orbit for decades. This now seems quaint. In the last five years, driven largely by the rise of communications networks such as SpaceX's Starlink and a proliferation of small satellites, the number of objects launched into space has increased dramatically. In 2017, according to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, the annual number exceeded 300. By 2020, the annual number of objects launched exceeded 1,000 for the first time. This year, the total has already surpassed 2,000. With more broadband-from-space networks like Amazon's Project Kuiper on the way, further growth can be expected. This radically increasing number of satellites, most of which are orbiting within 1,000 km of the Earth's surface, comes as low-Earth orbit is ever more cluttered with debris. At some point, the heavens above will reach a breaking point.

Governor DeSantis, Ban The Jab! An Open Letter To Governor DeSantis and Surgeon General Dr. Ladapo

I, like most in this state, voted for your reelection. I assure you that part of that mandate is to ban the jab! I am sure the same advisors that would advise against this action are the same advisors that told you to do the lockdown. Respectfully, Floridians deserve immediate action. I implore you to do everything humanly possible to protect the public from these shots.

Why Hasn’t Governor DeSantis Stopped the COVID Vaccines in Florida When He Admits They are Killing People?

On December 13, 2022, there were two political events where politicians publicly stated that the experimental COVID-19 "vaccines" were neither safe nor effective, and were in fact killing people. One of those events happened at The House of Commons in the UK where Andrew Bridgen, a Member of Parliament (MP) delivered an amazing speech about the corruption behind the Pfizer COVID "vaccines" and how they were harming and killing people. Bridgen did an excellent job in exposing the conflicts of interest where drug companies actually fund the government regulatory agencies who approve their products, and also mentions the role that the Bill Gates Foundation plays in funding so much of this, as well as funding much of the corporate media controlling the narrative on COVID-19 "vaccines." After presenting the evidence and data, MP Bridgen concludes with these words: "Well Madam Deputy Speaker, that first step could start this evening, with this debate. It starts here, and the vaccine minister of the government ensuring in the first instance that there needs to be an IMMEDIATE AND COMPLETE SUSPENSION OF ANY MORE COVID VACCINES and use of mRNA technology." The other event that happened on December 13, 2022, was a round table public discussion in Florida led by Governor Ron DeSantis and his Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo. He discusses a study of people who "died suddenly" within a few weeks of being injected with a COVID shot, which showed a high rate of myocarditis that was attributed to mRNA COVID "vaccines." Ladapo has also previously reported that statewide analysis of vaccinated Florida residents aged 18 years or older found an 84 percent increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related deaths among males aged 18–39, within 28 days of mRNA vaccination. So what is Dr. Ladapo's call to action as Florida's Surgeon General now that he knows that the COVID-19 "vaccines" are killing people? "We are initiating a program here in Florida where we will be studying the incidence in surveillance of myocarditis within a few weeks of COVID-19 vaccination for people who died." Governor DeSantis was interviewed on Fox News later that night to discuss the round table discussion. In this interview DeSantis admits that the "medical establishment" never warned the American people about the "drawbacks" of the COVID-19 shots, and he also acknowledges the research of his Surgeon General Dr. Ladapo who has showed people are dying from the COVID-19 shots. He also mentions that in Norway they have banned the COVID shots for everyone under 50 years old, because the drawbacks outweigh the benefits, and that there was an increase in all-cause mortalities. So what is Governor DeSantis's call to action? He is asking the Florida State Supreme Court to convene a Grand Jury to look into the drug companies that produced the shots, and "hold them accountable." AND EVERYONE IN THE RIGHT WING ALTERNATIVE MEDIA CHEERED, while people in Florida continue to get the COVID-19 shots, and give them to their children, who continue to die and become crippled.

Data of 72 Million Insured Shows “Sudden, Unexpected Deaths” Exploded in Germany Since 2021

This is an explosive report out of Germany showing a massive increase in "sudden deaths" following COVID "vaccines" that has not received much exposure in the Alternative Media yet, because the sources are all in the German language. Pierre L. Gosselin of the "NoTricksZone" blog has provided an English report of the data. The report shows a 4-fold increase in "sudden deaths" following the introduction of COVID vaccines in Germany, compared to previous years. The German AfD Parliamentary Group tried to do damage control by issuing a Press Release on these findings. However, they do NOT dispute the data. They basically claim that the lower numbers in previous years were due to "errors in the input or transmission (of the data)."

One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein

Investigative journalist Whitney Webb was recently interviewed on the Jimmy Dore show discussing her new 2-volume book: One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein. This interview is quickly going viral, and for good reason. This is one you are going to want to watch. Whitney reveals how organized crime began working for U.S. Military intelligence during World War II, and even developed their own organized crime syndicate that worked together with the U.S. Government. This syndicate was based on ethnic criminal groups, such as the Irish, Italian, and Jewish mobs. Sexual blackmail was their modus operandi, and they continued working with U.S. Intelligence after the war, as the CIA was formed. You will most likely hear shocking things in this interview you have not heard before, and Whitney claims it is all documented (I have not read the books yet). During this interview she explains that Jeffrey Epstein's pedophilia operation was not an anomaly, but is a regular mode of business that still operates today. She also explains how Epstein's public crimes are all about child sex trafficking, but that he allegedly ran a separate operation where he groomed girls who became young women who were then sold off to the rich and famous. She briefly discusses Epstein's relationship with Donald Trump back in the 1990s, and states that there is alleged evidence that Epstein provided Trump with two high profile girlfriends at the time, one of whom became his wife (Melania) and eventually the First Lady of the United States. Another bombshell she throws out is that she found a "mainstream media" article from 2001 that documents how Jeffrey Epstein gained most of his wealth from three men: Leslie Wexner, Donald Trump, and Bill Gates. This is most definitely one interview you are going to want to watch. The last thing Whitney Webb says at the end of the interview is: "If any of this stuff sounds crazy to people, I would encourage you to read the books. I have exhaustively footnoted everything. There's a source for everything I say. You can go and check this out for yourself. Please, fact check me all you want." I can't even begin to explain how valuable this is, because for the past few years the major datafeeds that feed the search engines, including privacy-based search engines like Duckduckgo.com, are owned primarily by Google and Microsoft, and they have been rewriting the algorithms on many searches to only show you what they want you to find. That doesn't mean it isn't still out there on the Internet. It just means it is a lot more difficult to find it today, here at the end of 2022. So in this case, with one of the most researched journalists and experts on Jeffrey Epstein and the pedophile sex trafficking networks among the rich and powerful, showing you where to go to find the things she discusses in her book, and in this interview, that is VERY valuable information.

Biden’s DOJ Arrests Bankman-Fried in Unprecedented Move to Prevent Him from Incriminating Himself Before Congress

Within one day the entire narrative surrounding the downfall of Billionaire Crypto King Sam Bankman-Fried has gone from "why hasn't this guy been arrested yet," to "what is the government afraid he is going to reveal?" Who all is this guy connected to, and just how far does the corruption spread? Yesterday, one day before he was scheduled to appear in Congress before Maxine Waters, the DOJ issued an arrest warrant and authorities in the Bahamas, finally, arrested Bankman-Fried. But now he can't testify before Congress. According to criminal defense attorney Jonathan Turley, this is unprecedented. Never before has the plaintiff in a criminal case, in this case the U.S. Department of Justice, intervened to prevent a defendant from testifying before Congress where he would have undoubtedly incriminated himself and made their case a slam dunk. I think this bizarre story has now gone from "will he be arrested" to "will he be suicided away, like Jeffrey Epstein, to protect the guilty?"

Bailouts Start: Union Pensions Get $36 BILLION as BIS Warns of Potential Catastrophic Financial Collapse in 2023

After betraying the U.S. Railroad Unions last week by forcing them into a labor agreement they did not want, the Biden Administration announced $36 BILLION bailout of pensions with 350,000 union members, including many truck drivers. I wonder how many union members will actually sleep soundly after this promise by President Biden? Will that money actually be there when they retire, and if so, what will its value be? The big financial news of the past week came out of Switzerland and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) which reported that there are $80 trillion of hidden, off-balance sheet dollar debt in FX swaps (derivatives.) Shortly after this report was issued, analysts at BlackRock stated that we should "get ready for a recession unlike any other," and that Central Banks will not be able to bail out everyone.

Banks Freeze Funds of Pro-Free Speech Video Platform Bitchute

As our regular readers know, Health Impact News is committed to publishing the truth and exposing evil, wherever that path leads, as I own 100% of the Health Impact News network with no debt and no investors. I also do not derive any personal income from Health Impact News, as my income comes from my online store, Healthy Traditions. Therefore, we can publish anything we want, and we can afford to lose readers who are offended by the Truth. Of course that has been happening in mass since 2020, not only because of Big Tech censorship, but also because we do not support either political party in the United States, and therefore expose evil from both the Right and Left political spectrum. This has led to many on the Right, especially Trump supporters, to attack us and stop reading our articles. When it comes to publishing video content, since YouTube has no longer been an option for some time now, we have found Bitchute to be the best platform, mainly because they we can turn off comments there to silence the trolls, mostly from the Right, and because Bitchute doesn't seem to take a political position one way or another. When it comes to searching for videos that may be banned elsewhere, Bitchute is the best platform, by far. Based out of the U.K., Bitchute has been our safest place to publish video content. Many other video platforms that claim to promote "free speech" really only mean Right Wing "free speech." We had to mostly stop publishing on Rumble, for example, because there is no way to turn off comments, and it was too time consuming to babysit the comment section where many people on the Right wanted to attack us and trash our videos. Rumble has also deleted some of our videos with no warning and no explanations. I don't call that "pro-free speech," especially when your enemies and critics can come in and hijack your content and you have no way to ban them or turn off comments. We left Gab for similar reasons. On most of these alternative "pro-free speech" platforms, it is just assumed that you support Trump and MAGA political talking heads. We do not. However, Bitchute is now under attack themselves, and banks are freezing their assets, putting this excellent online video platform in danger.  They are trying to get their message of censorship out to the rest of the world with a campaign they have started on GiveSendGo, which we are republishing here. Health Impact News does NOT accept donations, and any donations sent to us are returned to the sender. So we would never ask the public for money. I do recommend supporting Bitchute, however, as this online platform will be a huge loss to the Health Freedom Movement if the Globalists get their way and force them off the Internet.

America’s Holocaust: 2nd Year Anniversary of President Trump Forcing the FDA to give Emergency Use Authorization to the Pfizer COVID-19 Experimental Shot

Today, December 11, 2022, marks the 2nd year anniversary of the day the Pfizer COVID-19 shot was authorized for distribution by an Executive Order from President Donald Trump after the FDA gave it an emergency use authorization against the advice of thousands of doctors and scientists. The FDA was actually reluctant to authorize it so fast, but President Trump threatened to fire Dr. Stephen Hahn, who was the Commissioner of the FDA at the time, if he did not approve the shots according to Trump's timeline. This is the day America's Vaccine Holocaust began, and the pro-Zionist Evangelical Christians are working hard to get Mr. Trump re-elected, as they blame Anthony Fauci and everyone else besides Trump for the millions of Americans who have suffered and died from these shots. Here is a video I created to help people not forget what happened 2 years ago.

Freemason Satanist Technocrat Elon Musk: The New Idol of the Christian Right

Freemason Donald Trump has new competition among his faithful followers on the Christian Right, as a new savior is being crowned in the Conservative Right alternative media. "Elon Musk set out to save civilization when he bought Twitter. He meant it. Civilization can only be saved through free and open communication and not behind walls constructed by elitists and totalitarians. On Saturday Elon Musk released the Twitter Files, Part 4 report on the company’s discussions on the censoring and banning of United States President Donald Trump." (Source: Gateway Pundit) Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter and revealing previously censored information against Trump and conservatives, is undoubtedly being observed by those on the Christian Right as an "answer to prayer" as a new coalition of Christian Pastors is forming to help Donald Trump get re-elected. "Jackson Lahmeyer, the Oklahoma United States Senate candidate who took on anti-Trump incumbent James Lankford, has launched a new organization to rally the evangelical faithful to President Donald J. Trump’s corner ahead of the 2024 GOP primary. President Trump has long ties to the Christian evangelical community, despite what the fake news media wants to say. Pastor Lahmeyer gained recognition during his campaign for offering religious exemptions to help his fellow citizens escape the deadly COVID-19 vaccine. Pastors for Trump, is geared towards organizing Christians across the United States." (Source: Gateway Pundit) What could be more insane than a "Pastor" who "gained recognition during his campaign for offering religious exemptions to help his fellow citizens escape the deadly COVID-19 vaccine" starting an organization of other "pastors" to put back into office the very man who funded the COVID-19 gene altering shots, and then pressured the FDA to pass it? I am not sure there is anything more dysfunctional than that, but if there is, it is calling Elon Musk the "savior of civilization" and supporter of "free and open communication and not behind walls constructed by elitists and totalitarians." Could it be that Freemason Satanist Elon Musk will soon be joining forces with fellow Freemasonist Donald Trump, and turning Twitter into the world's largest surveillance tool in the U.S., similar to China's WeChat which is used for social credit scores and Covid vaccine passports?

Bloodless Medicine and Surgery: The Case AGAINST Blood Transfusions

I used to think that religious groups, like the Jehovah's Witnesses, were the only ones against blood transfusions. But did you know that blood transfusions are a fairly recent medical practice, mainly becoming popular with the start of allopathic medicine and the pharmaceutical industry in the 1800s here in the U.S.? How did the human race survive for thousands of years before that without blood transfusions? I was actually surprised to learn that there are mainstream medical facilities in the U.S. that practice "Patient Blood Management" and discourage the use of blood transfusions, due to the risk of contaminated blood, long before the current COVID vaccine blood contamination controversy. There are actually hospitals and doctors in the U.S. who perform surgeries today, even open heart surgeries, without using blood transfusions. One of those hospitals is Englewood Hospital and Medical Center in Englewood, New Jersey, which claims to be the first hospital in the U.S. to offer bloodless surgeries and medicine. They claim that the scientific data supports the practice of bloodless medicine and surgery with much better patient outcomes than patients who receive blood transfusions. They have produced a 53-minute documentary about how Englewood progressed from offering bloodless medicine and surgery only for specific groups of people requesting it, in this case the Jehovah's Witnesses, to making it the standard care of practice for ALL patients, because science and ethics demanded it. They have now trained many doctors from around the world, and other hospitals and medical centers in the U.S. now also offer bloodless medicine and surgery.

Study: India’s 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Caused Approximately 3.7 Million Deaths

A new study published by Denis Rancourt claims that "India experienced a unique, sudden, unprecedented and extraordinarily large excess all-cause mortality event in April-July 2021," and that "after an overview of four recently published studies that have quantified the April-July 2021 excess all-cause mortality event, we give ten numbered arguments as to why we conclude that the extraordinary mortality event was caused by India’s vaccine rollout in its early stages. Therefore, it appears that the early rollout of the vaccine in India in April-July 2021 was devastating, causing the deaths of approximately 3.7 million residents, approximately 350 million doses of the vaccine are administered."