“Educational Neglect” being used Against Poor Parents if Children do Not “Attend” Online Classes

Are you a parent who just can’t handle the demands of your own work, the stress of coronavirus and educating your child from home while schools are closed? If you’re middle-class you can get indulgence, sympathy and helpful hints. Your kids can “play Fortnite for the next eight hours.” If you’re poor you can get a caseworker at the door investigating you for “educational neglect.”

How to Beat Internet Censorship and Create Your Own Newsfeed

Back in January of this year (2020) we reported about Event 201, a pandemic simulation which was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This event took place about 6 weeks BEFORE the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in Wuhan China. As I have previously written, almost everything that was predicted at this pandemic simulation event has now occurred, except one: an Internet blackout. The most likely reason that an Internet blackout has not occurred yet, is because the American public, and indeed the world population, was very compliant and voluntarily locked themselves down in their own homes - something that has never before happened. With a compliant public, an Internet blackout would have done more harm than good, as the bandwidth on the Internet was pushed to its limits with everyone suddenly working from home via the Internet, and entertainment streaming services seeing a record high demand as people voluntarily complied and stayed home. Shutting off the Internet would have been counterproductive, as it would have made people angry and quite possibly led them out their homes back on to the streets to start protesting sooner. As a result, more and more people were able to research what was really going on, and find alternative accounts of the news different from what was being spoon fed to them through the corporate media and television networks. This has increased the corporate news organizations and their Big Tech alliances with companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google to increase their efforts to censor dissenting voices, such as what we publish here at Health Impact News. As a result, many of our articles are now censored and not allowed on Facebook, Twitter, Google (who owns YouTube) and Pinterest (Pinterest has banned us completely). In addition, emails from the domains of our news sites, like healthimpactnews.com, are also being suppressed, and many of the larger Big Tech "free" emails like hotmail.com and yahoo.com no longer allow us to email our newsletters or respond to inquiries. So how do you beat this Internet censorship?

Healing Power of Light: Why Viruses Thrive in Winter but Not Summer

The COVID-19 situation has drawn the attention of the world to the subject of "viruses." What are viruses, how does one treat them, and other such questions are highly controversial with very many different viewpoints. One fact that seems to be agreed upon by everyone, is that viruses, at least the kind of "influenza" type of viruses that are seasonal, are a problem in the winter months, but not so much during the summer months. Since daylight hours are extended during the summer, most of the research on this topic has surrounded Vitamin D, a vitamin best obtained from the sun. But there is much more to this topic of "light," and its effect on human health, than just Vitamin D. Given how much attention has been given to the "coronavirus" topic, it is time to look at this issue more closely to see if there are factors during the shorter daylight winter times that can be studied and understood to improve our health during this time, without always looking for a drug or vaccine to cure everything. So I assigned this topic to Health Impact News independent researcher and writer Crystal Lauer. She took over a month to research the topic. During that time, President Trump and a team of researchers working with William Bryan in the Science and Technology division of the Department of Homeland Security, announced results of some their own studies within their laboratory looking at the effects of "solar radiation" and its effect on the Coronavirus, which seems to confirm that some of the research presented in this article may apply to COVID-19. Of course, since this is a preventive measure with no patented drugs involved, the studies were quickly condemned by the medical industry, and an off comment made about disinfectants was what the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media decided to focus on instead. While Crystal was hesitant at first to spend so much time researching this topic, being a busy homeschool mother, in the end she reported that based on her research, her family made some big changes to their lifestyles to take better advantage of the healing power of natural light, and as a result she reported: "We found that we all are sleeping better, have much more mental energy and are overall feeling far more relaxed, even in the midst of this pandemic."

Kentucky Parents of 7 Children Investigated for Abuse Because They did not Practice “Social Distancing” at Bank Visit

Early in March, when a homeschooling family in Kentucky returned home from running errands in town, two officials—a Child Protective Services (CPS) investigator and a law enforcement officer—were waiting, demanding to interview their children and examine them for bruises. Why did this happen? Short version: That day, mom and dad had gone to the bank with five of their children. The bank staff criticized them for bringing so many people into the building in light of COVID-19 social distancing guidelines. So the dad stood aside with the children while the mom transacted their business. That’s it. The incident offers some important takeaways. First, with tensions heightened and stay-at-home orders generally in place during the current health crisis, some people may be more likely to report out-and-about children as possible victims of neglect or abuse. Second, this family’s experience confirms the need for CPS reform—something HSLDA has been advocating for years.

Harvard Law Professor Calls for Ban on Homeschooling While Everyone is Forced to do it

Harvard Family Law Professor Elizabeth Bartholet is at it again. At a time when schools all across the nation are closed, with many parents of school-aged children also out of work and families confined to their homes during a nationwide lock down that is undoubtedly causing much stress, and forcing families to homeschool even if they have never done it before, Elizabeth Bartholet has come out publicly and called for a ban on homeschooling. Her comments were published in the Arizona Law Review. Bartholet believes children are best educated in schools, where teachers are "mandated reporters" and can report suspected child abuse to local Child Protective Services (CPS). Bartholet's disdain for religious teaching, especially conservative Christian teaching, is also very obvious. Ironically, these same "conservative Christian" groups that she attacks have actually invited her to some of their conferences in the past. She was one of the main speakers at the 2014 Together for Adoption Conference in Greenville, South Carolina, for example. The theme of the 2014 conference was "Urgency & Complexity: Biblical & Ethical Approaches to the Orphan Crisis," and it was sponsored by such well-known groups as Focus on the Family and Lifeline Children's Services. This highlights a problem that I believe I have been the only one to address so far: the double standard Christian churches and organizations have when they object to someone like Bartholet's views on homeschooling and her dim views of conservative Christians, but her views are fair game if it involves Christians taking other people's children through adoption or foster care, all in the name of "Orphan Care," where they conveniently redefine the meaning of "orphan" to justify their own child trafficking. I get scathing responses from Christians every time I bring up this topic, but the fact remains that while teachers in public schools are one of the primary means of removing children from their parents into the custody of the State through CPS and then put into foster care, foster care could not survive today without the Christian Churches and organizations that make up the bulk of the agencies overseeing foster care. It is not surprising that Bartholet's views on banning homeschooling were published in the Arizona Law Review, as Arizona has one of the worst records of medical kidnapping and abusing parental rights of any other state in the U.S., and they have been caught licensing pedophiles as foster parents as part of the nation-wide epidemic of child sex trafficking.

Idaho Mom Arrested for Children Playing in the Park

Sara Brady, a mother from Meridian, Idaho, was arrested on Tuesday, April 21st, after she joined a large group of parents in protesting Idaho’s Coronavirus Stay-At-Home order through a planned “Playdate Protest.”  The City of Meridian closed their playgrounds in March, in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19, because of fears that the virus may live on plastic surfaces (such as plastic slides) for several days. Planned as a protest of Idaho’s Stay-at-Home order, through the Idaho Freedom Foundation and Health Freedom Idaho, a group of several dozen parents went to a closed playground at Kleiner Park in Meridian, Idaho, and “took back” the playground area - removing police tape that marked it as closed - so that their children could play.  Sara Brady was part of that group of parents. When told to leave the playground by an officer from the Meridian Police Department, Sara refused compliance and questioned authority to close the playground, citing her right to be in public spaces despite the statewide Stay-At-Home order issued by Idaho Governor Brad Little on March 25th. After Sara was repeatedly told to go away from the playground, and she still refused, she was arrested and charged with misdemeanor trespassing. Sara was forced to leave her young children in the park with the other protestors, while the police booked her into the Ada County Jail in Boise. Miste Gardner-Karlfeldt from Health Freedom Idaho points out “It was completely irresponsible for the police officer to arrest a mother without allowing her to first be sure that her children were taken care of. He showed callous disregard for the kids’ wellbeing.” Sara Brady tearfully shared her fears with the crowd at the Meridian City Hall protest after her arrest, “It’s just been scary for me, watching what has been going on. Because we live in a country we have to turn over to our kids. My kids saw me get arrested today for just being a mom in a park. What kind of an America is this?” “Do we want to live in an America like this?” she asked. “Our kids deserve better.”

Are Elected County Sheriffs America’s Last Hope to Fight Medical Tyranny? Some Sheriffs Refusing to Enforce Stay at Home Orders, Siding with Constitutional Rights

Every county in the U.S. elects a sheriff to oversee law enforcement within that county. As elected officials, County Sheriffs take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, and protect the constitutional rights of their constituents, even if it means standing up to Federal agents and others who would seek to violate the rights of their constituents within their counties. Most all other law enforcement departments and administrators in the U.S. are appointed, not elected. The County Sheriff is the exception. One of the largest Constitutional Sheriffs association is the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA). On their "Statements of Positions" page they define their duties to uphold the Constitution: America needs to make a strong turn around to get back on the freedom track laid for us by our Founders. We believe it can’t be done from the top down, due to many factors, not the least of which is corruption and entrenched bureaucracies in high places. We must, and we can, accomplish this turn- around starting locally at the county level, and lower. The office of county sheriff is the last hope of making this happen, and we are witnessing great deeds of protection, service, and interposition across America by courageous sheriffs who only want to serve the people who elected them. Some sheriffs across the U.S. are beginning to take a stand and oppose their State Governors' unconstitutional "Stay at Home" orders which have put millions of people out of work, and destroyed many thousands of businesses. Racine, Wisconsin County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling is one of those sheriffs, and he made waves this week when he took a public stand in favor of his constituents Constitutional Rights, and against Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers' "Safer at Home" order. As ABC local affiliate WISN 12 reports: On Friday, Schmaling released a statement that said he will not enforce the order because he believes it violates businesses' and citizens' constitutional rights. "The overreaching measures taken by State government will have dire lifetime consequences for businesses, homeowners, and families. I took an oath to uphold the constitutional rights of our citizens and I can not in good faith participate in the destruction of Racine County businesses or interfere in the freedoms granted to all of us by our Constitution," Schmaling's statement said.

Doctors and First Responders Losing Custody of Their Children Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 continues to keep people in isolation, but it is also being used to separate mother’s and father’s from their children. March 25, 2020, MedicalKidnap.com brought you the story of a mother who had her two children removed from her home for the simple fact that she worked in a healthcare clinic. Armed with a removal order, signed by a judge, a Child Protection Services (CPS) social worker and police showed up at this Oklahoma mother’s home at 10:00PM to remove her two daughters. Since our original story, more and more families are speaking out about how they have to fight to keep custody of their children when ex-spouses use the Coronavirus in an attempt to gain sole custody. In most cases, the parent, doctors, firefighters and other first responders have no idea the ex-spouse is filing a motion, petitioning the court for sole custody, until it is too late. In a story by Megan Twohey, published by The New York Times, April 7, 2020, several parents spoke out about how ex-spouses are using COVID-19 to separate them from their children. Is this the way first responders fighting the COVID-19 pandemic should be treated?

Family Court Shutdown due to Coronavirus Could Cause Termination of Parental Rights for Countless Families

Federal laws require states to initiate termination of parental rights when a child has been in foster care for 15 of the last 22 months. With family courts shutting down across the country due to the Coronavirus outbreak, delaying reunification and adjudication hearings, could families face termination of their parental rights without due process? CPS must have a signed order by a judge in order to remove a child from their home, unless the agency feels a child is in imminent danger, at which time the agency can proceed with an “emergency removal." The agency must then seek the approval of a judge on the following business day. At that time, the family is likely assigned an attorney or has already sought legal counsel to contest the removal and petition the court to return the child home.  With the potential spread of COVID-19, family courts have closed or reduced caseloads. According to the report by Kramer, regarding a statement from the New York State Office of Court Administration, judges are holding hearings by phone and video, only on “essential/emergency” matters. The administration did not respond to the author's request for further comments on their story. Kramer states, according to attorneys who represent parents, judges are continuing to hear petitions from the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) seeking to remove children from their homes and place them in foster care, but they are not willing to hear motions by parents seeking to return children home.

Hospitals Separating Newborn Infants from Mothers due to Coronavirus Fears

Expecting mothers can experience enormous amounts of worry and anxiety. With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the world, expecting mothers have even more reasons to be worried when hospitals are separating newborns from their mothers within seconds of birth. "I saw her and felt her on my chest for like maybe three to five seconds." This is what mother, Veronica Batton, told KSHB in a story by Lindsay Shively, March 24th.  Veronica Batton emailed her doctor with concerns about a cough. She agreed to be tested for the coronavirus, but the test results were not back by the time she went into labor. According to KSHB, Batton claimed, it took a full week for the results to come back, four days after she gave birth to her baby girl at St. Luke’s East Hospital in Lee’s Summit, Missouri.   While waiting for the test results, Veronica had no contact with her newborn daughter other than the 3-5 seconds directly after delivery, the story reports. Christopher Frizzelle, writing for The Stranger out of Seattle, reports that separating newborns from their mothers if the mother tested positive for COVID-19 is the recommendation of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which is based on CDC recommendations. "But if the mom is a PUI or is COVID-positive, the recommendation from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) is that medical staff should maintain social distancing of at least six feet between the mom and the baby. In other words, 'Not to do skin-to-skin contact. And the mom goes through labor in a mask. Can you imagine going through natural childbirth, breathing, working, in an air mask the whole time? And then we deliver, and we try to keep them separate from each other.'" Gretchen Vogel with Science posed the question in a recent story: “Do newborn babies need to be separated from mothers infected with the new coronavirus?” Vogel reports, “The scant data available have led to apparently contradictory recommendations: Some health authorities, including in China and the United States, recommend isolation of newborns from their infected mothers; others, including the World Health Organization (WHO), strongly recommend breastfeeding and keeping mothers and babies together, while taking precautions such as the mother wearing a mask.”

Unprecedented Response to COVID-19 by Governments Prohibits Physical Contact and Cripples World Economy

After officials at the World Health Organization (WHO) declared on Mar. 11, 2020 that outbreaks of a mutated coronavirus (COVID-19) had become a global pandemic and urged countries to take strong action to stop its spread, the governments of countries representing one-third of the world’s population closed borders, restricted or halted travel between and within countries and ordered healthy people to essentially eliminate physical contact with each other by staying in their homes. The president of the Philippines even gave authority to shoot down and kill anyone violating the country's lockdown orders. The halt to travel and closure of schools, businesses, stores and shopping centers, restaurants, theaters, sports arenas, gyms, beaches, parks and recreation areas, churches, and other places, where children are educated and people conduct business, shop and engage in recreation, sent stock markets into a sudden nosedive and has crippled the world’s economy.

Prostitution Camp in Marshall Islands Provided Teenage Mothers for Arizona Mormon Politician’s Child Trafficking Business

Last year (2019) Health Impact News reported on the arrest of Paul Petersen by federal agents in Arizona for illegally trafficking children from the Marshall Islands. Paul Petersen was the Maricopa County Assessor and a Mormon adoption attorney who was arrested and indicted in three states for trafficking children through an illegal adoption scheme.  Dillon Rosenblatt of the Arizona Capital Times reports that a prostitution camp in the Marshall Islands, where girls as young as 15 or 16 did sex work in exchange for food and housing, provided many of the birth mothers for the children that were trafficked through adoption to the U.S.

Stop the Fear-Mongering! 12 Medical Scientists Speak Out on COVID19 Responses

Fear over the coronavirus is gripping the nation and world, as within a short period of time life around the globe has drastically changed very suddenly. The main question facing everyone in the U.S. today is: How serious is this? Is the response the government is making right now consistent with the threat this virus presents? Some are proposing that anyone in the media who dares to question the official narrative should be silenced for the sake of "public health." Facebook, for example, took strong actions against Health Impact News by claiming we were publishing "fake news," mainly by publishing the views of Dr. Andrew W. Saul, Editor of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, who published news about successful intravenous Vitamin C therapy which had started in China. And yet this week, the New York Post reported that the same therapy had started at hospitals in New York City. With the Coronavirus situation affecting virtually every single person on the planet right now, suppressing alternative information that goes against the "mainstream" narrative is a very dangerous precedent, and is a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment which protects freedom of speech and freedom of the press. It is especially concerning when one of my colleagues in the alternative media, without even contacting me directly, publicly demands that we retract one of our articles authored by a medical doctor, simply because this person believes his view of the current situation is the only correct view. I do not pretend to be an expert on medical science, which is why Health Impact News publishes alternative views by medical doctors and other scientists who are experts in their field. During difficult days like the ones currently facing us, I believe the public has a right to read all sides of the issue and make up their own minds. Caution is certainly prudent, but fear? Among all this fear, where is faith in God? The opposite of fear is "faith." Have we lost our way as a nation? Does the phrase inscribed on our currency "In God we Trust" mean anything anymore? Faith in God does NOT mean we will not face difficult times. On the contrary, often those who are most faithful face the most difficult trials in life. Faith in God means we trust that there is a stronger power than ourselves controlling the affairs of humanity, and that if we trust in him, he will give us the strength to endure whatever trials come our way.

Children Being Medically Kidnapped from Parents Due to Coronavirus Scare

With the amount of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. rising every day, the majority of states have issued mandatory social isolation, but does this include isolation from your own children?   Two mothers have recently spoken out about how the Coronavirus pandemic has been used to take away their children against their will, and some judges are ordering the removal of children due to potential exposure to the Coronavirus with their parents. A mother in Oklahoma shared a post on Facebook on March 21, stating, “The police showed up on my doorstep at 10 PM and took my kids from me because I WORK IN A CLINIC.” According to the mother, and court documents shared on the social media site, a judge signed off on an ex parte hearing, approving the Emergency Motion to Modify Custody and for Pick-Up Order Due to Respondent Exposure to Coronavirus. The mother sent this warning to first responders,  “Just a heads up to nurses, doctors, firefighters, police officers, and other first responders who have children and sneaky exes… watch your backs!”

PREP Act Invoked Nationwide for the First Time in U.S. History – Will Martial Law Follow?

What is this “PREP Act” that has entered our vocabulary this past week? Several terms that were foreign to most just a couple of months ago are now becoming mainstream. Social Distancing. Congregate Settings. Sustained Community Transmission. Flatten the Curve. Prep Act. And even proper personal hygiene for some. I have been discussing the need for many to read and understand the complexities and pitfalls of this federal law for a few years. The PREP Act or “Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act” was the product of President Bush 43 and his Health and Human Services (HHS) Agency. The PREP Act was passed in December of 2005. Most of the emphasis for this act was born upon the federal government’s response to the Anthrax scare immediately after 9/11. We are witnessing the PREP Act in action for the first time nationwide since its passage in 2005. No one really knows the extent of the law and how it will affect everyone in the United States, short term and long term. Most of the media has not even discussed the details of the PREP Act and how it will affect the general public.

Rogue Washington Doctor Intent on Medically Kidnapping Child – Parents Forced to get Restraining Order Against Doctor

What can a family do when they become the target of a rogue physician who has no oversight and cannot be held accountable for their actions? You file for a restraining order. This may seem like an extreme act, especially against a physician, the ones who are supposed to be dedicated to helping others.  Unfortunately, recent national media investigations and research have produced several stories involving hundreds of families who were targeted by physicians in a sub-specialty known as Child Abuse Pediatrics (CAP). But this is exactly what one family in Washington State had to do, after a judge ruled against the doctor who tried to take custody of their child, and the doctor was found to have been lying and falsifying records. The doctor continued to send CPS and law enforcement to the home to take custody of the child even after the judge ruled against her, and the family had to end up filing a restraining order against the doctor.

Georgia House Approves Legislation to Ban Foster Parents from Having Sex with Children in Their Care

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is reporting that a new proposed bill has just passed the Georgia State House of Representatives "that would make it illegal for foster parents to have sexual contact with children they are caring for." It is House Bill 911 sponsored by Republican state Representative Ed Setzler. Health Impact News supports Rep. Setzler's bill, but we disagree with his published statement that these situations are "rare instances where a foster parent has inappropriate sexual contact with those in his or her care." Statistics show that the U.S. Foster Care system is the main pipeline for child sex trafficking, and is not that rare at all.

Idaho Lawmaker Wants to Rein in Abuse of Power by Child Protection Services

Idaho Representative Heather Scott is apparently getting too many calls from her constituents regarding the abuses of Idaho Child Protection social workers in the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. She has proposed legislation that would require every social worker visiting someone's home to provide a print-out of parents Constitutional rights, which seem to be routinely violated by social workers and local law enforcement. As is to be expected, she experienced strong push back on her bill from those in Government profiting from the trafficking of children through Child Welfare and the Foster Care System. She took her case to the public recently via a video she posted on Facebook, as she is proposing other bills now as well, such as requiring that social workers receive training on parents' Constitutional rights. Representative Scott is also encouraging parents to visit IdahoCPS.org to learn more.

Wisconsin Child Abuse Pediatrician Loses Job After Complaints – Becomes Medical Director in Alaska for Child Abuse

Reporter Dee J. Hall has published an article in The Cap Times of Madison, Wisconsin, regarding Dr. Barbara Knox, formerly head of the Child Protection Program at American Family Children’s Hospital in Madison. According to Hall, Dr. Knox was considered "a national expert on child abuse who testifies as an expert for prosecutors around the country." The University of Wisconsin reportedly put Dr. Knox on paid leave in 2019 "after colleagues inside and outside of the hospital accused her of intimidation or retaliation." According to Hall,  "Knox now works as the medical director of Alaska CARES, a child abuse response and evaluation program based at the Children’s Hospital at Providence in Anchorage." Hall's article also documents cases where Dr. Knox allegedly falsely accused parents of child abuse.  It is good to see more and more local media sources exposing the practices of these Child Abuse Pediatricians, who have to find child abuse from injuries in order to justify their position.

Florida’s Top Child Abuse Doctor Exposed – Second Opinions by Other Doctors Not Allowed When Examining Child Injuries

With the recent, negative media attention focusing on the sub-specialty Child Abuse Pediatrics, Dr. Bruce McIntosh, the statewide medical director of nearly two dozen child protection teams in Florida, has broken his silence to speak out in defense of these Child Abuse Pediatricians (CAP’s). According to a story by Katie LaGrone with WPTV in West Palm Beach, Dr. McIntosh is quoted as saying: “We do not set out to diagnose abuse; we set out to find out what happened.” Katie LaGrone reports, “This is the first time Dr. McIntosh has responded, on the record, after their investigation found several families were wrongly accused of child abuse by child abuse pediatricians who work for the state as experts on abuse.” The response was the result of questions posed by WPTV regarding a 2017 training video they found on the state child welfare website. The video includes 62 minutes of Dr. McIntosh and state legal experts presenting common defenses in child abuse cases and why those defenses are false. Dr. McIntosh claims these false defenses are often made by hired witnesses to offer alternative explanations for the child’s injuries. What McIntosh and others fail to mention is the fact that child abuse pediatricians are paid by the prosecution to testify in these cases as well. They are paid because most of them are “hired” or contracted with the state to consult on suspected abuse cases and testify for the prosecution. Often times, the Child Abuse Pediatrician is the primary and/or only expert witness for the prosecution. This is never told to families when they are being questioned by the Child Abuse Pediatrician in the hospital.